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22939315 No.22939315[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

will homoconservatism save the west?

>> No.22939358

dumb faggot

>> No.22939570

No, the masses are dumb and straightoid.

>> No.22939577
File: 65 KB, 900x900, Jonathon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that he, Shapiro and the Indian running for president are amongst the top three Conservative voices just shows you how utterly meaningless the word conservative is and has always been.

>> No.22939578

All conservatism is homoconsevatism. Male personalities are just fucked up mammalian instincts filtered through a complex frontal lobe curated universe. All politics is really about sexuality. It involves natural forces that are always with us, such as sexual competition and sexual identity, undergoing historical perturbations because of technology.

>> No.22939579
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>> No.22939588
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>> No.22939606
File: 83 KB, 850x400, quote-a-nation-lives-forever-through-its-concepts-honor-and-culture-it-is-for-these-reasons-corneliu-zelea-codreanu-81-96-70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have his book on biography and ideology, I've yet to read it as I'm currently reading picrels.

>> No.22939621

how's your freshman year of college going?

>> No.22939653

No one cares about your meme fascist pseudo-thinkers, back to >>>/pol/ all of you.

>> No.22939665

nigga what is wrong with you? you have no problem with people talking about what stalin or lenin wrote but if its off the right its intolerable? fucking retard

>> No.22939672

No one talks about Lenin or Stalin here.

>> No.22939676

Bitch I am 32 years old and I did not learn to think in a fucking college class, I assure you. I had my Libertarian phase a long time ago, when it was still fun, and Ron Paul was on TV. I had my Marxist phase not long after, having realized Milton Friedman and Ayn Rand were morons. Then it was on to Freud, then I converted to Christianity, then I studied the hell out of the New Testament, realized Christians are all terrible Liars with fucked up secrets, abandoned dogma forever and now think quite post-ideologically and entirely for myself.

>> No.22939685
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Jon Kolner is homo faggot approved. I sucked off my father in law.

>> No.22939728

You're a fucking retard if you've been duped into following so many varied ideologies and radically changing everything you believe so many times. If you had an ounce of intelligence you would have been able to critique flawed arguments as you read them rather than spending years of your life going through so many retarded political "phases". I can tell that you didn't learn to think from a college class, even though universities are debased and gay now, I don't think you could even handle that. You're in your 30s but you write like your 16 and you're still posting on 4chan. I'd fucking kill myself if that was my life at 30. If it took me 32 years to "think post-ideologically and entirely for myself", something that most teenagers smart and young adults can manage I would just give up and admit that I'm fucking retarded and am spiritually a peasant destined to be led around by men smarter than me. You're pathetic.

>> No.22939740
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It only took me 31, you fucking scrub.

>> No.22939752

You have to be 18 to post here, I don't want to have to report you, but I will.

>> No.22939762

Nice man, not many of us around, we gotta look out for each other. Whatchya investigating nowadays?

I'm getting bogged down investigating paranormal phenomena and metatheories that describe our fake reality and how it is curated

>> No.22939773

>It only took me 31
oh shit my bad, you're good then man.

>> No.22939807

The reason I can tell you are a teenager is that you find the notion of being mediocre at 30 impossible to accept, even though that is how most of us end up; totally anonymous, with a lot of failures and half starts, and having suffered a few blows from life's brutal surprises, which naturally disrupt plans.

The wise kids at your age recognize where life is taking them and prepare for it, or else make a complete change and break and throw themselves entirely into some alternative. That is what I did. The fools cling to the fun years of 18-25 and allow the finest opportunities of life to slip away in the process.

Make sure you form good friendships. From here on out they dwindle, and by 30 you will be lucky to have two.

>> No.22939810
File: 25 KB, 523x477, aGXq9AJ3_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to get better at sarcasm.

What sucks is that i began at 24.

>> No.22939842

No, it's yet another shitty grift aimed at aimless disenfranchised 20 something year old men only this time it's specifically aimed at those who jerk off to traps.

>> No.22939843

posting on 4chan at 30 isn't mediocre, its retarded. Wasting half of your life with various strains of radicalism isn't mediocre or normal, its retarded. Not having any friends isn't normal. Here in Europe if you are 30 and have no friends you are mentally ill. I can tell you are an American and a fuck up because of how absolutely atomized your life is.

>> No.22939849
File: 10 KB, 259x194, IMG_0310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the typical western couple nowadays- a mtf with a ftm

We live inside a enigma called libtard libcuck world

>> No.22939884
File: 85 KB, 1125x717, gmiopmfJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, yes it will. They are our only hope.

>> No.22939896

I do not like you. You have very little sympathy and a nasty attitude.

>> No.22939902

If you are a straight white male you're basically considered a robot. You cannot have any personality outside of a very narrow window, or you're seen as a weirdo or a crackhead.

A fucking homo, they have carte blanche to do what they want, because their own "community" accepts them. Straight white guys have to walk a very narrow path in order to get that white woman approval. The only way to get that approval while being based is by being a millionaire. HOWEVER- think of how many millionaire dudes would lose all of their money if they spoke out and talked shit on social media. You are not permitted as a straight white male to talk shit and be based, everything will be taken from you.

>> No.22939993

Is conservatism supposed to be
>Fuck all non straight and non white people

>> No.22940001

liberal = overt globohomo
conservative = covert globohomo
if you want to be saved then become homo

>> No.22940074

lol meltdown

>> No.22940078

americans are seriously deranged