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File: 60 KB, 634x451, jkrowling-thinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23029893 No.23029893 [Reply] [Original]

>I need a name for a reprehensible character...a real piece of...ah! You've outdone yourself, Joanne. Mundungus it is.

>> No.23029904

She was a genius for that

>> No.23029925

Shakespearean writing skill if I do say so myself

>> No.23029994
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>hmmm, you've got yourself in a pickle this time Joanne Kathleen...a character who bets on games...
hmm...games...money...bags of money...
>sod it. Ludo Bagman. He'll never be in the movies anyway.

>> No.23030063
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>A french girl who is pretty like a flower...blast, where did I put that English to French dictionary...?

>> No.23030507

>I'm creating a whole parallel society of magical creatures, who runs the banks?
>ah yes, goblins it is

>> No.23030566

Names are her strongest point as a writer of characters.

>> No.23030659

JK Rowling's imagination of her own characters and universe was heavily influenced by the release of the HP films. Anyone else notice that? I noticed when I was a kid and it drove me nuts. The characters align with their movie versions as the series progresses. Fucking weird. But at least they gained personalities.

>> No.23030666
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>cope and seethe
Based Joanne pissing off the trannies.

>> No.23030671

trannies le bad

>> No.23030678


>> No.23030683

That was a cool perspective in 2018 but has lost some freshness by now. Perhaps retire the old girl (?), she ("HE!") looks like she (HEEEEEEEE!) wants to go to bed.

>> No.23030730

yeah but feminists are worse

>> No.23030734

Yes. To quote JK Rowling: "cope and seethe."

>> No.23030747


>> No.23030979

You take away the meme and it's still delusional autogynophilia and mutilation. Just like vomit people instinctively find it gross.

>> No.23030991

If your reaction to every fourth observation is "OMFG TRANNIES", you might just be obsessed. I won't wager why, I will let you. Presumably you are not an anti-torture activist so I do not imagine an aversion to bodily mutilation is your motivation. What is it? Who knows!

>> No.23031015

Because, let's face it, trannies are repulsive, and them existing at all is worthy of public contempt. Any point or person associated with trannyism is inevitably only that. It's like debating with a necrophiliac. His points don't matter, as his habit is so repulsive.

>> No.23031020

What as the decades go by
she'll go down alongside
Arthur Conan Doyle
Ian Fleming
and will be a household name for eternity just like those two

>> No.23031030

okay, if you say so I believe you. I do. I really do. I am not winking at you.

Ever caught yourself staring at a pretty boy and thinking "what the fuck why am I staring at him like this" ?

>> No.23031184

No, never, you’re mentally ill and you’ll kill yourself

>> No.23031339

Most people find trannies gross because they are. I don't understand why this confuses you.

>> No.23032054


>> No.23032146

Most people find plenty of things gross, but they don't mention them in every unrelated conversation.

>> No.23032198

NTA but trannies are a menace and there needs to be constant pushback against their bullshit. That's the real reason you cry about JK Rowling, not because she uses silly names books written for children . Speaking of children, maybe you wouldn't be reminded of the disgust you provoke so often if you could stay away from kids and stopped aggressively protesting for the sake of sex performers to be around toddlers at publically funded libraries.

>> No.23032202

>o-ok, you can stop bullying trannies... it's old news...
every day until you're in your well-deserved early grave

>> No.23032206

Schools in America are transitioning children without the parent's knowledge or consent. Shit like this is how we get Hitler 2.

>> No.23032208

Rent free.

>> No.23032216

So we gonna get hitler 2 because of jews ?

>> No.23032242

second verse, same as the first

>> No.23032714

I guess they don't teach you about Weimar Germany these days? Hitler just rose to power for no reason?

>> No.23032878

Suicide tax.

>> No.23032910

Your neovag smells like rotten meat.

>> No.23032925

They literally taught that the Nazis shutting down the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was some great tragedy. People who knew about it brought up the fact that they were doing fucked up shit, like trying to transfer sexual orientation through testicle transplants using 1920s medical technology (i.e. the human guinea pigs always experienced necrosis of the genitals and some died), so they shut up about it.

It's the same deal as the John Money stuff. The guy who literally laid the foundation for gender ideology and coined the terminology they still use was a pervert who produced CP and his experiments to confirm his theories ended in the suicides of his subjects. Then there's Kinsey who literally did experiments trying to bring infants to orgasm.

These people are seriously deranged and need to be shut down. It's pretty fucked they always revert to the same logic as pedophiles to try to get people not to talk about their behaviour (i.e. if you talk about this people there's something wrong with you so keep our secrets). So fucked.

>> No.23033152
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>> No.23033308

I know we’re having fun but the people who actually bitch about this are so weird, so they not get that it’s all an inside joke for the parents reading to kids? The eight year old reading book one probably doesn’t know their Latin roots so the whole thing is lost on them. It’s meant to be an “oh, haha” moment when you get older.

>> No.23033491

People like J.K. Rowling hate trannies because they're males trying to infringe on female privilege. You should think past the twitter clapbacks and reflect on why there is a transgender issue to begin with.

>> No.23033531

give me a character with cooler name than Voldemort

>> No.23033588

>libtard feminism tho!
Don't care.

>> No.23033593

Javert (we never leads his first name).

>> No.23033594


>> No.23033609

how could this be most of the books were already published by third movie?

>> No.23033836

>Philosopher's Stone (1997)
>Chamber of Secrets (1998)
>Prisoner of Azkaban (1999)
>Goblet of Fire (2000)
>Order of the Phoenix (2003)
>Half-Blood Prince (2005)
>Deathly Hallows (2007)

>Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001)
>Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)
>Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
>Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005)
>Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007)
>Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1 (2010)
>Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 (2011)

Last 3 books were all written after the first movie, and in fact they had bigger gaps between them than all the books before the movies. Not to mention Rowling was heavily involved in all the movies so it's not like she had to wait for them to screen before she saw who was cast or how they acted.

>> No.23033841

>I need a run of the mill name for a daughter born of dentists, something very typical and mundane...yes Granger...my, my, Joanne you are clever.

>> No.23033967
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>I need an evil man. Really, really evil.
>He should have an evil family too.
>His wife is narcissistic and their son has the temper of a dragon.
>What could I possibly call them?
<sips tea>
>Sometimes my genius is frightening...

>> No.23034027
File: 87 KB, 1200x630, typing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These things are so scary they drive you mad.
>You could get dementia just looking at one.
<sips tea>
>What could I possibly call them....

>> No.23034222

Racist, sexist, classist, homophobic, dogmatic.

JK Rowling.

>> No.23034267

She is Britain.

>> No.23034273

Why did you just type “based” 5 times in a row?

>> No.23034278

The base is the lowest part; so yes.

>> No.23034283

I bet you were the kid on the playground who would say “actually gay means happy, so it’s a good thing”

>> No.23034301

Plato refers to the 'based' as the worst part, the most lacking in understanding of the world.

Jk Rowlimg is a cultural vomit of what she was fed and socialized to be, no different than you or all the others that 'base' themselves in slave socialization.

>> No.23034309

>slave socialization
Also known as narcissism.

>> No.23034317

Plato was a cuck that wanted children to have multiple dads.

>> No.23034320


>> No.23034350

Hermione gets hot

>> No.23034377

You think your words make you smart, but I can topple you with just one

>> No.23034429
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>He turns into a black dog...
>Ok, Black is a surname - I can work with that.
>Can't just call him "Dog Black" though.
>Canis would be too obvious.
<sips tea>
>Think, Joanne. Canis, Canis, Canis... Alpha Canis Majoris!
>I'm brilliant sometimes.

>> No.23034439

Everyone just thinks its fucking gross. If there was a group of 1% of the population that started walking around with poop in their pants all day, and the government mandated that you cater to their every whim, everyone would be equally repulsed by these people and would probably discuss them often.

>> No.23034477

>If there was a group of 1% of the population that started walking around with poop in their pants all day, and the government mandated that you cater to their every whim, everyone would be equally repulsed by these people and would probably discuss them often.
Babies already exist

>> No.23034500

the basic truth is YWNBAW

>> No.23034506

There are less government protections for babies than trans folk lol

>> No.23034556

If the group in question were much smaller than 1%, ergo that you were many times more likely to see it in politicized media than real life, the rational question to ask would be who with actual power or what actual issue these nobody pants-poopers are being inflated to cover for.

This frame of the question already fails on the basis that we don‘t have legal protection to abuse fat people too.

>> No.23034611

Fat people are a huge problem as well. They have far leas protections than trans people and fat teachers aren’t trying to make everyone’s kids fat

>> No.23034910
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<giggles internally>

>> No.23035167

You really were that kid huh

>> No.23035218

Damn bros... This bitch have such a powerfull milf aura, i want to fuck her till my penis becomes a new character in her new book about all the ways i murdered her old dusty vagoo

>> No.23035253


>> No.23035378

>Arthur Conan Doyle
Is Rowling just the Doyle of our time? I recently read A Study of Scarlet and its hilarious. Half the book is a comfy Sherlock Holmes story and suddenly you're reading how the Mormons are the scum of the earth.

>> No.23035386

>John Money
>Joe Money
>Jew Money

>> No.23035456

Parents that raise fat children need an intervention.

>> No.23035933

Trannies don't want to destroy female privilege. They're trying to get included in it. They quickly become anti male extremists as soon as they get accepted as females.

>> No.23035948
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They couldn't find happiness and build their own confidence so they escape into some facsimile of a transhumanist ideal.

>> No.23035995

I agree, its basically child abuse

>> No.23036145
File: 33 KB, 460x276, JK-Rowling-in-1998-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok, I'm nearly finished for today.
>Just need a weird woman. A real outsider. Very strange indeed.
>She's a warrior who fights for the bad guy.
<takes last drop of tea from cup>
>Let me see now. The strange warrior.
>What can I possibly call her....

>> No.23036417
File: 66 KB, 439x640, jk rowling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chinese girl.
>Really important to be culturally sensitive here.
>Can't just call her "Ching Chong" or something.
<gulps entire cup of tea>
>Think Joanne, I know you can do this...

>> No.23036513

Are there any ai prons of JKR yet?

>> No.23036822

every ugly nerdy girl gets hot as she reaches her late teens.

>> No.23036826

She was hottest in the first movie, it was all downhill from there.

>> No.23037351
File: 43 KB, 419x500, J-K-Rowling-j-k-rowling-120721_419_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This story calls for a werewolf, but what to call him?
<bites pen>
>He's wolfish.
>Lupine, even...
<snorts line of Earl Grey>
>Yes. I have just the name.

>> No.23037366
File: 46 KB, 450x250, bra_mishap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't heard of any. Here's the context for that pic though.
Every teen fiction story does that so they will keep buying the whole series. IRL ugly people usually stay ugly.

>> No.23037526

>every unrelated conversation
Not really an unrelated conversation if the thread is about someone known for hating trannies, is it?

>> No.23037708
File: 278 KB, 712x1024, 8ecdae6b2f6f4064bcd41657f955008e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need henchmen for Draco.
>One of them is fat. So fat he's round like a crab.
>The other should be mean looking. Yes, like a gargoyle.
<pours another cup of tea>
>Now I just need to name them...

>> No.23037729

They're children's book characters. You're just mad because based Joanne dunks on troons.

>> No.23037885
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>> No.23037896

Gosh I love wardrobe malfunctions

>> No.23037909

Do you bitch like this when people make fun of Tolkien's names?

>> No.23038261
File: 100 KB, 728x703, sir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck, JK just posted another based tweet
This could hurt sales!
>Jesus these troons spend a lot of time online playing games around kids...
Fantasy world and parasocial relationships...
>We can try to separate the product from the creator, put a trannie in Hogwart's Legacy
Should I just use one of the female skins?
>No, we need the DEI credit...just make it better than the average FtM
What should we call it?
>Fuck these people, name it Sirona Ryan
>Yeah, the mild controversy will pump sales
Bloody brilliant

>> No.23039316

>One mountain far away from the rest of the range.
>Lonely mountain.

>> No.23039322

I'd love to slap those droopas around

>> No.23039325

Trannies seething

>> No.23039326

I don't get it Satan, what is the deal with the chairs?

>> No.23039345

Googling it says that she sold her writing chair for $400k. Really takes chair sniffing to a whole new level.

>> No.23039347

Kek I remember that

>> No.23039384

A trannie protestor stole a chair out from under an elderly person and threw it into the road. The video went viral in the UK and some people joked that trannies hated chairs. The trannie to which JK is replying is a wannabe comedian trying to mock JK using that reference.

>> No.23039391

>A trannie protestor stole a chair out from under an elderly person and threw it into the road.
Amazing, what a time to be alive.

>> No.23039977

It’s a good game, but the diversity ruins it. 1800s UK and almost every other character is some kind of foreign- not just a different color, but explicitly foreign. Or gay. Fucking distracting.

Reflects JK’s work though. You can tell at interview she has a really strange concept that her work is still malleable after publishing. She’ll just randomly drop context that wasn’t in the fucking books and not see the issue. That’s why she thinks she can get away with making Dumbledore gay, or pretending that she never said Hermione was white when she did.

>> No.23039986
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>> No.23040836
File: 100 KB, 800x600, J.K Rowling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A beautiful man with gilded hair and a cute smile.
>It's like he has the key to every woman's heart.
<sips tea>
>Gilderoy Lockhart. Gosh, I'm brilliant.

>> No.23040859

Nah but really where are the deeps? I'm too ashamed to request one in the /g/ threads. They'd be more popular than Swift's.

>> No.23041327

I've honestly never seen one of her. Just out of morbid curiosity, what kind of scenario do you want to see her in?
>ashamed to request one in the /g/ threads
/g/ is full of degenerates. Whatever you're thinking of is probably tame by comparison.

>> No.23041339

Mondongo is delicious though.

>> No.23041355

>hmmm what would I name it

>> No.23042159

It was only brought to light because she corrected it. Could have left it and no one would have noticed a problem.

>> No.23042169

She's already a household name. No book series is ever going to top the popularity of Harry Potter. She'll forever hold that title.

>> No.23042174

I'm still curious to hear of actual examples, because it sounds interesting but I never thought of it that way

>> No.23042180

Nothing too crazy, age gap stuff would enough.

>> No.23042850

Oh good so when I tell her I want her to roleplay as my mommy she’ll understand why

>> No.23042855

Nah Azkaban was her peak

>> No.23042868

She destroyed literature and now people here talk about her like a quirky based woman just because she hates trannies (so does the other 90% of the world population over the age of 30)

>> No.23042877

>She destroyed literature
Shut up, retard.

>> No.23042893

>She destroyed literature

>> No.23043261

She wrote a children's series...

>> No.23044271

Yeah, this is wholesome by /g/ standards.

>> No.23044299

That explains a lot. I'm not alone in seeing 1-3 and 5-7 as basically different franchises (4 could go either way), see Lego Harry Potter games.

>> No.23044321

it's not her fault that a children's book series she wrote ruined several generations

>> No.23044326


>> No.23044343

I like Harry Potter. It is a good children's book and it made a lot of children happy. There is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.23044347

Also, Remus (of Romulus and Remus, raised by wolves)

>> No.23044361

>Helen of Troy's mother

She obviously liked the classics to draw inspiration from. Harry kills the serpent to save Ginny (Virginia=virgin) easy retelling of Saint George and the Dragon.

>> No.23044373

Alan Moore made Harry Potter the antichrist in his League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series. Then God (Mary Poppins) comes down and defeats him.

>> No.23044397
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>> No.23044401

>You can tell at interview she has a really strange concept that her work is still malleable after publishing.
One of many reasons why she is the quintessential woman from her demographic (white, New York Times reader-tier liberal, Gen X). I wish I could explain this better but they just have a really soft and goofy approach to the world. They play around with 'serious' issues and concepts but don't really process and internalize them because they deeply childish and only live in the moment, things only need to make sense as long as they are interested in them.

>> No.23044403
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>> No.23044408

>they deeply childish and only live in the moment, things only need to make sense as long as they are interested in them
you literally just described all women ever

>> No.23044409

Reminds me of Lord Flashheart in Blackadder

>> No.23044417

I mean, I'm not going to fight you tooth and nail on that, but these traits pop out a lot more with certain demographics. The ones I'm talking about are a particularly goofy bunch, comes from being overly comfortable. There is more cynicism in new generations, causes some of them to ask real questions.

>> No.23044428

>The ones I'm talking about are a particularly goofy bunch, comes from being overly comfortable.
yeah, women
>There is more cynicism in new generations, causes some of them to ask real questions.
women are incapable of asking real questions

>> No.23044434

Believe me, I get where you're coming from on this. But there are some decent ones out there, you'll meet them eventually.

>> No.23044450

>there are some decent ones out there
citation required

>> No.23044856

Willy Wanker

>> No.23045124

I've never read the books because I've heard they're bad, I haven't watched the movies either.

Should I watch them? Are they good?

>> No.23045167

It's hard to rec the movies because only the first 3 are good by any metric, the first 4 books are great and you could probably read 3 of them in the time it would take you to watch that shit. They're essentially snappy mystery novels for kids until it becomes more like fanfiction of a greek epic for teenage girls.

>> No.23045251

>essentially snappy mystery novels for kids until it becomes more like fanfiction of a greek epic for teenage girls
Yeah, I guess I'll pass for now. Maybe I'll pick up the first book and see how it goes one day.

>> No.23045496
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>I need a name for a squeeky chinky character
>Oh i know, i'll call her Cho Chang!

>> No.23045896
File: 1013 KB, 1439x1904, 1619850787431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need a name for this black man, or a negro as I secretly call them during the fleeting moments of internalization, hmm
>negros, slaves, chains... I got it!
>Kingsley Shacklebolt

>> No.23046591

Now I imagine she has a sister at another school called Ping Pong or something.