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23051119 No.23051119[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was his problem?

>> No.23051126

cultural marxist ideology seeping out of universities and into the public and western governments
also the benzos

>> No.23051137

living in canada is enough to make any self aware white man go insane. then you go on a spiral of benzo addiction and let your hype get to your head, and yeah

>> No.23051147

You faustian troubling fiend!

>> No.23051160

>living in canada is enough to make any self aware white man go insane
Kek. How do we save him?

>> No.23051201

He just wants to help people, and save them.
You just don't understand him.
I would say even though i don't agree with everything he says, his heart is in the right place.
Please try to understand at least where his heart and passion is coming from, i promise you is nothing evil, in fact its the opposite.

>> No.23051222

You are telling me he is not a bevildered egg?

>> No.23051276

You are telling me you didn't like how he put cathy newman in her place with all her liberal dogma about equal wages and equality of opportunity?

>> No.23051320

He failed to grasp Jung, his complexes focus exclusively on the Shadow and the Logos and that's about it. That's about enough to repackage into a christian narrative for proprietary reasons but he simply is a runt compared to any other Jungian author.

>> No.23051361

Oh yeah, well im sure you understand Jung better than a phycologist,especially since you are a random person, man fuck off.
What's with the unemployment unskilled people giving their shity opinion of "oh this famous professional has a shit understanding of Jung, and im so egocentric thst im implying i could do better"
Man fuck off, you are way worse than Peterson would ever be, and you know it. So shut up you idiot.

>> No.23051402

Why doesn't he save himself? I'm sure he has good intentions but his system is just bad, it doesn't work for him, it doesn't work for others. He has some good intuitions but that's all.

>> No.23051426

How doesn't it work for him? He preaches responsibility to incels. He is a married father and a salaried psychiatrist. Just because he got depressed one time doesn't change the gist of his message? Are criminals who talk to juvenile delinquents less authentic? Should they be spoken to by only the responsible people? And what should he save himself from, the human body and all its failures?

>> No.23051459

Before his drug abuse he was a reasonable and well meaning psychologist. I guess that drugs can cause permanent damage to the brain. Now he just sees cultural marxists behind everything he doesn't like and seethes about free speech, when he has no idea what that means.
>we need free speech
>you are a man who calls himself a woman? No free speech for you! *Cries*

>> No.23051464

He's right though.
The reason hes going insane NOW is because from all the eras, Jordan has been alive, it's now where the cultural Marxist are most active, brainwashing students with nonsense and ultimately destroying society.
So drugs, or no drugs, it was probably the world not the drugs, that put Jordan in Paranoia mode.
If you want Jordan to calm down, then solve the problem of The cultural Marxist please, everyone will be glad if you do that, specialy Jordan.

>> No.23051469

I'm not saying he shouldn't talk, but the cult of personality around him is ridiculous. Peterson has made only half of the path himself and you can see that his ego is still working full steam. He need to free himself from his ego. Instead he is still struggling with depression and anxiety, because he still want to appear a certain way in the eyes of others, he wants to be vindicated but he can't, and he's still attached to material achievements. He needs to let nature flow through him instead of fighting it.

>> No.23051489

Funny, since from my perspective you seem to have way more Ego then Peterson.
"Cult of personality"
What? Like a religion?
Its that actually what you think people see in Peterson?
Yep, you need to calm your Ego dude, and see Peterson for what he actually is, not what you think he is.

>> No.23051507

Christians will never understand, they think it's the height of humanity to slave for jews and create new slaves for the system. It shows what barely functioning retards they all are.

>> No.23051541

Nobody mentioned Christians in this, thread, NOBODY.
So shut up,and stop your "chistianity bad" bs, retard.

>> No.23051835

The strawman you set up doesn't make sense. As far as I know, the reason that transgenders hate Peterson isn't because of him saying they can't call themselves what they want. Attempting to legislate compelled speech by forcing him to call them what they want is what he primarily spoke against and what brought their ire, if I remember correctly.
That said, I think the man has gone through a nervous break and lost some of his soul in the process.
I think it a mistake to place blame on him for the cult following that grew around him, at least initially. He was just some professor that wanted to write a book which he believed could help some people, but because he said, "I will not call you a woman," to a man, he was thrust into a position I doubt he wanted to be in. All the attention on him and what happened with his wife, the addiction, and the coma, caused his psyche so much stress that he basically shattered and then rebuilt himself into the person he believes people see him as because he knows not what else to do.
He's just some guy that got way too much attention online and has been cursed by it. Nothing more, nothing less.
A note: all this is said from a layman's (with regard to Peterson) perspective. I've seen a couple videos of him speaking/lecturing, but have not read his books or gone in-depth in learning about him more than what I've already spoken about. If I appear to be lacking any critical information, any Anon can feel free to enlighten me.

>> No.23051887

He's not just some guy. He was a Harvard professor and researcher in the 90's who gave lectures that were regarded as excellent. So he had the chops for all this performative stuff long before it happened. Any average professor would never make such an impact. One thing he's been tremendously good at is taking advantage of opportunities where he could. None of this happens without a huge amount of meticulous effort. Maybe he didn't think he would have such huge impact but his desire and ability to be impactful was always there.

>> No.23051893


>> No.23051904

He's paid to gatekeep young men from reaching racial solidarity

>> No.23051950

Avariciously pandering to religious fanatics.

>> No.23051954

Like shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.23052108
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>> No.23052113

Legitimately painful to read

>> No.23052200

Bedeviled egg! Repugnant perverter of thought and basic human decency -- Can you not see that your immature spite and cowardice, your accursed anonymity threatens to sever the very fabric of our tenuous modern milieu? You hyperbolic hatemongers are manifesting malignity appropriate only for an endtime. Bloody hell, that is where we are headed. The apocalypse! And that is not good, not good at all. You malignant rats externalize your extreme unmedicated psychopathic dark tetrad traits and undiagnosed autism spectrum disorders and it's we, the pro-social open majority who pay the price. Do you have the vaguest comprehension what wretched wrath will be wrought when you anti-Semitical werewolves have your way with the blessed, supple virgin that is our hard-won democracy?! Machiavellian vermin, go and find some other site to sully! Black wizards of hopeless folly, pusillanimous pipsqueaks of perfidy and prejudice, idiot ideologues of Dunning-Kruger-deranged hatred and hostility -- I straighten my back and take my meds in bitter, eternal opposition to you and your despicable, damnable, Hell-bound ilk!!! May you be devoured by The Archetypal Dragon and may I ever be rid of you interminably abominable, shadow-possessed, snake-tongued TROLLS!!!

>> No.23052204

He's C*n*d**n.

>> No.23052208
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>you are a man who calls himself a woman? No free speech for you! *Cries*
"Free speech" does not mean you get to demand other people refer to you a certain way, or molest children, you disgusting fucking faggot.

>> No.23052212

>some psychic prostate ever in aching love promised
What did he mean by this?

>> No.23052237

Unironically, he's probably fucking autistic.
Listen to him for a few hours, and you just get the sense he's fixated on a few ideas.
>individualism is good because muh Western civilisation
>collectivism is bad because it made both the Nazis and the Commies happen
>limitations to free speech bad, because Commies did that
That's it. Just round and around in a circle.
I don't think he has any real agenda. I think he got booty bothered because all of that tranny stuff was intruding upon some internal sense of security and consistency of thought he had constructed for himself, like a little autistic nest.

>> No.23052282
File: 106 KB, 1000x951, go to hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23052284

Chronic pseudery

>> No.23052300


>> No.23052305

Comes when he’s called

>> No.23052307

words like "r*pe, s*x, g*n" will get you shadowb& and demonitized, so sayeth the algorithm

>> No.23052322
File: 82 KB, 654x540, 1678688195288434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propagandize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life.

>> No.23052331

>racism is... LE BAD!
ok reddit

>> No.23052334
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>up yours woke moralists, we'll see who cancels who

>> No.23052340

I despise his lack of ambition. He has no origin thought of his own, which is remarkable. Also, him being a Nietzsche guy, and then worshipping the ground of every pseud he talks to is clownish. He should declare war not only on the public pseuds of the day, such as Harris and Dawkins, but he should breathe fire at Jung and Nietzsche himself.

Instead he chose to be an eceleb on Daily Wire. He is a rat!

>> No.23052354
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>Delusional rationalization/disorganized thinking:
There are facts about the world. For example, that media manipulates people, Jews work in media, and psychologists study the mind. However, what a delusional person does is take such facts and use them to confirm a specific narrative (this is known as being selectively coherent). The elements of the narrative aren't actually proven by the facts but the delusional person (or ideologue) confuses their truth with the truth of their narrative. For example: Peterson is a psychologist (fact), associates with Jews (fact), and works in media (fact); therefore he is a skilled manipulator and part of a conspiracy headed by Jews. (This is the delusional rationalization part). The facts don't prove the narrative yet if you look you'll notice they are what is carrying the weight of the argument being made by people who mentally adhere to the narrative--if you deny the narrative these ideologues will confuse this with denying the facts. (That's the disordered thinking part).

Basically, the dangerous thing about paranoid narratives is that they have the appearance of being logically consistent within themselves and noticing the sleight of hand that takes place between the facts and the narrative isn't always easy to do. However, it's quite easy to see why certain narratives are simply absurd (e.g. looking at the advanced teachings of a cult versus those they use to hook people in).

Peterson isn't the crescendo of a multi-millenia conspiracy headed by a cabal of Jews who want you to not have sex. You haven't figured it all out and you aren't interpreting 5D chess. What you are doing is building a selectively coherent narrative based on truisms and confusing that they necessarily connect to your version of reality. If you find yourselves doing this seek professional help.

>> No.23052363

>look, just because all of the facts point toward him being part of the jewish conspiracy, doesn't mean he's part of the jewish conspiracy
ok kike

>> No.23052365

He read too much about the gulag.
Since then he has an obsessive fantasy of being put in a gulag by tall muscular transsexuals in rainbow-colored leather coats, who whip him with black dildos on a stick and while forcing him to say their neo-pronouns and, as clinical psychologist, put his signature under a prescription for HRT pills for them kids.

>> No.23052366

JBP fans refuse to take their internet daddy's own advice, apparently. Some people are just born followers.

>> No.23052367
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Peterson will touch a nerve by simply pointing out something that is blatantly ignored in the way an ideological group frames an issue. He exposes ideological blind spots in a simple and straightforward way; this leads to the fellow travelers of whichever idea is being discussed having a breakdown and exposing themselves. He's valuable as a media personality if even for that reason alone.

>Peterson: it would be productive to involve men in the conversation about violence against women in a way that doesn't label masculinity as inherently negative
>Libtard: so you're saying in order to make men care about rape women have to be returned to the status of men's property
>Peterson: the rise of identitarianism is linked to reactionary politics that sublimate personal resentment into collectivistic extremism
>Chud: so you're saying white people don't have group interests and therefore shouldn't exist
>Peterson: transgender ideology specifically targets a group of people likely to be confused and open to mental pathologies via social contagion--we shouldn't give hormones to children let alone surgically mutilate minors
>Tranny: so you're literal nazi saying we're a disease and we should be exterminated like one
>Peterson: anonymity increases the likelihood of pathological behavior so perhaps one way to alleviate the negative repercussions of its overall influence would be to segregate accounts on these specific widely used social media websites--it's definitely better than secret and selective control of the public narrative as it exists now
>/pol/tard: so you're saying you want everyone everywhere to be tied to whatever they say and do at all times...I'm a freedom fighter [goes to another thread to post about AOC's asshole while writing "nig*er" 50 times]

>> No.23052457

surely the algorithm is smart enough to see that s*xually means sexually right?

>> No.23052470

You're intentionally blinding yourself to the fact that most people don't like him because he's just a giant, autistic cringelord. It doesn't have a lot to do with his actual stated positions.

>> No.23052478


>> No.23052483

bahahaha that's good.

>> No.23052486

He's literally a professional, in that his profession is psychology.

>> No.23052490

How is he a cringelord? Is telling people the truth cringe, has the definition of cringe changed? Dozens of podcats and interviewers love him more than say someone like degrasse tyson who can be unhinged while talking.

>> No.23052498

> software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
where can i get this software? asking for a friend haha

>> No.23052533

His body had an organ…a heart.

>> No.23052537

How old are you?

>> No.23052547

I totally agree with that. When you truly understand Jung you know it and you're a different person

>> No.23052552

Elmo being anti-white or something idk.

>> No.23052554

Why are you asking his age?
Are you a bully?
Like i agree with him, you guys are too hard on Peterson.
Clearly peterson is not perfect, but shut up, you guys are so tiring, its like, could you do better than Peterson?
If not, then you should all shut up alredy.

>> No.23052757
File: 199 KB, 1206x672, 1692916706879648 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the autists stimming themselves by repeating the same nonsensical vitriol about Peterson, thread after thread for year after year, are pathetic ideologues and resentful idiots. His best feature is that he gets them to out themselves as such.

>libtard /lit/
Seethes that Peterson turns them into reactionaries by pointing out their bullshit.
>pseud /lit/
Thinks cynically dunking on mass media meant for a general audience is a sign of intelligence.
>chud /lit/
Thinks he's part of a Jewish conspiracy preventing them from having sex.
>tranny /lit/
Thinks he's a "literal nazi."

>> No.23052764

spamming the same few posts in every peterson thread just makes you look retarded, y'know.

>> No.23052777

>Clearly peterson is not perfect, but shut up, you guys are so tiring, its like, could you do better than Peterson?
this absolute state of this board, holy shit

>> No.23052781

Yep. He pretty clearly had that typed up somewhere and just copy-pasted it.

>> No.23052803

>No you
Hence the pastas.
Pasta, newfag.

>> No.23052827

Retards retreat to unearned condescension when they're btfo. He did it again here >>23052777. This generally indicates they're liberal/left-wing btw. Chuds tend to be more overtly aggressive.

>> No.23052962

Ad hom your mom and refute my argument, bro. Funny how comparing him to other Jungian authors gets me attacked. The other Jungians are more well rounded, kinder and get the message. Of course I'm not perfect, but I'm not aiming for the Peterson plateau.

>> No.23053107

Ha, you are no Philosopher and you know it.
"Muh Ad hom"
Who cares you started it, should not have been that arrogant i guess.
And you are never going to reach Jordan's level, even if you dont want to.
You are going to die alone, with your Jungian author books, and then shove the "Ad hom" on your ass, as you die, arrogantly as you lived.
Your argument is so retarded, i dont even have to debunk it.
So shut up you idiot.
Go read those "Muh amazing Jungian books, better than Peterson" lol.

>> No.23053193

You made me smile, thanks. I guess I'm the problem and my argument is invalid because I made it. No further thought required, let's send JBP some money and clean our rooms.

>> No.23053202

it's not a 'pasta' if you're the only one who posts it. there weren't even wignats or shitlibs in the thread either, op was just asking an honest question.

>> No.23053228

No, its because your argument is genuinely retarded.
You posted a ego novel full of "Jordan suck, he don't get Jung" in a very arrogant way.
You are a loser, who's hiding behind his little Jungian books, and dosen't want to do anything of worth.
So you go after successful people like Jordan's and attack them.
"Muh Jordan don't get jung, blablabla"
I pity you.
You are an actual loser.
I hope there is something someday that gets you of your big ego.

>> No.23053248

Stay mad. Peterson will publish his new book, it will be his third international bestseller, and you'll stay mad.

>> No.23053507

bedeviled eggs, slimey!

>> No.23053512

A copypasta is repeated as a meme, it isn't a copypasta when it's just a text document you made.

>> No.23053522

>openly announces on TV that it's his aim to keep whites away from the right wing
>has communist paintings sitting around in his home

did people really fall for this snake?

>> No.23053537

Christians always fall for the snek.

>> No.23053867

If the same things werent written again and again the pastas would be pointless. Until then: keep crying.

>> No.23053876

You don't own any art that you purchased out of interest and as an investment? Tsk.

>> No.23054816

Too highbrow

>> No.23054928

This nigga has an effeminate soul. That's my main issue with him.

>> No.23054931

took the ziobucks, hence his soul crying in every video.

>> No.23054965

Oh look, he does straw-men too! Okay, here's my earnest and humble critique, have at them.
>Doesn't value the Eros as much as the Logos
>Too proprietary
>Doesn't advocate for individuation beyond the first step
>"Give 'em hell" and many other banger xeets
>Avoids Gnosticism for his fanbase conveniently
>"well it depends on what you mean by" sophistry
Your move, my esteemed and totally not arrogant adversary.

>> No.23055015

NTA but you just came off as even more of a pseud.

>> No.23055023

Spengler told me that being faustian is based though

>> No.23055050

He got on the wrong side of politics. Idk much about him, he seems like a bit of a dufus but thats not what sunk him. He went against the political current; criticized people you arent allowed to criticize & defended people you arent allowed to defend.
Im on tenuous ground here, but I think there is an unspoken agreement that society grinds up lower class men & turns them into corporate profit. If you try to give men a better life it takes money out of everyones pockets.

>> No.23055078

I'd agree, pretty fair point. Ultimately he isn't Jung and Jung is just as flawed. It was my own shadow work that made me resent the man and it isn't the first time I've got reactions like that for that opinion. Guess I got more work to do. I'm doing the bear minimum for dialogue and lacing it with sarcasm to someone clearly not interested in it, raw pseud. Thanks anon.

>> No.23055159

"muh strawman"
Not a strawman if its true.
You loser.
"muh eros logos bs"
Who cares actually about that?
Logos is knowledge, so its clearly superior to the eros, ok, you understand, you idiot?
"muh propetary"
Yes idiot because in this world everything revolves around money, so it is supposed to be surprising that Jordan is "Too proprietary"??????
"Doesn't advocate for individuation beyond the first step"
He does to.
He just thinks the first step is the most important, and that most people dont even do the first step, so he just focus on the first step because of that, ok??? Fucking retard.
"Give 'em hell" and many other banger xeets"
What's that supposed to mean?
Do you not like Jordan when he does that?
I do, the people that Jordan says that too, actually deserve it, so that's more of a you problem.
"Avoids Gnosticism for his fanbase conveniently"
Hahahahaha hahahahaha WHAT?
You mean the religion that died in the 1-2-3 century????
Are you retarded????
Why would he not avoid a dead religion???
Why do you want his fanbase to know about a dead religion????
You are genuinely retarded.
"well it depends on what you mean by" sophistry"
Are you accusing him of sophistry or something?
Jordan does that with every important word because he want precicion in dialogs and conversations that he has.
So i don't know why you don't like when he does that.
So shut up you idiot, if you find him "Sophistry" then that's a you problem, a problem with your retarded brain.
Do your problaly retarded move,now, my retarded Jungian adversary.

>> No.23055196

Eh, I appreciate the effort. Upon reflection I'm keeping my Jungian shit private and refraining from engaging in Petersonites. Both of us are just bolting idols onto our personality and being petty. Thank the other Anon, you win.

>> No.23055291

he forehead too big for he body