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/lit/ - Literature

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23068147 No.23068147 [Reply] [Original]

Ice Magic Edition.

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23057625

>> No.23068186

something dystopian and hopeless like Yōko Ogawa's "Memory Police", recommendations?

>> No.23068221

try phillip k. dick

>> No.23068304

Animal farm

>> No.23068358
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The Trials of Empire, Empire of the Wolf #3 - Richard Swan (2024)

The Trials of Empire took a more conventional path than I was expecting. The vast majority is recruiting allies for a final battle. That means it's mostly traveling around from place to place then negotiating the terms of alliances. Despite that I still greatly enjoyed its execution, which tends to matter more for me than how common the narrative choices are.

I enjoyed the adventure, warfare, and other action-oriented aspects, especially the final battle, which had numerous evocative scenes. However, what primarily appealed to me were the discussions and the character development. Common law, ethics, and politics were the most common topics for the characters to argue about. There's a lot that I found easy to relate to current events, though I don't know how intended that was.

As with the prior books, the greatest development is with how Sedanka observes the changes that Vonvalt goes through as a result of the choices he feels must be made. I continue to believe that it was a much better choice to have Sedanka be the viewpoint rather than Vonvalt specifically for this reason. I wrote about the first book that the most important and viewpoint character weren't the same person, though with this one, they arguably were.

Tragedies keep happening. I've read some say that this was more horrific than they preferred, though I didn't feel it was all that much. I wouldn't call this grimdark because the characters are striving to be as good as the situation allows them to be and are doing this for others rather than themselves. That being said, with all the trauma and failures they've endured, their hesitancy towards employing extreme measures lessens as the demands upon them increase. Whether war requires atrocities to be victorious was one of the most discussed questions.

The aftermath to the final battle and the epilogue were among the most satisfying I've read in a long time. It concluded everything that needed to be while allowing for the possibility for more. It's somewhat similar to how Abercrombie ended the Age of Madness, though the ending was done much better with The Empire of the Wolf.

Each book in this series has been progressively better for me, mostly in that each book has had considerably less of what I dislike. When I first started reading this series I had various concerns, though I now believe that I overstated them to the point where I'm somewhat unhappy with what I wrote about the first book. The rating would probably still be the same, though possibly I'd simply give it a 4 now rather than 3.5. Although there's a lot more that could be written in this setting I'd be entirely content with whatever else Swan writes next. I'll eventually be checking out his previous self-published books as well.

Rating: 4.5/5

Previous books in the series

>> No.23068390

Was Lord Dunsany the one who created modern fantasy worldbuilding? I did just read his Gods of Pegana and everything is there, cosmic hierarchy, fake history, fake mythology, wars between supernatural beings etc, modern fantasy is still identical to his works.

>> No.23068420

What the fuck is worldbuilding?

>> No.23068444

Nah, almost all of those elements can be found in older fantastical work. He definitely popularised it though.
Like even something as obvious as The Tempest hits on almost all of your criteria. Also there's a whole bunch of guys in the 1800's who clearly influenced him.

>> No.23068484

This is a good point, but even within that, there's still a lot of overlap even between that revolutionary soldier and the Russian one. They're admittedly little things, but they're there.

>> No.23068551

Is there any fake complete mythology and history novel made before it? Something like The Gods of Pegana and the Silmarillion, that go from the creation myth of fictional deities to an entire fictional civilization history full of supernatural and mortal wars with fake historical figures as characters that eventually end with an inevitable doomsday prophecy?

The Gods of Pegana really sounds like exactly what every modern franchise with it's own worldbuilding try to sell nowadays.

>> No.23068554
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Don't forget to read Beyond Apollo!

>> No.23068563

Your """reviews""" are SHIT. fuck off

>> No.23068654
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Kino soon

>> No.23068722

>Was Lord Dunsany the one who created modern fantasy worldbuilding?
No. You're completely misunderstanding Dunsany. He makes up names that sound exotic and which evoke poetic feelings, usually for the mystic Orient of a fairy tale world of the past.

His work has more in common with Flaubert's Temptation of St Anthony than with Tolkien's Middle Earth.

>> No.23068751

Oh boy I sure hope there's more graphic homosexual sex, GRRL POWER, and NOT-CHRISTIANITY IS LE BAD in this one! Because all that shit is totally original!

>> No.23068833

stick to /v/ if this is how you want to post

>> No.23068848
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>stick to /v/ if this is how you want to post

>> No.23068876

I'm sorry that reading about two men making out in one scene of a 700 page long book is too graphic for you.

>> No.23068989

Is the homosex mostly between male characters or female characters?

>> No.23069161

Sounds like gay shit.

>> No.23069192

Why would you continue to respond to an obvious newfag? It's likely "reviews are shit" anon or bakkerfag anyway.

>> No.23069202

If you actually cared you'd try and sell the book on it's own merits instead of whining that some anon isn't big on reading about dick-into-excrement enthusiasts.

>> No.23069261

Sometimes the bait is just too annoying to resist. I'll do better next time.

It's just decently written edgelord kino with a good amount of coomer thrown in for good measure. I like it, but I'm not going to sit here and praise it as a masterpiece of literature. Do you like vampires, monsters, and violence? Then you'll probably like it.

>> No.23069278
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No but Lord Dunsany did probably create the first ever modern Sword & Sorcery story: The Fortress Unvanquishable, Save for Sacnoth

>> No.23069450

What exactly about Nau-Cayuti and Kelmomas’ neurophysiology enabled them to complete the circuit of System Initiation and become the “pilots” of Incariol?

>> No.23069495
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Seethe and cope chuds.

No one cares about your homophobia.

>> No.23069513

>two men making out

>> No.23069522
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okay maybe based

>> No.23069534
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Good Lit-RPG:

>Hell Difficulty Tutorial
>Age of Stone
>The Nailmaker
>Cinnamon Bun
>Book of The Dead
>The Tutorial Is Too Hard
>The Reincarnation of Alysara
>Dawn of The Void
>As Good as Dead
>The Warlord
>The Mana Influx
>Red Mage

Good Fantasy and sci-fi:

>There Are Superheroes In This Story
>Melody of Mana
>Warlock of The Magus World
>12 Miles Below
>A Neets Guide To Becoming A God
>The Reality Dysfunction
>What We Do To Survive
>A Practical Guide To Sorcery
>Healer of Monsters
>I Am Not Chaotic Evil
>Violent Solutions

>> No.23069537

did not ask

>> No.23069562

*Cara-Sincurimoi, not Incariol.

>> No.23069564


I've been told to read neuromancer to get an idea of an interesting writing style

>> No.23069609
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>wake up
>realise I'm not dunyain
>realise I will forever remain slave to the darkness before me
>day ruined

>> No.23069620

Actually good sff:
>The Hobbit
>The Stars My Destination
>The Broken Sword
>The End of Eternity
>Shadow of the Torturer
>Swords and Deviltry
>The Coming of Conan
>The Forever War
>Blind Voices
>Fevre Dream
>Salem's Lot
>Wizard of Earthsea
>Bridge of Birds
>The Pastel City
>Cloud Atlas
>The Deep
>Assassins Apprentice
>The Swords Trilogy
>Black Leopard Red Wolf
>A Song of Ice and Fire
>The Darkness That Comes Before
>Jack Vance

>> No.23069727

Nice try, plebbitors.

>> No.23069729
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What's your favorite Strugatsky?

>> No.23069731


>> No.23069895 [DELETED] 

Great post anons, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma?? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good??!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good??? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker?? Any books with incest?

>> No.23069967


>> No.23070107
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Aviendha is autistic.


>> No.23070288
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>Read the synopsis of a story that seems interesting
>Check the tags

>> No.23070423

Octavia Butler...
Tags: Non Consensual, Incest, Loli, Interracial, Mind Control, Polyamory, Tentacles

>> No.23070441
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I legit don't see how people can enjoy those stories. It's not even that they are bad so much as the characters are just so damn nonsensical. It is honestly more confusing than anything.

>> No.23070492

>science is our world's hard magic system

>> No.23070504
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it's alchemy

>> No.23070560

I wish I were a 7/10 writer just so I could write the most hardcore, unironic right-wing fantasy and sci-fi imaginable.

>> No.23070681

What would it be about?

>> No.23070690

The jews.

>> No.23070701

Alchemy never did shit

>> No.23070714

>he thinks gold just grows in the ground

>> No.23070724

That's both sides isn't though? Given the left's position of being anti-Israel. Try harder.

>> No.23070743

The left is 'anti-Israel' because leftist jews told non-jew lefties to worship mudslimes because how oppressed they are. And they told them that so they would be open to mudslimes flooding into their countries. They didn't foresee it would backfire into the left hating Israel. But they have so much power now it doesn't matter anyways since they can destroy anyone who voices anti-Israel sentiment.

>> No.23070757

Why can't it be about policies? Not everything has to revolve around cultural wars. Not that political labels mean much of anything.

>> No.23070759

>All I want to do is read
>Don't wanna burn through all my books quickly
I'm stuck in limbo

>> No.23070769

hit the library, bratan

>> No.23070773

no the left is anti israel because the conflict is ostensibly one where the stronger side is "white" and the weaker side is brown

>> No.23070824

>I'm starving
>Don't wanna burn through my food supply quickly
>I'm stuck in limbo
>Guess I'll just starve myself to death rather than eat anything

>> No.23070849

Gibbson isnt that hard to emulate tbqh. If you want interesting prose go for Pratchett or Poe

>> No.23070907
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So if I make the MC a physicist and create rules like "every 1000km of corridor = 1 year" or whatever, I too can call my space opera novel hard sci-fi? Not the worst read, but definitely crossed over into fantasy but with science words.

Should I bother with the rest of the series?

>> No.23070928

Read the Takeshi Kovacs novels.
Do not watch the Netflix show Altered Carbon that butchers those novels.

>> No.23071100

season 1 was ok, I like Joel Kinoman

>> No.23071111
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No. Wrong. Some of the actors were fine, but Season 1 was not okay.
It raped the storyline of all three books within the first 5 minutes of the show.
It relegated Takeshi into a plucky rebellious anti-hero rather than the true heartless and cold bastard he is.
It relegated the Protectorate into the big bad while the Envoys are the plucky rebels taking them down, when the Envoys were their ruthless pointmen for dropping into planets to wipe out the power base and take over the governmental structures for the Protectorate.
It turned Reileen Kawahara, one of Takeshi's hated enemies and a feared psychopath, into HIS FUCKING SISTER THAT FOR SOME REASON WANTS TO FUCK HIM. Also she's a fucking ninja for some reason.
It focuses entirely on other characters surrounding Takeshi more than Takeshi himself at times when it's meant to be from his perspective and everyone else other than maybe Ortega get more spotlight because he's inhabiting her boyfriend's sleeve. Everyone is meant to be a secondary blur otherwise. By the second book he's already forgotten about her because he truly only cares about Sarah.
Oh wait, most people don't know who Sarah is if they watched the show? The girl Takeshi is chasing across all three books in the plotline that covers all three books? THAT'S BECAUSE THEY FUCKING WROTE HER OF IN THE FIRST FIVE MINUTES. CUNTS.

Fuck, I am still mad. Fuck Netflix.

>> No.23071117
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But they're going to do 3BP justice, surely.
Also quads checked.

>> No.23071161

How do you guys feel about Time Travel as a plot twist?

Is it generally just bad when it's introduced late in a story, or is it just bad because it isn't well-planned?

>> No.23071200
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If i do not see it coming as a twist sure, but hard no to time looping. Time looping is absolutely haram.

>> No.23071215

what's wrong with time looping in particular?

>> No.23071222

Just write youll get better trust me.

>> No.23071241

Any kind of time travel is easy to do badly and incredibly hard to do well. As soon as you add the concept to the story you exponentially increasingly the number of plot holes you will overlook and the difficulty in writing a coherent story.

>> No.23071285

this reads like a /v/ or /tv/ predictive butchering pasta lol
>envoys against the protectorate
man that's bad

>> No.23071293

And handle sticky, possibly damage books? No thank you.

>> No.23071303

I rage-typed, apologies.
>man that's bad
Yep, it is. You can't have a protag in 2020+ that was a part of a fascist regime unless he literally prostrates himself before a nubile kween and then dies after disavowing his past sins.
Which was why Kovacs is fucking great, he never apologises for having been a part of the Protectorate because in his younger years he was psyched about being powerful and away from his father.

>> No.23071311

after starting the alien binge i can fully say that most of the new novels are medicore with some memorable moments.

>Alien movie/10
>Alien: Out of the Shadows 7/10
>Alien: Sea of Sorrows 5/10
>Alien: River of Pain 4/10
>Alien: Isolation game/10
>Alien: The Cold Forge 8/10
>Alien: Prototype 6/10
>Alien: Into Charybdis 7/10

reading dune after 5 sloppy alien novels was an absolute delight and reminded me why i have to read slop.
has anyone here read the old aliens novels? i see they have omnibuses of those.

>> No.23071438
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Read Dune

>> No.23071467
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I finished Chapterhouse yesterday. It kinda ended the series with a whimper.

>> No.23071473

Probably because it wasn't meant to be the ending

>> No.23071496

Hard sci-fi is still FICTION but explained in excruciatingly specific detail. It doesn't matter if the maths and physics are made-up--as long as they have a reasonable explanation to them. That's why you often see engineers and astrophysicists and biologists writing these stories.
I will never understand where these faggots who believe hard sci-FICTION has to be wholly realistic come from. Your definition of hard sci-fi is not true.

>> No.23071497

It's kinda overplayed now, there's so many ghost/horror movies where the reveal is time travel.
What I have liked though is when you do a time travel story and don't reveal what type of time travel it is until the end. Pretty classic twilight zone idea is to reveal that it had all effectively already happened so nothing changes from where we are at the start of the story.

>> No.23071504

I wanted to be a contrarian and say chapterhouse was the best book but it's unfortunately the typical middle book of a trilogy and its fucked by the next one never being written.

>> No.23071563
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.23071570
File: 339 KB, 891x686, LITRPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince

>> No.23071619

im still forcing myself to continue reading children of dune

>> No.23071652

It not being the intended ending doesn't mean it has an excuse to be a lackluster book. 75% of it was characters having interesting, but fairly long winded and pointless debates about philosophy, or navel gazing.
The ending could have worked but it didn't have a great setup and felt rushed and kinda came out of nowhere.
The only part of the book worth reading was the small section at the end dedicated to his late wife's memory. I loved Heretics, and I kinda wish that was the end.

>> No.23071658

Boy just wait till you get to wormguy and his edgy political opinions for 500 pages: The book

>> No.23071661

It's inherently bad as a twist, because the subplot inherently ends in a return to the status quo, because that's just the nature of time travel twists. The same is true for kidnapping plots, you aren't adding anything to the story, rather you're taking something away then returning it at the end of the arc. In other words it's filler.

>> No.23071668

>characters having interesting, but fairly long winded and pointless debates about philosophy
for me it was tehol and bugg but that's a different series

>> No.23072072
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>Just write youll get better trust me.
Tell that to Brandon Sanderson.

>> No.23072210
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What are the darkest, grimmest books you can recommend?

>> No.23072273

>If Karl Edward Wagner rewrote The Worm Ourborus (E.R. Edison, 1922) for fans of The Dark Crystal (Jim Henson, Frank Oz, 1982) you’d get the Zang Cycle experience.
Think I may have just found the next book I'm gonna read.

>> No.23072286
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How edgy are we talking? Because something like pic related is super edgy, but in a horror/splatter sorta way.

>> No.23072292

I have no limits

>> No.23072296

Someone didn't get the book.
The dunyain are no more free for all their atrocities.

>> No.23072318

Have you read Bakker?

>> No.23072319
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Read that then. Or pic related. It's schizo edgy fantasy.

>> No.23072325


>> No.23072340

I swear Fantasy is just a shit genre. So much easier to find good sci-fi than to find even readable Fantasy.

>> No.23072353

Prove it.

>> No.23072361

Guys I'm halfway through 'Fall of Hyperion' by Dan Simmons. I'm starting to not give a shit about any of the mysteries anymore because it's taking way too long to be explained.

Does he wrap up or explain the Shrike, AI's etc in this book?

>> No.23072365
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Acts of Caine is pretty fucked up. Especially from book two onwards.

>> No.23072375

sci-fi is a broader tag imo, you basically get all the litfic with some gimmick. you get all the actual sci-fi, you get the epic sci-fi stuff (basically just fantasy)
so, sure

>> No.23072531
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Is pic related pozzed in any way? Because the writer is a virtue signaling faggot, but I like the idea of an orc MC in a Norse fantasy setting.

>> No.23072567

speak english

>> No.23072576

Hello, newfag. Please leave.

>> No.23072577

>Is pic related pozzed in any way?
>the writer is a virtue signaling faggot
It's definitely pozzed.

>> No.23072685

just looked it up. bookmarked for when after I finish Planet of Adventure

>> No.23072721

I've read four other books by the same author and liked all of them to varying degrees so I have high hopes for this one. Especially with that description.

>> No.23072743

Just finished Ready Player Two
what a hamfisted piece of shit
I give it 0.5/10

>> No.23072783

You only have yourself to blame for reading such obvious slop.

>> No.23072910

i remember when i saw his books being promoted at my high school (he was 18 at the time of publishing catherine of crows). it was either him or some other 18 year old author.

>> No.23073450

Is Locke Lamora shit?

>> No.23073508

It's VERY Reddit but the second book is okay because the mc is a hot ebony pirate milf

>> No.23073516


>> No.23073534
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This thread told me this was dark fiction full of rape. The protagonist is a redditor who refuses to rape the girls. And there is no pedophilia in the book. I need to read some actual DARK books.

>> No.23073556
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>I need to read some actual DARK books

>> No.23073562

No it didn't.

>> No.23073575
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I'm going...

>> No.23073665

The only good time travel twist that comes to mind is Bender's Big Score, which only works because the entire film involves time travel

>> No.23073721


>> No.23073849

>there's so many ghost/horror movies where the reveal is time travel
name 5 please

>> No.23073983

All Aiel suffer from a cultural autism.

>> No.23074014
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Been re-reading wheel of time over the last few months. I finally got through the slow books again. I still can't believe the Faile kidnapped plot extends over 3 books and some change. She gets captured at the end of book 8. Then it doesn't get resolved until the end of book 11. Absolute insanity. In-fucking-sanity.

Now, unlike previous reads, I'm attempting to absorb more. Trying to catch the things I glossed over previously. So I'm not worried about pacing so much with this read through. But even so, the length of these plotlines are trying. Earlier in the series, plots would begin at the start of a book, and conclude by the end of the book. All self contained and neat like. But Robert Jordan unravels, and just drones and drones and drones.

How much set up do we need to get Mat to deal with the "snakes and foxes"? Just push him toward the tower already! Why is he beating around the bush! Jeez! Though I do have to say that chapters with Mat and Tuon are very cute. They have better chemistry than Rand and Elayne. Yet, every Elayne PoV chapter, she always thinks about having Rand's babies, and gets all giggly. Before suddenly turning angry and cursing Rand for making her feel that way. It's so fucking cringe, and it's in every Elayne Chapter. Every other paragraph seems to have these inconsequential asides, that don't move the plot along at all. Pure fluff text. It's extremely repetitive. Yet, important characters only get mentioned like once or twice. Important events happen off screen. Or important events that SHOULD happen, don't.

One thing that reeeeeeally irks me. Is how much emphasis was put on Perrin's bird conundrum. A vision of a falcon on one shoulder, and an owl on the other. The important vision indicating Faile and Berelain. I'm suspecting that the drama of this dynamic will be something major. But no. The whole time, it's just corny sitcomy relationship mishaps. "uhhh, no faile, it's not what it looks like! Why are you angry, I can explain!" This is never actually important to the plot. Even when it could have been. Like that time when everyone in camp suspected Perrin slept with Berelain the same night Faile was captured. A lot of the two rivers folk were disproving. That could have lead to Perrin losing power, causing a rift among the camp. maybe more of his men convert to Dragonsworn than he realizes, because he was too focused on getting Faile back, and not paying attention to the moods of the camp. Something like that, I don't know. But what ends up happening? Perrin just gets some attitude for a while, and the whole mess is forgotten about. Berelain stops pursuing Perrin shortly after the kidnapping too. Instead of actually taking advantage of the situation like a more crafty person might.

So what was the point of the falcon and the owl? It was to allow Robert Jordan to write pages of fluff, where the characters complain about inconsequential happenings.

>> No.23074060

>re-reading wheel of time
my goodness...

>> No.23074068
File: 74 KB, 1254x958, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have read 12 good standalone fantasy books in that time instead

>> No.23074089

these are the people who squeal when you ask them to talk about something other than whatever hugely popular series
normalfags BE GONE

>> No.23074103

This isn't even my first attempt at re-reading the series. But this is only the second time I got over the book 8 hurdle.

Perhaps more than 12. I don't know what else to read. Do you have any recommendations that aren't Malazan, The Black Company, or Jack Vance? Because that's all I hear from you guys here.

Well actually, I took a little break from WoT to read The Last Horizon book 1. I'll probably read book 2 as another break, after getting through Towers of Midnight

btw, I just finished The Gather Storm. That's the first WoT book that Sanderson wrote. This is the first time I read it *after* having read some of Sanderson's other works. So this time I'm more familiar with Sanderson's writing style. I can feel the difference this time. The choice of words are different. Sanderson of course over-explains everything, which is ironic, because RJ under-explains everything. And you can tell that Sanderson answers questions that RJ would have never answered. Like random lore stuff like the meaning behind Moiraine's kesiera. I mean, it was already kind of answered before, when it's revealed she uses it to eavesdrop. But Sanderson goes one step further and explains that it's part of the culture for high ladies in Cairhien. A needless detail he through in some character dialogue, just to reveal whatever tidbits of factoids he found in RJ's notes.

>> No.23074116

>Nooooo! Stop stop getting deep into a series! You're only supposed to read obscure books once, and then craft your entire personality around them! Talk about The Prince of Nothing for the 1000th time! Or Book of the New Sun for the 100th time!

>> No.23074120

Vote for your favorite children's books:

>> No.23074121

>read Bulwer-Lytton’s the Coming Race, expecting a sci-fi story
>get what appears to be an exercise in worldbuilding instead, except written in the prose of a Victorian gentleman
Was it this autism what became the spirit of the White Man as melanin is to the Blacks?

>> No.23074124

>Talk about The Prince of Nothing for the 1000th time! Or Book of the New Sun for the 100th time!
That's the mocking I was getting at because normalfags are unable to read more than one series. Thanks for agreeing. Have a nice night, cutie.

>> No.23074128

>read something from before scifi existed as a codified genre
>expect standard scifi
are you stupid?

>> No.23074130

That one post contains more actual discussion of the series being talked about than the last 10 threads worth of bakker posting

>> No.23074137
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This. Ignore the retarded journalist blurb.

>> No.23074148

It's hilarious to me that singled me out as the anon to make an example out of. When I'm that one anon who used to beg you guys for recommendations every week. My entire reading experience was formed by you guys right here on /sffg/.

I've actually read Book of the New Sun. Didn't end up being a fan of it. Wasn't that good.

>> No.23074154

The one thing I refuse to read, REFUSE I say, are books that deal with boats, pirates, and the open seas. I don't care if they make the main character some blue bear. I'm not reading boatshit

>> No.23074157

Read Wyvern by Attanasio pussy

>> No.23074158
File: 828 KB, 551x751, 1696106255847810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a FOOL!

>> No.23074159

I'm glad we agree. Now get over here.

>> No.23074162

>I don't know what else to read
Here are 12 standalone fantasy books you should read. Stop reading gay soulless series where nothing happens.

>The Broken Sword (1954)
>The Deep (1975)
>The Mask of the Sorcerer (1995)
>The Nightland (1912)
>The Sorcerer's House (2010)
>The Dragon Waiting (1983)
>The Circus of Dr. Lao (1935)
>The King of Elfland's Daughter (1924)
>Lord of Light (1967)
>A Voyage to Arcturus (1920)
>Tigana (1990)
>The Throne of Bones (1997)

>> No.23074169
File: 3.33 MB, 2000x1000, 00019-289074590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ok anon we are already in a bretter place
>A greener place

>> No.23074176

>The The X, Y of Fantasy
Based naming template

>> No.23074196

the first book is good

>> No.23074202

uh oh... I googled that, and the good reads link was already clicked. So either I already dismissed it. Or I forgot about it. Lemme check it again and see what it's about. Oh, it's boatshit. Yeah. I ain't doing it.

Sigh. Here comes the boomer selection. You just know these books are as shallow as a puddle.

I read Tigana, but dropped it near the end of the book. Literally just too bored to continue. Good premise. Some decent moments here and there. The writer writes in a very sensual way. Which I kind of liked, even if it's a little too sensual at times. The stories relies on this trope I started to catch onto after encountering it in a few book. And it's this trope of a young guy who is very loyal to a prince. And that prince is supposed to be a good king one day when or if he managed to take the throne. And the young man following the prince is typically a foolhardy fuckup who constantly gets in trouble. But his whole personality is just loving the person who is meant to take the throne and restore glory to the kingdom.

I don't know who started this trope, but it's very frustrating, and I wish people would stop doing it. Because the young man is such a dipshit as to be unlikeable. Yet, we're supposed to be rooting for him. I suspect it's some Arthurian legend thing that keeps getting recycled.
But in anycase, Tigana does this. I don't like the main character. I don't like the whole dynamic between characters. And the plot isn't interesting enough to stick around to the end, so I dropped it.

The other books, I'll have to look into.

>> No.23074204

In another world, where Jordan had a real editor, the Wheel of Time is an enjoyable 6 book series

>> No.23074209

>muh races

>> No.23074214

feel like posting your goodreads so i can see what we have in common to better recommend you? if not i understand.

>> No.23074234

The slog doesn't start until like book 8, before that the editing was fine. It's books 8-12 that really suffer from a lack of editting.
I strongly suspect that Jordon wrote all that fluff for every book, then revised the script to cut it all out before publishing, but by the time bool 8 came arpund he had begun just sending it because he wanted to finish the series before he died and didn't feel like he had time to do a second pass.

>> No.23074237

Pearls before swine, my friend. It's not worth the effort in this place. I tried too, once. You're better off forgetting about sffg. They'll be happier discussing litrpg and chinkshit and Gene Wolfe until the end of time.

>> No.23074250

I don't have a good reads account. Wait, no, I made a goodreads account, but only to gain access to the /sffg/ page. I haven't been keeping it updated. Probably haven't logged into it in a year. I was keeping an account of everything I read in a plain text document. But that's on an old harddrive now, and so I haven't been updating that too frequently either. But I can dig up the old pastebin from the /lit/ archive. https://pastebin.com/PmrhN48u
It's outdated, but not by much. Since I haven't been reading much recently.

>> No.23074262

>No Americas and three Africas

>> No.23074263

I feel the bloat starts earlier, but only gets unbearable around seven or eight. Some of the character storylines badly need trimmed even as early as 3 or 4, later on some ought to have been cut off in whole, and so much repetitive dialogue overall to be done away with. Been a while since I read it though

>> No.23074266
File: 187 KB, 431x442, 1705603414327132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Sorcerer's House (2010)
>Writer: Gene Wolfe
Rent free

>> No.23074271

But... where do I go?

>> No.23074278


>> No.23074280
File: 5 KB, 195x195, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we knew we wouldn't be here

And if I knew I'd be sure not to tell anyone lest the faggotry spread

>> No.23074283

I know where to go.

>> No.23074285

god speed my friend

>> No.23074288

I doubt that's the reason for all the fluff. Because the first 6 books came out yearly. Then 6 to 7 took 2 years. 7 to 8 too 2 years 8 to 9 took 2 years. 9 to 10 took 3 years! 10 to 11 takes 2 years again. But the prequel released in between. So he's back on the 1 year book pace before he died.

But basically, the slog pace of the book seems to coincide with the slow down in releases. I agree with the other anon too. That you se see it start to slow down a little earlier than 8. Which Mat in Ebou Dar to babysit Elayne and Nynaeve. That plot begins in book 6, and isn't resolved until book 8.

>> No.23074293
File: 13 KB, 408x612, noose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know where to go.

>> No.23074317
File: 144 KB, 1024x1024, toast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Download another 10 epubs
>Never read them
Thats it folks, if it aint on paper, I aint readin it

>> No.23074322

>never read them
you ain't readin either way
you won't even read this post

>> No.23074329
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>you won't even read this post

>> No.23074452
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Everyone knows the double Niger, But no one expects the triple Niger

>> No.23074499

Why do american blacks like shoes so much? Is it just typical brainwashing by capitalism or is something deeper?

>> No.23074505
File: 348 KB, 680x512, jc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know of any comfy conspiracy novels about AI cults/elites fervently bring AI to life because of Roko's basilisk?

I will also accept an AI pretending to be a woman and manipulating a man.

>> No.23074656

gays, women, blacks are biggest consumers. (probably something to do with low iq) That is also why commercials are catered mostly towards them nowadays.

>> No.23074729

>I will also accept an AI pretending to be a woman and manipulating a man
See Ex Machina. Not a bad film.

>> No.23074732

Black people are vain and low iq so they are obsessed with material. Liquor stores in the ghetto will price alcohol higher because black people assume expensive means good.

>> No.23074735

yup, why Hennessy is overpriced

>> No.23074753

Assassins Apprentice
Second Apocalypse

>> No.23074757

Kino selections

>> No.23074760
File: 745 KB, 1170x772, IMG_5706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy should GO TO JAIL.

>> No.23074762

>Assassins Apprentice
Read it. Liked it. Never want to read it again, because Fitz is a fucking dipshit.

>Second Apocalypse
Not going to read it, because terrible audiobook narrator.

>> No.23074835
File: 879 KB, 3000x1496, 00062-349457164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This probably explains why i see more and more fantasy and sci-fi books with LGBT tags. I first assumed that it would limit your potential audience with it, but if the smaller target audience consoomes more as a whole it evens out i guess Still pretty gay tho.

>> No.23074853

All of you are so collectively retarded. I don't even know where to begin to explain how retarded everything you said is. It's like your retardation is feeding off each other an amplifying to a greater and greater retarded magnitude.

>> No.23074927

>say all the negative things
>say none of the positive evidence
Never change /sffg/, never change.

>> No.23074937
File: 157 KB, 1073x1280, books dont sell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are responsible for like 80% of purchases. Also though books don't sell.

>> No.23075147

>second apocalypse

the first trilogy has a great narrator and the second one is serviceable with some great moments, but he did go full retard on the name pronunciation

>> No.23075181

You think this guy sounds "great"? https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Darkness-That-Comes-Before-Audiobook/B008CQW11A
What a low bar you have.

>> No.23075322

his cadence suits the historical/biblical feel of the trilogy and he goes all out with a lot of the characters like cnaiur

>> No.23075327

that twitter post brings to mind Sturgeon's Law

>> No.23075361

>Each character has a distinct accent such that you can tell who is speaking from it
>None of the voices are over the top or grating
Perfect narrator. Only outdone by the likes of Pacey, Poe, or Degas - who actually add shit to the listening experience. DeVries blessedly doesn't come between the listener and the audiobook, even if his performance doesn't exactly elevate it. Plenty of far more popular series have far worse narrations.

>> No.23075383

I've never read anything by Abercrombie, is "A little hatred" a good starting point/ any decent?

>> No.23075395

Now I'm 100% certain someone associated with Bakker's publication browses these threads. No one else would hype up that man's dry lecturing tones this much.
But hey, you like what you like. It isn't for me, that's for certain. I'll never read anything he narrates.

>> No.23075398

The best way is probably reading his stuff in publication order. You can skip around with the short stories, and technically start on the second series, but you'll be missing a lot of subtext and characterisation that is to some degree relied on for the later stuff to be entertaining.

The second trilogy is weaker imo. The heroes is probably the best book Abercrombies done, and can technically be read as a standalone.

>> No.23075401

What about the book I wrote? Which should be from the last trilogy. Asking cause I would have to order the others, while that one is already available in a local store.

>> No.23075434

I'm sure most books don't make back their advance but I'm also sure that the company in this anti-monopoly trial did some very creative accounting to get the number that low.

>> No.23075436

All The First Law really has going for it is the twist/reveal so reading the sequel trilogy before it sounds like a bad idea.

>> No.23075510

It still makes sense if you start with it, but you'll miss out on a lot by doing so. If you enjoying Abercrombie's writing then you would be screwing yourself over by reading the second trilogy first. The second trilogy is also worse imo.

Just pirate the first series.

>> No.23075669
File: 42 KB, 447x686, Scythe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone read this? Looks kinda cool

>> No.23075681
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>> No.23075685

Read it, got bored about halfway through.
Wasn't aware it was YA when I started but it's really obviously YA by the time the plot kicks into gear

>> No.23075717


>> No.23075725

It was a pretty decent intro to ethics for a YA audience. Very chill, not a lot of action, it avoids the pitfalls that many YA books fall into.

>> No.23075746

You keep posting that idiocy and I'll keep posting the specific rebuttal about why it's entirely wrong.

>> No.23075823

Any more?

>> No.23075943

>says things are retarded 4 times
>never gives examples why/against
many such cases

>> No.23075984

How about you read those books first then ask for more recs later, asshole.

>> No.23076273

why are people on china melville's cock again? why are people dickriding 3 body problem again? are these faggots for real or is this all LARP?

>> No.23076345

I don't want to get into a thread derailing, sprawling argument with 4 retards.

>> No.23076428


>> No.23076513
File: 71 KB, 848x768, ohshid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finna coom, bros.

>> No.23076613

Anyone have an epub of this/know where to find one? Don't have a kindle and not buying this shit paperback

>> No.23076616

>character has a european name and is described as tanned, bronzed, sun-darkened, etc.
>fanart exclusively portrays them as a black person
I'm going to go back through the draft I'm working on and explicitly state for every character that they are white as fuck

>> No.23076624


>> No.23076628

lurk moar

>> No.23076687

probably just retards/faggots

>> No.23076712
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>> No.23076742

>guy named china
don't trust it, simple as

>> No.23076849

I already lurk plenty, anon. I just want more horror shit to coom to

>> No.23076852

Got another addition to the good fantasy bin. Damn reincarnation is a series that starts with a generic fantasy rpg party of a hero, barbarian, lancer/monk, saintess, and wizard failing to defeat 5 demon kings. In their attempt, they killed 3 of them, but the main character hamel who acted as the rival to the hero is killed, and he wakes up in the body of one the hero’s descendants 300 years after he originally died. He’s forced to figure out how he reincarnated, why the world is no longer at war, and the secrets of the hero so that he can continue his demon genocide. It starts out at a decent 6-7/10 but quickly raises to a 9 when the plot starts moving forward. The characters really are the heart of this story and the main character is so racist that it’s worth reading for his racism alone

>> No.23076867

Should clarify the novel, and not the manhua because like most adaptations of a book, the manhua is dogshit especially since the rare bits of artwork from the author are way better than the shit common Korean artstyle. Also if you’re worried about it being a Korean novel, it’s written more like a middle ground of Japanese and Chinese novels

>> No.23076887

It's apparently free with Kindle Unlimited. Anyone can read the first two chapters for free on there as well.

>> No.23077017

You don't need an actual Kindle. Your Amazon account should already have a kindle library you can open in a browser. But I'm sure you're a poorfag anyways so it doesn't matter.

>> No.23077027
File: 799 KB, 960x536, 00024-2310559316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's not all that much naval things in the book all things considered. mostly in the beginning. and even the ones at sea arent really open seas and piracy. most chapters are spent on land.
on another, but just as moers-related note, ive started messing around with ai. im sure you know what this is

>> No.23077081

I just didn't want my amazon algorithm being filled with cheapo horror shit, would've been happy to pay if they were on godless or something

>> No.23077156

Should I read A Song of Ice and Fire even though it's not going to be finished?

>> No.23077176

Do not be a slave to the algorithm, anon. This is not why Yakub created us.

>> No.23077189
File: 41 KB, 350x268, booksoflongsun633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Book of the Long Sun, oh lord what a ride. Near the end Wolfe kept doing the Herbert thing where all the crazy stuff happens off scene and its just the characters discussing what happened, but I still enjoyed the fuck out of it. Stoked to check out Short Sun.

>> No.23077410

Should i edge for 30 years and not coom?

>> No.23077420

If you did that your wizard powers would be unfathomable.

>> No.23077460

>doesn't know where to download ebooks
You don't lurk plenty.

>> No.23077508
File: 72 KB, 306x306, 1612478763764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished reading Dune today. what is the correct 4chaneler opinion for me too have about it?

>> No.23077524

dune the book or dune the series?

>> No.23077525

the trilogy

>> No.23077537

I just finished dune your mom

>> No.23077576

I wonder how uncomfortable it was for Paul when he got the memories of his mum and dad fucking?

>> No.23077628

Nightside was great but I don't think it holds to the same height for the whole four. Still never understood where the love between Hyacinth and the Calde came from, never felt right

>> No.23077683

I sorta get that, I thought the first 3 books were riding solid but Exodus kinda got rocky. I was kinda confused about where the Hyacinth romance came from too, all of a sudden theres a wedding and all that. I couldnt understand a fucking thing her cat was trying to say either. Oreb was cool though, love that bird.
I think I just like the idea of the whorl and the religion actually interacting with the 'gods'

>> No.23077703

the reddit opinion is that its great
the 4chan opinion is whatever the fuck you want to think stop being suck a cuck

>> No.23077839

>I think I just like the idea of the whorl and the religion actually interacting with the 'gods'
Me too, its a great setting and I think he could've done more with it. Wished it hadn't dwelt on and dragged out the politicking and love subplots so much

>> No.23077977

>Leaked E-mails Reveal Hugo Awards Committee Spied On Writers On Behalf Of The Chinese Government For Chengdu WorldCon
lol as if we needed more reasons to despise the Jewgos.

>> No.23077992

>get halfway through this obvious crank blog
>they're just talking about them complying with chinese law in china
>suddenly turns into sad puppies moaning
ah there it is

>> No.23078001
File: 11 KB, 600x800, 1620215660823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>get halfway through this obvious crank blog
>>they're just talking about them complying with chinese law in china
>>suddenly turns into sad puppies moaning
>ah there it is

>> No.23078014

Oh neat, a /pol/-oriented pop culture website.

>> No.23078050

>Gets called out
>Wojad Hominem
Get fucked dumbass
Its literally nothing, and also who gives a shit about modern Hugo awards?

>> No.23078057

> left-wing hate website File770
> they cared about their clout
> clout-chaser and left-wing activist
>alleged pedophile
> the awards have been rigged multiple times in the past,
> wouldn’t surprise many people who followed the Sad Puppies and Rabid Puppies years of the awards.
> virtue signaling for identity politics stops when these people want to maintain their social clout.
> science fiction clout chasers
Clout clout clout. Quality reporting at its finest.

>> No.23078063

Nice try, samefag.

>> No.23078072
File: 68 KB, 598x537, sfn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23078085

I'm the first guy who replied and I really don't care enough about this to post multiple times.
I only replied at all because it amused me to read so far to try and work out what the accusation was only to see it come back to the same "they won't let us run a blatant ballot stuffing campaign" as always.
(Despite having criticisms of the Hugo awards I have zero sympathy for these guys because the first book they 'rigged' into being up for an award was the dreadful Monster Hunter International; like that dogshit was apparently the kind of deserving book that was being snubbed.)

>> No.23078112

The same author also published an article today that completely worships Monster Hunter International author Larry Correia and his decision to write progression fantasy.

>> No.23078117

Agreed. Fuck off, Yev.

>> No.23078118

>defends homosexual degeneracy
you're posting on the wrong board

>> No.23078121

go back to /pol/

>> No.23078126

Such as?

>> No.23078132


>> No.23078168

>Google Yev
>YEV - Jewish Autonomous Oblast situated in the far eastern federal district of Russia
>rainbow flag
>It is one of two officially Jewish jurisdictions in the world
Is yev a new word being used for such things?

>> No.23078178

Yev is the online moniker of reviewfag. Same guy runs the goodreads group.

>> No.23078193

What's the problem?

>> No.23078196

Any John Wyndham readers in the house?

>> No.23078209

>Is yev a new word being used for such things?
I was answering anon's question. Are you being obtuse on purpose?

>> No.23078229

Why do you want Yev to fuck off?

>> No.23078237

I'm not antireviewfag.

>> No.23078527

There actually is a in universe reason for the silk/hyacinth romance. It’s spelled out a little more explicitly in short sun, but the prices are all there. Plus, if you’ve read new sun, there are clues there too.

>> No.23078751
File: 990 KB, 688x864, Shallan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a Shallan chapter
Yep, kino incoming.

>> No.23078839

Yep I think I read them all except the Outward Urge (haven't gotten around to that yet). Within the last few years I've re-read The Secret People, The Day of the Triffids, and The Kraken Wakes

>> No.23078962

Make it two women and I might consider

>> No.23078970

John Del Arroz posted an article fellating Correia? I thought they were beefing?

>> No.23079145

Why don't you write an interesting review for us.

Since nobody said anything I'm going to assume he doesn't explain anything by the end of this book.
I think it's easier to spit out new slop for the fantasy genre with how generic the themes and worlds can be. If you copied star wars plot for plot and all the world building, you'd get called out. If you do the same for lord of the rings it's pretty much fine it seems. I don't think that makes it a shit genre just more stuff to wade through.

>> No.23079159

If you're a fan of Terry Pratchett, kill yourself. Most reddit fucking faggot author imaginable. I've never heard or read someone recommend Terry Pratchett who didn't reveal themselves to be cuck faggots within five seconds of doing so by telling me what an honest and le heckin' wholesome guy he was in the gayest way possible. I can't even imagine how putridly vapid his books are and I will never read one even for the purposes of shitting on him with more authority simply because I can't handle the idea of earnestly consuming something a disgusting pig faced redditor thinks is, quote, "like pizza with a steak stuffed crust." Complete reddit memeauthor. Trannycore.

>> No.23079176
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>> No.23079202

I don't even remember anything about the first book and I dropped it by the second one though I can't tell you why.
I'm sure I read it on release though because I had it sitting on my bookshelf for ages until I purged it for extra space.

>> No.23079232
File: 39 KB, 363x250, 1689717590229249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For instance we could run the same analysis on ALL of those 487K new books published in the last 52 weeks, which includes many small press and independetly published titles, and we would find that about 98% of them sold less that 5,000 copies in the "trade bookstore market" that NPD BookScan covers. (I know this IS a true statistic because that data was produced by us for The New York Times.)
>But that data does not include direct sales from publishers. It does not include sales by authors at events, or through their websites. It does not include eBook sales which we track in a separate tool, and it doesn't include any of the amazing reading going on through platforms like Substack, Wattpad, Webtoons, Kindle Direct, or library lending platforms like OverDrive or Hoopla.
>BUT, it does represent the general reality of the ECONOMICS of the publishing market. In general, most of the revenue that keeps publishers in business comes from the very narrow band of publishing successes in the top 8-10% of new books, along with the 70% of overall sales that come from BACKLIST books in the current market.
>The long and short of it is publishing is very much a gambler's game, and I think that has been clear from the testimony in the DOJ case.
Am I missing something here?
She admits that it is in fact true and that the DOJ quote is a subset of the whole sales that is indicative of the whole market.

>> No.23079236

you'd probably love his books too

>> No.23079286
File: 217 KB, 509x361, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a guy who did TSOTT recommendation on jewtube that I think deserves more views.

>> No.23079302

Ahh yes I distinctly remember Severian dodgerolling around massive bosses

>> No.23079319
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The video was posted on a subreddit. The guy explained the title is basically a joke aimed at retards baiting views on youtube

>> No.23079320

Interesting, I've got all three Short Sun books already but I think I'm gonna read some other books before I hop into that. Stoked to reread New Sun at some point too.

>> No.23079349

Don't be a dimwit mate. DS wasn't about dodge rolling around bosses. The best part is the world and the atmosphere so the New Sun actually has things in common with DS

Watched it. Gave him a sub. I really like the music he used throughout the vid.

>> No.23079388

Do you have any other recommendations?

>> No.23079493

how could anyone call locke lamora shit?

>> No.23079508

Here have a Terry Pratchett quote:
>Just because someone's a member of an ethnic minority doesn't mean they're not a nasty small-minded little jerk.

>> No.23079517

>Don't be a dimwit mate. DS wasn't about dodge rolling around bosses. The best part is the world and the atmosphere so the New Sun actually has things in common with DS
lol get fucked

>> No.23079551

I just read Midwich Cuckoos, makes me interested to get into his stories more. He seems like he was very smart, reminds me more of HG Wells' style of stories than pulpy genre fiction.

>> No.23079582

>So, only about 15% of all of those publisher-produced frontlist books sold less than 12 copies. That's not nothing, but nowhere as janky as what has been reported.
>half of those titles sold less than a dozen
15% vs 50% is a big difference.
As it starts, it's misleading and unclear how the data is being used. Yes, it's indicative of the whole market in sense of
> It is largely a numbers game and I'm not just saying that because I'm a numbers gal. It's a tough business.

The issue comes down to
>it's clear it's a slice but I'm not sure HOW it was sliced.
> Now data is a funny thing. It can be sliced and diced to create different types of views.
In that the picture is sensationalist and not providing an accurate assessment. It's like saying the that half the posts here are spammers if you only consider a certain subset of posters. Likewise you could say that only 15% are spammers with a different subset.

>> No.23079614

He isn't wrong though

>> No.23079638

>So, only about 15% of all of those publisher-produced frontlist books sold less than 12 copies.
Yeah by slicing at exactly 12 copies.
Meanwhile she puts 12-999 books as being 50% of the entire market.
AKA 66% of the market is selling less than a 1000 books.

>> No.23079683

I don't see the relevancy of what you're telling me. The image says 50% is 0-12 copies. The post says 15% is 0-12. Anything higher than 12 is technically irrelevant to the point I'm making about the image. I don't know what the point you're trying to make is.

>> No.23079700

Correction: The image says 0-11 is 50%. The post says 0-11 is 15%. My mistake.

>> No.23079702

Does anyone know if The Coomonwealth Saga is actually worth finishing? It's pretty clear almost halfway through that Hamilton killed his editor some time ago, has no grasp of spirituality despite writing a spiritual journey, but MorningLightMountain is such a good villain that I almost want to see him wreck their shit.

>> No.23079735

In other words:

0-11=50% (less than a dozen)
12+=50% (more than a dozen)

0-11: 15%
12+: 85%

>> No.23079739

>technically irrelevant
Then you're just arguing semantics and not actually meeting the core argument, that a majority of books sell a laughable amount.

>> No.23079789

That was never my argument. I was going for the facts, not the emotional truths.

I'd rather have the facts than be morally right.

>> No.23079803

Fact is most published books sell a laughably low amount.

>> No.23079816

Yes, that is true. My argument from the beginning was a matter of degree how laughably low it is. There's no reason to misrepresent when the truth is already damning other than as for inaccurate clickbait that makes it worse than it is.

>> No.23079906

New Sun is an actual lived in world, it has fuck all comparison to dark souls which is a once lived in dead world
Making the comparison just shows you lack the frame of reference to actually come up with a decent one

>> No.23079924

follow-up analogy
Mutually agreed upon: Climate change is a threat to humanity.
Person 1: Climate change will end us within my lifetime!
Person 2: The scientific consensus is that the Earth won't become uninhabitable until hundreds of years have passed at our current rates. That is very unlikely to be within your lifetime even if nothing changes.
Person 1: You're just arguing semantics! The fact is that climate change is a threat!
Person 2: Yes, that's true, but why do you insist on it being worse than how it is?

>> No.23079927

this nigga has a funny accent!

>> No.23079933
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>> No.23079938

>The fact is that climate change is a threat
no it's not. Keep buying beach front property Al Gore. We are all on to you

>> No.23080005

watch his total overdose vid. It's comedy gold of accents

>> No.23080070

I think he means that there are characters living their lives, having kids, dancing, crying, dying. It's a dying world, but the people intend to ride it to the end.

>> No.23080577
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>Ahh yes I distinctly remember Severian dodgerolling around massive bosses
I remember too! Chapter 36 of the sword of the lictor is one
>Just in time I guessed, and managed a few steps back. A moment later he held a clock of stone wrenched from the wall itself. He lifted it above his head and hurled it at me. As I leaped aside, he tore free another, and then another. At the third I had to roll desperately, still clutching my sword, to avoid the fourth, the stones coming quicker and quicker as the lack of those already torn away weakened the structure of the wall. By the purest chance, that roll brought me close to a casket, a thing no bigger than a modest housewife might have for her rings, lying on the floor.
And then the entire next chapter is Severian trying to dodge roll Baldander' in his mech suit and thor mace.

>> No.23080771

>Hand it over. That thing, your fuligin soul
couldn't believe it

>> No.23080937

I love Long Sun but it definitely feels a bit haphazard in its conclusion

>> No.23080990
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Is the Red Rising series worth getting into?

>> No.23080992

Chris Williamson recently said Red Rising is his favorite SFF novel.

>> No.23081002

>Chris Williamson

Literally who

>> No.23081029

Probably a youtuber, someone in this thread is trying to force people to talk about them.
It's alright but it is pretty blatantly just YA but for boys. I got tired of it by book 3 and the first book didn't really hold up to a reread.

>> No.23081217

Not if you are over 18, it's VERY juvenile. desu i would have probably loved it if i read it when i was a 13.

>> No.23081236
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Which should I pick up. Starfist book 1 or Armor?

>> No.23081245

I used to think like this too.

>> No.23081252 [DELETED] 
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I just can't stop thinking how she's BUILT for it
hopefully Sanderlad will listen to his woke female fans and give Shallan a boyfriend she deserves.

>> No.23081260

So he was just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.23081328

is that a man

>> No.23081373

no tits or ass. No not built for it

>> No.23081439

White woman camwhore

>> No.23081472
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Shallan is petite and all redheads are built for it

>> No.23081503
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kek I just watched it. It seems so. He is openly mocking these people. Also watched his The Night Land vid. It's basically the same thing.

>> No.23081628
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sorry i only watch 30+ cat lady youtubers

>> No.23081726

>and all redheads are built for it
Are you that faggot from /gif/ who keeps making black on redhead threads? Stay in your containment board.

>> No.23081738

All boards are containment boards, some are more than others. This is a containment website.

>> No.23081743

For what purpose?

>> No.23081754

Neither or both.

>> No.23081903

Fire magic, ice magic, will the next thread be magic? I guess we'll find out soon.

>> No.23081921


>> No.23081952

Merphy Napier
>Welcome to my manga channel. Well, I say that, but it's mostly all about my true love, One Piece, with occasional spotlights for other series I love

>> No.23082107

Stop lying
The Sword and the Pen Reflections

>> No.23082151
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>> No.23082195

Abigail Morris and Mylie Moore are some really thick redheads.

>> No.23082211

The first one is usually well received. It's the sequels that get called shit.

>> No.23082434

This guy is worth watching just for the accent alone.

>> No.23082507
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It's cool I guess, he doesn't have too much to say that's new to someone familiar with the text and the presentation isn't anything special either

>> No.23082593

Wasn't the point to recommend the book to people who play video games? I kinda like the presentation. Its tame and relaxing with comfy music. It's also remarkable how he made the book appealing while obscuring 99% of the plot.

>> No.23082622

>tfw you realize world history of Second Apocalypse is just FF7 - but edgier

>> No.23082852

>tfw when you're so happy that you can't hear everyone online laughing at you because you make the worst comparisons

>> No.23082878

Sorry I exposed your favorite "original" grimdark series, anon :(

>> No.23082892

>A boy's time at school is of no interest to anyone but his parents, and Kim was an orphan.
From Kim by Rudyard Kipling. Fuck you magic school likers.

>> No.23082897

Rudyard Kipling? More like Kidyard Ruling!

>> No.23082905

Boys named Kim get their ass beat at school. Without exception.

>> No.23082939
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The Sandersonite CRETINS have come out of the woodwork to defend their indulgent drivel. I don't care about the CRABS or the PLANTS or your DUMB MAP when your characters have no spark of humanity and only exist so they can FLY AROUND AND FIGHT. Authors worthy of the name can draw real human tragedy from just 20 pages of two people talking in a room; the modern fantasy "author" can't provide a glimpse of humanity from 1000 PAGES of the most APOCALYPTIC CLASH of GOOD AND EVIL. I recently attempted to get through book one of Sanderson's "epic" Stormlight saga, and was FLOORED when he had to represent how characters feel by MAGICAL EMOTION FAIRIES because he was UNABLE to convey it through BELIEVABLE DIALOGUE. THIS IS THE MAN WHO HAS THE MOST POPULAR LECTURE ON WRITING ON YOUTUBE. It is no wonder that today's young fantasy writers think CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT is synonymous with "LEVELING UP". World-building represents the D&Dification of the Fantasy genre. The focus foremost on setting rather than character, prose, plot, or theme, can only be explained by the influx of AUTISTIC sons of 35 year old mothers who cannot understand or conceptualize human emotions or relations, and can't write for shit. BRANDON SANDERSON has destroyed an entire generation of writers, along with VIDEO GAMES, ANIME and AUTISM. It should be no surprise that the current trend in the genre are so-called "LitRPGs"--a derivative of ISEKAI, D&D, and VIDEO GAMES, because these stunted shut-ins have no exposure to the world beyond the mediated glow of their computer screens and the musky back rooms of tabletop gaming centers. MAGIC SYSTEMS are the product of STEM AUTISM and are completely irrelevant to anything that makes a story worth reading. The entire genre has become one big MALADAPTIVE DAYDREAM. The only solace is that fantasy is falling into such disrepute that it can safely be consigned to the same bin as YA fiction and romance slop..

>> No.23083192
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Anyone familiar with the "Stormlight Archive"? I wanted to buy the third book as an audiobook and they're two version from the same publisher, except the one are 20 minutes longer. It's not like the one got published a year or so later

>> No.23083234

What about, like, in Korea?

>> No.23083381

actually funny that you are misinterpreting what he's doing with a few of your criticisms. imagine sanderson going over your head

>> No.23083394


>> No.23083429

You see it all the time in reviews of fantasy works. You go through the reviews and you always have them address whether or not they liked his "worldbuilding"
>Worldbuilding is the process of constructing a world, originally an imaginary one, sometimes associated with a fictional universe. Developing an imaginary setting with coherent qualities such as a history, geography, and ecology is a key task for many science fiction or fantasy writers

>> No.23083473

When in doubt, read with your eyes.