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23103029 No.23103029 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23103058

dips of wine and the sex scene are based, but I agree not hemingway's best

>> No.23103163

Some of the romance scenes were kind of cringey but I liked the death scenes

>> No.23103203

Agree, the worst thing I've read from Hemingway.

>> No.23103212

Really disappointing. I wanted to throw it out the window I disliked some parts of it so much but I was living in a hut and only had access to two books so I couldn't just get rid of it. Great cover design, though.

>> No.23103390

All his shit sucks except for the old man and the sea which is so good it halos everything else.

>> No.23103397

That's a shame. I read Old Man and the Sea recently and was excited to get into his other stuff. Is it really that much better?

>> No.23103407

Why did you only bring 2 books with you

>> No.23103420

It’s absurdly better and you will be disappointed. Everything else is a long boring slog 5 times longer books and less than half as good.

>> No.23103499
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When you read Hemingway what you are reading is Stein made safe for a middlebrow audience.

>> No.23104565

It's complicated. I had more in the country but I didn't have access to them right at that moment. I was stuck with a copy of "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and "The Road," neither of which I liked, but both of which I read multiple times due to it being the only reading material available.

>> No.23105505

>I was stuck with a copy of "For Whom the Bell Tolls" and "The Road,"
That must've been hell. Stuck with two shitty writers.

>> No.23105559

I loved Hemingway's prose style but I found his approach kind of pretentious. As for "The Road," I found its miserable awful world full of cannibal satanists and baby-rapers too over-the-top to take altogether seriously. I will say, though, that a hut with no electricity or internet is the perfect environment for reading, though. I blazed through books that I'd struggled to read previously in other environments.

>> No.23105603

Why were you in a hut

>> No.23105607
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>Featured in Hemingway on PBS

>> No.23105609

I was in the Peace Corps. I blazed through books when I was in the Peace Corps. Now that I'm back in the world of endless bullshit distractions my rate of reading has gone back down (though it's still higher than before PC).

>> No.23105622

>Peace Corps
Where did you go? What did you do? Do you think it was worth it?

>> No.23105705

A tiny, questionably run country in sub-Saharan Africa.

Job interview answer: I organized and supplied chess clubs in 50 rural communities and helped a bunch of kids learn to read. Real answer: I had my personality ground to pieces and then reassembled by encounters with a lot of enraging, heartbreaking, inexplicable, and silly things, which I think happens to a lot of people in PC.

Yes. It's the one thing in my life I would never, ever change. I think if I had never gone then I would be a worse person in almost every way. I look back at my pre-PC self and wonder who the hell that guy was.

>> No.23106559

This OP. 1/10.