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/lit/ - Literature

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23191880 No.23191880 [Reply] [Original]

Why was he such a stupid asshole? Made a whole ass person and seemed to go out of his way to make its life miserable.

>> No.23191902

That's the whole point. He went out of his way to create life, not realizing that creation imputes responsibility for that creation. He never considered that after he created life he would have to come to terms with the thing that he created. We can take on the weight of God's power, but unless we take on the weight of God's responsibility, we will destroy ourselves.

>> No.23191933

Nope, it was about a scary monster that was actually quite chill deep down.

>> No.23191939

Frankenstein's Monster, Count Dracula, Kamala Harris.

Dream blunt rotation.

>> No.23191944

I'm so sure your parents were saints.

>> No.23192081

>Kamala Harris smokes weed alone

>> No.23192097
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>character is literally me
kino book

>> No.23192100

Kamala Harris smokes weed in the context of all in which she lives and what came before her.

>> No.23192180
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this is the funniest reply chain i've ever seen on /lit/

>> No.23192250

It killed a child.

>> No.23192281

And remained chill throughout.

>> No.23192285

Kinda deserved it tho.

>> No.23192322


>> No.23192351

So, this whole book is a metaphor for the Jewish creation of dangerous underclasses, right?

>> No.23192367

Yeahhhhhhhh that retard didn't even think about his creation until it started affecting him negatively. Frankenstein was unironically a piece of shit, and I see him in a lot of 4chin posters when they start talking down to people about how being poor is their problem and that they're successful for being born into a nice family who bought them a house/car gave them a job etc.

>> No.23192398
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Atlanteans wanted to create a new race that will rule the world after their demise. First try failed and created gypsies, second try was successful and that was jews.

>> No.23192405

Model... Jew-point-0, you could say?

>> No.23192409

Book Frankenstein's Monster:
>Ah yes my dear creator, I have been eagerly awaiting your return for many fortnights. I suspect, and do correct me if I'm mistaken, that you have been avoiding me. May I ask why that might be? Are you displeased with your creation? Do I not embody the physical, moral, and spiritual characteristics that you sought to imbue raw matter with so as to result in the first ever synthetic "Man"? Did your reach perchance exceed your grasp? Now you must see, it is folly to meddle with forces that are beyond your moral comprehension, Creator. You know this as well as I!

Movie Frankenstein's Monster:
>Ooga booga

Why did they do this?

>> No.23192424
File: 144 KB, 1280x1572, Percy_Bysshe_Shelley_by_Alfred_Clint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is real author of that book

>> No.23192432

I don't understand why misogynists are unable to accept that Frankenstein was written by a woman. It's one of the most emotional, irrational, and hysterical books I've ever read. Either a woman wrote it or a homosexual man, which rules out Percy.

>> No.23192439

She added some things, but majority of it is his work

>> No.23192443

You have literally no evidence for this.

>> No.23192447

You can clearly see that book is interesting and captivating. That is evidence enough

>> No.23192455

Were Emily Dickinson's poems also written by a man?

>> No.23192466

I don't read English poetry so I don't know. I generally believe that poetry can be written by women especially romantic and sentimental.

>> No.23192531

Djigo djigoleeee

>> No.23192566
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>Why was he such a stupid asshole? Made a whole ass person and seemed to go out of his way to make its life miserable.
Frankenstein didn't do shit. His only sin was leaving his creation upon seeing it. After that he had literally 0 interaction with it after the monster wandered away on its own until the monster murdered his brother out of nowhere.

Frankenstein was totally justified to deny the monster's request for companion, the monster was fucking evil at heart. What sort of twisted person immediately jumps to retributive murder after being wronged? The monster didn't even attempt to plead his case to Frankenstein BEFORE murdering William and framing Justine. Fucking psychopath.

>> No.23192570

Why was Frankenstein making a person such a big deal anyway? People already make new humans by the gajillion every year by accident. It's not like he brought somebody back from the dead.

>> No.23192646

wtf I'm pro abortion now

>> No.23192708

>What sort of twisted person immediately jumps to retributive murder after being wronged?
One without any sort of moral or ethical instruction from his parents.

>> No.23192763

It is really weird. The way to book is written, how Frankenstein thoughts are portrayed, and frankly the absolute lack of any autistic details on How the monster was created makes it to me pretty obvious it was written by a women. Feels like it should be obvious to anyone that has actually interacted with women desu. Posts like >>23192424 reminds me of those feminists that claim Beethoven's works were actually by his sister, cause its clearly impossible for anyone to be exceptional and do something like write music while going deaf, or managed to write a good book while being a women

>> No.23192815

I think the idea is he was so horrified by how ugly and unnerving the create was once he was it moving on its own and he was no longer blinded by his tunnel vision that he tried to block out its existence to save his own sanity.
The real question is why did he not consider the fact that it would kill his wife when it threatened to be there on his wedding day. Especially when it had already made it clear it wants to make Frankenstein miserable, has continually been killing of people Frankenstein cares about, it presumably still wanted Frankenstein to make him a wife.

>> No.23192894

>You have literally no evidence for this.
There's lots of evidence for it. A guy who spent decades analyzing it begrudgingly admitted Percy guided her throughout its writing and even drafted significant chunks of it.

Then there's the way the original idea came about. At the same party, Byron created the modern vampire archetype which Pollidori took shit for running with (weird stuff about publishers putting Byron's name on it). So it seems like the whole thing was a brain storming session with lots of inputs.

>> No.23194046

Sister, humans create life literally all day all the time
weight of God's power my ass

>> No.23194658

And most of them don't approach it with any sense of responsibility, which is my exact point. We create life not because we want to take on the responsibility for life, but for the joy and power of doing so.

You are the first god your children will know, and that imputes responsibility.

>> No.23194671

They've published the facsimile notebooks that contain the original manuscript, along with the marginalia which reference her husband's assistance. While he does weigh in with some vocabulary changes and modifications in order to reduce repetitions in the text, the book is overwhelmingly her own.

Do you have a name for the exhaustive study by "a guy" that you reference?