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23194740 No.23194740[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’m convinced the stronger the opinion someone has of him, the less they have read or listened to his work.

> sounds like Kermit
> haha clean your room
> hates trans and a bigot

Maps of Meaning and 12 Rules for Life explain how wisdom is buried within the stories of mythology. There’s themes of existential philosophy, tradition, postmodernism, Eastern mythology, etc. but no one ever references anything of substance.

>> No.23194745

wash ur penis bucko

>> No.23194747

>OP hasn't read enough Heidegger to laugh at him

>> No.23194755

You’re exactly right.
He’s extremely well read and knowledgeable on western literature, myth, and symbology (and of course Jung) and amazingly skilled at condensing that wealth of knowledge into something the common person can understand but despite this is constantly maligned as some blathering simpleton and picked apart by leftists over the most trivial bullshit.
They’ve obviously never watched his lectures.

>> No.23194762

>namedrops Heidegger
>refuses to elaborately
Jorben Pooberson BTFO’d!!!!!!

>> No.23194796

>> Maps of Meaning and 12 Rules for Life explain how wisdom is buried within the stories of mythology
Peterson is part of the atheist system. He has no solution to offer and he is a plant. Peterson is the kind of guy who writes self help books to convince himself that he has the right ideas about life, rather than to really help anyone else.
I ditched the 12 rules when he started talking about salvation through god, personally. it's a book by a man born in a society fashioned by atheists for 300 years, and indeed is a generic teacher bug in some atheist university after the atheists revived the greek one to larp and also to build some fake intellectuel lignage lol, and who got depressed and turned drug addict because ''his'' wife died and who's daughter turned as usual into a whore.
Fatherless 20 yo atheist men are so lost in life they would listen anybody telling them what to do , especially if the guy puts on some mild authoritative mask as an attempt to make people believe he knows what he's talking about lol. Anyway, his advice is limited to ''clean up your room'' ie what atheist parents have been saying for over 50 years because they have nothing else to say as part of their educative plans lol. His audience is of young white men wrapped around his finger, there is something coincidentally feminine about how he does this; essentially he says very little but a lot and he peppers it with hysterical breakdowns to arouse sympathy. Is Peterson an intentional homosexual gateway? The 'daddy figure' ...fucking hell...For those who don't know, the most 4chan book of all time is 12 Rules for Life. It embodies the core impulse of 4chan, which is traditional larping without any real life experience. That's why Jordan Peterson is considered a dad figure, because he embodies this pretend play spirit of false authenticity in his own life. He talks obsessively about war and conflict, while never having experienced it. He idolizes free market enterprise, while from a country with a very robust state sponsored welfare system and schooling system, which paid his salary. He obsesses over traditional values such as dignity and stoicism, while being a nervous wreck over the smallest things, such as having to delete a tweet.
Jordan Peterson is the right wing zeitgeist. A permanently triggered manchild who complains constantly how immature the dreaded esjaydubblejoes are.

>> No.23194843

I'm constantly told I get my ideas about symbolism from Jung and later this guy but I only used Nietzsche and consciously avoided Jung.
Watching some deranged variety of commies take credit for the fruits of classical liberalism while rabidly attacking the most tolerant and open minded form of it is peak clown world.
Your mind is mush. Not one word in that entire rant is about ideas. The entire thing is designed to appeal to gossipy roastie types and stop any actual thinking from happening.

>> No.23194850

>He’s extremely well read and knowledgeable on western literature, myth, and symbology
Based on his book recs, not really. He just recs basic bitch shit.

>> No.23194855

>He has no solution to offer
>literally hudreds of hours of telling kids how to get dressed and or bathe
Not a serious board, website or people.

>> No.23194860

My opinion of him is based entirely on the 'I can't do it' incident, which proved that his free speech defener brave iconoclast thing was a charade.

>> No.23194865

You could just search Peterson's books for where he name drops Heidegger and then read Heidegger if you want to know. Nobody's going to force you to read or think for yourself.

>> No.23194878

>peterson is part of the atheist system
>I ditched the 12 rules when he started talking about salvation through god
does it ever hurt to be this retarded?
ironically you were obviously once one of these "fatherless 20 yo atheist men" (by your own admission of having purchased 12 rules) and are merely pissed off at your 'daddy figure' for some perceived sleight. this post reads like a confession.
you made it halfway through a book about simple self-responsibility and discarded it in adolescent anger because you got mad that he dared suggest that a relationship to god is part of being a happy person. that's beyond cringe.
the nu-atheist movement was 20 years ago, anon, get over this reddit-tier faggotry you're stuck in.
this, basically. all you did was string together a bunch of buzzwords and common leftist talking points. in fact, you proved OP's point.
that you critique him on the point of being "feminine" is hilarious because your post with its constant passive aggressive use of "lol" is perhaps the most feminine thing i've read on this board in a while.
>intentional homosexual gateway?
i seriously think you are just homosexual and having a hard time coming to grips with it. again, your post reads like a confession.

>> No.23194880

he's a midwit who degraded himself for internet celebrity and money.

of course if you're a teenager who's never come across anything remotely academic before he's quite impressive.

>> No.23194884

- He's fake Christian (atheist type) and a loud cheerleader for Israel's slaughter of children.
- His book recommendations are reddit tier as previously mentioned.
- 12 rules for life is not a serious book, just pop trash.
- Basically his life contradicts what he preaches. A "thinker" like that can't taken seriously. Should've stuck to psychology.

>> No.23194899
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>Do not associate ethno-culturally or racially
Unless you are a jew

>An open dialogue must be maintained, violence must always be rejected
Unless you're a jew

>Christ and the bible is the only source of morality that all should adopt
Unless you're a jew

>Collectivising by race in a world that wants you powerless and dead is a greater evil
Unless you're a jew

I reject him.

>> No.23194902

Good one

>> No.23194911

>Makes condescending videos for Christians and Muslims
>Never for Jews
Interesting. I guess you can't really do that with your masters.

>> No.23194923

He is the embodiment of classical liberalism. As a rule of thumb for things like dialogue and inquiry it's the most productive way to think. Consider every voice or idea based on merit without bias etc.
As a way to organize large groups of people it's too exploitable. In practice for practical immediate concerns I have to trust and work with my cousins and neighbours over randoms. A foreigner who walks into town can't be allowed to exploit the local commons and leave. Groups that do still practice nepotism can't be allowed to exploit everyone who doesn't or they'll dominate every field, especially media.

>> No.23194930

>Consider every voice or idea based on merit without bias etc
The point of that incident is that he refused to do that. There are subjects he won't touch.

>> No.23194934

What happened to your brains? Did something break or did you retards never learn how to think in the first place?

>> No.23194937

I literally can't help but laugh every time he fucking talks. He sounds so exactly like Kermit the frog, and he is so goddam self-serious, it's amazing to me that it's not all elaborate performance art. His ideas are also the most "self help by way of a stoner's concept of Jung" tier bullshit that it feels like it was made up to give him excuses to openly weep while saying shit like, "The feminine is like death, PewDiePie, and we must survive that death. Each of us. Twice" Cue waterworks. If I didn't think that continuing to give him attention was a mild form of abusing the handicapped after he tried to treat his benzo addiction with an induced coma and an all-meat diet (holy shit, the hits keep coming), I would listen to him purely for the humor value.

His faith seems so entirely beyond the point. Anyone who feels sympathy out of a shared allegiance is tipping their hand by refusing to laugh at a joke for ideological commitment. "I refuse to laugh at this wet-fart Whoopie Cushion on account of it has a crucifix on it" is the most remarkably braindead take I could conceive.

His poor brain was cored out by the best Russian medicine money can buy (NOT GREAT, FOLKS) and so his Muppet corpse is held sacrosanct by people who are so desperate to have allies that they can bring plastic lobsters to a conference hall in Muncee Indiana and proudly hold them aloft, tears in their eyes, while they're told by a man wearing tweed to clean their rooms.

He is a joke who keeps telling himself.

>> No.23194938
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>> No.23194943

> but no one ever references anything of substance.
> substance

So well-read you cannot even understand a paragraph. I guess I learned of a new sophist argument.

> I am of superior intellect and taste, although I won’t elaborate how my preferred author’s ideas are better

>> No.23194947

He is a mild psychologist a mediocre neurologist and one of the worst therapists on fame land, he managed to become a celebrity because no one wanted to tackle the gender issue from the perspective of hegemonic male power

>> No.23194955

The fucking point is those are the same areas where classical liberalism failed. His entire worldview falls apart if he faces its serious flaws and admits jews do not have their positions mostly based on merit.
You retards rant about jews every fucking day but none of you seem to have any clue how any of this actually works like the obvious mechanisms behind how this faggot is indirectly controlled and how every retard in media self-censors. You all talk like the world is a cartoon.

>> No.23194964

You really don't have to read Heidegger if you don't want to.

>> No.23194971

Has anyone read Maps of Meaning? Is it mid?

>> No.23194976

Explain Jordan's blind favoritism for Jews and cheerleading for Israel, then. It contradicts what he preaches.

>> No.23194979

I have no idea why you're sperging out, I simply pointed out that he was lying about being a free speech advocate.

Classical liberalism is really besides the point, because we don't have that or anything even close to resembling it. You would have to abolish the vast majority of the government to return to something like classical liberalism.

>> No.23195001

>I have no idea
>Classical liberalism is really besides the point
You have no idea retard. The enlightenment ideals summed up as "classical liberalism" give the reasoning for why free speech is valuable. Why are you retards even posting about these subjects you haven't even glanced at except in the form of propaganda riddled internet memes?
I just did you illiterate tranny but you'll never grasp anything no matter how much spoonfeeding I do. If you don't even acknowledge any of the starting points given we can't go deeper.
>but my deranged cartoonish ideas of the world
The points where they intersect with reality are almost random, you have no methods, no fucking hint of a thought process.

>> No.23195026

You seem unhinged. It doesn't seem like all that self-help brainwashing slop worked on you. Your reply about Jews and Israel was insufficient btw considering the proportions of the topic.

>> No.23195034

Maps and 12 Rules is amazing if you've never read any other Jungian works. JPB is popular because he does well on podcasts.

>> No.23195037

>The enlightenment ideals summed up as "classical liberalism" give the reasoning for why free speech is valuable
Yeah and Jordan doesn't actually follow these ideals, he was lying about it. What do you not get about that? He can't be considered an indictment of something if he isn't an actual example of it. Same goes for our society at large.

>> No.23195043

>JPB is popular because he does well on podcasts.
Except that one time he conceded a point to a literal homosexual on the gay cake thing despite there being an obvious way out.

>> No.23195046
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Why must you resort to crudeness instead of refuting the argument presented? If your side could refute the arguments as simply as fascists put them forward, this issue would be settled.

>> No.23195057

There is some truth to this, it's just that the proof is in the pudding, what he is saying, and what he is doing is evident for all to see.
Does he actually mention him or his thinking?

I only recall some interview he did with someone, and he trotted out the tired lines about Heidegger being a Nazi etc.

>> No.23195070

Juden "Read all Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn books except 200 Years Together" Peterstein.

>> No.23195103

Absolutely braindead.
>Yeah and Jordan doesn't actually follow these ideals
He follows them so well that he's open to the exact same exploitation that the wider liberal society fell to. What do you not get about that?
You can't think. As long as you keep pretending whatever retarded shit you're doing is thinking you will keep undermining yourself. No matter what is said nothing gets through, you just repeat the precious internet memes you've filled your mind with instead of any hint of coherent thought.
You have no "arguments", you have observations which I provided analysis of while you said absolutely nothing, showed no hint of understanding anything said and then parroted more memes. Complete absence of anything resembling thought.

>> No.23195146

>There’s themes of existential philosophy, tradition, postmodernism, Eastern mythology, etc. but no one ever references anything of substance.
That’s called being a Jungian

>> No.23195158

Based, Equivocator

>> No.23195161

>He follows them so well
>openly refuses to discuss certain things

>> No.23195175

>"You're a disgusting little weasel if you want a country with people of just your ethnicity"
>"You're a disgusting little weasel if you criticize the Jews having a country with just their ethnicity"
What did he mean by this?

>> No.23195191

He's only popular as he his because people are lacking father figures. In twenty years he will be just a name as an example of the "internet e-daddy" phenomenon along with the usual suspects like Andrew Tate, etc. None of his thought will be remember because there's nothing of substance there.

>> No.23195202

>nothing of substance
What's an example of substance?

>> No.23195218

>clean your room
>no, YOU clean YOUR room
>starts crying
that's how you beat him

>> No.23195242

>Does he actually mention him or his thinking?
Yeah back when /lit/ used read posting a screenshot of his definition of Being would get big laughs. Part of what made /pol/ trolling harder when he took off in popularity was /lit/ was still willing to quote full sections of Mein Kampf and Das Kapital if it meant proving another anon didn't read.

>> No.23195247

>Hygiene, washing and especially showers are death because they invalidate the main argument for circumcision and thus make 3,000+ years of baby torture completely redundant

>> No.23195282

This is dishonest. His position is that jews are in positions of power due to merit. According to him the ideal is working and there's no need to adjust it to account for the ways it's being exploited, since it's not being exploited.
It is indeed ultimately the position that lead to post-war globohomo which groups like the trannies now exploit and renounce while taking credit for its fruits. The tools the enlightenment gave us are some of the best tools for thinking that we have but for people with hammers everything is a nail. His and the wider acknowledgement of Christianity as perhaps at least somewhat useful instead of absolute poison is representative of the post-war classical idealists finally starting to acknowledge that hammers aren't God. It's a sign of the faults being addressed which can eventually lead to the jewish issue being resolved. Ethnic cohesion does matter like Aristotle said and tribalism is an evolutionary adaption not just something that causes wars. If nations generally act based on some understanding of those factors the jewish issue is no longer an issue. They can't have one set of rules for them and another set for the other tribes like they do now by pretending there are no tribes.
The liberal system is still being constantly exploited until the dominant attitudes and policies slowly shift if they ever do. You censor yourself to avoid small social inconveniences and then judge some eceleb retard who generally does good for submitting to many times the pressure you crumble under.

>> No.23195298

I feel like you aren't even aware of the incident I'm talking about. It was about the Bolsheviks possibly having racial animus towards the Christian slavs and this impacting the way they treated them during the famines and repressions.

As for the 'liberal' system it has not existed since FDR at the very latest. There is no reason you couldn't have broadly liberal policies in conjunction with a strong enough state to prevent ethnic mafia shenanigans.

>You censor yourself to avoid small social inconveniences and then judge some eceleb retard who generally does good for submitting to many times the pressure you crumble under.
I judge him for claiming to be something he is not. You don't have to talk about taboo topics, but you can't claim you are le free speech guy if you won't.

>> No.23195339

>I feel like you aren't even aware
And you're not capable of engaging with anything beyond the memes.
>There is no reason you couldn't have
Try it retard. Think about the reasons why everyone submits to mind control like self censorship constantly. If you don't understand the mechanisms you can't fight, just pointing at exploiters like jews, demanding they stop or whatever while not understanding anything they're doing is just retarded.
Try being a "public intellectual" who wants to influence kids to clean their rooms and sincerely engage with a question about the psychology of loxism on stage, allowing some random faggot to completely control your future through dishonest horseshit.
>you can't claim you are le free speech guy if you won't
You retards are demanding to control the framing of his words, demanding what questions he wants to engage with. That's trying to control his speech.
The appeal to free speech is based on higher ideals like valuing the truth while you're a dishonest retard taught to think like a dishonest retard through memes.

>> No.23195360

>Think about the reasons why everyone submits to mind control like self censorship constantly.
Because the west is controlled by a mafia who targets anyone who doesn't.

You can continue to get mad but it's a simple fact that he pretended to be a brave truthsayer when he isn't.

>> No.23195363
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>Speak truth to power
>Have a strong moral foundation
>Genocide the Palestinians
I can't take hypocrites seriously, sorry anon.
And he may very well be correct in most of his assertions, it's just that he should be the last person on the planet making them.

>> No.23195390

>Because the west is controlled by a mafia who targets anyone who doesn't.
You're doing the cartoon thing. The statement isn't wrong but you don't actually show any understanding of anything going on, you just parrot the meme.
Think about how you're "targeted" and how you can actually solve the problem, how do your braindead memes about naming the hecking jew actually interact with the system as it is and with the mechanisms of targeting that already apply. There's not one mafia, jewish groups are very powerful but also more prominent than an exploiter needs to be, maybe precisely because they like to use their power for stupid public ego games and stopping criticism of them, the things your cartoon mind notices.

>> No.23195397

>how you can actually solve the problem
Military coup is the only viable strategy

>> No.23195411

The most predictable cartoon shit imaginable that doesn't actually do anything. Why do people who absolutely refuse to even try thinking believe they have the answer to any problem that requires thinking?

>> No.23195417

>I’m convinced the stronger the opinion someone has of him, the less they have read or listened to his work.
Sure sounds like a ringing endorsement of the guy: the more you read him, the less you care about him.

>> No.23195422

>military coup doesn't actually do anything
It would abolish the present government and replace it with a sensible one, while executing the mafia in power now or at least driving them out of the country.

I think you are not really understanding what it means to be the one who controls all the men with guns.

>> No.23195444
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This is very common. I am guilty of this too in that I haven't read his works, I just found him a bit cult-like in rhetoric with 'turn to me for salvation'. If you boil down his messaging then it feels entirely valid but also extrapolated upon into complicated gobbledygook. There's no need for the mythologizing and purple prose, it's just:
>Start with small tasks to build up discipline and confidence - cleaning your room.
>Self-pity is poisonous, as it will just make you wallow in despair - trying to appeal to mostly young white men who are being shit on socially
>Even if society has done you wrong, ultimately you have to help yourself - again, ibid.
Just the most basic stuff. And that's all you need from him before you check out. The hustling for money is just that - grift.

Standard tale old as time of someone who gets a jerusalem complex of thinking they're a messiah. The weepiness about saving young guys from the alt-right says it all. Dude thinks he's all that stands between the status quo and annihilation. Normally I hate citing some glib quote but the no country for old men line feels appropriate for Petersen: "It ain't all waiting on you. That's vanity."

>> No.23195449

You don't understand how anything works including men with guns. At least try before pretending you have solutions.

>> No.23195474

It worked for Hitler

>> No.23195515

The self-help points are obvious if you get evopsych but the symbolism angle has endless interesting stuff to explore.
Worked to serve zionists. Worked to make tools like romantic tribal narratives inaccessible to europeans. Worked to give anglos the justification to abandon the pretence of civility. Hitler made some roads, a cool logo and the volkswagen beetle.

>> No.23195541

None of that happened because of Hitler, it happened because of the Americans and the Soviets defeating Hitler. Hitler was the one who tried to prevent it. Moreover if America has a Hitler it is unlikely there will be any exterior force that can defeat it.

>> No.23195551

I started 12 Rules for Life when I was considering writing a self-help book. It's not bad, but it's also not great. It seems like his target audience would be much better served by reading the classics of ethics, i.e., Aristotle, Plato, Boethius, and Augustine.

>> No.23195632

Are there great self help books IYO?

>> No.23195635

I agree. Sure, his output is watered down for disenfranchised normies. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially if he is engaging in the process which imo he is.

>> No.23195641
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It gets so tiring scrolling through ad-hominen, cope and seething. The thread was a call-out to challenge Petersteins beliefs, anon >>23194899 put forward simple points on why he is a stooge, a liar and above all a hypocrite.

>> No.23195652

That's most normies, tho. I don't know a single person in my life that doesn't simp for Israel except when mainstream media deemed it LE GOOD to go against it after the Israel-Palestine shit. And then they forgot about it and still support Israel

>> No.23195685

Most people are not famous as a moral philosopher or for building a nigger-rigged world-view out of the shattered remains of Classical-Liberalism and Boomer-tier Conservatism. Peterstein is, and he has explicitly undermined his position by applying a different moral judgement to jews.

>> No.23195706

I think most people who read his books will agree that they're average (maybe a bit below average) and probably offer something to the unread American; I think people are bothered by his politics, which let's be honest, is what people care about. His books are accessories to his world tours where he lectures thousands of normies about why they feel hopeless. I'm not a fan of how he believes every modern problem is a result of some spiritual deficiency, I saw an interview with him where he blamed gen Z's sexlessness on porn and its evil nature. I'm not a proponent of porn, but he refused to admit that housing and other material circumstances could factor into this. Maybe his ideas are what some people THINK they need, but I think most well read people are going to see him as a grifter.

>> No.23195742
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>> No.23195885

He is a controversial figure in my eyes but I think he ultimately does more good than bad and says more truth than lies which what we all could honestly hope for.

>> No.23195908

signing up for daily wire + right now

>> No.23195992
File: 487 KB, 573x763, Tate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A crippled, mediocre man who sought to play doctor on the world to cure himself. A feeble mind whose only shoddy sanctum was pills and pep talks to slovenly college miscreants who financed his hair transplants.

Father to a whore. Husband to a fraud. He played the jester. His fist up the ass of a Kermit the Frog puppet. Playing it up.

He comes to detest his body, which was broken with his soul in some Russian woodshed they called a hospital. His family had shut him up there. For years? His gasps of agony went unheard. Rude, foreign voices attended him. No one in the world beyond him remembered his words or sought his face. He raved of something that once seemed a reality but now comes as a warped, gnomish dream. A potbellied goblin, smoking a blunt, insists his assistant pull something up on a blindingly bright screen. Then they spoke of cannibalistic chimps, shadowy dragons, and postmodern neo Marxists. The burly nurse plunges the catheter into his bladder.

He has now returned to civilization. He grins at the welcome mat. Realises the shortness of it. How cynically the media touches him, holding him by the edges. He is filled with disgust as he uploads his latest exhibitionist blubbering to his YouTube channel. Something is missing. They have all moved on without him. A word haunts him. Covering it all in a slime that sickens him. Outdated.

Pictures of his daughter prancing around in lobster-themed lingerie are posted on his Instagram feed. He knows a legion of directionless young men in uncleaned rooms are jerking off to his daughter. She takes their money like a whore. And he too feels a tinge in his nearly defunct penis as he gazes feverishly upon the whorish images. Little whore. My little whore, he hoarsely whispers to himself. Fumbling with the cap of the Xanax bottle.

An atheist. A Jesuit. A Jungian. masonic celebrity. A superfluous man.

In short, a neoliberal.

>> No.23196024
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Peterson is NOTHING without Mircea Eliade and Carl Jung.

>> No.23196028

He's just a poor's man Jung. I think the more someone worship him the less likely it is that this person has read anything else.

>> No.23196037


>> No.23196042

What's more cringe
The flexing bald man in the picture?
Or this diary entry ?

>> No.23196045

What about Sartre?

>> No.23196056

He thinks chaos is a feminine trait which is wrong because trickster gods are based af. He’s stupid.

>> No.23196062

Is it kinda obvious to anyone else he’s an atheist who pretends to be Christian to get their support?

>> No.23196082

Yeah he’s a good introduction before you begin to read better thinkers I liked him when I was like 18 - 19

>> No.23196697

You don't believe any of that.

>> No.23196701

wtf is he wearing?

>> No.23196736

>Maps of Meaning and 12 Rules for Life explain how wisdom is buried within the stories of mythology.

12 Rules for Life maybe (although it was pretty meh), but I'm sorry, Maps of Meaning was just pure fucking garbage. It's one of just a few books that I stopped reading midway, because of how utterly incoherent it was