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/lit/ - Literature

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23235648 No.23235648 [Reply] [Original]

Is this true?

>> No.23235660

>not Moby Dick

>> No.23235854

Moby Dick is the best English novel ever written but the best book? Probably the best book in English is First Folio. And then you have major contenders for other lan

>> No.23235907
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>> No.23235923

Would probably say "Notes from the Underground" is the best of all time, but Brothers Karamazov is probably up there.

>> No.23235927

Possibly but 'greatest book' is ultimately subjective despite objectivity claims.

>> No.23235937

The Bible is the greatest book ever written.

>> No.23235941

The Bible is 73 Books

>> No.23235945

it's books within books, further enhancing it's greatness

>> No.23235954

Odyssey, the Classics Illustrated version. It has a drawing of a cyclops. None of those Russian books have drawings of cyclops.

>> No.23236000

>73 books in the Bible
Papist heretic detected. Unlike the divergent traditions spawned by the West (aka. the whore of Babylon), we the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church recognize the validity and divine inspiration of all the 81 books from the Bible.

>> No.23236018

Not literature

>> No.23236020

It's more literature than Shakespeare's plays are.

>> No.23236021
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Sounds based

>> No.23236024

No its scripture

>> No.23236027

Shakespeare's plays are renaissance-slop, so that ain't saying much.

>> No.23236029

Go read the book of Job and then come back and tell me it isn't existentialist literature of the highest order.

>> No.23236032

Already read it. Nietzsche did it better.

>> No.23236047

Theater isn't literature either. Quit shilling your good goy golem book in a literature thread.

>> No.23236051

That's literally a story they stole and repurposed as a Torah thing. OT is obsolete anyway

>> No.23236052

Was your high-school crush fucked by a theater kid or something?

>> No.23236056

Tolstoy is the greatest Russian novelist

>> No.23236061

He's shit and only enjoyed by midwitts. stfu.

>> No.23236065

My school didn't have theater.

>> No.23236067

>OT is obsolete anyway
Your mom's pussy is obsolete from all the black cock it has received.

>> No.23236071

Damn, they don't have theaters in Indian schools? Maybe I was too hard with the pajeets.

>> No.23236073

>only enjoyed by midwitts.
Like Flaubert, Woolf, Joyce, Nabokov and Faulkner?

>> No.23236076

Exactly! Glad you were able to get it so fast.

>> No.23236159

I'm sorry that you're a retard that doesn't understand this religion

>> No.23236164

Woah, dude, I knew you Americans liked black cocks, but I didn't expect you to call it a religion.

>> No.23236169

I'm sorry that you can't stop thinking of black cocks

>> No.23236179

I ain't the one who implied that my mother taking black cock on the regular was a religious activity. Actually, I pointed out how disgusting such act was, and you proceeded to call me a "retard" who doesn't understand that "religion." Those were your words, not mine.

>> No.23236193

There he goes

>> No.23236249

>Jordan Peterson: Brothers Karamazov is the greatest book ever written.
>Also Jordan Peterson: hmm, akshually, when Jesus says that the meek shall inherit the Earth, he isn't really talking about the meek.
What a fucking retard! Imagine caring two shits about what he has to say!

But yeah, The Brothers Karamazov is the greatest book ever written.

>> No.23236258


>> No.23236261

Sorry I disrespected your religion, mate.

>> No.23236281


Ah, the taste of ignorance.

>> No.23236305

Keep thinking of black cock, I'm sure you'll come around

>> No.23236312

What about the nag hammadi ones "heretic"?

>> No.23236333

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church acknowledges the existence of the Nag Hammadi texts but maintains that they do not align with the core teachings and traditions preserved within our faith.
Some Nag Hammadi texts present alternative understandings of the nature of God that diverge from the orthodox Trinitarian doctrine upheld by the Ethiopian Church. For instance, certain texts espouse views of deity that are pantheistic or dualistic in nature, which contrasts with the monotheistic conception of God as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Regarding Christology found in some Nag Hammadi texts is the Gospel of Thomas. In this text, Jesus is portrayed primarily as a teacher of wisdom, emphasizing his teachings rather than his salvific role as the divine Son of God. Unlike the canonical Gospels, which include narratives of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, the Gospel of Thomas consists primarily of sayings attributed to Jesus, presenting a more esoteric interpretation of his teachings.

>> No.23236350

And half of them are Jewish.

>> No.23236366

Just like the sperm cells in your mom's asshole.

>> No.23236390

Yo dawg, I heard you like books, so I put books inside your books

>> No.23236564


>> No.23236673

Dumas is, in my opinion, the greatest author of all time. Since it is not anything by Dumas, I cannot agree with the claim.

>> No.23236714

He won.

>> No.23236730

when will lex write a book