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23264901 No.23264901 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23264923

You don't have to wash your penis if it's circumcised.

>> No.23264942

These grifters are masters of pilpul (Shapiro is another one)
Four out of five times they'll say things that are extremely basic common sense and sell them to you as secret advice that only pundits like them are aware of, then the one time out of five they'll sneak in some demoralizing bullshit (((fact))) right when they got the sheeple nodding and clapping to their previous obvious shit.

>take care of your body
>eat well
>human relationships are nice
>be a good person
>oh btw jews all have an average of 150 IQ (JP actually said this)

Con artists the whole lot of them

>> No.23264946

My dad

>> No.23265165

>oh btw jews all have an average of 150 IQ (JP actually said this)

Source or it never happened.

>> No.23265430
File: 140 KB, 1262x634, jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
