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23314489 No.23314489 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is hyped?

>> No.23314497

Imbeciles, that's who.

>> No.23314501


>> No.23314506

oh hell yes im thinkin we back
hollebecq and peterson with new bangers this year

>> No.23314509

taleb too
gonna go down so smooth with a certain fellers reelection

>> No.23314567

Bedeviled egg!

>> No.23314613 [SPOILER] 

Jewish anons: is the title signifying he's speaking to other Jews? After all, it was Jacob who wrestled with God and was renamed Israel, of whom, you are the descendants. Thus, one could argue, Jews wrestle with God, which even from a Christian point of view, could be taken as metaphorically and genetically true. I've noticed a lot of Jewish media, regardless of intent, has a Jewish supertext above the more obvious presented meaning to the gentile masses.

>> No.23314618

My opinion of JBP has shifted like a pendulum. At first when I didn't really know who he was at the age of 15/6 and I just knew him from yt Shapiro-esque titles like "JBP DESTROYS FEMINIST" and as anti-woke pundit then I thought he was only for imbeciles. At the age of 19 when I started university and became more conservative I started to watch his Biblical lecture series and I thought he was a lot more engaging. I read Maps of Meaning that year but was pretty disappointed by the presentation/structure of the book, it seemed messy with large chunks of seemingly irrelevant quotation. (Doesn't help that he's apparently monolingual which seems pretty poor for an academic of his standing.) It did spark some interesting ideas, but I then forgot about him for a while because I didn't think he had anything more to teach me. But I was wrong because his lessons are usually ethical and therefore bear repeating, I've returned to his interviews and podcasts now that I'm trying to get my life on a more ordered track, and he's certainly one of the most gripping speakers of public intellectuals out there. I think he's rather great because he has managed to appeal very broadly, in that he has a core message that resonates with "simpler" people but also relates it to deeper levels of abstraction. This is what religion does too, and some people in the Church seem to complain that he is just presenting "Christianity-lite" without a commitment to the deeper aspects of faith, but I personally think there's an issue when faith becomes "complacent" in the Church which is why it has recently failed to grab the attention of the younger generations, whereas Peterson brings the struggle back to faith which engages young people especially. I think that element of struggle is one of the main reasons why he exploded in popularity, so the title of this next book is very fitting in that sense. TL;DR: I'm hyped.

>> No.23314621
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somebodys hyped

>> No.23314628

Don't be. Freemasonic cover. He's just another subvert (which should have been apparent already, really).

>> No.23315232

Oy vey

>> No.23315238

I think there is something to this. Nick Land talks about demons and he defines demons as just entities that humans do not fully understand and whose goals/purposes, etc are sort of unknowable by man. What I have been thinking about is that what makes jews a little different is their willingness to engage with, work with, wrestle with these demons. They are more willing to do so because of their strategy with their own god of trying to find loopholes and in effect bargain with it.
Some modern demons, again, entities with interact with humans but whose effects and goals are not really comprehensible by him, to me are things like money, pornography, mass media, even capital itself. well especially capital itself according to land. These are all things that jews are more likely to try to harness and use despite their 'noumena-ness'. Well thats just what I have been thinking about and your post made me think of it.

>> No.23315254

absolutely nobody is getting trapped by this windbag again

>> No.23315301

What exactly is he peddling that's misleading, that's what I've been wondering as to criticism of him on the right. The allegorical interpretations of the Bible?

>> No.23315361
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As he desperately tries to believe in God to alleviate his fear of death.

>> No.23315378
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>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propagandize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life

>> No.23315380
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>Delusional rationalization/disorganized thinking:
There are facts about the world. For example, that media manipulates people, Jews work in media, and psychologists study the mind. However, what a delusional person does is take such facts and use them to confirm a specific narrative (this is known as being selectively coherent). The elements of the narrative aren't actually proven by the facts but the delusional person (or ideologue) confuses their truth with the truth of their narrative. For example: Peterson is a psychologist (fact), associates with Jews (fact), and works in media (fact); therefore he is a skilled manipulator and part of a conspiracy headed by Jews. (This is the delusional rationalization part). The facts don't prove the narrative yet if you look you'll notice they are what is carrying the weight of the argument being made by people who mentally adhere to the narrative--if you deny the narrative these ideologues will confuse this with denying the facts. (That's the disordered thinking part).

Basically, the dangerous thing about paranoid narratives is that they have the appearance of being logically consistent within themselves and noticing the sleight of hand that takes place between the facts and the narrative isn't always easy to do. However, it's quite easy to see why certain narratives are simply absurd (e.g. looking at the advanced teachings of a cult versus those they use to hook people in).

Peterson isn't the crescendo of a multi-millenia conspiracy headed by a cabal of Jews who want you to not have sex. You haven't figured it all out and you aren't interpreting 5D chess. What you are doing is building a selectively coherent narrative based on truisms and confusing that they necessarily connect to your version of reality. If you find yourselves doing this seek professional help.

>> No.23315382

be nice if he was a little critical with the jews or came close to applying the same standards to them that he does with everyone else

>> No.23315388

Reminder that the autists stimming themselves by repeating the same nonsensical vitriol about Peterson, thread after thread for year after year, are pathetic ideologues and resentful idiots. His best feature is that he gets them to out themselves as such.

>libtard /lit/
Seethes that Peterson turns them into reactionaries by pointing out their bullshit.
>pseud /lit/
Thinks cynically dunking on mass media meant for a general audience is a sign of intelligence.
>chud /lit/
Thinks he's part of a Jewish conspiracy preventing them from having sex.
>tranny /lit/
Thinks he's a "literal nazi."

>> No.23315392

i think you're just using strawmen because those are very easy to dismiss but there are some real issues with him handling jews with kid gloves

>> No.23315395

say what you will of him, his bible series is unironically fascinating and well done.

>> No.23315410


tag yourself

I'm closest to chud /lit/ but im actually a Peterson lover

>> No.23315443

I am NOT accusing Jews of being demonic. I believe Jacob actually wrestled with God. I believe that it is very probable that was the pre-incarnate Christ Himself. I am well aware some Jews today might be directly involved with demons through this or that practice, or unknowingly possessed, but these are not Jew-specific circumstances and would apply to as many or more gentiles. To me, the Jew is not a demon or agent of demons. To me, the Jew is the prodigal son, and it is in this way I mean that they could be metaphorically said to wrestle with God. As for the supertext which I see in Jewish media, there's nothing surprising about it. Jews have an insular culture. Sometimes the supertext is mocking, sometimes it is neutral, sometimes it is antagonistic, sometimes it is merely positive, but between the Jews themselves, as I see it. I am certain I have overlooked more supertext than I have looked upon.

As for demons, not even a Christian can say precisely what they are, in my opinion, but they are agents of Satan, who hates Christ, and they wage a sort of war upon Him (despite having ultimately been defeated by Him already), by waging war on Mankind. Of that I am certain. I don't consider "capital itself" to be demonic in nature. It's ultimate nature is to be a means of preserving the excess time and energy of the past. To say capital is evil would be to declare all preparations for the future evil. However, I consider the emotions, desires, and aspirations which relate to money to be a major tool in the enemy's war on mankind. Pornography is inherently evil; it is a perversion of the meaning and purpose of sex and beauty. This is also why demonic themes and symbolism are rife within the pornographic sphere. Mass media, as in entertainment, or as in news media and the like? Either way, I'm not certain I would agree with you there—that it is intrinsically evil. To say so would be to say that entertainment is intrinsically contrary to God's plan. I am not sure that a sound logical investigation could produce that conclusion. I don't know who Nick Land is. I don't put faith in men. I don't trust most people. I seek my answers in the Word of God. God, I know, is trustworthy.

>> No.23315463
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Definitely hyped!
This will be going on my shelf, next to the bust of him and muh funko pops.

>> No.23315476

Why are lawyers so frequently adult children? Perhaps the corruption which the Judicial branch brings to society, which is the most potent of all as it reinforces and protects the corruption of every other branch, has less to do with the intrinsic poor character of lawyers and judges and more to do with their being adult-children, full or naivete.

>> No.23315540

I think you meant to call them 'cowardly narcissistic basement-dwelling troll demons'.

>> No.23316099

Colossians 2:8
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.

>> No.23316108

If only the Jews had had this verse. They wouldn't have wasted so many centuries on Rabbinical add-ons.

>> No.23316135


>> No.23316156

If you read Oswald Spengler, Jordan Peterson’s obvious philosemitism makes perfect sense. He identifies with the Jews because he feels exactly like a Jew, and sees his civilization as very much like Jewish civilization. And he’s not wrong on either count.

>> No.23316158

Law school attracts the teacher’s pet type students. Grad school does too actually.

>> No.23316302

That's a great translation for that verse.

>> No.23316333

> we who wrestle with god

title is too jewish for me, I'll pass

>> No.23316335

>won't just come out and say he's Christian and Christ is king of the universe
He's doing more harm than good.

>> No.23316345

Isn't mostly of the controversy around him due to the transgender thing?

>> No.23316362

>tranny /lit/
>Thinks he's a "literal nazi."
Peterson thinks everyone more humanistic than the Ebola virus is a Stalinist.

>pathetic ideologues and resentful idiots
He's literally all you watch aren't you?

>> No.23317144

Ladders make a swastika.

>> No.23317510

Saving this for the cringe, thanks

>> No.23317526

I mean, he's basically Jewish; his wife was Jewish, and his children are Jewish. He clearly identifies with Jews over his race, which is all fine, I suppose. However, it makes him prone to being hypocritic, as he'll target every other group with his rhetoric, but the Jews.

He doesn't really speak about the heavy stuff, eh, he's not my thing.

>> No.23317773

>using strawmen
You can easily find examples of each in every Peterson thread. Cope.
>He's literally all you watch aren't you?
Shaking so hard he can't form a sentence.

>> No.23318733

Pseud lit.

>> No.23319272

What's it about?

>> No.23319274

ur a dumb guy

>> No.23319316
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>He doesn't really speak about the heavy stuff, eh, he's not my thing.
This. I have Ten Rules a try to see what all the fuss was about, but it seemed quite surface level. Particularly stuff I've listened to on him and Christianity is very surface level and almost like it's afraid to interact with the actual tradition (or just doesn't know it very well).

There is a whole huge Catholic philosophy space that talks about merging the classical/Christian tradition and modernity, which is willing to get into the weeds on Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Aquinas, Eriugena, Plato, Plotinus, Eckhart, etc. and how they can respond to modernity (without becoming polemical), but also how they inform spiritual life and theosis.

>> No.23320638

/// The National Park is surrounded by moist deciduous forest and teak plantations /// You can see it, like skid marks of a car at an accident scene /// Similarly, the ministry teaches the premillennial view of eschatology /// I'd like to travel around Europe this summer but Jacob is dead set on touring the U.S. /// Tuck your chair in (= put it so that the seat of it is under the table) so that no one trips over it /// Marauding gangs of armed men have been looting food relief supplies /// Shapiro received $6.25 million in TKO Class A common stock vesting in one year, while Endeavor CEO Ari Emanuel (who is also CEO of TKO) received stock grants worth $40 million vesting over a four-year period /// It was his first vacation after 18 months of straight up hustling /// Hayes had a blank slate to fill, a team to construct from scratch /// This cream contains a mild analgesic to soothe stings and bites /// The epistemological deadlocks of quantum physics /// Exculpatory evidence was ignored /// He chastised the degraded nonsense which country preachers are ramming and hammering into yokel skulls /// At present, municipal authorities only minimally control these activities under the rubric that comuneros have free access rights /// There are two equinoxes and two solstices every year that dictate the seasons /// Modern art just doesn’t speak to me ///

>> No.23320645
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>> No.23320654

kill yourself

>> No.23320661

Jokes aside, I'll probably read it. Jordan is cringe and seems like a puppet of power. But sometimes he says interesting shit, and God is the most interesting subject
I'm expecting it to be shit but fuck it, I'll read it.

>> No.23320669

may yahweh bless your heart compliant joy

>> No.23320684

Whatever you obsess over, you worship. You think you hate Jews, but you practically worship them.
All I said is I'll read a book.

>> No.23320689

Find another site to sully, you evil coward!

>> No.23321689

His book will be a bestseller while YWNBAW. Seethe.

>> No.23321767

50 Shades of Grey and The Da Vinchy Code are also best sellers. Should I also pretend the people who shat them out are geniuses too?

>> No.23321773

>Da Vinchy
Retard. Lol.

>> No.23322069

All this is fake though

>> No.23323031
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>JBP causes seething across the board

>> No.23323084
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Has he written an entire book about his coping when he can't say if he does or doesn't believe in God? That's what it sounds like to me, after all the flack he got from avoiding the question.

>> No.23323311

You are a retard. Easily duped. That is all

>> No.23323320

Don’t beat around the bush, they are demonic. If you knew how much you would be stunned.

>> No.23323340

Sounds crypto af

>> No.23323671

I really hope its good.
He deserves his redemption as a public intellectual and the only way to do this is through a good book. 12 rules was a very mediocre book.

>> No.23323907

He's one of those cultural figures whereby you can tell a lot about someone based on how they react to him.

>> No.23323917
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>chuds when they figure out the title of the book

>> No.23323936

>He deserves his redemption

>> No.23323937

Jews weren't demonic until they called a blood curse on themselves. "His blood on us and on our children". Calling them demonic before that is anachronistic nonsense.

>> No.23323952

I can't wait to see what juden peterstein has to say about religion. i bet it's something completely unexpected.