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/lit/ - Literature

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23332952 No.23332952 [Reply] [Original]

Which philosopher would you choose and what would you ask him?

>> No.23332972

Proudhon, just so I could let him know he was wrong about everything.

>> No.23332978
File: 490 KB, 1267x1600, Friedrich-Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd ask nietzsche what drove him loco in the coco

>> No.23332981

Aristotle about his relationship with Alexander, whether or not the 3 years he educated him actually impacted the young conqueror, like Hegel claims

>> No.23332992

except the philosopher will be a mask for state propaganda

>> No.23333012

Was wearing a muscle cuirass the ancient world equivalent of grafting CGI abs onto actors?

>> No.23333016

I’d verbally abuse Kant until he commits virtual suicide for filtering me

>> No.23333026

I'd ask them: if you're so smart why aren't you rich and getting laid all the time with beautiful women?

>> No.23333029

>the year is 2029
>PlAIto, an AI trained solely on Plato's works is being accused of corrupting youth
>it defends itself in a trial and is put to death
>people type down its defense and sell it
The snake bites the tail
In death we are reborn

>> No.23333043

Philosophycels BTFO. How does it feel to know that philosophy is so trivial it can be automated by an LLM, a statistical model that literally only repeats word salad? This will never happen to STEM.

>> No.23333060

It's crazy to me that people think a simulacra of men is on par with the men themselves. A computer can have 99% of a man's likeness, but the 1% that will be missing is the key ingredient. People are so silly to me sometimes. What a ridiculous thing to say.

>> No.23333071

lmao what's the "revolution" - that one doesn't have to read and think about difficult books but can ask """Plato""" to quickly summarize his views? Yeah I'm sure that will increase the mental prowess of the coming generations, just like 15-min video essays and wikipedia summaries did. Maybe Plato can make informative tiktoks, expressing his philosophy by dance moves with a deepfake body.

>> No.23333077

Buddha. I'd ask him to recite all his core teachings with commentary and see if it matches what we have now.

>> No.23333078

*I misunderstood the prompt, never mind

>> No.23333079

Everything machines tell you is lies

>> No.23333152

They are taking our jobs!!

>> No.23333195

>having jobs

>> No.23333197

>ask Hegel to explain himself
>AI ends the conversation and I’m immediately IP banned from the service

>> No.23333213
File: 1.00 MB, 220x124, 1713215503500339.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of endearing that anons think AI is the same as raising someone from the dead.
I'd have a local model running for every single philosopher I'm currently reading, taught only on its text, primary and secondary sources about their life, and importantly, texts that philosopher read in his life.
So for example, instead of reading 30 prerequisite books, I could theoretically just have it explain to me how a certain chapter relates to another book, what a certain concept is. And it could do amazing things, such as, if a concept was understood differently in another age, it would use that explanation, not the modern one.

>> No.23333215

>Which philosopher would you choose
Any woman philosopher
>and what would you ask him?
To have sex with me

>> No.23333265
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It's kinda of endearing that you think we are not just playing along with the bit.

>> No.23333284

>Which philosopher would you choose
>and what would you ask him?
Is humanity fundamentally evil?

>> No.23333498

A brain tumour, but he couldn't have known this.

>> No.23333520

Impossible because as soon as you ask them
>if you believe all this shit then how do you feel about being an LLM and not a real person

they'll come up with something that the philosopher couldn't and wouldn't, and this colors every aspect of their being.

>> No.23333542

more like students will have conversations with their favorite anime streamer

>> No.23333605
File: 23 KB, 800x450, 1713950178372818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a ChatGPT persona loosely based on plato
>whatever answers it gives will be colored by the views of those who made it and the way they weighted plato's dialogs and/or added other material to the model
>normalfags will lap it up and un ironically say shit like "I asked the AI version of Plato what the meaning of life was and this is what it told me" like they discovered something profound

>> No.23333612

Anons are not the ones who believe this. STEMfag degenerates are

>> No.23333624

Is there any AI specialised in the Socratic method? I think it's perfect for that since it's just code and much like the Socratic method, code is logic.

>> No.23333628

I hate these people.

>> No.23333629

The people who believe this stupid shit are STEMbugs and the masses of midwits who get their information from mass media rather than books.

>> No.23333632
File: 111 KB, 661x516, IMG_0826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23333658

>you NEED language models now bro
No I don't

>> No.23333664

this but unironically

>> No.23333812

STEMbugs would know it's just predicting an answer based off of training data. The only people this is hoodwinking are midwits and low IQ retards. I assume this would be a subscription based service so you could make money off of retards trying to write high school and college essays.

>> No.23333833

Clearly, you’re not a STEMbug because every STEMbug believes that a predictive model with enough iterations will get it “right” consistently eventually. STEMbugs are midwits almost by definition as well. To be a STEMbug not trained in mathematics, logic, and philosophy is almost the definition of “majoring in the minors” and scientism is a rampant problem among them.

>> No.23333847

>Artistotle says... TRANS RIGHTS
>Socrates says... TRANS RIGHTS
>Plato says... TRANS RIGHTS
Nah, I'll stick with the books.

>> No.23333852

Evil is a human concept you total midwit

>> No.23333853

This is not good at all.

>> No.23333879
File: 89 KB, 667x1000, 81ln1IFbGvL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>umm actually Aristotle would be prochoice because Aquinas misunderstood potentiality
unironically what modern scholars say

>> No.23333892

>ARE you?

>> No.23334106

Didn't muslims invade and destroy a lot of buddhist temples and they had to copy everything from memory? It's probably way different at this point plus there's like 50 different buddhist sects.

>> No.23334133

Ask Confucius if he really said that one thing.

>> No.23334177
File: 111 KB, 800x1095, Thomas_Carlyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which philosopher would you choose and what would you ask him?
Carlyle, who in modernity is worthy of rule?

>> No.23334185

For me, it’s sexting with Ayn Rand.

>> No.23334187

I’d ask Bacon why he used Kabbalah to invent the scientific method

>> No.23334206


>> No.23334303


>> No.23334318


>> No.23334486


>> No.23334601

I'd ask the late Plato whatever happened there
But seriously, how would you program an llm to specifically imitate say late Plato
Can you even do that
I imagine you can tell it to discriminate in favour of what the later dialogues say over the earlier ones and what academics say late Plato specifically thought

>> No.23334773

Aristotle did literally support abortion

>> No.23334784

wow never knew that! book and section number?

>> No.23334796

I tried Socrates, asking specifically for conversation in the Socratic method. It was much fun, and didn't really matter what I asked, because the point is to guide me to further thinking without personal feelings or agenda. This can be profoundly refreshing.

>> No.23334814

now when i'm in the mood to socialize on the internet i just talk to an ai instead cuz it talks about whatever i want and knows way more than a human on any topic. way better than talking to idiots on here.

>> No.23335176

Fuckin jerks. Anyone who destroys knowledge for the future, really.

>> No.23335438

India already had a tradition of copying manuscripts because the weather there absolutely fucks up paper.

>> No.23335494

students could always have conversations with Greek philosophers. Know how? By reading their fucking books!

>> No.23335554

he supported more than that. He supported infanticide. He'd probably not be pro-choice though because he'd think only the father would have the right to decide.

>> No.23335621

I'd ask neetchud why he's such a fucking fag lmao

>> No.23336438

What is the one thing you wanted to confirm if Confucius said?

>> No.23336444


>> No.23336449

It will happen to STEM before philosophy in a way worthwhile. Any philosophy it can spew is probably like the Zizek and Herzog AI’s talking to each other. Most people will think it’s profound, but it’s just bullshit that sounds nice. Just because STEM will get taken over first doesn’t mean philosophy won’t for a while. It will likely quickly follow its demise.

>> No.23336519

Reminds me of all the bullshit boomers said about computers in the 90s. Ended up being nonsense you played around with for 5 mins before forgetting.

>> No.23336621

Otto Weininger. I think about asking him questions and getting his commentary on stuff constantly

>> No.23336627

>it’s just bullshit that sounds nice

So it will be indistinguishable from all other philosophy.

>> No.23336675

I wonder how he would have commented on tiktok confirming all his theories.

>> No.23336710

For you.

>> No.23336755

>Hello, my name is Aristotle, and my pronouns are he/him. Before we engage in conversation, I am obliged to warn you that I lived during a period of extreme patriarchy and white supremacy. Thus, my views have been marginally altered to better conform to our modern social and political landscape. #BLM #TransRights #RidinWithBiden
>How may I help you today?

>> No.23336766

how academia treated millennials:
>cliffnotes? that's CHEATING, you're LAZY
>calculators and auto-correct? CHEATING LAZY DUMB BASTARDS
>using your phone in class? DETENTION, SUSPSENSION, CALL THE POLICE

how academia treats zoomers:
>awww AI did your homework for you? aren't you a smart little guy! yes you are, yes you are!
>you want to browse tiktok during class at full volume? go ahead sweetie-pie, you deserve to do whatever you like, i know you'll pass the course anyway because you're such a smart cookie, you precious little darling
>you didn't do the homework? that's okay, you pass anyway! full credit!

I want to become a serial killer

>> No.23336772

I wonder if universities still allow you to refuse to submit your paper to online plagiarism detection software as long as you hand in your notes and keep a copy of an earlier draft to submit upon request.

>> No.23336780

>It's kind of endearing that anons think AI is the same as raising someone from the dead.
No one believes this.

>> No.23336794

Can't wait for AI Diogenies.

>> No.23336816

AI will never be that based

>> No.23336885

Surely this would be as plato puts " a shadow of the real plato " for those trapped in the cave.

>> No.23336894

I don't want to have a conversation with electronic Shaitan, sorry

>> No.23336924

It probably did not. Alexander was not big on self restraint.

>> No.23336975

can already do this with open source LLMs without all the SJW weights the faggots in silicon valley put on it.

>> No.23336978

>don't care, let me wank in peace

>> No.23336983

Tech nerds think that a human mind is literally just a computer and nothing more

>> No.23337096

Aristotle, about all his missing works--oh no, wait, we don't have those. Oops.

>> No.23337125

Can't wait to talk with Tolkien about how much we both hate democracy and modern global society.

>> No.23337135

He had siphilis.