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23343788 No.23343788 [Reply] [Original]

It's kinda hard to take him seriously when you realise how unoriginal he is. Literally every thought he has is just stolen from Jung or Dostoevsky. You could just read their works instead and you'd miss nothing.

>> No.23343800
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>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propagandize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life.

>> No.23343804


>> No.23343806
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>> No.23343807 [DELETED] 
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Reminder that the autists stimming themselves by repeating the same nonsensical vitriol about Peterson, thread after thread for year after year, are pathetic ideologues and resentful idiots. His best feature is that he gets them to out themselves as such.

>libtard /pol/
Seethes that Peterson turns them into reactionaries by pointing out their bullshit.
>pseud /lit/
Thinks cynically dunking on mass media meant for a general audience is a sign of intelligence.
>chud /lit/
Thinks he's part of a Jewish conspiracy preventing them from having sex.
>tranny /lit/
Thinks he's a "literal nazi."

>> No.23343845

>Thinks he's part of a Jewish conspiracy preventing them from having sex
Nope but he's been bought off by the Israel lobby. That's obvious.

>> No.23343860

why should i take anyone that shitposts on twitter (X) 24/7 seriously?

>> No.23343876

professional zogbot, give em hell.

>> No.23343887

>Jung or Dostoevsky
That we can have so different experiences of him speaks to how multitalented this giant of philosophy, literature and psychology is. The most relevant and underrated ideas he spreads are from Piaget. The most interesting symbolic analysis comes from his orthodox friends not a Jungian perspective.

>> No.23343917

He has an appetite for extremely expensive suits. I find it hard to take him seriously for that reason alone.

>> No.23343918

Didn't that Tate guy impregnate her?

>> No.23343921

יודן פטרשטיין מאשר את ההודעה הזו

>> No.23344019

Jungian psychology, Orthodox Christianity, and Judaism overlap in ways that allow a more free flow of symbolic analysis than what people are used to in the Anglosphere. Whatever connections Jordan makes with Jonathan Pageau or Ben Shapiro, etc, has more to do with his study of Jung from a young age and attempts to mimic that way of thinking.

>> No.23344107

He's a pop-psycologist. No different from the slop you see pushed on by trannies in B&N except people lap it up because he's le based. He has no longevity as a writer or intellecual, unlike Jung and Dosto

>> No.23344115

JP confirmed based

>> No.23344146

Oh, I just remembered, didn't he want to make his own university a few months ago? Where he wanted to teach about Dostojewski, without knowing any Russian? Surely that project is still alive?

>> No.23344171
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>cutting off your dick is the same as not cutting off your dick

>> No.23344179
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>appealing to one retarded politcal side is as retarded as appealing to another retarded politcal side
Also, if he hates trannies so much why does he suck Israel's cock?

>> No.23344193

>Also, if he hates trannies so much why does he suck Israel's cock?
Because he's a sellout. He sold his soul to Zionist Jews.

>> No.23344205

>appealing to the good side is the same as appealing to the bad side
clean your room and wash your dick

>> No.23344209
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>good side

>> No.23344212

It speaks to a great failure of Dostoevsky as an artist that most people who read him walk away with the opposite of what his art taught people. People read Dostoevsky and walk away as "atheist existentialists." People read Dostoevsky and walk away supporting the slaughter of Christians in Gaza, like Peterson.

>> No.23344216

how are you this retarded?
do you really think that this is a meaningful critique?

>> No.23344219
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yes, trooning out is bad, I can see it's already too late for you thoughever
Too bad you didn't read his self help books earlier

>> No.23344228

And Israel is the good side?
lmao fuck off Jew

>> No.23344231
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show me where in his self help books he says anything about the kikes
you're angry at him because he helps make young men less degenerate, and you are a marxist tranavestite

>> No.23344247
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Is this really the man you look up to?

>> No.23344280

In his interviews: >>23343804

>> No.23344310

That's not fair. He also steal a lot from stoicism and other sources.

But I like JP anyways. Originality is overrated, and he provides good advice. Being able to digest all those sources into something useful today is great.
The only time I actively dislike JP was when he was into that weird pseudo-pop-biological psychosociology.
>You see, there's a subspecie of primates in India where the female is only sexually dominant to those males who lost a fight. And that explained why in today society...
That was unscientific, full of counterexamples, and quite retarded. But he abandoned that crap before the lobster man meme grew bigger.

>> No.23344325

didn't respond to content of post

>> No.23344334

Oh look it's the peterson fanboy
Apparently you aren't allowed to criticise someone if they had a successful psychiatric practice

>> No.23344380

He's my personal grifter whenever I want to make efforts to understand the holy Bible.

>> No.23344497

there are many things you can criticize him over, however you're a gay retard with a messy room and smelly dick, which is why you hate him

>> No.23344518

Who cares if he is largely unoriginal? Most people are largely unoriginal in most of their ideas. Peterson is unique because of his synthesis of the ideas. Maybe even his synthesis is not entirely original, but his presentation and exigence certainly is.

>> No.23344525

Nice projection.

>> No.23344541

it's not projection because I read juden peterson and you didn't which is why you're a gay retard with a messy room and a smelly dick

>> No.23344547

I respect him in his field but he doesn’t understand Dostoevsky

>> No.23344552


>> No.23344553

I took a shit today and.. I... I'll tell you, th.. That's.. *cries*... That's just... just a hell of a thing.

>> No.23344555

imagine the mental state of the dude who made this. Trans derangement syndrome

>> No.23344559
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>> No.23344612
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>imagine the mental state of the dude who made this. Trans derangement syndrome

>> No.23344623

>pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life

Like you?

>> No.23344657

Tired of paid shills shilling the fruitcake on social media and 4tards

>> No.23344698

I don’t take Jung or Dostoevsky seriously, either.

>> No.23344699

Nice b8

>> No.23344708

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.23344805

Hold the thread, gotta assign some value to those tatas

>> No.23344815

It’s really hard to find some bros to just hate the government with who aren’t all in on the gender shit.
Once the politicians and their dogs are hung from the lampposts, then you can figure out what fairy race you want to be or whatever, not before.

>> No.23344830
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>Delusional rationalization/disorganized thinking:
There are facts about the world. For example, that media manipulates people, Jews work in media, and psychologists study the mind. However, what a delusional person does is take such facts and use them to confirm a specific narrative (this is known as being selectively coherent). The elements of the narrative aren't actually proven by the facts but the delusional person (or ideologue) confuses their truth with the truth of their narrative. For example: Peterson is a psychologist (fact), associates with Jews (fact), and works in media (fact); therefore he is a skilled manipulator and part of a conspiracy headed by Jews. (This is the delusional rationalization part). The facts don't prove the narrative yet if you look you'll notice they are what is carrying the weight of the argument being made by people who mentally adhere to the narrative--if you deny the narrative these ideologues will confuse this with denying the facts. (That's the disordered thinking part).

Basically, the dangerous thing about paranoid narratives is that they have the appearance of being logically consistent within themselves and noticing the sleight of hand that takes place between the facts and the narrative isn't always easy to do. However, it's quite easy to see why certain narratives are simply absurd (e.g. looking at the advanced teachings of a cult versus those they use to hook people in).

Peterson isn't the crescendo of a multi-millenia conspiracy headed by a cabal of Jews who want you to not have sex. You haven't figured it all out and you aren't interpreting 5D chess. What you are doing is building a selectively coherent narrative based on truisms and confusing that they necessarily connect to your version of reality. If you find yourselves doing this seek professional help.

>> No.23344886

He's probably ok as a psychologist but that's not the real reason people listen to him. There are many psychologists just like him but /lit/ never shows any interest in them, nor did they show interest in Peterson when he was just a practising psychologist.
People just like his political views, especially what he thinks about transsexuals. This is ok but political ideas will also be criticised as such, whenever Peterson receives some criticism for his political ideas his fans pretend that he is but a humble therapist.

>> No.23345339
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I love him for what he has done for the movement but he avoids the JQ like a little woke fag.

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

>> No.23345432

I like him.
He has interesting ideas, and his mix of Jung and Dostoevsky is unique.
Of course he's a human so natural flaws are present, but that shouldn't discualify him, we all have flaws.

>> No.23345436

that's actually pretty good, is that JP?

>> No.23345506

it's a quote from gravity's rainbow some board schizo posts every time peterson is mentioned, don't ask me why

>> No.23345548


>> No.23345638
File: 96 KB, 630x630, SEELE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jordan Peterson is evil and stupid. He has a daughter and says, “We are here to suffer so learn to suffer like a man.” A potential paradise could be like a never ending DMT trip with the constant pleasure level of heroin. If you get bored then it’s not paradise. There don’t even have to be human bodies. His is just a severe lack of imagination. And there is no sense in which suffering or mediocrity create meaning. All the meaning you need would be packaged into the paradise experience. But I am not experiencing such meaning and perhaps never will. That’s why despite the abundant grace and mercy I think I am not subject to a fully benevolent God. Perhaps God is like Jordan Peterson and I therefore consider him my enemy.

>> No.23345662

He's a grifter and a gaslighter. He employs the same tactic as Shapiro: 9 out of 10 things they say are extremely obvious shit that everybody already knows (but they explain them like they're some sort of hidden knowledge), then, once they've got the midwits going "ohhh true true" to the obvious shit, they sneak in the 1 thing out of 10 that is pure demoralization psyop.

>clean your room
>keep yourself well
>be happy :)
>think happy thoughts :)

>> No.23345664

Being an evil and dishonest jew is a pretty significant flaw though

>> No.23346032

You're the dumbest creature that ever existed.

>> No.23346043

So? Nothing wrong with popularizers. I will fully admit I'm extremely jealous of the success he had, and if I could sell out arenas worldwide to give talks about Nietzsche and Dostoevsky and rake in millions and have an adoring audience, I'd take that deal in a heartbeat.

>> No.23346049

He's a mouthpiece for the state. You'll never get there because you have a spine and a soul.
Also the dude literally sounds gay

>> No.23346082

>Originality is overrated
Based. If you're truly original, then you're probably totally fucking wrong

>> No.23346704

>> Only one person can speak or write about an idea ever!!!!!!!!

>> No.23346745

Nah, the problem is how he conducts himself in life. He looks pathetic with all his crying and his crusade and his daughter.
You can't take this man seriously

>> No.23346749

Twitter (presently X) ruined this man

>> No.23346768

Fame ruined him, as it ruins many. Fame confirmed every egotistical yearning the man ever had. Of course he was not satisfied with being a popular lecturer of undergraduates.

>> No.23346794

No, he was going good for a while there. He was at his peak when he did his biblical lecture series, which is brilliant. Then he went into a coma or something and came out of it part of a tiwtter (presently X) culture war mafia.
Go on /x/ and ask them about celebrity replacements to learn more about it

>> No.23346805

He was going bad before the coma

>> No.23346878
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>book has never been translated into English
>version that exists online is line edited and omits entire chapters
>the idea it's an antisemitic tome comes from overly sensitive Jews who never even read it
>retarded chuds are literally being dupped and lead by Jewish anxieties that are from half a century ago

>> No.23346891

If it were just about the trannies his 15 mins of fame would have been up years and years ago. Cope.

>> No.23346927

After 2000+ years of western civilization, what is the point of originality? What is the chance that anyone is so much smarter or more insightful than Shakespeare, or Aquinas, or Jesus, or Aquinas, and everyone else that they could do better than mining the huge cultural resources at our disposal for the best ideas and answers?

In science and math, ok, there's a such thing as progress. But in art and philosophy it's more about trendiness than actually surpassing qualitatively what came before. Plato and Aristotle would still mop the floor with any of us.

>> No.23346984

>a popular academic popularizes other sources

>> No.23347161

>Literally every thought he has is just stolen from Jung or Dostoevsky.
Wrong, if he did that his thoughts would actually make sense. He is just a retard who can be dispproven by just simple high school literature reading.

>> No.23347170
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Yeah and when you look at someone whose fame comes solely from doing that you'll see the difference between someone like Peterson and someone like pic-related. Peterson critically analyzes and applies the ideas from whichever thinker he's referencing and renders it accessible whereas Gladwell picks up factoids based on whether people will find them interesting as they are and the only thing he adds are illustrative examples (and most of the time they're not his own).

They're both popularizers but Peterson presents information as an open process whereas someone like Gladwell takes digested stuff and throws it back up for public consumption.

>> No.23347434

Such as? give an example

>> No.23347874

Not really, Canada’s board of psychiatrists or whatever institution they have like that/whatever it’s called fucked him over trying to get his psychiatric license to practice/degree/whatever revoked unless he took down le edgy mean Twitter posts. And he’s pretty contrarian on certain Western-state-backed policies (like COVID vaxes, or certain rabid interpretations of environmentalism, the transgender issue particularly as it relates to kids/gender ideology, and all the progressive social-justice stuff generally). But he does seem to be a staunch Zionist, which sucks.

I still find him cool because he pisses off the right people (Redditors think he’s le literal Nazi ultra-chud and actual le literal Nazi ultra-chuds ironically call him a Jew plant kek), but the whole Israel thing is wrong in my opinion. And meeting with and toadying up to Netanyahu — who’s hated even in Israel!

>> No.23347881
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Maybe he shouldn't be a massive retard on Twitter.

>> No.23348435

>revoked unless he took down le edgy mean Twitter posts
No, they said he had to go to reeducation camp at his own expense because of complaints put forward by anonymous people who were never even his patients. One of the complaints was the submission of an entire episode of the Joe Rogan Experience lol. Also, he's a psychologist (scientist/therapist) not a psychiatrist (medical doctor).

>> No.23348518

>obscure canadiam academic is pushed out of nowhere on every mainstream media platform
>stated his goal is to de-fang White males so they can't defend themselves from White genocide
>trust me goy, he's just a brilliant but harmless psychologist
no thanks

>> No.23349810


>> No.23349838

In 2014-2016 there was an informed Orthodox monk posting on /pol/ and a discussion about mythology as it relates to psychology developed. In that discussion Peterson was referenced more and more and his lectures became slightly viral. In the polarized media saturated mind this perceived popularity among le nazi chuds meant he's a nazi. The first viral tranny related clip is a tranny confronting him about what it perceives as a nazi presences among his fans.

>> No.23349865
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Peterson will touch a nerve by simply pointing out something that is blatantly ignored in the way an ideological group frames an issue. He exposes ideological blind spots in a simple and straightforward way; this leads to the fellow travelers of whichever idea is being discussed having a breakdown and exposing themselves. He's valuable as a media personality if even for that reason alone.

>Peterson: it would be productive to involve men in the conversation about violence against women in a way that doesn't label masculinity as inherently negative
>Libtard: so you're saying in order to make men care about rape women have to be returned to the status of men's property
>Peterson: the rise of identitarianism is linked to reactionary politics that sublimate personal resentment into collectivistic extremism
>Chud: so you're saying white people don't have group interests and therefore shouldn't exist
>Peterson: transgender ideology specifically targets a group of people likely to be confused and open to mental pathologies via social contagion--we shouldn't give hormones to children let alone surgically mutilate minors
>Tranny: so you're literal nazi saying we're a disease and we should be exterminated like one
>Peterson: anonymity increases the likelihood of pathological behavior so perhaps one way to alleviate the negative repercussions of its overall influence would be to segregate accounts on these specific widely used social media websites--it's definitely better than secret and selective control of the public narrative as it exists now
>/pol/tard: so you're saying you want everyone everywhere to be tied to whatever they say and do at all times...I'm a freedom fighter [goes to another thread to post about AOC's asshole while writing "nig*er" 50 times]

>> No.23349887

It's even harder to take him seriously when you realize what an utterly dishonest grifter and sophist he is.

>> No.23350349
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>the most highly regarded intellectual in the West is a guy who quotes Dostoevsky, the Bible and Jung just to get you to support Israel and vote for the republican establishment in elections
Not too surprising I guess

>> No.23350417

Pseud lit (>>23343807)

>> No.23350550
File: 1.08 MB, 1062x1286, bf1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah there's a clause in my employee contact that let's them fire me if I act like a public disgrace on the internet too. Sounds like the good doctor would benefit from some lessons.

>> No.23350631

>Nazi ultra-chuds ironically call him a Jew plant kek
>but the whole Israel thing is wrong in my opinion. And meeting with and toadying up to Netanyahu
Almost like the "Nazi ultra-chuds" are on to something

>> No.23350638
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>87 replies
>zero bedevilled egg comments


>> No.23350640

I really like his lecture series personality and its transformations. I think he's a great communicator and made me very interested in Jungian psychology. I don't think anything political or his books are really worth engaging in

>> No.23350660
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>Peterson needs faceless bureaucrats to teach him (the guy with soon to be 3 international bestsellers and an online following in the millions) how to reach people using social media because he said libtards politicized climate change and their economic policies are regressive against the poor
>there's a clause in my employee contact that let's them fire me if I act like a public disgrace on the internet too
Good thing for you the right to be your type of disgrace is codified in Canadian law. Unless you're a chud of course--in that case Peterson rose to fame by highlighting how the Trudeau government was criminalizing language. You know, the same government that tabled a bill last month to hand out life sentences for online hate speech.

>> No.23350705

It's a standard contract from a Fortune 100

>> No.23350715

Anon, I told you not to worry. Your type of public disgrace is codified into law...they can't fire you for being a fag/trannie in person let alone online!

>> No.23350758
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Darn Trudeau and his criminalization of bigotry it's enough to make you cry

>> No.23350809

Literally nothing you posted has any relevance at all, this is a classic example of "appeal to authority"

Peterson has no formal or professional background in philosophy
Peterson has no formal or professional background in history
Peterson has no formal or professional background in neuroscience, biology, or dietary science
Peterson has no formal or professional background in programming

Him being a clinical psychologist has no relevance towards his opinions on philosophy, politics, ethics, biology, science, or literature. When he opines on these subjects he doesn't magically get a free pass from criticism, he is open to critique just as any other layman and must posit his grandiose claims with sources and actual evidence (which he almost never does)

This is a common American thing I notice, they assume because someone has specialized knowledge in one particular field they must know everything. It's like when Americans assume Elon Musk must be a programmer and an engineer simply because he owns Twitter and Tesla. Elon is neither of those, he is a businessman.

>> No.23350847
File: 171 KB, 1024x676, 1658254959278638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do not associate via ethnic heritage and ethnic history
>Unless you're a jew

>Do not restrict communication and free speech, without these violence is inevitable
>Unless you're a jew

>We are all a multicultural melting pod, that's what makes us great
>Unless you're Israel

Why are conservatives like this?

>> No.23350969


>> No.23351058

>his grandiose claims
I thought he was a parrot? You can't name a single example of this because you're completely braindead. When retards like you try you just reveal you didn't catch the obvious references because you're useless retards who understand nothing about anything.

>> No.23351314

>says the pasta makes an appeal to authority
>proceeds to list qualifications a Peterson requires to speak publically
Holy shit! Imagine the cognitive dissonance and utter stupidity required to write that post. Lmao.

>> No.23351326

he never claimed to be original.
he has addressed this before. his books are rather explanatory and focused on self help.

>> No.23351337

>self help
Can he write a book on how to stop crying every five seconds

>> No.23351348

Do you need one? The best professors get emotional during their lectures on certain topics. Maybe if the hard sciences did it we'd have less bugmen.

>> No.23351365

The "best professors" cry every other time they give a talk on any subject? That sure sounds like some sturdy emotional resilience. I'd take psychological self help advice from any man who can't stop himself from crying over the slightest thing in nearly every public appearance.
Of course, that assumes he's not just a performative clown, so there's that too.

>> No.23351374

>The "best professors" cry every other time they give a talk on any subject?
Who said that? Professors that invest emotion into the subject matter they present are generally more engaging than those that do not. Did someone make fun of you for crying as a kid or something? Jesus, you could use a psychologist lol

>> No.23351389

Jordan cries constantly.

>> No.23351390

To be fair, Zizek is kind of a retard too

>> No.23351398

Odd that this is the image of him that sticks in your mind, anon. Do you think it's because it makes you feel like a more put together person than the beliefs he expresses make you put to be? Like you sublimate insecurities onto him to make yourself feel better for a lack of something he has that you'll never?

>> No.23351400

Is this the artistic of prick noumena for the noise of daily sounding? Twat.

>> No.23351418

No I don't feel like that at all. I feel that way because I've observed that he cries a lot/too much. Nice try though

>> No.23351425

I think the odds are that your fixation says more about you than you realize. It would probably minimize your narcissistic need to elevate yourself above a public figure if you didn't focus on construing everything through the negativity you project into the world.

>> No.23351434

>give em hell, Netanyahu!
The negativity *I* project on to the world?

>> No.23351467

There it is.

>> No.23351469

I dont have any issue with Jews. But cheering on a clear injustice while preaching about morality, nay, about "God;" that's a level of intellect, or perhaps, "positivity," that I'm just not capable of grasping. I must be too unenlightened to see the merits of killing children for a crime they didn't commit. Will his books help me to get there?

>> No.23351474

>This is a common American thing I notice,
People give a pass to anyone who agrees with their convictions and tend to critique whoever doesn't, almost universally. "American thing?"

>> No.23351484

>treats the suffering of others as an abstraction in service of a petty argument over a media figure
Anon, stop telling on yourself.

>> No.23351495

Like I said, I must just not get the appeal. I'm not as smart as you are.

>> No.23351509

>projecting intellectual insecurities
Anon, we already covered this a couple posts ago. Remember? I pointed out that your fixation on funneling things through that lens of negativity you hold up betrays a certain level of narcissism. Kind of like alluding to the suffering of children in a far off country as if a trite mention of such grants you moral superiority over strangers and a media figure you desperately want to be wrong about so many things...

>> No.23351527

Narcissism? Idk what that is. I'm telling you, anon, I'm very, very stupid. I can't keep up with your level of intellectual refinement. I'd also never be able to divine so much information about a person's character based on a few posts on a literature forum, that's just something I'm not advanced enough to handle. I'll read more Peterson books and maybe some day I'll get there. Is that the opposite of, what did you call it, "narcissism?"

>> No.23351533

Trivializing the suffering of children because you have half-baked hatred toward a public figure is a sign of narcissism and your reflexive lunge toward unearned condescension is a defense mechanism. It's common in people who overemphasize their supposed intelligence to make up for lack of personality.

>> No.23351536

>give em hell, Netanyahu!
This is a thread about someone you seem to admire. *I'm* trivializing their deaths? Maybe I need to look up the definition of "trivializing" again. Stupid is, as stupid does.

>> No.23351547

>does it again
Yeah, anon. You're trivializing the pain of Palestinian children in order to abstract away from real world suffering and make an impotent attack on a media figure. Notice how I haven't bothered to contextualize it? That's because there's no point with someone like you. The pain and suffering of others is an abstraction you can attach to imaginary enemies that only live in your head.

>> No.23351557

So a man's contradictions have nothing to bear on the value of his other words? Peterson is a moralizer, and backs up what seems highly immoral. You're telling me I should separate the two things when appraising the value behind his words, and if I dont do this, I'm a projecting narcissist who's fighting with imaginary enemies in his head and using the plight of children to do it?
That is truly something else. Damn

>> No.23351565

>I'm a better person than Jordan Peterson because he supported Israeli leadership after a terror attack
>In order to prove this I'll trivialize the suffering of Palestinian children by pretending Peterson supports their destruction
Gross, anon.

>> No.23351583

It's strange that you take a criticism of someone as me saying I'm better. How do you know that I dont think even more lowly of myself, by comparison?

>> No.23351587

How does tenured dick taste in your mouth?

>> No.23351588

Kind of like how everyone else on this board likes let us Americans live rent free up their heads?

>> No.23351656

>People read Dostoevsky and walk away supporting the slaughter of Christians in Gaza
I don't support the slaughter of Christians in Gaza, I support the slaughter of Christians full stop.

>> No.23351662

bibi is a nazi

>> No.23351905

The armchair psychologizing ITT is quite pathetic desu

>> No.23352818

>How do you know that I dont think even more lowly of myself, by comparison?
Because you've projected the idea you're capable of moralizing on behalf of those suffering in Gaza and you do this for no other reason than to service the trite ends of attacking a media figure. In so doing you ignore the context of the statement you've highlighted, dishonest but the least conscious of your sins here, and make grand pronouncements about the sum total of a man's character via the trivialization of that suffering which you maintain a pretense of deeply caring about.

>> No.23352990

>clinical psychologist
>research scientist
>university professor
all these things are exactly why "he's a drug addict tho!" is so embarrassing for him. he's spent decades studying the human brain and yet he claims he was entirely unaware that benzos were addictive when he started taking them - either he's lying to save face, in which case he's untrustworthy and shouldn't be listened to, or he's telling the truth, in which case he's incompetent and shouldn't be listened to

>> No.23353038
File: 510 KB, 1980x1114, 16569100219081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson took a doctor prescribed medication. At the time it was being handed out like candy for pretty much anything because it was seen as harmless (you can easily find celebrities on late night talk shows joking about taking them). It is now rarely prescribed due to the fact it creates physical dependancy even at low doses over short periods of time and causes extreme withdrawal symptoms (up to and including death). Having an adverse reaction to a prescribed drug doesn't make someone a drug addict. There is no evidence he abused the medication (i.e. his experience became so common that the drug is hardly prescribed now).

When he initially sought treatment in Canada they wanted to give him SSRIs and misdiagnosed him. He took the initiative to research treatment options and went to Russia where a programme specifically developed for medication withdraw was available.

Immediately after his treatment he finished and published his second worldwide bestselling book. Within months he had organized and gone on an international lecture tour. He also published multiple articles and made some media appearances. He has also set up an accredited online university that will offer free degrees, organized a think tank to combat the hegemony of shit like the WEF, created an online interview series with hundreds of episodes etc...

The narrative that there was a character defining downward spiral into drug addiction is doesn't bare up to reality. I'm honestly embaressed so many people have been holding onto it for half a decade now. Imagine being so pathetically delusional that you parrot the same easily disproved ad homs in an autistic echo chamber for years on end thinking they land; in that time Peterson has gone on to much success.

>> No.23353067

please stop

>> No.23353082

The person who wrote the introduction to 12 Steps referenced his love for attention and the spotlight, skillfully underhanded if I may say so. The Daily Jew has inflated this to critical mass. His suits are gay and probably demonic.

>> No.23353091
File: 78 KB, 800x800, IMG_2133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean what else do you expect from a normie conservative intellectual??
Anything he draws from is definitionally going to be from the culture that came before.
Even the people who actually contributed to the field before like king and Dostoyevsky were building off the culture and literature that came before.
If he had the humility he ought have he would probably admit himself you SHOULDNT take HIM seriously
You should rather take his ideas seriously
Regardless of if he discovered them himself or transcribed them from a greater mind

>> No.23353112

>This is ok but political ideas will also be criticised as such, whenever Peterson receives some criticism for his political ideas his fans pretend that he is but a humble therapist.
At a theoretical level the argument is watertight
At a second glance, if it was true, he would had his 15 minutes of fame back in the day, not remain relevant despite almost killing himself on fucking nerve calmers.

We are also in a media cycle where skilled orators are few and far between. He isn't anymore at the skill level where he ended up cakewalking a reporter by letting her argue against herself by staying on track, but he is still quite a few level above actual talking heads you normally see.

He is also very skilled at NOT touching bad faith arguments.
And then retorting without resorting to a party line or mantra. Compared to listening to politicians making idiots of themselves by not answering questions, its night and day.

>> No.23353170
File: 7 KB, 299x168, JordanPeterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peterson's a facile charlatan. He only exists to promote the status quo; he has never, never, ever asserted something truly outside of normative discourse. But this is not this genuine position, as, if it were, we wouldn't be subject to such blatant contradictions whence being tortured by his self-indulgent rambling. It's understandable, to be honest, as wouldn't you be if you were offered such riches? Anyone who diverges from normative discourse to truly attack the system from its core is ritualistically shamed and destroyed. One can sympathise, he isn't speaking his mind truthfully, and history will not forget this.

Jordan Peterson: philosopher, psychologist, coward

>> No.23353211

If you didn't repeat the same nonsense over and over you wouldn't be BTFO by a prewritten pasta. Sad but true and you have my permission to cope.

>> No.23353254

>Peterson took a doctor prescribed medication.
which he, as a psychologist, should've known the effects of. benzos aren't some obscure MAOI, they're one of the most well-known classes of drugs in the psychiatric industry. he was practicing for a long time, he 100% had clients with benzo prescriptions and/or addictions, not knowing their negative effects is arguably negligence
>At the time it was being handed out like candy for pretty much anything because it was seen as harmless
factually incorrect. the addictive properties of benzos have been known since the early 1980s and he started taking them in 2016, by which point it was already very hard to get them prescribed for long-term use. yes there are some shady doctors out there who continue to overprescribe them but again, peterson should've already known to be cautious and the fact that he didn't is a black mark against him. if some random obese retard thinks fat-free ice cream is good for them, you can excuse them for getting conned by advertisers, but if a trained nutritionist thinks fat-free ice cream is good for them then they're obviously bad at their jobs to the point where anything else they say should be in question
>He took the initiative to research treatment options and went to Russia where a programme specifically developed for medication withdraw was available.
he ignored legitimate medical advice (i.e. "you have to taper off benzos, you cannot quit cold turkey without risking brain damage or death"), found some shady slavs who would happily go against legitimate medical advice for enough money, got put in a medical coma in an attempt to avoid the worst effects of cold turkeying, and ended up getting brain damage anyway. this is another example of how little he knows about the field he claims to be an expert in

>> No.23353319

>as a psychologist
Psychologists don't prescribe medication.
>they're one of the most well-known classes of drugs
But research into their harmful side effects wasn't followed up in the 90s and only entered the general consciousness once they had been overprescribed and untold numbers of people suffered from their adverse affects.
>factually incorrect.
It's not. If you check it out you'll see initial research amounting to a new diagnosis of "benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome" coming about around the mid-90s. You'll also notice that not much literature was produced between then and the mid 2010s relating to this diagnosis and programmes for treatment in failing to develop in North America (this is why Peterson had to go to Europe, specifically Russia, for treatment).
>he ignored legitimate medical advice
He took a doctor prescribed medication suited to the symptoms he was presenting. Note, it is also important to point out that these drugs were so overprescribed anyway and were given to patients that didn't even fit the profile for them.

Stop misconstruing information, anon. Peterson took a doctor prescribed medication and had extreme adverse affects. There's no evidence that he abused the medication while there's contrary evidence that the medication was being overprescribed during the time Peterson was given it (by a doctor). The adverse affects of these drugs were downplayed and largely ignored by the medical community right up to just about the time Peterson had his experience.

>> No.23353363

If he doesn't diverge from normative discourse, then who does?

>> No.23353425

Obscure intellectuals who are generally inaccessible for the general public that that anon prides himself on knowing exist.

>> No.23353531

I like him because he triggers shitlibs. And he actually has interesting takes from time to time. His interview with the trans girl and his videos about birth control's effects on women's minds are good examples. Also, 99% of the Peterson criticism is surface-level, irrelevant bullshit like >>23343800 pointed out. Most people who hate on him clearly haven't actually read his book or watched any of his videos.

>> No.23354007

I do care about the suffering of those people. I can't do anything about it, but I care about it. Your hero also had their leader on a podcast to justify what they do them a while back, that tweets not the sole, "out of context" as far as all that's concerned. The context of his tweet is that Jordan works for an extension of a virtual PR firm for that country and must, and will always, take that stance because that's who butters his bread, you childlike, naive fucking retard. Don't blame me just because I can connect dots and see what the fuck is going on in front of my eyeballs.
If you think the shit he says is some novel insight, go for it, even though it's just baseline psychological tropes that have been laid out decades in advance by men far more qualified than he is to speak about them. Name one fuckin novel insight he's brought to the table. There isn't any. The guys famous because he threw a fit about the trans bill, then started working for a PR firm for a powerful entity, you fuckin idiot

"Moralizing on behalf of those suffering" yeah, I am. It's immoral what's happening there. It's wrong. Fuck you for acting like I'm doing it for hollow reasons, that's worse than anything I've said.

>> No.23354066

The fact you think his banal self-help book, or his blatant descent into grifter status automatically means you're a moron won over by fancy words.

>> No.23354077

Any priest or politician is unoriginal. One don't hide it, the other does. This point is moot.

>> No.23354170

>there are losers on the internet still seething over jordan peterson a decade after /pol/ turned him in to a meme
sounds like you need his help

>> No.23354205

I don't understand why people here even care about him. Hard to imagine it isn't mostly just underaged leftist kiddies, since actual right wingers aren't wasting much time on him. Like, look at how actually butthurt some of the posters here are, for example:
Why do you care so much about him specifically? He's a boring centrist who got famous for making SJWs look like the clowns they are and he happens to be a psychologist. And he wrote self-help books and made money on them (notice how people use this to attack his character? it's like it's personal to them). I don't get it. Vox Day wrote a book predicting his downfall years in advance, yet retards on /lit/ are still raging over his centrist midwittery 10 years after he got famous, getting in to minutia about his personal life like gossiping girls...maybe it's the site/userbase are just declining in quality? i just can't believe i see this faggot's face in the catalog every time, and there are always dumbasses seething over whatever dumb shit he put on twitter.

>> No.23354248

he's controlled opposition. helps to pacify young, bitter men from taking arms and killing their oppressors.

>> No.23355198

>I do care about the suffering of those people. I can't do anything about it, but I care about it.
You can start by not trivializing it in online discussions in the attempt to discredit a media figure whose views you're blatantly mischaracterizing.
>Your hero
Your irrational hatred isn't inversely proportionate to my feelings toward Peterson, anon. Stop projecting.
> had their leader on a podcast to justify what they do them a while back
That was also long before the current war (you can't expect him to ask questions about something that hadn't happened).
>that tweets not the sole, "out of context" as far as all that's concerned
I know you misspoke but I'm sure you spin a lot of what Peterson says out of context because you have an obvious bias. Also, you never responded to the fact you generalized from a comment made in the wake of a terror attack. This fact is betrays your inherent disingenuousness in an attempt to dishonestly frame the subject at hand.
> take that stance because that's who butters his bread
This is baseless conjecture on your part. Peterson rose to fame without the help of those to which you refer and the independent projects he maintains outweigh, by far, his work with the Daily Wire. Again, your disingenuousness is apparent in your attempt to frame the issue at hand with a baseless generalization. Do you have any evidence that his views changed before and after he became famous? No? Too bad.
> naive fucking retard
Easy there, tiger. Calm down now.
>Don't blame me just because I can connect dots and see what the fuck is going on
You're ideologically possessed, anon. This gives you a false sense of security when it comes to navigating the complexities of the world. However, that security comes at a great cost as you experience false positives rendering your voice impotent unless you can join in with the herd (ironic as you think that sense of power comes from being an independent thinker).
> it's just baseline psychological tropes that have been laid out decades in advance by men far more qualified
That's a pretty pretentious statement and I'm willing to bet Peterson knows far more about such things than you yourself do. He's an accessible popularizer, anon. Being accessible doesn't mean someone is stupid (it's actually a gift).
>Fuck you for acting like I'm doing it for hollow reasons
You are. You don't even realize the ideas through which you channel anger aren't even your own. That makes you a useful idiot and a detriment to humanity. Sorry, the truth hurts.

>> No.23355205

This seems obvious. It always seemed obvious. I get the feeling you were only exposed to JBP after he became famous in the weird way he did. If you knew of him from before when he was just a teacher this should've seemed obvious to you.

>> No.23355230

>Can't even write in complete sentences
>Only insults and mocks both Peterson and me, has no actual arguments
Thanks for proving my point. Cheers.
I don't think most people on /lit/ care about him. These posts are designed to ro dumb down the board. Notice how the OP doesn't mention a single specific idea of Peterson's. Just a general dismissal of his ideas as derivative from Jung and Dostoevsky. It's clearly not designed for actual intellectual discussion. It's the /lit/ equivalent of posting pics of half-naked girls on /fit/ and asking an irrelevant, time-wasting question.

>> No.23356660

Legitimately illiterate

>> No.23356684

Reread your original post and try again. You'd think people on /lit/ of all places could write grammatically correct sentences, yet you'd be wrong.
Also no one is jumping on the Peterson-hate train because of your faggy posts, kiddo.

>> No.23356712

One day you will read a book and it will change your life.

>> No.23356812
File: 39 KB, 776x776, 1710770651156452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you care so much about him specifically? He's a boring centrist who got famous for making SJWs look like the clowns they are and he happens to be a psychologist. And he wrote self-help books and made money on them (notice how people use this to attack his character? it's like it's personal to them). I don't get it. Vox Day wrote a book predicting his downfall years in advance, yet retards on /lit/ are still raging over his centrist midwittery 10 years after he got famous, getting in to minutia about his personal life like gossiping girls...maybe it's the site/userbase are just declining in quality? i just can't believe i see this faggot's face in the catalog every time, and there are always dumbasses seething over whatever dumb shit he put on twitter.
I loath public 'intellectuals', to be quite frank. It's oxymoronic, really. Being loved and appreciated by the tardy masses is when one is not truly an intellectual; one ought not to be concerned about the masses' opinions, emotions, or considerations; they are children who just favour what they know or are comfortable with. If you are to stoop that low, one ought to simply become a working man.

>> No.23357667

Cringe LARPer

>> No.23357753

Who on earth knew of him before he was famous?

>> No.23357756

I'm always curious about these posts, whether they are from the tranny/ commie perspective or the chud one. Some commies still like to pretend like they're some brave dissidents and think Peterson is a tool of the system because he doesn't promote communism.

>> No.23357901

He's said some really fucking wacky and weird shit at one point revolving conspiracy theories around Nazis and aliens, and thinking Hitler wanted to Germany to burn by inducing as much "chaos" as possible, or that he was killed Jews cause he detested dirtiness, rather than him being just being a genocidal racist leader who whose goals were incredibly shortsighted with fantastical dreams of the future and favored Germans so much that he pissed off virtually everyone else.

>> No.23357968

>thinking Hitler wanted to Germany to burn by inducing as much "chaos" as possible, or that he was killed Jews cause he detested dirtiness
He never said either of those things in the manner you present them. What he did say was that if you pay close enough attention to what Hitler said the horrific throughlines of WWII were perceptible and that Hitler framed Jews as a vermin/disease that corrupted the health of the German body. For the former he references writings like Jung's "Essay on Wotan" and for the latter he's referencing Personality Psychology (e.g. they do call it ethnic "cleansing" for a reason you know).

>> No.23357976

>round 2 of hairplugs coming along nicely


>> No.23358164
File: 56 KB, 700x1036, Apple_Cider_Plain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that... is that... APPLE CIDER?!

>> No.23358705

It's definitely leftist tradition to hate on Peterson. Also, anyone who uses the term "charlatan" or "grifter" is likely a leftist. They get a list of "grifters" to hate on from their social media feed.

>> No.23358713
File: 11 KB, 188x264, 0cjm8b43avn11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a rightist tradition to follow complete fucking morons?

>> No.23358715
File: 147 KB, 1600x1144, Berlin in 1945 4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now he's dead lol

>> No.23358718
File: 71 KB, 891x1024, 1681864850957097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a general rule, if the opinion-forming class wants you to hate a person, but only uses surface-level, ad hominem attacks on him, you can bet he has something important to say. All the memes about Peterson being allergic to apple cider vinegar or being a mental vegetable from a medically induced coma are either tangential to the truth or half-truths designed to make you dismiss him outright instead of engaging with his actual ideas. As with everything, just investigate it yourself and come to your own conclusions; don't let anyone manipulate you into feeling a certain way about certain ideas or people.

>> No.23358723

I don't follow Peterson. I just mock idiots like you who can't think for themselves.

>> No.23358747

Sure you don't

>> No.23358901
File: 14 KB, 616x243, 1696728869966881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>book has never been translated into English

Why is that anon?

>> No.23358905

It isn't a leftist thing, as grifters exist on the left wing too. You're just a naive fool that was tricked, and having a hard time understanding how.

>> No.23358918

The game was up when Peterson defenders accused people of being leftists, and ignored actual neo-nazi propaganda that praised him in this thread.

>> No.23358950

>Why is that anon?
Likely the same reason The Gulag Archipelago went out of print before Peterson brought interest back to it.

>> No.23358966
File: 14 KB, 211x206, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tricked into what, cleaning his room?

>> No.23358986
File: 257 KB, 1024x1004, 1714841658306309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regardless of your position on politics, one is easily able to identify the double-standards and contradictions in Peterstein's position when viewed from a greater perspective. It all centers around native Europeans and their right to remain a majority in their own lands.
You compare this to his utter capitulation to every single ethnic jew cause and you see two completely different value systems in play.

It is not hard to see, most Peterstein apologists are jews and muslims now, his Christian base has deminished.

>> No.23358995
File: 92 KB, 1024x768, ZdcubdkTwW1AyaGj3JSzJ0Xhn12e7SYz98R3k4unmSE (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supporting Matt Walsh's male harem

>> No.23359109
File: 276 KB, 1065x786, 1708593810344063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Translated
>Out of print


>> No.23359144

>anon doesn't have a response
Correct, it was never published in English (curious that it was in German though, which has much more sensitive laws around anti-Semitism) and even Solzhenitsyn's most popular book went out of print in English (Peterson helped repopularize The Gulag Archipelago and renewed interest in Solzhenitsyn). You know that's not the only book Solzhenitsyn published that wasn't translated into English, right? Lol

>> No.23359168


Rofl Peterstans claiming credit for this now?

>> No.23359191

They had him write the forward to the new edition.

>> No.23359278

No they didn't

>> No.23359283
File: 38 KB, 460x520, 171458585994685507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and realitypilled

>> No.23359313

There's been plenty of genuine discussion about him that has ripped apart most of his self help jargon, and his academic contributions have been unimportant subjective research.

This is 4chan, the reality is most of you are contrarian failsons pretending you're keepers of some esoteric truth, and that is why you're unlikable retards. When the reality is you're just unlikable retards.

>> No.23359394
File: 59 KB, 440x676, Dn4FTzqU8AAOmKG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they did. Pic-related.

>> No.23359409

I stand corrected. What's the isbn? I wonder how long it was published

>> No.23359411

Use the internet, anon.

>> No.23359418

Big reminder that Twitter addict judean peterstein flipped out on twitter when people were asking him to make Judaism critic video after he made one for Islam and Christianity.

>> No.23359422

What's the title of his upcoming book, anon?

>> No.23359432

Never forget Peterson saw Asian BDSM cock milking porn and thought it was actual CCP cum harvesting mandated by the government.

>> No.23359446
File: 47 KB, 1024x719, 1708558692948205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post them.

>picrel, how jews fell in to finances according to Peterstein

>> No.23359450

There is nothing new under the sun, 12 year old

>> No.23359482

Here is 10 minute video on Judy taking it up the ass for the jews. Ignore it if you want.


>> No.23359709

Those "Message to Christians/Muslims" videos were about how people who follow those religions need to stand up for themselves and assert their cultural relevance though. If he made one about Jews you guys would just say he was helping the enemy lol

>> No.23359735

He continuously contradicts himself to defend Jews; there was some journalist on a board that Peterson was also on, and she did an 'anti-Semitism'; he then, with some other Jews, voted to blacklist her; this is majorly contradictory; so yeah, he's a fucking hack. "Free speech for me, but not for you."

2024 philosophy, he'll be forgotten once we ascend out of this intellectual dead zone.

>> No.23359772

>>23356812 Chud perspective

>> No.23359918
File: 98 KB, 1080x1080, img_1_1714937773898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy's entire philosophy/ideology/politics have been exposed as nonsense by people who take this stuff seriously/aren't disingenuous culture warriors. I have no idea how you could even have a picture of him visible on your phone in public and not feel embarrassed.
its ironic that people say he must be smart because "he has degrees and he wrote books and stuff!!" but then those same people will mock you for "trusting the science" of far more reputable/respectable people who also have degrees, have written books, etc.

>> No.23359950


>> No.23359976

Nta and I don't completely agree with you but shit you buttfucked that anon kek. Nice effortpost

>> No.23359985
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1696810858754812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are unable or unwilling to acknowledge his double-standard you are either a semite or not capable of understanding. Both preclude you from the discussion.

>> No.23359995

Or maybe the first thought in a sane person's head isn't "HOW IS THE INTERNATIONAL JEWISH CONSPIRACY INVOLVED IN THIS?" Just maybe? Lol

>> No.23360005
File: 253 KB, 1065x1128, Screenshot_20240506_154115_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not implying a greater conspriacy here, we are discussing Peterstein's position. Not the Protocols. Its not like there are patterns everywhere.

>> No.23360023
File: 12 KB, 184x184, 64d8fc0e6a6121f46eba22f59a41603335aa6e37_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Palestinians run hollywood

>> No.23360028

>People read Dostoevsky and walk away as "atheist existentialists."
Literally how?

>> No.23360058
File: 168 KB, 356x600, the jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the jews.

>> No.23360072

Yeah also mafia doesn't exist.

>> No.23360079

You're not discussing Peterson's position though. You're implying he's part of a Jewish conspiracy when the reality is he views antisemitism as a canary in the coalmine for political extremism (which is a perfectly reasonable take you choose not to interact with).

>> No.23360080

As usual, the biggest, most active thread on /lit/ is arguing about an e-celeb whose only connection to literature is the self-help slop he shat out. You all could be reading instead, you know? Oh well...

>> No.23360097

>woe is me...I'm so above this thread...
Stop crying and go read then. No one cares.

>> No.23360131

Just finished a book, thank you very much. Wanted to relax and check on some other threads. And here's /lit/ with the obligatory JP thread full of tards either defending or attacking their online substitute dad, nothing but different stages of emotional infantilism on display.
You should read the occasional Freud threads more often, might learn something about your complexes and arrested development.

>> No.23360143

Is that supposed to be offensive to me, anon? Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.23360148

I don't care, anon. Take it to WWOYM and see if anyone else does.

>> No.23360188
File: 3.22 MB, 2466x3838, 20231025_125538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23360239

That romantic elitism is really not as deep as you think it is. Interesting that you would highlight the whole passage. Did you feel identified? Or did you fall for the author's clever suggestion to the reader that he, HE is one of the good ones, of the refined aristocracy of the soul?

>> No.23360591


>clinical psychologist
>university professor
>research scientist
>assisted in the development of

Ignoring these are mostly appeals to authority and don't address the point OP raised: It's futile to bring up these points when Jordan Peterson himself doesn't even value his legacy.
Jordan Peterson is no longer a tenured professor and he was stripped of his right to practice clinical psychology some time in 2021 after he told a person on Twitter to kill themselves and refused to take "social media etiquette training". Jordan Peterson *chose* his media personality over his professional academic career. Jordan Peterson currently makes his living Tweeting every 45 minutes, starting from 9am and ending at 2am, and from a contract he signed with The Daily Wire - an online sensationalist tabloid news media site.

There literally is not a bigger detractor to Jordan Peterson than Jordan Peterson himself.

>> No.23360606

Mokafrá does philosophy?

>> No.23360648

High IQ post
High serotonin post. Appeals to non-existent consensus. Leftoids need their thyroid checked.

>> No.23360826

wash your penis

>> No.23360836

>which is a perfectly reasonable take you choose not to interact with
It's not that deep, he's just a pussy who's afraid to actually say something that might upset someone. I see this displayed by him all the time. "I c-can't do it." Lol, fuckin' pussy. He's a climate change denying retard, literal corporate shill. Have you seen him having a jab at multiculturalism and then, once challenged, saying, "B-but diversity's good, having you tried English food? It's so b-bad!" I wish I was joking; he actually uttered such drivel. He's a fucking faggot. They're the same fucking thing, and he knows this. He's such a fucking pussy, pitiful, absolutely pitiful! It's no wonder that his daughter's a fucking mess.


>> No.23360843

This was too much, fucking 'ell, sorry guys

>> No.23360845
File: 218 KB, 946x1520, climate hysteria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine falling for climate hysteria in the year of our lord 2024

>> No.23360894

Critically engage with the data, don't send me a fucking JPG.

>> No.23360913

the data shows every single one of your apocalyptic models is always hilariously wrong, and you don't care

>> No.23360926


>> No.23360951

Plenty of people who went to his classes or saw his class lectures that were posted on youtube
He wasn't really famous then like he is now

>> No.23361057

>It's not that deep
Correct. It should be obvious to anyone that anti-Semitism is linked to extremist political positions. However, you avoid addressing this fact directly.
>he's just a pussy who's afraid to actually say something that might upset someone.
He's obviously not afraid of upsetting people given the adversarial positions he has taken on multiple issues. If you have a problem with something specific go ahead and state it. Netanyahu probably? You really want to bring Jews into this don't you?
>He's a climate change denying retard, literal corporate shill
You don't believe that Climate Change has been politicized to the point that parties base platforms on hyperbole and hysteria? Peterson's position is that policies like the Carbon Tax hurt the working class and shrink the economy. They also have a weakening impact on foreign policy as money flows to Russia and China. Nothing unreasonable here and Peterson has highlighted the work of several environmentalists who propose alternatives to overly bureaucratic cap & trade and regressive carbon taxes.
>Have you seen him having a jab at multiculturalism and then, once challenged, saying, "B-but diversity's good, having you tried English food? It's so b-bad!"
You're making stuff up. He's not in favor of xenophobic immigration policies but this doesn't mean he's for open borders either.
>I wish I was joking; he actually uttered such drivel. He's a fucking faggot. They're the same fucking thing, and he knows this. He's such a fucking pussy, pitiful, absolutely pitiful! It's no wonder that his daughter's a fucking mess.
Personal attacks that aren't based in reality.

>> No.23361250
File: 178 KB, 1063x1551, jordan-peterson-with-ben-shapiro-meeting-netanyahu-thoughts-v0-g4fag3kb46z91-2688880229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't the first post to make this point, the peterstein drone has ignored multiple already.
I don't care about his many personal failings, it's his message that is insidious.
He tells his White male audience not to practice identity politics in much needed self defence, instead he preaches a message of ineffectual self help (not going to go into his well known hypocrisy re. jewish tribalism).
He said on joe rogan that the reason he felt he needed to come forward was because he's scared of what White backlash will look like. He's right to be scared. He deserves what is coming to him.

>> No.23361498

It's kinda hard to take him seriously when he thinks that suit is good looking. Seriously, he probably thinks it gives him a tormentes genius aura but to me he looks like he's cosplaying Sheogorath.

>> No.23361542

The tie is great tho

>> No.23361686

You're blind if you can't see it happening

>> No.23361737

Don't you get tired of being perpetually wrong and constantly having to change your signs about how ice bergs won't exist by 2012 or how all coastal cities will be underwater by 2008?

>> No.23361923
File: 199 KB, 1206x672, 1692916706879648 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He does it to fuck with people like you.

>> No.23361957

>up yours
Lmfao, why does he unironically talk like this?

>> No.23362408

That list misses the late 80s to early 90s stuff about the ozone layer being irreparably destroyed and the rainforests fully disappearing by the 00s. There used to be lesson plans telling kids CFCs were like little evil versions of Pacman destroying the atmosphere and various scam companies that got people to buy pieces of paper saying they owned an acre of the Amazon lol

>> No.23362416


>> No.23362423

You can still be wrong about some things, and the general thesis can be right; half of the "London gone by 2026!" are mostly bull, which is intended to draw more people to the cause; it's vanguardism. But it has had the opposite effect on rational people.

>> No.23362455

>half of the "London gone by 2026!" are mostly bull, which is intended to draw more people to the cause
There are plenty of people who believe it and are willing to give the political class carte blanche over everyone's livelihoods. They basically want a blank cheque signed by everyone who will lose their jobs and not be able to afford groceries.

>> No.23362852

I live in a country with carbon taxes and I get more back in my rebate than I pay. Carbon Taxes are designed to not hurt 95% population, and only punish the rich.

>> No.23362871

Carbon taxes are regressive because they increase the cost of production and transportation for all goods. You seriously think they're like Robin Hood and take from the rich and give to the poor? Lol.

>> No.23362893

how do you take him seriously after this?

>> No.23363142

Really? You "see" it happening? Like Greta seeing CO2?

>> No.23363150

That is literally how redditors/ lefties see the world. The rich are just sitting on huge piles of gold and the main goal of politics and laws is to get them to part with some of their gold, which only has positive benefits and zero unintended effects.

>> No.23363171

The fact that not a single climate cultist cares that none of their doomsday models havr ever been accurate means that they know it's a scam, and not science. There's no analysis of why they were wrong, no actual reflection to be had, they just go "OKAY BUT TWO MORE WEEKS THIS TIME FOR REAL".

>> No.23363329

Average global temperature has only risen and polluting the atmosphere doesn't help

>> No.23363341

>"London gone by 2026!"
That's completely true though?

>> No.23363644

When you're making extrapolations of the climate, sea, and so forth, one can expect to be incorrect at times, as the climate and seas are very unpredictable; go educate yourself on all of the meteorological variables, please, and tell me how simple it is. No one is lying about this, nor is there any reason for those who are in the upper echelon of society to do so. You are not only bereft of any empirical justification but also of reason.

>> No.23363651

Yes, clear them out.

>> No.23363689

Imagine how bad the world is that speaking about stuff that was common sense 40 years ago is considered controversial.

>> No.23363729

I already educated myself on the topic years ago and concluded that you're a gay retard and I'm not going to eat the bugs.

>> No.23363785

Do you even know how weather forecasting works or are you just regurgitating shit you've heard other people say about the difference between weather prediction and climate models?

>> No.23364260

It's just common sense though and it's never not shocking when seemingly intelligent people are completely blind to it. I have a friend who worked with a big name political party in my country (pretty high up) who actually argued with me when I pointed out to him that sales tax is regressive. He honestly said "rich people buy more goods and services" without batting an eye.

>> No.23364418

/// We have a signed affidavit stating that the two men were seen entering the building /// It feels uncomfortable, you need a nice squishy cushion /// My insurance company refused to pay out after my little prang /// There are much more lucrative rackets than skimming a few pennies here and there from displaced people buying rice and tea /// I could hear my roommate plodding up the steps to our apartment /// He tried to fob off an inferior brand on us /// His main shtick is delivering one-liner jokes, of which he claims to have 200 of /// I want nothing to do with that bunch of nitwits /// The Cyclopes, too, were gigantic, towering up like mighty mountain crags and devastating in their power /// The burglar used a jimmy to open the window /// There's a motley assortment of old furniture in the house we're renting now /// How is this attractive aphorism to be converted into constructive policies? /// It's like one of those tinkly bells that you get with Buddhism or one of those religions, a little dry bell /// Smaller quilts for single beds are exempt from tax /// He has long felt that Ray was set up, that he was a patsy /// I showed up giddy with anticipation, brimming with questions /// To use the vernacular of the period, Peter was square /// As a rule, monocles were a male accessory: If in need of an aid to vision, a woman would use spectacles or a lorgnette, a pair of glasses on a handle /// Both men and women have cowlicks, which can be covered by longer hair so the whorl is not visible /// At parties he always makes a beeline for the prettiest woman in the room /// I've been racking my brains all day but I can't remember her name /// The principles which inform modern teaching /// No wonder such unrealistic lists get scrunched up and binned, before being drawn up again along similar lines /// The play, one feels, must remain unique, for the prolegomenon cannot be rewritten while the philosophy is unchanged ///

>> No.23364611

You might want to check your internet connection. It seems to be about 8 years slow.

>> No.23365699

The models are correct the vast majority of the time, it's the same system used to predict the weather you fucking idiot

>> No.23365719

>it's the same system used to predict the weather you fucking idiot
you shouldn't make any more posts until you rethink your life

>> No.23366339

>it's the same system used to predict the weather
This statement proves the climate cult is uneducated politicized groupthink. You guys are just like an apocalypse cult.

>> No.23366416

I'd say it's worse, because at least the regular apocalypse cults tend to break up when doomsday doesn't come to pass instead of screaming "TWO MORE WEEKS" every two weeks for the last 40 years.

>> No.23366475
File: 113 KB, 1080x1365, jordan-has-a-challenging-day-on-twitter-v0-8y1p6mrs5ntb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23366480

Lol, he's not wrong.