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/lit/ - Literature

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23346529 No.23346529 [Reply] [Original]

These are all the books I've gotten this year. Left stack is the ones I've read so far. My two favorites from that stack are Spring Snow and The Makioka Sisters. The latter is one of the best books I've read in a long time and I hope it picks up some traction on /lit/ because it deserves it.

The right stack is books I haven't read yet, sort of. I've read Pedro Paramo before and I'm reading it again because new translation. Same with The obsene bird of night which I'll read next. Really looking forward to it since it's one of my all-time favorite books, I'm just hoping the new translation doesn't fuck it up.

Alright, post your stacks /lit/.

>> No.23346633 [DELETED] 

I can't take seriusly a person that reads Japanese "literature".

>> No.23346648

I can't take seriously a person that reads Japanese "literature

>> No.23346665

Based stack.
Go away, /pol/tard.

>> No.23346696


>> No.23346706

I picked up Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man from the library today. That's my stack. Don't feel like posting a picture, but it's green.

>> No.23346713

no u

>> No.23346728
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Pedro Paramo is one of my favorites, think I will give that a reread tonight.

>> No.23346754


>> No.23346830

You too friend

Hardly a stack THO

It really is good. Hope you'll enjoy your Tanizaki tales, thinking about picking it up too.

>> No.23347160

picked the following up yesterday
>Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, The Mysterious Island, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Around the World in Eighty Days
A four-in-one, without illustrations, translators (in order): L. Mercier, A. Kingston, Unknown, G. Towle.
the JTTCOTE translation is the original 1871 'translation', the rewritten bullshit one. The introduction even alludes to this bunk translation, yet they published it anyway. (thanks Barnes and Noble, c. 1994)
>Great Expectations, Hard Times, A Christmas Carol, A Tale of Two Cities
Another four-in-one, with illustrations
>For Whom the Bell Tolls
>The Idiot
Garnett translation
>The Brothers Karamazov
McDuff translation
>Moby Dick
>The Call of the Wild
A 1915 print, has an inscription from 1926 on page 1, binding is upside-down; has sovl. Unfortunately missing all but one of the illustrations.
It was part of a matching set with two other London books, but I only grabbed the one; kinda regret it now.
>The Sound and the Fury
>The Power and the Glory
>The Snow Goose
>The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
>On the Road
all for twenty-two smackeroos

>> No.23348049

Only one book has arrived so far (Brief Interviews With Hideous Men), so I have no picture. But within the next couple of days, my stack will consist of:

The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar,
A Student's Grammar of the English Language,
The Cambridge Guide to English Usage,
A Latin Grammar (by James Morwood,)
Brief Interviews With Hideous Men (as mentioned,)
Old Goriot,
Soul-Stirring Psalms and Hymns,
and the Book of Mormon.

>> No.23349057
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which one should i read next?

>> No.23349741
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Recent haul

Against Nature, Huysman's afterword in that Oxford edition made me want to read the whole book over again.

>> No.23349851
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>> No.23349882

>Susan Sontag
What a fucking faggot you are

>> No.23351065
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Got these at the last bookstore I was at for total of ~$15, which do I start with?

>> No.23351168

>funko pop thread
If any of you think this thread has merit, just look at how few of the posts even MENTION the content of any book

>> No.23351242
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This week's haul.
Start with Babbitt, it's a dreadful story.
Start with Roadside Picnic.
Start with Against Nature, and if you like it, read On Elegance While Sleeping.

>> No.23351263


I've just recently picked up Around the World in Eighty Days as well as Great Expectations.

Also recently read The Idiot (t. Garnett), Moby Dick, and On The Road

you're in for some good reading anon

>> No.23351357
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Got a big haul from a book fair.

>> No.23351363
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>> No.23351367
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>> No.23351370
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Overall pretty good for a bit over $100, quite a few gems and surprises.

>> No.23351451

i finished Beneath the Wheel last week, i really enjoyed it and it is a quick read

>> No.23352225
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>> No.23352242
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>> No.23352260
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Bump, more books.
Borges is overrated.
Weak bait >>>/out/

>> No.23352297

>Borges is overrated.
If there's a better author in the same vein I should know about, I'm all ears.

>> No.23352319 [DELETED] 
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I bought these books at library sale. I thought the Frank O Connor short stories was the collected Short Stories of Flannery O'Connor.

>> No.23352336
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I bought these books at library sale. I thought the Frank O Connor short stories was the collected Short Stories of Flannery O'Connor.

>> No.23353361
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>> No.23353782

kino purchases anon

>> No.23353792

The Stranger is very overrated.

>> No.23353975

Why so many books on art? Do you have job in the art world, is your major in art, or just general interest in art?

>> No.23353988
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>> No.23354057

Checked and pretty juicy, if a bit of a meme. I'd love to have many of these though.

>> No.23354072

Just an area of interest right now; ive always been interested in the mindset of an artist but really gotten into it recently. Ive gone through the same thing with writers and poets before; one of my favorite subjects is "writers on writing/books". Not all the books in the stack i posted are new, i just pull out books im interested in and keep them out as a reminder

>> No.23354556
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Found these at Value Village last night. Not a bad haul if I may say so.

>> No.23355207 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23355343

Ive pushed the makioka sisters on here a lot. It's in my top 5 favorite novels ever for sure. I think it's the most beautiful novel I've ever read in my life.

>> No.23355358

I think I might know you. If so, did you ever end up checking out Amiel's Journal? I rec'd it and was told it sounded familiar and now I came across it mentioned in of Human Bondage, a book you rec'd. unless this isnt you then disregard.

>> No.23355488
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>> No.23356092

Mah nigga! It really is, isn't it? Such a serene, comfy experience reading it. Was genuinely sad when it was over. Have you read anything else by Tanizaki? From what I've looked up, The Makioka Sisters stands out among his works, being a different kind of book than his usual works, which makes me quite hesitant to read anything else from him, especially since nothing else seems to be as highly ranked/regarded as the sisters.

>> No.23356095

It's a book I have in the back of my mind that anons have recommended to me in the past along with stuff like Sens Plastique by Chazal, Eugene Delacroix's Journal, etc. The problem I have with Amiel's Journal is that no good editions seem to exist, at least on Amazon, and I'm wary of those independently published books they have there. I guess for something like that a used copy is the way to go

>> No.23356537

I've also read quicksand and I definitely enjoyed it enough to recommend it. I still want to read Naomi, that one is supposed to be pretty good as well. TMS is definitely considered his masterpiece and I couldnt see myself finding any of his other works on par with that, but that doesnt mean they arent worth reading. Do you like Soseki? Kokoro was good, similar style to tanizaki. But yeah I dont think anything can touch TMS. I actually just started spring snow. I also loved No Longer Human, though its gotten quite a lot of hate on here.

>> No.23356546

W David Irving

>> No.23356554

Very based

>> No.23356829
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My stack.
Miller anon, i am jealous of you for once haha. Those taschen books become very expensive here. I'm still waiting for a decent price on their recent Frank Frazetta book.

I know you're in it for the historical aspect, but check out TS Sullivant, he is my favorite artist of all time.
Insane 19th century carticaturist, who experimented a lot with anthropomorphic drawings, and basically was the main inspiration for Disney's animal animations, like fantasia.

Fantagraphics put out a complete book of his drawings, which i always flip through whilst drawing to learn from his inking/hatching techniques.

>> No.23356877

I'll check those out too, and Seven Japanese Tales, from Tanizaki. I'm definitely interested in reading more from him, even though it probably won't measure up to the sisters. I did enjoy Kokoro, sad as it was though. Should probably look up more from Soseki too.

I'm sure you'll enjoy Spring Snow, it might be my favorite from the tetralogy. I think Runaway Horses and The decay of the angel are more highly rated and I think I understand why, but Spring Snow was my personal favorite - I guess I'm just a sucker for some romance. That said, the style of writing is very much different as compared to both Soseki and Tanizaki. Not as "simplistic" as the latter two.

No longer human was the first japanese book I read as an adult and I really, really didn't like it. It's actually what put me off japanese /lit/ for a few years jej - but there you go, different strokes.

>> No.23357055

They are my first and I like them a lot but it can definitely become an expensive habit. The Bosch, Brueghel, and Van Gogh I got weren't too expensive- like $65 new from Amazon. Some are super expensive though, especially the bigger sized books. I'm unsure who I want to get next. I'll probably wait a couple weeks before ordering another as just ordered Delacroix's journals from Phaidon and it is one of my more expensive whim purchases but from what i've read its exactly what im looking for, especially right now

>your stack
Very nice. Is that the new reissue of Young? That and the New Directions Donoso were two books ive been awaiting for a few months but theyre not really what I'm looking for right now so I'm holding off. I'm curious how Miss Macintosh is so let me know when youre done.

The Glass Bead Game is another i have on my long list. I think reading Hesse makes all the difference if you're even vaguely familiar with Jung. I've been meaning to reread Damian for a while now. It was the first book of Hesse's I read years ago and the second half went over my head. IMO Hesse gets too much hate on /lit/. Sure he's fairly accessible and normie friendly but he is one of the handful of writers who has the potential to be "life changing" to the right reader

Are those the Mascaro translations of the Penguins? If so, theyre easily my favorites that I've read

>> No.23357352
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Brought these to my college dorm room. Gf made me read the nip stuff

>> No.23357712
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Do taschen go out of print quickly? I want to get the small and medium size version art books about plants.

>> No.23358604

thank you.

I've also been waiting on for Taschen's book on donald duck lol. they did one for mickey mouse, but i dont like mickey that much. donald's book should be out by next year.

I'd like to get the artists you've got, including maybe Klimt and Vermeer as well.

taschen does varying sizes of the same book, so be wary i guess that you dont get the wrong book lol.

Yes its a new ed of miss macintosh, pretty floppy and readable binding. much better than nyrb's gaddis, which i had to hold very tightly so as to not crease the damn book.

I really liked siddhartha, i'm not necessarily a buddhist, but i meditate everyday, so i do believe in non-duality, and that the self is an illusion and such. so siddhartha, made me affirm my decision to meditate everyday further.

Will check out the hesse-jung connection.

yes, those are the mascaro translations. i have read all these 3 in hindi already, and hindi is basically sanskrit with dumbed down grammar. so there is like 80% overlap of words between both.

I was vary of english translations, because i dont know how to explain it. you know how there's a meme, that german always sound angry. well hindi, proper hindi,the type which Bhartendu Harishchandra developed, not the modernized version that people today speak, or the various dialects, sounds very baroque and well heavy. which translations again dont capture that well in english.

but mascaro was somehow very nice, and very poetic. much better than any i've read either. so thank you, you were the impetus for me getting them.

also yeah, i've been also waiting to get the donoso as well, alongside the alejo carpentier penguin translations.

>> No.23360117

The XXL Frazetta book was half the price not so long ago in a sale (although I got Masterpieces of Fantasy Art and Frazetta for full price and didn't regret). It's worth it to be on their newsletter, I got XXL Rembrandt for 75 euros in said flash sale.

>> No.23360121
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>> No.23360122
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>> No.23361418
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Got this in the mail today
It is a beautiful thing to behold and feels very nice, also smells very nice as well
It has rare vocabulary on each page as footnotes, usually just a single synonym provided and 300 pages of notes and introductions
Very stiff when I first got it

>> No.23361422

How much did iy cost you?

>> No.23361426

$116 AUD which is a lot I guess

>> No.23361433

Are Vintage books dreadfully made and overpriced, or is it just me?

In the UK, if that changes anything.

>> No.23361445


How'd/Where'd you get 'em? Would love a haul like this.

>> No.23361546

The department I'm in has a conference room with a bunch of old books, he told the graduates that they could all just go through and take stuff.

>> No.23361930

>Borges is overrated.
Go back.

>> No.23361932

lmao the Spengler portrait

>> No.23361940

How'd you get the MM,MM?

>> No.23362002

To Buenos Aires? No, thanks.

>> No.23362035

Everything is overpriced in Sweden so I can't say anything about that.

When it comes to quality, I don't know. How would I know they are of bad quality? When I compare the Vintage books in my picture I can say this: Spring Snow and The Sailor... seem "better" than the other ones: they're soft and open up easy instead of being rigid where you have to bend it to hell for it to stay open, and the covers have a nice coarse feel to them instead of being completely smooth.

I'm sure that's not what you were looking for though.

>> No.23362038

You will never even read 1/10th of those.

>> No.23362050
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I've been making my way through Elric lately so picking up Hawkmoon seemed like the next logical step in doing my deep dive on Moorcock's multiverse. I know Murakami is there but more of a guilty pleasure than anything


Flowers of Evil is very good and I feel like a lot of people who love literature would connect with it in some way even if Kasuga is a little bit of a whiny pretentious pseud Oshimi is very good at making you feel uncomfortable. Nana seems to be getting really popular lately I don't know anything about it other than it was on a long hiatus for a while and that it was Chris-chan's favourite anime/manga surprisingly giving his taste in stuff

>> No.23362070

I'm a philosophy graduate.

>> No.23362139

Beautiful. I want to sniff.

>> No.23362146

He's right. Also reddit loves that fag so stfu

>> No.23362185

I can pick up these, which ones should I get?

1 The Philosophy of India Zimmerman (vintage hardcover)
2 Language and Myth Cassirer (vintage hardcover)
3 Emerson Poems and Essays (vintage hardcover)
4 Spinoza Selections (old paperback)
5 Phenomenology an edited Husserl/Influences anthology (paperback)
6 Cassirer An Essay on Man (vintage hardcover)
7 Bertrand Russell's blue book on Leibniz (vintage hardcover)
8 Hobbes De Cive The Citizen (vintage hardcover)
9 Art and Philosophy (vintage hardcover)
10 3 Dialogs by Berkeley (paperback)
11 Jewish intellectual history (hardcover)
12 Sartre the age of reason (vintage paperback)
13 Aesthetics And The Philosophy Of Criticism (vintage hardcover)
14 Berkeley Complete Works (vintage hardcovers)
15 Contemporary American Philosophy compilation (vintage hardcover)
16 Skepticism and Ordinary Language Philosophy (paperback)
17 Hume anthology (paperback)
18 Walter Kaufmann's Existentialism (vintage paperback)
19 Walter Kaufmann Critique of Philosophy and Religion (vintage paperback)
20 Bertrand Russell's book on Skepticism (vintage hardcover)
21 American Pragmatism anthology (paperback)
22 Political Philosophy (a big paperback textbook)
23 What Plato Said (vintage hardcover)

>> No.23362189

What a waste of time, save for the Emerson.

>> No.23362202

Okay I take that back, you won't even read 1/10th of those books.

>> No.23362206

I can kinda see what I mean when I said this is mostly chaff, I picked up about 50 other books before this, but this is what is left. I am not a huge Bertrand Russell fan because I hate descriptivism and propositions. I believe that my teacher is of the opinion that the philosophy of india contains the best theory of mind, one which is metaphysical, poetic, and phenomenological through its gods which represent the different elements like creation, destruction, chaos, order, etc. I feel as though the philosophy of India would be a fabulous edition. Cassirer is a multi ethnic study of Egypt, as well as other ancient cultures, in order to discuss their language and mythology. Emerson of course would be the traditional Christian pick, for the average 4channer, and not the ultra left philosophy graduate who posts here for giggles. Phenomenology seems pretty alright, I know it's not unconscious, like Deleuze's philosophy, or Freud's, and it's looking for essences and stuff like that, but I think it could be interesting. Bertrand Russell was an expert on Leibniz, so his work on it should at least be the best he could produce on a subject. Hobbes sucks, I don't really want the Citizen book, it's just old and looks cool. The Jewish Intellectual History book might be interesting. I've been convinced by one of my interlocutors that I should join a Jewish university, because Jewish people are extremely open and dedicated to interpretation, so I wanted to have some hermeneutical Jewish ideas to help enhance my writing. Berkeley works on one very hard to deny principle, that we perceive everything with our minds. Hard to deny, although I doubt I would ever buy into his philosophy. Kane Baker seems to like him a lot though, so I give it a chance. The rest is just meh, except What Plato Said, which should be a pretty good expose on Plato. I don't care much about all the skepticism stuff except the Kaufmann.

>> No.23362276
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>> No.23362296 [DELETED] 
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Got these a couple of days ago.

>> No.23362424

This would be a problem for most people, but I have summers off. I finish about 20 books a year. You do the math.

>> No.23363299

You've inspired me to read The Glass Bead game after I'm done the next couple books I have on the way (Toynbee's 2 part abridged A Study of History, and Eugene Delacroix's Journals). It's been a while since I've read Hesse that isn't Siddartha and reading some of the reviews on goodreads (one of the first is a great review by an Oxford professor, I think) and it sounds like a combination of the best of Hesse and a culmination of his life's writings. Hesse certainly doesn't have street cred when it comes to high brow or academic readers but he can be a thought provoking and life changing writer if the right reader reads him at the right time. That is the highest compliment I can pay an author IMO, and there aren't many writers I can say that about.

Ive been looking at that Klimt Taschen as well. On Amazon they have one of the big ones that usually sells for $100 going for $45 I think. Either way I want my next one to be a 20th century painter. I know they get a lot of hate here but I've come around to them. Love the Klint from what I've seen. Some of Taschen's smaller ~100 page books are very affordable; around $20 new. I dont think they have writing and a biography to go along with it though. I'm reading the Van Gogh now and I highly recommend it. It was pretty cheap, like $15 for ~700 pages of his complete paintings and a biography and overview, many portions of his letters included. Some Taschen's are obnoxiously priced. There is a Raphael for like $300. The book must be huge with scholarly criticism or something. Either way, I foresee a lot of Taschen's in my future

Mascaro has a great combo of being clear yet poetic. It suits those works very well. What languages can you speak or read?

>> No.23363360

NTA but I'll change the signal. You won't even comprehend 1/10th of what you read, philosophy major.

>> No.23363518

Haha finally something we can agree on!

>> No.23363581

Someone has an identity crisis!

>> No.23363752
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Just picked these up at a charity book sale on the weekend.

>> No.23363787

But that's the only post I've made in here, anon lol

>> No.23363925

Oh, my bad, I didn't know what NTA meant.

>> No.23364131

Rip Paul Auster

>> No.23364723

I think I told you earlier that I'm from India. I can only speak Hindi and English fluently. I used to have a passing familiarity with Sanskrit, due to school, but i've been out of practice for half a decade now.

What about you? And you are from the USA right? You don't particularly strike me to be british.

I'll check the van gogh tashcen next month. Already spent a lot hah.

>> No.23365333
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Haven't posted in of these for a while.

>> No.23365923
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You could probably find it second hand in good condition for much less, but if you're actually in Australia then I guess sourcing it and getting cheap shipping might be a problem.
I don't get the appeal of Pléiades, honestly. Those books simply aren't enjoyable to read, unlike your average Folio edition where everything is oversized.

>> No.23365928
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>> No.23366044
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>> No.23366048
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>> No.23366052
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>> No.23366138

>No wheel of time or dark tower books at any of my local thrifts
I've been to a handful multiple times and have had no luck.

>> No.23366281
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I'll repost the stack on my desk.

>> No.23366307

Also, since you mentioned Tonybee, are you aware of A.L.Kroeber's Configurations of Culture Growth. Kroeber was the most successful anthropologist of the 20th century and this was the culmination of a decade of his work. I really don't know much about it. But it's my aim to start reading this from June, will acquire a copy by then, though it is quite expensive.

>> No.23366322
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>> No.23366330

I shudder to imagine the man who put this collection of possessions together in his home and said to himself "yes, perfect!"

>> No.23366393

You got anymore shelves?
He's clearly a total fucking chad that makes impotent losers shudder at the mere thought of him.

>> No.23366548

Yeah I’m from Philly, Pa. Taschens definitely give you a better idea of the brush work as opposed to a picture on the internet, and im sure the bigger the book the better, though it certainly doesn’t beat going to a museum or seeing a painting in person. It’s easier to see it as a “medium of paint” and not a “picture that is painted” if that makes sense. The sheer creativity and artistry shine through when you are able to examine a painting in detail and it becomes more than something that is synonymous with photography. It’s great seeing the progression of Van Gogh. He was a rough person but a beautiful soul. There are so many different things I’ve taken away from his letters and biography
I’m not familiar with Kroeber. What’s his deal? I’ll always admire the sheer ambition of books like Toynbee and Spengler even if I don’t totally agree or some of their theories have been proven wrong. Not quite in the same vein but have you read Otto Rank? He’s another guy on my radar

>> No.23366557

>jorge amado

>> No.23367409

Any man who has an actual large white bust of Caesar in their home (on a Roman style column no less!) is a guaranteed pseud and there is no arguing this.

>> No.23367429
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>> No.23367492

More recent releases of Pléiades aren't significantly cheaper than buying them new, at least based on ebay results
Also it seems that rarer releases are also generally quite expensive
That's excluding the shipping costs
Anyway I had a Pléiade before I bought this one (it cost me $7 AUD) and I think they're nice books to read
I'm not a fan of folio because I think they're too big so I guess we just have opposite opinions

>> No.23367642
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agree with you on the painting front. its always enlightening to see these painters in a more humane light, as people who honed their skills over time. rather than complete maestros from day 1.

You might like these videos.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV6tZEj4yY0&list=PLbWUhQ9n53PhW_IkfB3AFAFMfUFCK-I70&index=2 (3 part video, more on his channel)
https://youtu.be/tjLk5pNn2Js?si=F7EnpI_cx42k_O4V (this guy has lot of painter related videos.)

>re:van gogh

whenever i read a good chunk of his letters, the guy just makes me want to draw more lol.

I drew pic related last time.

also haven't read much of kroeber, just the initial few pages, seems like grand analysis of culture from various aspects over various civilizations. drama, philosophy, sculptor, science etc.

i've heard of Otto Rank, i think in relation with Freud. Havent read either.

>> No.23368329

That doesn't contradict what I said.

>> No.23369093

Neat. I’ll check them out. I’ve actually never tried drawing or painting seriously. Now that I’m more into it I should give it a try even though it will be terrible and demoralizing in the beginning. It will probably give me a ton more respect for the great artists though. Even at worst it will be a relaxing pursuit. I’ll eventually check out some beginner type manuals

>> No.23369287

Didn't expect to see JtHM today, even Filler Bunny lol. I don't like that the director's cut lacks content, but it's just more convenient than a bunch of individuals comics. Good on ya. Keep up the programming and Irish, mate. Poetry, Wilde. This is a cool person.

>> No.23369304

Got Illuminations by Walter Benjamin along with The Unconscious by Sigmund Freud. I want to read some Freud this year but I've only done surface level stuff on some of his theories back when I studied psychology nearly a decade ago. No idea if this is even a good place to start with him or if I should keep it and read something like Civilization and Its Discontent or Interpretation of Dreams

>> No.23369720

>Olaf Stapledon

Extremely based.

>> No.23369774

do you own a used bookstore or something? Did you inherit those books?

>> No.23370162
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Rate my gf's shelf

>> No.23370297

Stephen King / 10. LotR seems out of place

>> No.23370308

That sucks, she's a degenerate. Your relationship won't last long unless she's over 30 and approaching/hit the wall already.

>> No.23370511

>my gf's
please anon, its alright to admit you're a Swede, no need to tell such tall tales. I accept you for who you are.

>> No.23370572
File: 3.36 MB, 4896x3672, DSCN1221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is like this

>> No.23370711

Nice collection of unread nazi books you fucking nazi

>> No.23370751

where to cop that vase

>> No.23370783
File: 1.85 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just what i brought with me to uni, currently reading (and much enjoying) the pale king.

>> No.23370869

Based philosophy-bro.

Who's your favourite of those? How many have you read?

>> No.23370925

probably kant! it's hard to deny his insane lasting impact on pretty much every area of philosophy, even if his original views have fallen out of fashion.
i've read at least portions of everything pictured except deleuze (recently bought, but not enough time on my hands to really engage with the texts). also been reading ross' the right and the good (ed. stratton-lake, not pictured) and some surrounding literature for a course i'm taking, great stuff. you?

>> No.23370952

Lucky bastard

>> No.23371429

Technically, most of these books fall into fascist territory rather than national socialism. He's probably a third positionist more than anything else, though. That's the most logical decision.

>> No.23371908

Desu, I've read most of 'em. Formerly I gravitated more towards Hume styled stuff, but lately I've become increasingly convinced of a kind of eclectic Hegelian-irrationalism, though might heart still sings for Aristotle and Kant.

What have you been reading lately? What for your courses?

>> No.23372726
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>> No.23372753

Good shit

>> No.23373149
File: 1.97 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20240510_172642845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the books I've bought in the past couple of weeks that I found at thrift stores. Spent a total of $3 on them. The book second from the bottom is a first edition of Spirit Lake by MacKinlay Kantor that's in really good shape. He's the guy who wrote Andersonville, which I also used to have a first edition of but lost :(

>> No.23373164


I was really interested in reading the Cairo Trilogy for a while then I completely forgot about it. Have you any previous experience with him? I’d love to hear what he’s about

>> No.23373179

I've been curious about him too and hadn't read any of him yet. I just started the short one "The Journey of Ibn Fattouma", it's a quick 148 pages and I'm 50 pages in. It's pretty good, has a sort of vague fable-y feel to it. Not overly written and detailed, but it still conjures up strong visuals and emotions

>> No.23373378

Pristine paperback spines i see, how about you actually try reading some of those books

>> No.23373406

>He's clearly a total fucking chad that makes impotent losers shudder at the mere thought of him.
this is some of the most faggot-ass shit I have ever read, btw you gotta be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.23373856

>this is some of the most faggot-ass shit I have ever read
First day on the internet, anon? Ah. I'm suddenly reminded that it is summer.

>> No.23374225

comfy stack

>> No.23374230

based stack anon, bit wtf is that Peirce book?

>> No.23374243

all of those phil of mind books are obsolete now that GPT exists tbqh

>> No.23374252
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Just started taking reading seriously this past week. I have coin locker babies and flowers for algernon on the way as well. Last time I took reading seriously was freshman year of high school when I read things fall apart, brave new world, animal farm, night, etc.

The animal farm edition is illustrated.

>> No.23374303
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Another good haul from Value Village.

>> No.23374309

Swamp Thing is pretty good, yeah

>> No.23375131

U.S. so I imagine our copies would be the same
I’m generally pretty pleased with their paperbacks. The spines hood together, some of mine I’ve had for years haven’t even started to show age on pages, it’s pretty damn good for the price imo.

>> No.23375175

If price is an issue, Gutenberg has some of Kroeber’s books if you’re alright reading on a screen. Mostly on his work in the Mohave.

>> No.23375185
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Almost done with Butcher's Crossing. Less than a 100 pages left.

I think I might have added or something. I'll read half of a book in one sitting and put it down for a month and then finish it. I usually have 5 books going at once.

>> No.23375192
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Halfway through rovers and the top one. 40 pages of players left.

>> No.23375201
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Haven't started any of this yet

>> No.23375203

That should say adhd instead of added

>> No.23375240

Blackwater sounds kind of dope

>> No.23375295
File: 1.25 MB, 2880x2160, 20240511_123405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a different version. For only being like less than 70 years old it's falling apart. I had another edition which had the whole papers separate from the spine because of ultra dry and shoddy adhesive.

>> No.23375305

Not where I'd start with McDowell just bc of the sheer size but I'm excited. You should read The Elementals. It's like if Faulkner wrote a haunted house novel, but on a beach.

>> No.23375315


this belongs on facebook

>> No.23375322

>I hope it picks up some traction on /lit/ because it deserves it.
Create a new Discord server and organize with another 10 anons to write posts in /lit/ frequently about these books.

>> No.23375449
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Just got these as well

>> No.23375546
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Here's the rest of my haul. Some Julia Kristeva, a Spinoza compilation, Plato's Theory of Knowledge, a falling apart Sartre novel called The Age of Reason, and an abridged William James Psychology edition I also didn't photograph. This was all free. I also got several hundred dollars of Jurisprudence, law, and international law textbooks for free, 6 of them.

>> No.23375552
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All free.

>> No.23375661

Also not pictured, volume 2 of contemporary American Philosophers.

>> No.23375948

Mind posting the content pages of those Toynbee's?

>> No.23375955
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I got these, in the past couple days.

>> No.23376013
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Flea market stack

>> No.23376122
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>> No.23376126
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>> No.23376128
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>> No.23376131
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>> No.23376136
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The unabridged version is like 7 times as long at 7000 pages which is crazy

>> No.23376151

Thank you so much. Looks amazing. I'll be getting this soon. I appreciate you a lot.

Also two books for you.

Yale University had published a much bigger selection, with complete letters of Van Gogh too. So if you're on a completionist streak.

And Stanford University, has been putting out a Complete Works of Nietzsche for the past 2 decades, and they have a lot of unpublished texts and notes which Kaufmann never got too in there.

>> No.23376210

No problem. They’re really nice books physically too. The only other Oxford University Press I have is Spengler’s abridged DotW which is smaller and not as “fresh”. I’m definitely going to look more into their catalog as I’m not too familiar with them. I’ll probably be starting Toynbee today or tomorrow after I finish the Huizinga

I’ve almost bought that Yale University Press Van Gogh a couple times. It’s called Ever Yours, right? From what I can tell it’s a bigger version as the one I have from Thames and Hudson. I’m sure I’ll eventually get the Yale one but oddly enough the Penguin one is the version I like more. Maybe it’s because I read it first but I also like how there are a bunch of brief prefaces before many of the letters that give it a tighter continuity compared to the T&H which has fewer

I’ll also keep the Stanford Nietzsche’s in mind. I still need to get around to The Will to Power and some of his earlier stuff like Dawn, and Wanderer, which I’ve only read excerpts of. The thing that worries me is that I’ll get OCD and want to have the complete series by one publisher and it looks huge, like 20 books at ~500 pages a book lol. Either way I’ll probably eventually get a couple

>> No.23376842


>> No.23376861

>Oxford book of Canadian ghost stories
WTF Leafbros', why's that book so thin?
Canadians' don't do ghosts?

>> No.23376867

What Flea?

>> No.23376913

Been reading up on these Verne translations, turns out three out of the four are shit; Wikipedia says G.M. Towle is legit, so I'll probably read Around the World in Eighty Days from this at least.
The level of bullshit with these translations puts the Russian translation wars to shame; P&V could do a better job. and to think they're still publishing these works. Buyers beware.
Think I'll lug this to one of those streetside library cabinets, given the thing can even fit into it, otherwise it could make for good kindling.

>> No.23377356

I read that Bernard book last week and liked it a lot. Nice quick read. All those guys come off as difficult personalities but Gauguin really seems like he was an unlikeable person

>> No.23378020

care to explain why...

>> No.23378228

Mishima is the most overrated writer that was ever presented to me.
People keep buying into his persona, but I wonder how many have actually been able to read his “literature” for what it is. His writings are mildly interesting at best. The themes can be intriguing but he wasn’t as gifted at analyzing human character depth as he might have thought himself to be. He hardly penetrates deeper than surface level, or does such without much grasp.

>> No.23378626


>> No.23378629

He's racist and hates Japanese people.

>> No.23378725

San Jose Capitol

>> No.23379399


>> No.23379773
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Just acquired picrel.

>> No.23379858

>Jack Kirby inspired thor design on the cover
Do modern designers really not know that the OG Thor and mjolnir didn’t resemble that at all?

>> No.23380139

yea we'd rather read about odin eating thor's cum after he got skullfucked

>> No.23380754

>Do taschen go out of print quickly? I want to get the small and medium size version art books about plants.
The books definitely “go out of print”, but a lot of the titles then get republished later on in subsequent editions.
Usually, each edition hangs around for at least a couple years or more, at which point it can get harder to find the titles.
There are exceptions, especially with the more expensive limited edition titles.
Monographs on individual designers, artists, photographers, etc. sometimes will only get published in one edition, or maybe multiple printings, but then never get published again.
Weirdly, the smaller “Bibliotheca Universalis” editions, (basically 6 inch by 8 inch, “affordable” and more compact editions) routinely may sell out before some of the larger editions of the same titles.
These Bibliotheca Universalis editions are way more convenient as far as size.
This series has gone thru changes over time, with the printing location and bindings changing over the years.
Some titles seem to be out of print nowadays, but many others get reprinted every several years.
Originally, the BU series were paperbacks, although with sewn bindings, and on decent paper. I gorget were the books were printed.
Taschen then started hard binding the BU series, with multicolor printed covers.
These editions were originally printed in China, and I find the paper thick, and the binding a but wanting, although still sewn.
The last series of the BU printings seem to have been printed and bound in Bosnia Herzegovina, and have paper that is thinner, but with a really nice print quality, and the B&H printed books seem to have better binding quality.
In the USA, these seem to run $25.
There were also dome BU books that were printed and bound in Estonia (I think) that were decent, but not as good as the Bosnia editions, but still better than the Chinese editions.
Currently, the BU series is being printed as the 40th anniversary series, and the binding changed to a hardcover, with full color printed boards, and a hard board spine, and the price went up to $30.
I personally preferred the binding on the previous series, but at least Taschen brought some out of print titles back.

>> No.23381089

Books I can pick up:
Outlines of the History Greek Philosophy Zeller (Hardcover) (an old 1800s text on ancient greeks with Hegel in the air, and lots of bias, but written beautifully, according to a review)
Persecuting Nazi War Criminals
Reconstruction in Philosophy (I overlooked this one, but I'm hoping this is a John Dewey book, appears to be leatherbound)
Bertrand Russell's Problems in Philosophy
Nurenberg Trials
a book on aggression
Aristotle's Nicomacean Ethics (Loab library edition hardcover)
Philosophy of Mind Alan White
Hitler's Justice (hardcover)
A Dictionary of Afro American Slavery
Symbolic Logic textbook (hardcover)
Some more Freud books, about 2.
A world politics collection (box set)
Through the Needle's Eye, an original hardcover, very pretty
The Life of Lenin (hardcover)
Informal Logic
Lectures on Wittgenstein
Imagination by Warnock
Francis Bacon anthology
Worlds of Logic
The Meaning of Meaning (hardcover)
The Riddle of the Universe (hardcover)

>> No.23381115
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Random, unsolicited advice: as someone who has collected quite a few books over the years, I wish I had taken my time to purchase quality hardcovers where available instead of paperbacks. Quality > quantity.

>> No.23382534
File: 355 KB, 1039x900, 20240513_233036[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to Bath today and got these

>> No.23382544

Nice haul

>> No.23382641

The Remains of the Day is really good

>> No.23382648

Thanks friend

I read Never Let Me Go not too long ago and really liked it so I thought I'd read more Ishiguro

>> No.23382687

Gotta sell books somehow brah.

>> No.23382895

What’s the deal with the super expensive Taschens? Are they just limited edition collectibles or are they better in some way?

>> No.23383596

>What’s the deal with the super expensive Taschens? Are they just limited edition collectibles or are they better in some way?
The better Taschen books are usually published in Italy, although I’m not sure whether all the Italian books are printed and bound by the same printer and binder.
One publisher in Italy was paid in advance by Taschen’s founder to build a specialty binding machine to machine bind the ultra large “Sumo” editions, which are around 20 inches by 28 inches.
After the book was printed and bound, Taschen realized the book was too large and heavy, so he had Philippe Starck design a custom stand the book could be displayed on, since Starck and Starck’s design/architectural firm were designing Taschen’s bookstores at the time.
Since then, other custom stands have been designed for other “Sumo editions, so you basically are buying a very expensive book and a piece of limited production designer furniture to go with the book.
The cost on the Sumo editions can vary from $3,000 to $40,000 new depending on the artists work or the subject material.
I honestly don’t know the print quslity, but I would presume at the cost, the photographers whose work is printed would demand the highest quality, at least for the Sumo editions.
The next step diwn are some of the weird limited editions, which in a number of cases are facsimiles of older works that are out of print.
I presume these are somewhat similar in quality to the limited editions from a publisher like Folio Society.
The large Taschen editions you see at bookstores like Barnes & Noble are nice, and the books have gotten nicer over the years, but I believe there are art book publishers that do better reproduction quality.
For high quality reproductions of old prints, I believe there are photolithographic reproduction processes that are likely better than what Taschen uses for their regular books.
Most of the time these special reproduction processes tend to be limited printings at higher cost that what Taschen would want to charge.
Dover actually used to, and may still, use a photolithographic process for their reprints of old books, so you might be better buying a Dover edition for reprints of old woodblock prints and etchings in black and white.

>> No.23383627

Never Let Me Go is fantastic. I read it right after reading Solaris and it was a nice one two punch of melancholy.

>> No.23383668

Where in Bath?

I love the look of that PL edition (have it) but that series is so poorly made it makes me weep.

>> No.23383685

Except for the politics. The author basically implies the Nazis were all the fault of English gentlemanly sportsmanship and if only American professional politicians had been allowed to enslave Germany in perpetuity everything would have turned out much better. Also the author basically justifies the idea that Democracy is garbage because most people don't have a clue what is going on so the big decisions should be left up to their betters (who certainly won't use the opportunity to keep firm class divides and stoke the very resentment which fueled the rise of Hitler) Sad.

>> No.23383726

Toppings, waterstones, the oxfam bookshop, the second hand bookm shop in the market and mr b's emporium

>> No.23383746

Fuck man I have been thinking about this since I started buying books as well.

My ultra long term goal is to have a room full of literature/history/philosophy/politics books I consider worth preserving, and all of them with a custom binding, custom slipcases, the whole 9, purely for progeny, I consider the book itself a medium of art.

My original plan was to just buy cheap paperbacks and learn book binding but now I have started learning about paper quality, archival paper/ink, pH, paper chemistry etc and it makes me feel like I am wasting my time.

Obviously modern paperbacks in decent conditions will last our lifetime but what about further out than that? Do I want my kids when they are old to be reading yellowed stiff paperbacks? Treating and deacidifying them is technically possible but it’s almost certainly not worth the effort and money. It’s probably the best idea to just chuck up the extra money first and buy a quality hardcover, but finding out what kind of materials they used to make it is pretty difficult, though some publishers like library of America all use archival quality materials supposedly.
Other option is to buy old hardback editions that have seller images not showing yellowing and rebind them but you still have risks with deceptive lighting photos, editions not having what you want in them etc.

>> No.23384585


>> No.23385397

Modern paperback won’t necessarily last a lifetime.
My mother and father purchased a crap load of books, and many started falling apart after a few decades or less, with paper that became yellowed and brittle, and bindings that started yo fail causing pages to fall out.
This involved major publishers such as Penguin and Cambridge, as well as regular literary presses.
Even books purchased in the 1990s, that had been published during the 1980s, had sometimes started to fail.
Sergio Aragonés Comics from Mad Magazine got published in cheap paperback editions, and those started failing at about 10 years old.
At 20 years the books start feeling like Ancient Egyptian papyrus.
It used to be that major publishers would print the first hardback editions with acid free paper, and a sewn binding, since libraries tended to purchase the books when first released, and cheap paper and bindings only came later, with paperback editions. (The paper wasn’t necessarily top quality, but it was acid free, and the bindings might gave cloth spines, though very thin cloth).
Nowadays many hardcover first editions are glued, and not even glued signatures, just “Perfect Bound” glued.

>> No.23386533

That's weird because I have some books from the 80's and 90's that are practically in new condition, some of which are penguin.

>> No.23386990
File: 3.93 MB, 4032x3024, litstack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my stack for the rest of the year. I'm reading the first volume of the Flower Adornment Sutra right now. It isn't a lot and I could read more, but I'm going through slow, annotating, writing notes, and talking with people about the books. I'll probably read a few fiction books along the way.
Check out Muhlhahn's Making China Modern after you read the book on Deng. I read it for a class on modern Chinese history and I highly recommend it.
Have you read any Maugham already? If so, do you recommend? The playwright I always come back to is Mayakovsky.
I read Hard-Boiled Wonderland because it was my Chinese professor's favorite book. It's wonderful.
Based. I've got to get around to actually reading Ecstasy of Communication. It's short but I always feel a bit intimidated by Baudrillard. Since you've got him and D&G together, check out Franco Bifo Berardi.

>> No.23387567

I have French paperbacks from the 60s and 70s (Livre de Poche classique) and they're not crumbling into dust either.

>> No.23388372

Lmao cringe

>> No.23388381

Based stack. Especially Gass and Mcelroy

>> No.23388392

That Calvino is an absolute joy of a read imo. Concept is great, amd his false starts are so gripping I'd forget that they were going to end early. One of my favorite books

>> No.23388409
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My stack. Read the first few pages of Macintosh and it will be my next read after Barth. Also pictured a cute picture my wife drew for me of my cat, some of my fav book and a coffee :)

>> No.23388466

>That's weird because I have some books from the 80's and 90's that are practically in new condition, some of which are penguin.
>I have French paperbacks from the 60s and 70s (Livre de Poche classique) and they're not crumbling into dust either.
Paperback aren’t guaranteed to fall apart into dust, but it is a definite possibility.
Especially in the books are stored in an unairconditioned space, or exposed to sunlight.
I’ve definitely had it happen with old Penguin books, although it is not guaranteed, especially over a dingle decade.
As far as French paperbacks go, it is quite possible French publishers use or at least used, better paper.
My father had a bunch of French “paperback” books, that were printed on acid free paper, with sewn bindings.
The only cheap part of the books was the covers.
My understanding, was that French publishers expected purchasers to have the books bound at a bookbinder if they wanted a better binding, but the books were printed and bound in a way that that could still be well done.
I presume that may have changed by now, but it was a thing.
As far as modern paperbacks go, I have dome weird monographs from Germany that look like cheap paperbacks, but which use acid free paper, and have sewn bindings.
Some of the Penguin reprints of Marvel comics also have seen bindings, and quality paper.
These are the exception, not the standard.
Regular Penguin paperback paper is similar in quality to what newspapers use, and likely won’t last well after a decade or two, so unless you’re planning to off yourself at the age of 27 like a rock star, I wouldn’t recommend trusting paperback books for longevity.

>> No.23388728
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Never read Narnia excited to start. I've been told publishing order is the best way to read it.

>> No.23388831 [DELETED] 

Nazi punks fuck off

>> No.23390017
File: 1.50 MB, 2268x3914, 20240515_221425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this 1864 Iliad today. Poetic Edda was all misprinted so got it refunded. Landmark Herodotus came in the other day.

>> No.23390042
File: 880 KB, 1854x2856, 20240515_222644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dab of Elmers glue to fix binding or leave it

>> No.23390257

Just rebind it yourself

>> No.23390284

Is it in Greek or translation?
I found an old 1880 Iliad in Greek at a used bookstore awhile back, was pretty neat.

>> No.23390306

Looks like the original Homo edition from Defekalos.

>> No.23391248

Pope translation

>> No.23391483

indeed - read it how Lewis intended them to be read.

>> No.23391587

Can someone one point me in the direction of the multivolume palatinate in this pic? I can’t find it anywhere and it looks superb

>> No.23391591


>> No.23392066


>> No.23392071

>everyone that disagrees with me or hates things I like is a /pol/tard
How enlightened

>> No.23392988
File: 1.10 MB, 1351x1777, 20240516_191809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23393061
File: 1.80 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And just got this as well thanks to motivation by an anon on /lit/. I have a couple other Van Gogh letter collection but I figured I’d try this one too as it appears to have more. Absolutely giant book, bigger than the Hackett Plato. I also ordered a couple books from the Princeton sale that are coming next week:

Mimesis by Auerbach

Complete Poems and Selected Letters by Michelangelo

>> No.23393136

What's the point of reading some retard's letters lmfao?