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/lit/ - Literature

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23372180 No.23372180 [Reply] [Original]

What will the next Great American Novel be about?

>> No.23372188

chuds, unironically

>> No.23372248

The protagonist will be an incel chud gooner that meets and falls in love with his favorite black tranny porn star and she takes his virginity and changes his views of the world. Then she will cheat on him with her Jewish producer and this sends him back into a chud incel rage and motivates him to shoot up an elementary school. He opens a classroom door and fires his AR wildly, but he recognizes the screams of one kid, he walks over and flips over the kids body, still breathing but bleeding profusely, and the kid is a spitting image of what the chud used to look like as a kid. The chud asks his name and he replies with his last breath the chud's name. Turns out the chud had gone back in time (magical realism) and he begins crying and reflecting on his entire childhood, which was explained in detail at the start of the novel. The chud finally kills himself after realizing what he has done, and later the child chud survives and makes a full recovery. He never forgets his future chud self killing himself, and vows to become a better person. In the epilogue, chud #2 is married to the tranny porn star and has several children.

>> No.23372267

A Western with ass and titties (but no blacks)

Captcha: psyx

>> No.23372268

I'm currently writing it, you'll see what it's about when it gets published

>> No.23372283

>tranny porn star
>several children

>> No.23372301

cucked children the tranny had with those former-woman tranny in a polycute

>> No.23372314

Oh gross. Stop posting this ancient shit meme. Did TikTok find it now? You wanna open up a t-shirt and plushy shop with these ugly things in it?

"The Great American Novel" is mostly a sales gimmick, but I guess you mean like Moby Dick, Leaves of Grass, The Great Gatsby, Blood Meridian, that kinda thing, right?
Wait till the shit hits the fan and someone write about that.

>> No.23372328

I’m writing a novel about a neet and vtuber falling in love and the nature of parasocial relationships.

>> No.23372332

leaves of grass is not a novel

>> No.23372340

Put me in the screenshot

>> No.23372342

But it's the greatest work of poetry of all time

>> No.23372353 [DELETED] 

FtM (anon misgendered him at the beginning)

>> No.23372401

Biography written by a wounded marine in the aftermath of America's crushing millitary deafeat in the Pacific at the hands of China during the 2030's....

>> No.23372412

Okay Chang. Hey did you know that the tiannamen protests were literally caused by BBC?
>In January, three of the African students were deported for starting the brawl. The other students returned to Hohai University and were required to follow new regulations, including a night-time curfew, having to report to university authorities before leaving the campus, and having NO MORE THAN ONE CHINESE GIRLFRIEND
>The Nanjing protests were groundbreaking dissidence for China and went from solely expressing concern about alleged improprieties by African men to increasingly calling for democracy or human rights.[5] They were paralleled by burgeoning demonstrations in other cities during the period between the Nanjing and the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, with some elements of the original protests that started in Nanjing still evident in 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and massacre, such as banners proclaiming "Stop Taking Advantage of Chinese Women" even though the vast majority of African students had left the country by that point.[6][7][8]

>> No.23372483
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Way to prove Mutt's Law.

>> No.23372508

You're the one who started with power fantasies about finally having your comeuppance Chang. I merely pointed out that this is unlikely given your entire communist slave state is threatened by a few dozen foreign penises.
And I'm not American.

>> No.23372517

One post like this for every ten thousand normal /lit/posts excuses the continued existence of this godforsaken board.

>> No.23372528


>> No.23372533
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>> No.23372771

Novels are generally trash. There is no such thing as the great American novel. Only the great Russian novel. Deal with it. What's the future of long form prose in todays world of fragmentary internet writing? A 800 page novel is worthless. We will witness the return of poetry and short stories as the dominant literary genre overthrowing two centuries of being smothered by fucking novels. If there will be a great novel from the US in the future, it will have to be slender, thinner, leaner than the standard novel. It will be more experimental and avoid the established literary conventions of the novel which have been done to death. It will be essentially a light novel with slightly more writing and probably shittier too since everytime yankees copy the Japs they fail miserably.

>> No.23372782

If you're a European, then you're a vassal of Americans and the same as them.

>> No.23372793


>> No.23372918
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>Put me in the screenshot

>> No.23373022

Sounds very modern America indeed

>> No.23373034

i believe you mean to ask what will the first Great American Novel be about

>> No.23373132

sounds great

>> No.23373278

>doesn't know what a GAN is

>> No.23373296

good enough

>> No.23373341

who the fuck wrote this? i'm actually going to kill myself because i can't write something this good. survival of the fittest. fuck this darwinian existence.

>> No.23373345


>> No.23373368

Wow, thanks anon. Between you and me, my ultimate fantasy is to write something so devastating it sets off a chain suicide the pulses around the planet like a wave at a football stadium. So, this might be the nicest thing anyone has ever told me.

>> No.23373446

What is this from lol, most engaged I’ve been while reading in a while

Hope it slows down later on, the fever dream pace is just a novelty after a while

>> No.23373476

I wrote it this morning. Thinking maybe I'll stretch it out to 3 pages or so and send it to that /lit/ magazine &amp if they are still making it. I was tweaking when I woke up, hence the pace.

>> No.23373527


"Perpetual Priapism on purpose to plow this procession of bi-polar princesses"

What is this technique called to get almost all the words in a sentence starting with one letter?

Also whatever that is, its really well written.

>> No.23373534


>> No.23373536
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That's called alliteration, pardner. And much obliged.

>> No.23373539

There is a degree of rape in me that
Lies unfallowed in the soil. It breaks and
Rends and skates across untethered heavens
Like a slick caress of much-too ancient toil.
It fucks in me. It hurts and stings.
It suck-sucks sweet anemone from out the gills
Of ancient sovereign slime. Mud cuck. Blood cuck.
Fucker on the ruck. The rock is full of bleeding holes
And gapes for air and curses what it lacks.
Demon-demonstrable Time is but another
Fucker slucker Tucker Rucker on the wing
Of two-tonne tinny beauty.Negro ape streets upon the grime of Moloch-fucking queers and Ancient pedo rites that Epstein, sloven Jew, hath coveted in his inner dimension chambers and yet — unmanned — he wins them not. The girlpuss of hallowed Virgin oil is not unlike the slime puss of the spider Tile (the minecraft Egyptian the the the strange unknowing code of God) I will not stand for negro ape code in the delicious suburban slime of peasant grove affliction.

>> No.23373569
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>nooooo you can't point out that 4trans is a hollow and performative experience for attention seeking trannies!

>> No.23373684

good but you focused too much on the plot devices and action and not enough on the interlude chapters where the black tranny is speaking directly with her ancestors via her dilated neoyoni

>> No.23373825

By 'children' I think he means adolescent Philippino sex slaves

>> No.23373901

Nah, the greatest American novel will be all about chrome bumpers.

>> No.23374036

stop posting this shit

>> No.23375026

her wha--nevermind.

>> No.23375043

the collapse of neoliberalism and the american empire

>> No.23375476
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>> No.23375526
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I think people here would read even if all you did was post a decently designed version of it at the end. People are already reading it anyway. &amp has a fifty-fifty shot of murdering the design and has been circling the drain for a while. (Used to submit to &amp and have a best-of compilation of the old issues in the works, but my opinion on it has long soured.)

Your stuff is neat though. If you want to just spread it around on here as a pdf or some nicer looking screencaps I'd be down to typeset the pages and make a cover or something for shits. Email is unofficial.drivel@gmail.com. Pic rel is a sample of some stuff I've made (not the writing), and for a one-off I'd be down to make it a little fancier or whatever.

>> No.23375537


>> No.23375609

Very cool, anon. I'll be in touch (if I manage to finish it). I'm shooting for like 6k-10k words now.

>> No.23375654

If you drop a line now I can nag you to finish, plus I wanna see the current version without having to trawl the board for all your posts.

>> No.23375700

I would guess the struggles of city-living

>> No.23375709

Any particular reason why you soured on &amp? haven't kept up w/ it at all.

>> No.23375816
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A little much to fit in a post, plus some of it is just lame (but to be fair pretty serious) personal stuff.

Regarding objective things, when I started doing the best-of (an unofficial thing) it took me a lot of time to figure out typesetting and design and shit like that, but learning all of it made &amp feel really lazy to me. There was always a crunch for time with them/him (when they bothered to stick to the monthly format) compared to my slow crawl, but seeing the boring or awful designs coming up again and again, plus a total lack of editing, all without seeming to learn anything, really changed my opinion. The rough edges were quaint at first, and there were occasionally interesting designs, but there was a lot that just wasn't good or was missing fundamentally. In part I also just got bored of reading mostly bad writing with the occasional highlight, though fundamentally I think that's what a /lit/ magazine should be like (somewhat out of necessity).

The editor (Ryan) is also the bad kind of nut, and started a grift about "indie publishing" (re: dropping a pdf on Amazon KDP and calling it "Lamp Standard Press") that included ripping off the first guy (of two) who got involved (taking a 50% cut, then not even paying him, on top of absolutely dismal/nonexistent editing and dodgy copyright stuff wrt the writing). That also came with the editor taking himself really seriously, wanting to make a profit off /lit/ and the &amp "brand", but again without the effort or care to back it up. Even if my best-of thing is unofficial (and honestly sorta vaporware), I really hate the association with the grift and "serious business"/profit-wanting attitude. The editor also made some dumb back and forth threats about the best-of, saying he'd do it himself or acting like I was working for him when he'd been uninvolved apart from me sharing some WIP versions of it with him last winter.

There was also a shift to Discord after issue 014 or 015, and I think it killed the spirit of the thing. Non-anonymous authorship or at least contributors being strangers to each other had been the norm before, but with the Discord audience it seemed to represent more and more that group than /lit/ (though I wasn't ever in the Discord so I dunno). I've got nothing against names or pseudonyms, but it was a representational change; you could tell there was an in-group, and it didn't even manage to make the writing quality any better. The editor also went from dude in the background making something for fun into a wannabe cult leader in the process.

At present &amp and the associated acts (Unreal Press, miniMAG) dropped off the board due to constant shitflinging (which, to be fair, I took part in), and &amp seems to be on another indefinite hiatus after a bad show for a long time. The last issue managed to take months and be the worst yet, which felt like a nail in the coffin. Issue 014 predated the above, and should have been the last, in my mind.

>> No.23375830

It’ll be about the life of Steve Albini.

>> No.23375838

An American autist who falls in love with nature while living overseas to escape the draft.

>> No.23375864

You're kidding, but any transgressive writing from the time of Big Black and Rapeman and all the other pigfuck noise rock bands probably hits those notes already. 1991 was Frisk, which fits with the obscene sexual violence Albini liked. There's probably something more apt than that, maybe grittier or more working class, from that era.

>> No.23375869

Paroemion more precisely

>> No.23375992


get your mind out of the gutter and you could actually be a decent writer

>> No.23375998

I'll write it no worries ameribros but first I have to become a naturalized citizen since I'm a Europoor

>> No.23376071

>pretty serious
okay buddy

>> No.23376419

When it came to the stalker shit, yeah. But I didn't make it clear that's what I was referring to/talking around, so fair enough. Everything is just in the category of "lame."

>> No.23376479

Trust me, I knew exactly what you were talking around.

>> No.23376533

Forgive me for not writing a summa historia on dealing with an obsessive nutcase. But hey, she hasn't shown up at my office like she said she considered in schizoposting annal 2741, lucky me.

>> No.23376544

hi falseflagging jew

>> No.23376555

Awww, sounds like you’re getting a little upset. Why don’t you head on back to the /crit/ thread and write out some more of your disturbed serial killer fantasies? That should help you blow off steam. No need to credit anyone else with influencing your work; those thoughts are all you. Just own it.

>> No.23376564

Surviving the Second American Civil War.

>> No.23376578

Great. Needs more Apple products and bad girl characters to be a bestseller though

>> No.23376588

Nothing to say, huh? That’s what I thought.

>> No.23376612

tell that to pynchon, houllebecq, sade, etc.

>> No.23377429

Deez nuts

>> No.23377462

Damn, a true masterpiece

>> No.23378839


>> No.23380540

any books like this so far

>> No.23380633
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>> No.23380662

Supposed to be fiction

>> No.23380665

Fucking Lit...

>> No.23380668

AI & society, since it's no longer just science fiction

>> No.23380688

the reason he got so many replies is because they all pictured the same black tranny, they even pictured the scene with her on the stairs.

it's pavlovian at this point.

>> No.23380690

Wait for it, I'm moving to the US next year and yes, the next great American novel will be written in Spanish, just like your current Pulitzer

>> No.23380721
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It's about (you)

>> No.23380743
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>> No.23380781

Can we get Fabio to model for the cover?

>> No.23382348

Cast it

>> No.23382362
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>> No.23382942

10/10 movie of the year

>> No.23383070

how is it parasocial if the vtuber is also in love with the neet?

>> No.23383375

I can't tell if this is going to be the next American Psycho or the next 50 Shades of Grey.

>> No.23383382
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>And then he flipped over the childs body and recognized it as himself
>Stay with me here

>> No.23383384

>Mutt from stranger things as the chud
>Robert Downey Jr (this time in drag) as the black tranny porn star
>Robert DeNiro as the Jew
>Tom Holland as the kid
>Woody Harrelson
>Angelina Joelee

>> No.23383404

This. Anything worth reading can be put across in the short story format at the longest.

>> No.23383405

>pynchon, houllebecq, sade, etc.
Morons, the four of them

>> No.23383411


>> No.23383413
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>pynchon, houllebecq, sade, etc.
>Morons, the four of them

>> No.23383420
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it has already been filmed


>> No.23383425
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>> No.23383426

What niggas with brainrot and attention spans fried by short form video content say. Imagine trying to condense War and Peace or the Bible in a short story

>> No.23383430
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>> No.23383435
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>> No.23383436

The bible is a series of loosely linked short anecdotes.

>> No.23383438
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>> No.23383439
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>> No.23383449

develop this into a short story maybe 10 pages and keep writing. you need to write a lot more and develop a voice that is yours, and you should try living more. burroughs already wrote the drug novel (junkie) and pkd and gibson wrote cyberpunk wirehead stuff, we live in the 2020s not the 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s.

if you're going to write about the future you should try to imagine what the 2080s will look like, then your work will survive into the future and not be an imitation of a past prediction that didn't occur.

looks cringe to me personally but it has 8 million views and this is what normies thing is good. drill / dance scenes might give you ideas. but it's not very edgy. maybe the edgiest contemporary thing is the homosexual rape gangs that are organ trafficking ukranians fleeing the war and how that ties into the global fentanyl trade. but these types of novels tend to be about the city they are set in, so if you don't live in brussels, vienna, bucharest, odessa it's pretty hard to capture them in writing. i doubt anyone will know what cctv, dall-e, instagram, bpd in 30-40 years. so you use a lot of ink for concepts that will be dated. like writing about how my 100 megahertz cpu and 28 baud connection is crawling the mainframe to inject my 1 megabyte virus into the AOL mailing list.

>> No.23383453 [DELETED] 


>> No.23384125

I love etc..

>> No.23384133

People seem to waver on whether they think this lookism shit is real or not. It's like:
>You're unfuckable because of your terrible personality and beliefs. You should fix that.
>Also, you look like this, and I guess there's no fixing that.

>> No.23384710

I'm not sure someone who has fallen this deep into the mire could write something transcendentally beautiful. This is what they can do, nothing else. Like these people >>23376612

>> No.23384717

Imagine you wrote something beautiful that inspired revolution instead of writing something that inspires suicides. At the very least write something that inspires people to pull a Christopher Dorner instead of just killing themselves.

>> No.23385055

sez you....

>> No.23385412

Suicide is revolution.

>> No.23385580


>> No.23385598
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Oh man, this has everything, the message, the story, the twists. How did anon nail it so hard?

>> No.23385649

you want the real answer or the joke answer?

>> No.23386005

the joke

>> No.23386323

terminal brain-rot

>> No.23386435

unironically make this into a movie

>> No.23386446

This is an immature place

>> No.23386448

someone have chatgpt write the script for this. the chatgpt part is important, it's the cherry on top

>> No.23386712

what is it that americans worship, what is it that their culture revolves around? there's your answer

>> No.23386757

they're nihilists

>> No.23386828
File: 379 KB, 1650x2475, 1705912412861589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unironically going to be written by this girl. I'm not joking, though I wouldn't fault you for thinking I am. She's just gotta develop her style more instead of leaning so hard into Hemingwayisms.

>> No.23386870

Levy, I....

>> No.23386982

>The 26-year-old writer was the subject of a viral profile in The Cut, earlier this month, in which she described the praise she received for her story "Good Boys" on The New Yorker website as "not undeserved" and demurred when asked whether she's the voice of her generation. Social media discourse and the inevitable backlash aside, Levy's first book is an amusing, if uneven, take on growing up white, privileged, and Gen Z, the first generation to completely be born after the existence of the internet.

>> No.23386987

My screenplay is the best written work of my generation by a good margin. Too bad I can’t make it into a movie or write prose to convert it into a novel

>> No.23387025

This is giving me second-hand ADHD

>> No.23387146
File: 460 KB, 433x657, levy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>written by a female
Nah, it would need to be written by a man, and would need to include something related to gooning to blacked tranime porn

>> No.23387156

I fucked Honor Levy btw

>> No.23387200

That's bullshit but I believe it.

>> No.23387211

I fucked Casey Anthony

>> No.23387223

If you want to post this kikess, at least post superior feet pics.

>> No.23387442

That's impossible if you're still alive. She's like a mantis.

>> No.23387700

post pg1

>> No.23387754
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>> No.23387835
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She definitely wouldn't be the first of our writers to have a terrible personality. I'm not sure what you're quoting this article for. The fact of the matter is she has a bit of a spotlight on her right now, which if she uses to effect in combination with actually improving her writing, she'll be the strongest, most frank, and most marketed post-internet novelist yet. The main problem is that she's a woman, and she's already clearly starting to cave to the pressure from people calling her a neo-Nazi, transphobic, etc. If she was a man, I doubt she'd have been published in the first place, honestly. Even what she has published, she's gotten away with by calling it faux autofiction. But again, we need to remember what the Great American Novel is rather than turning this into an ideological pissing contest: "the picture of the ordinary emotions and manners of American existence". Like it or not, the existence of the average American now is so hopeless and shitty that it actually is accurately portrayed by this woman's stories. I do find it funny how on other parts of the internet she's called a neo-Nazi whereas I'm sure here she'll be insulted for her characters being too liberal (in the new, corrupted sense of the term), though. The truth is, our culture has fallen so far that pic-related will be the contents of this generation's GAN.

>> No.23388149

soulless gimmick

>> No.23388579

the genocide currently being perpetrated by jews in gaza

>> No.23388644

It's fine to put obscure internet references, but this reads like they're being forced into every sentence. It's already hard to read even if you know what all of it means, but it would be impossible to read in 10 years. I think it should focus more on some kind of plot and themes rather than just pages of jargon

>> No.23388662

Seems like she is deliberately making tv references for lack of better ones. This eventually leads to a failure in communicating depth. Its almost like those under 30 liberal women on youtube talking about decentering men, critical theory and other feminist theories, but all it comes down to is experience, once they hit the wall, they change up their act and start complaining that there are no good men left. Its a phase, a well executed plan, better done than her only fans or tiktok gang of agemates.

>> No.23388677

You can also see it, can't you. She is mixing icarus, kamikaze and the cross in one paragraph and really saying nothing. The references don't make her ideas flow anymore than if she had omitted them. It's a good writing experiment but nothing that should be in a book, a published work of fiction for that matter.

>> No.23388775
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>You can also see it, can't you. She is mixing icarus, kamikaze and the cross in one paragraph and really saying nothing.
There's a clear idea running through that paragraph, so I wouldn't say she's saying nothing. Icarus (in reference to the Landscape with the Fall of Icarus by Bruegel) > Bosch triptychs > stained-glass window seen through/between a woman's thighs > Bruegel's Fall of Icarus seen through the same woman's thighs > kamikaze > Sun (and Steel, metal, pumping iron) > reference to The Crucifixion of Saint Wilgefortis which ties into the earlier mention of Bosch, "you could put [...], the crucifixion maybe". Honor Levy is a Catholic convert, so she's probably parodying her own LARP.

>> No.23388797

well it does begin with the letter N

>> No.23388853

>There's a clear idea running through that paragraph
which is...?

>> No.23388915

She is clearly trying to connect the liquid crystal display, an empty reference to their bodies with another body reference--his shoulder muscles wide enough to grow wings; then connects that with icarus flying, and then another empty reference to stained glass to possibly connect to the first one about lcds, and concluding with yet another empty reference to crucifixions. It's not coherent or even meaningful, its making references for the sake of making them; the new age purple prose, if you will.

>> No.23388919

my diary desu

>> No.23388971
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You've got an image of a young, presumably Catholic girl who likes Bosch, and a guy who is into Bruegel. Both of them are into old Catholic art while being exceedingly vain. She paints herself as Wilgefortis and him as Icarus. He, as Icarus, is described as "flying" through the sky behind her thighs on his ascent. So, he's flying at the sun like a kamikaze pilot on a suicide mission, "all Sun and Steel". Problem is, despite painting herself as Wilgefortis, she didn't pray to be made ugly to escape his advances, she bore her nakedness to him. The outcome was (nearly) the same in the end, because her spiritual ugliness repulsed him anyway. He's weak, though, and ends up giving into his sexual desires instead of keeping to his morals.
>There was a practiced innocence in her pose, an exaggerated weakness. She knew the law of the jungle. He could see behind the sinister emptiness of those anime animal eyes. Her thousand-yard stare said she’d been on the carousel, in the trenches, and under the apple tree. This wasn’t her first rodeo. He knew she was run through.
> I’m just a clump of cells, she tries to tell herself, or whatever is left of her or it. That is my body and my body is me, she half thinks, but the thought is not her own. She knows not what she should think when she is alone.
>He wanted her now as she was: messy and pure, bone of his bones, flesh of his flesh, this thing to be called woman.

>> No.23389114

It doesn't flow as nicely as you put it. The mentions of bruegel and bosch come off as pretentious gestures. She tries to pair them with modern internet speak, neatly separated by commas; what do gym selfies have to do with landscapes, and what about the contrast btn webcam shots and hieronymous bosch? It's the sort of juxtaposition you would find on an art hoe's twitter post, made to garner attention towards her aesthetic sophistication; but ultimately empty. If there was an effort, on her part, to describe this catholic/wilgefortis background you speak of-- an obviously doubtful proposition with her incorrigible penchant for internet speak--it would make your post at least believable.

>> No.23389144

Also, the gym selfies would nicely connect with michelangelo's sculptures, then maybe branch off to catholic imagery. The webcam shots could capture the beauty of portraits, etc. So its not entirely impossible to go from modern to ancient references; just not in the manner of her quick, list like tiktok fashion that leaves little to no coherence in her ideas.

>> No.23389218

About BBC and freedom.

>> No.23389235

Literally a contemporary work of art. Have two jews rubbing hands in the background of the cover and you will be set.

>> No.23389238

yes, that's a prerequisite for every good artist.

>> No.23389282

I'd say they come off as pretentious gestures because that's exactly what they are. Her characters are young, terminally online LARPers who identify with [x] purely because of the aesthetics. They get off on feeling like they're the "true counterculture", but they're just as empty and as everyone else. Their values may appear better than the alternatives on the surface, but they would never adhere to them. This is also happening with Islam right now, it just attracts a slightly different type of person. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBl-SlW8Q9s&

>> No.23390497

I would say you are stretching your imagination to accommodate her writing because you think it says something she hasn't portrayed yet but could have, had she had more skill, or that you could have, had you thought of the idea first. There is a difference btn an author appearing pretentious and her characters portraying this, you are trying to stretch the former towards the latter.