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23372742 No.23372742 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I purchase edgy books like Mein Kampf or the Turner Diaries? Preferably without being put on a list.

>> No.23372751

Mein Kampf was in my High School library 15 years ago. Doubt it's still there

>> No.23372754

the internet

>> No.23372755

Woke bastards ruin everything.

>> No.23372764

I like physical books

>> No.23372776

>Where do I purchase edgy books like Mein Kampf
>Turner Diaries
It's banned in several countries and will get confiscated at the border depending on where you are. You best bet is to find a pdf or epub online but from what I hear it isn't really worth seeking out.

>> No.23372791

3rd Party publishers.

>> No.23372806

Print/bind it yourself.
There's also usually small publishers selling no-no books in a semi-confidential manner. I assume a couple of those might be honeypots but even that is reaching, glowniggers really have something else to do.
Order with Moreno or another well made crypto transaction behind seven proxies and have it delivered to temporary mail boxes a few towns over that you paid cash (under a fake name if they ask) if you want to go full paranoid.

>> No.23372912

Speaking of edgy books, I know "read Siege" is a popular right wing meme, is it actually worth reading?

>> No.23372969

What is Siege?

>> No.23372973

No. It's Turner Diaries (which is already not good) with another generation of literary decline behind it. The only possible interest of those two books is to highlight how retarded Memenazi Huhite Nationalism 1.0™ was. A random selection of Daily Stormer articles is funnier, more cogent and more relevant.
Even the meme isn't popular, it's a really subniche of a subniche that shilled this book a few years ago.

>> No.23373066
File: 683 KB, 1080x1453, Screenshot_20240510_185242_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it, find out. Read extremist books, share what you find in them.

>> No.23373077
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I purchased my (((approved))) copy of Mein Kampf at a Barnes and Noble, with cash. They've always carried it. It sells. I am actually starting it atm. Once I'm done with it I plan to dispose of it as I would theoretically like to have a social life again someday.

I also special-ordered a copy of Gaddafi's Green Book, so I'm guessing I'm on a list.

>captcha: K0PS

Okay they're just fucking with me at this point

>> No.23373082

Nobody cares if you buy books, even wild ones.

>> No.23373093

> "Look! Anon is reading Mein Kampf"
what a retard is all they'll think before going after actual criminals

>> No.23373100

>before going after actual criminals
If you haven't been to a big city I've got bad news for you

>> No.23373101

Why don't you kill yourself?

>> No.23373107

You are on a list if you post here. Lemme guess, you think you are “anonymous”?

>> No.23373109
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Every. Single. Time.

>> No.23373110


I live at the center of one of the most liberal cities in the country. I thought about leaving it out in public somewhere with a "free to a good home" note or similar but that could unironically become a minor news story so once I'm done with it I'll just dumpster it.

>> No.23373111

>going after actual criminals
>The police

>> No.23373114

Weird how all three of these replies were posted within such a short amount of time with each other, when before there were no negative posts in the thread. Really makes you think

>> No.23373117

>Pass by a random bookstore in Argentina
>first book I see with the corner of my eye is "Mi Lucha by Adolph Hitler"
Do americans still have banned books? It feels like anything is permitted here.

>> No.23373133

How DOES anon find time to play with himself and peruse such a low traffic board?

Perhaps with such little traffic here, when something interesting does come up it's bound to get jumped on (for instance, anything remotely political sees way more engagement than some book because nobody here reads)

>> No.23373140
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America does not ban books, they simply do not get published, and if by chance one is able to do so, private companies collude to prevent its distribution to the larger public.

Guess which people are overrepresented in these areas?

>> No.23373146

Rich white men?

>> No.23373153

I'll give you a hint: they aren't white

>> No.23373167
File: 279 KB, 711x700, 1634389734970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turner diaries sucks and OP looks like this

>> No.23373176

This is a photoshop and you can still see the Hilary 2016 sticker cropped out of the image on the left side. It is genuinely shocking that you are still using this image after several years

>> No.23373198
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images (41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're already on a list.

>> No.23373204

You can literally buy Mein Kampf from any bookstore. Turner Diaries has been out of print for years so try thrift stores. Anyway, if you want to buy radical books to masturbate your wounded ego and flash that chip on your shoulder your about three decades late to jump on the Turner Diaries hype train. Its all Sayyid Qutb and Dugin now. Good look finding anyone who'll sell you a copy of Milestones that isn't a fed.

>> No.23373205
File: 3 KB, 124x124, 1653596492951s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact you're trying to cope show how close to home it hits you. He put that sticker on the car to own the libs. Does it hurt your feelings when people point out you look like that?

>> No.23373208

>He put that sticker on the car to own the libs
He put a Hilary Clinton sticker (cropped out of the picture) to own the libs? Making about as much sense as the holocaust there buddy
>Does it hurt your feelings when people point out you look like that?
I don't think I look all that similar to the liberal Jew Patrick Crusius which the chud drawings are based off

>> No.23373520
File: 13 KB, 316x400, 9780970148599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where do I purchase edgy books like Mein Kampf or the Turner Diaries? Preferably without being put on a list.
Lmao you think you're the first edgelord to buy these books? If you really want the feds on your ass, you need to read actual unconventional shit that'll catch eyes, like drug manuals, military handbooks, weapons assembly guides, survivalist guides, handbooks for guerrilla warfare, and travel books of popular American cities if you really wanna scare them.

>> No.23373624

You can download any army field manual you want

>> No.23374084 [DELETED] 

Honestly, you should end up on a watch list for publicizing the fact that guys books exist. One of the only series of books I think should be banned and burned.

>> No.23374334

>travel books of popular American cities
ok i understand the rest but travel books? only reason i could think would be that knowing the layout of a city would kinda maybe help plot certain illegal activities but there are a million totally innocuous reasons for having a travel book. maybe i am misunderstanding what you are referring to.

>> No.23374368
File: 105 KB, 1024x724, 1631703372351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably ostara publications. they have been reliable and discreet in my experience (postage never has the title or author of the book only the initials).
they sell the stalag edition but i have heard that the Dalton translation is more readable.
as for turner diaries maybe cosmotheistchurch.org, but ive never used them personally so i cant vouch for them
as for not being put on a list. i mean if you are even slightly worried that you might be on a list you probably already are

>> No.23375068

Thanks Anon, this is exactly the kind of post I was hoping for when I made this thread

>> No.23375625

I meant if the travel books are ordered in tandem with the others.

>> No.23375659

Best books from ostara?

>> No.23375667
File: 198 KB, 555x655, 15316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending where you live you can either just order it on Amazon (and get put on a list) or you're gonna have to go on Tor and see if you can order it there if it's banned in your country.

I'd suggest the New Ford Edition

>> No.23375697

Hate to say it but travel books are pretty worthless these days with the Internet. Most of them are only good from a historical perspective as stuff like Yelp is poorly archived these days. Even some high-quality series like Not For Tourists, born in the days of the Internet, folded within a few years.

>> No.23376650

just download them, dumbass

>> No.23376808
File: 105 KB, 323x291, hitler toast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everything you could need for right wing meme books.

>> No.23376922
File: 103 KB, 593x443, hitler thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I should add in these:

>> No.23377127

>from what I hear it isn't really worth seeking out
just looked at a summary and it seems absolutely retarded