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File: 98 KB, 452x676, dfjy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23378288 No.23378288 [Reply] [Original]

Already pre-ordered.

>> No.23378307

>The Bla Pill Bible

>> No.23378324

Amerifats complain about their women not getting married. Meanwhile us living in conservative nations are struggling to find unmarried women. Even if she's 21 you can't be sure she's unmarried. She might just already have a husband and three kids. But the amerifat is a dumb and stupid cattle.

>> No.23378330
File: 43 KB, 976x549, _91409212_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of why

>> No.23378336
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>black pill
>what you can do about it

>> No.23378373

>The BLACKED Bible

>> No.23378382

when did inceldom become a religion?

>> No.23378418

Always was. A set of delusional beliefs that provide comfort to confused idiots? That actually might be harmful to said confused idiots?
>inb4 fedora

>> No.23378426

Kek we've come full circle when the black pill cope is sold as self-help slop

>> No.23378453

It was inevitable. Everything related to "pills," whether we're talking big pharma or "underground" movements, is domesticated, impotent faggotry that goes nowhere. All "pills" are "blue pills" deep down.

>> No.23378527

I prefer Buttermilk Waffles.

>> No.23378584
File: 290 KB, 750x434, GKkmWggXAAASUce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire abstracted concept of inceldom is basically trying to put words and substance to the alienation that has now saturated every sector of our society, and failing to do so accurately because alienation is by its very nature a sense of NOT understanding or belonging, you can't pin it down rationally.

Because what is actually going on here is more in line with Francis Dec or that lunatic from the 19th century who was convinced they were using air looms to drive him insane. Gangstalking, if you've ever heard schizo talking about that--tinfoil had shit, it's all the same actual thing, which is that something IS happening and it is creating an effect of mass cultural hysteria that is gradually obliterating all of the social trust and stability in our society. I'm genuinely starting to believe that we're being subjected to zersetsung or some insane MK ultra bullshit because it's gotten too much to just ignore now, EVERYONE is fucking insane. Everyone can sense it. The politics of the modern day are literally insane, the damage to the demographic and cultural fabric of the developed world is totally irreparable. I don't think anyone understands yet just how FUCKED everything is yet. The suicide rate skyrockets, the birthrate tanks, the crisis of competence is starting to hit, which means that this is the BEST it is ever going to be again, it's all downhillfrom here, every year the services will grow more dysfunctional, the economy will become more unstable, the society will become more violent.

People can only barely, distantly grasp how totally insane this shit is, it's invisible to them, so they come up with names that only vaguely describe part of the outline. "Incel," "Pandemic" "Mental Health" it's all the same phenomenon, everyone just calls it something different but it is so clearly the same broad problem, like everyone just started gaslighting everyone else ten years ago and it never stopped.

>> No.23378595

>attractive people have an easier time finding dates because they’re attractive
What part of this is delusional?

>> No.23378597

>All "pills" are "blue pills" deep down
One of the most based takes I've seen. Agreed

>> No.23378601

>le epic motte and bailey

>> No.23378613
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Its literally just the internet. I'm old. I watched it happen. Turns out social cohesion required a bandwidth cap and we've long since exceeded it. The answer to 2024 is 1995.

>> No.23378636

Not reading all of that, it’s not alienation, not in my case at least. I’m an incel because I got bullied by girls throughout my teenage years. Now I’m sceptical of any and all women, which doesn’t really matter anyways since I became invisible to women the second I started college.

>> No.23378650

I’m 5’7 (in shoes) about 40 lbs overweight easily have big perky moobs and slightly brown skin from being Mexican American. If I go out I routinely get pussy from cute mid 20s year old girls, and I’m not the funny fat guy I’m the quiet guy. If I can do it, you can do it and no dumbass incel book is going to help you.

>> No.23378668

Yeah and I’m a trillionaire who fucks 10/10 supermodels. Typing this from my penthouse in Monaco btw

>> No.23378678


how do I become the quiet guy?

>> No.23378682


>> No.23378688

how do you get the roofie in their drink without getting caught anon

>> No.23378707
File: 10 KB, 103x104, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does this look like a CK
what the fuck were they thinking

>> No.23378710
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The 10 grifts I can sell you to grift the shit out of you


>> No.23378713

>graphic design is my passion

>> No.23378722

Based. I agree. I'm not unattractive but I'm also not a gigachad. I had no problem getting girls before I got my gf and I wasn't the center of attention or anything. I've also seen some absolute golems getting girls just by having the right words. You can say that it's degen to fuck around or that you don't want to put in the work to become charismatic, fair enough. But most of the time it's just wanting to feel sorry for yourself

>> No.23378750

I’m already working a 4th book of incelology

>> No.23378928

Women are like kids. Selfish, can't think outside themselves, need constant attention, can't live on their own, only act on emotional impulses, weak, easily scared.
They are also like children because like them they are expensive luxury items.
What did you expect would happen when everyone started telling them they are as capable and intelligent as men?

>> No.23378939

Pure, unfiltered, zogslop for retarded cattle

>> No.23379013

The delusion is when you firmly believe that if you're not insanely attractive then your chance of finding a girlfriend is 0%. Literally just go outside and you'll see tons of average/below average guys with at least average looking girlfriends.
The incel religion is just a cope ideology that uses some factual stats (yes, attractive people find partners easier), then vastly overblow their significance to an insurmountable degree (e.g. "attractive people find partners easier" becomes "only attractive men can ever get a girlfriend").

>> No.23379141

It’s cyanide.
>The Bla-ACK

>> No.23379165

They were thinking it would get an avarage of ten additional comments wherever the book got posted.
Ironically it's a sign they're dishonest, so I won't buy their shitty jewy book

>> No.23379169

Off topic, this shit isn't literature. It belongs on reddit

>> No.23379171

If you’re reading a book like this, it’s over. No person who could get a girlfriend ever had to read a self help book no matter how whatever-pilled it was.

>> No.23379556
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>t this is the BEST it is ever going to be again, it's all downhillfrom here, every year the services will grow more dysfunctional, the economy will become more unstable, the society will become more violent.
This is very true. Its going to get much worse...

>> No.23379589

The part where you give up just because you're not playing on easy mode

>> No.23379663

I’m glad his father disowned him

>> No.23381059


>> No.23381075

get your retarded incel dogshit off my literature board, scum.

>> No.23381091

not yours though, is it?

>> No.23381138


>> No.23381161

The part that defines "attractive" solely by height and jaw line or whatever the fuck, since that's what attractive means to 99% of incels. In reality, attractiveness is a combination of aesthetics (which is relative and factors in things like fashion and hairstyle) + personality (which is gauged indirectly by women, such as by how much money a man has, what profession he has, etc.). The point is, it is VERY possible for most men to improve their "attractiveness" and reach an 8 on a 10-point scale no matter who they are (an 8 within your own race at least; don't expect to be born a pajeet and to have as easy a time becoming an 8 in the eyes of white women).

>> No.23381167
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You neglected to mention that you also wear this.

>> No.23381188

>reach an 8 on a 10-point scale no matter who they are
so a 3/10 can become an 8? That sounds equally delusional to me

>> No.23381201

Unless you're suffering an extremely rare illness or are some aboriginal tribesman from Australia or Africa or whatever, then yes.

>> No.23381206

if you're talking about getting plastic surgeries, then sure, but most things will only bring you up by a point or two. a 6 could become an 8, but a 3 could only really become a 5.

>> No.23381210

If you grew up in a first world country then you can become an 8 with effort. Denial won't get you anywhere.

>> No.23381212

he's not talking about "why can't you get pussy", which you would know if you had read his post. get the fuck off /lit/, il/lit/erate.

>> No.23381221

I've been "looksmaxxing" for the better part of 2 years and I went from a 4 to a 5 only. maybe from a 5 to a 6 if you have a very liberal view of what a 5 is. I don't have to worry about height or race since I'm 6'2 and white, albeit not a western euro.
>you didnt put enough effort in bro
I think losing weight and getting fit takes a fair amount of effort. clearing up your skin does also take a fair amount as well.
>but thats the bare minimum bro
for someone who used to have trouble with it, it's hard work. I don't know what else you lot would suggest.

>> No.23381228

Did you just completely gloss over the part of my post where I said attractive is a COMBINATION? It's not just about "looksmaxxing" dumbass.

>> No.23381238

No one cares about your personality if you aren't attractive first.

>> No.23381239

buy an ad

>> No.23381240

Sure, but personality is where the rest of the points come from, and clearly you have a lot to work on in that regard.

>> No.23381247

it's telling that the incel gaslighters only have anecdotes whereas the incels have actual statistics: https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3868557-most-young-men-are-single-most-young-women-are-not/amp/

>> No.23381252

Men and women have a different definition of single. Most women who are reporting they aren't single think they're in a relationship when it's just a guy who comes around twice a month to fuck them and leave in the morning. That guy reports that he's single btw

>> No.23381259

this pretty much

>> No.23381263

What's a blao pill?

>> No.23381277

sounds like cope, especially since the article goes into many alternative explanations for the gap as well as consequences that don't match with what you're saying. if what you were saying were the cause, women would be lonelier than men, but it's the reverse

>> No.23381283

Women aren't as lonely as men because they maintain more personal relationships than men do on principle. Their romantic lives are just as shitty as the average man's these days. They just delude themselves into thinking otherwise because they fear confronting reality more than men do. A ton of women these days are being strung along by predatory dudes who make it their goal to fuck as many women as possible by lying to the girls with promises of commitment. The people you should be angry with are those guys and not the average woman whose intentions are still monogamy and to get married.

>> No.23381300
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Based whitepiller

>> No.23381309

Nta but a woman can create an account on any dating app and be swimming in potential mates
>but they’re all creeps
Not true, and even if most were, that still leaves her with a solid amount of respectable guys
>but these guys only want to fuck, not long term
Simply not true.

I’m not disagreeing with you on everything, but saying that a woman’s romantic life is as shit as the average man’s is one huge lie.

>> No.23381321

Deluding yourself in believing bullshit is the opposite of based or whitepilled. That would be realizing that the game is rigged against you and find happiness outside of it

>> No.23381324

>Nta but a woman can create an account on any dating app and be swimming in potential mates
And in most cases they will fall for the predatory dudes only because those guys have made sex their religion and absorb as much information as possible and make as great an effort as possible to be as alluring as possible. They put themselves front and center of every attractive woman on apps and then string the girls along with lies, appealing to their inherent desire to be in a monogamous lifelong partnership. It's the guys in this scenario who are causing damage.

>Simply not true.
100% true, I know such guys personally and everything they say about wanting the contrary is total bullshit. They like the bachelor life and even when they do get married, it RARELY lasts. Then they blame the women for the marriage ending since the woman usually initiates the divorce (because they get tired of his shit).

>> No.23381329

So you’re saying that women have the goal of finding a stable, long term, monogamous relationship but strictly with chads who use them for sex instead.
Doesn’t sound too different from what the so-called incels think to me.

>> No.23381334

There's no point in talking to you if you're going to be an intellectually dishonest faggot like this. Suffer more, you deserve to.

>> No.23381339


>> No.23381373

Women aren't as lonely because socializing as a woman is stupidly easy. Even a 4/10 can get hundreds of matches on dating apps, and in any hobby group she joins she'll be instantly accepted and swarmed by a bunch of orbiters.

>> No.23381401

Which is why I said "putting in the effort to become charismatic". I understand that men don't to play that game. Do you actually think most men will put in the effort to become better socially and with words? Most men don't even know this is a possibility. I never said most men AREN'T single.

And to add to that, I still think women are idiots and should be held accountable for their dumb shit. So don't think I'm throwing them a blanket. Feminism is fucking disgusting and should be purged from the Earth

>> No.23381407

>The people you should be angry with are those guys and not the average woman whose intentions are still monogamy and to get married.
Degen men are absolutely responsible but women will never learn if they're not held accountable. Yes, it's men faults for being slaves to pussy and not puttiing their foot downbut call a spade a spade: women are dumb as hell and reward the men that do this stupid shit.

>> No.23381454

American is a land of opportunities, I live in the turd world (Eastern Europe)

>> No.23381666

It is just that the elite break-away civilization is getting noticeably more distant but people are still stuck in the headspace of 18th century nation states and their accompanying ethnic identities. See the first world now has the same function as the 3rd world, to help bootstrap a select few into transhuman godhood, everything is becoming optimized toward that goal and consequently society no longer exists, to the extent it ever did, for the benefit of the people in it.

The reason it is so illusive is 1. it is easily dismissible because it still sounds like goofy science fiction. The 2nd reason people have difficulty grasping it is because the kind of prometheism we are talking about is politically Non-Euclidian, it will use whatever it can the reach its goal, which means all sides get played against all sides. Ideologues and zealots can't map that sort of territory, they simply can't fuck with that kind of conceptual geometry.

It all terminates with fucking nerds who want to become god.

>> No.23381700
File: 334 KB, 1885x318, pitfalls of looxxmaxxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to all the retards who think that improoooving one's looks, money status will magically fix their problem seem to forget one basic fact. Women crave INEQUALITY. Improved your skin? Well you'll get judged for your jawline or some other facial feature. Improved all of your facial features that you almost resemble a 7.5/10 guy? You'll be compared with a 9.5/10 guy. U tried improooving ur 5'5 manlet stature to 5'9 by enduring excruciatingly painful Ilizarov procedure? Well, tough luck bucko as the avg white zoomer man is atleast 6'1 or 6'2 in murrica and much much higher in places like the Netherlands. Point is , as long as women get to dictate the fate of your genes, you'll always be a slave to their whims. SelF ImProOOooViNg in today's way will not fix genetic inequality. Unironically revolt against this matriarchy or continue iMPrOOoOoooOoovING & rotting while women bang chads or get impregged by chad's seed stored in cryobanks. Even the almighty Jeff Bezos got cucked hard on live TV

>> No.23381741

cope. The choice is either whine or try and get better. It is what it is. You're not gonna improoove your way into being a 10/10 gigachad but you can still improve. Just say you don't wanna put in the work and that's a reasonable position to take, desu, especially in this vaginal shithole of a society. But to say men can't improve their into better social standing or whatever other metric is pure cope

>> No.23381805

>I can't comprehend basic logic
imagine if men's height improooved by 6-8 inches so that 95 % of men were atleast 6 inches taller than 95 % of women. You may claim that in this scenario, almost all men and women will end up finding a partner because the ideal height difference is now present and you may even cite stoody after stooody that claims women like men who're 6-8 inches taller than them. What you fail to realize is such ideal dimorphic differences do exist in other physical attributes such as upper body strength, facial features, etc., but women almost always lust the top 10 or top 1% of that attribute. Raising the tide will not eliminate genetic variance if everybody. A bunch of mid tier men opting for hardcore cosmetic surgeries will only make the competition more stiff and even force the top men to adopt such measures eventually. Literally every man is a loser in this setting because a man must spend a shite ton of resources on this silliness, sacrifice his health and indirectly encourage the flourishing of this industry. It very much resembles a death spiral in ant colonies.

>> No.23381815

>Just say you don't wanna put in the work and that's a reasonable position to take, desu, especially in this vaginal shithole of a society
I'm improooving, but not in areas that can make me more attractive in the eyes of women, rather moreso in areas that can make me useful for the revolution so to speak.
>But to say men can't improve their into better social standing
First of all I never claimed 'Self-improvement' as a concept was wrong or bad. I specifically talked about the loox or status or any other aspect that has to deal with appearing more attractive to the opposite sex. You obviously need to improooove your knowledge or wisdom or skills or any other aspect of your life if one wishes to change or influence society in a positive way.

>> No.23381816

>Using hitler in a post about genetic losers trying to destroy beauty and power through the insectoid might of the masses. The literal biologic dregs swarming and sullying the human genetic pinacle.

>> No.23381822

>'Dumb and stupid'
>implying women getting married young is a bad thing
>not understanding the real issue in your third world nation is the ratio of women to men

Double digit IQ detected. Opinion discarded.

>> No.23381829

>The answer to 2024 is 1995.
This. We've got to make America skate again. Go to the park, impress some girls by breaking your arm.

>> No.23381858

here are the factors that cause the dating gap:
>women are less horny and therefore have higher bargaining in sexual encounters, as well as less drive to partake in them
>women are more attractive, causing many women to be bisexuals instead of straight, and also causing women to be more choosy than men
>decades of feminism has turned women into sociopaths that will land you in prison for looking at them wrong, scaring men away, particularly the socially awkward kind
>the variability hypothesis means that men are more likely to have mental illness, weird physical features, etc., all traits that are unattractive to women
>weird men, and this is often down to mental illness or immutable personality traits, are seen as "creeps" but nobody thinks this about most unusual women
all of these except maybe to some extent the 2nd point are totally immutable on the man's side, and even the 2nd point is to some extent down to different hormones and developmental physiology, as well as mutable things that aren't socially acceptable like makeup

>> No.23381921

if you have a good face it doesnt matter

>> No.23381935
File: 430 KB, 640x839, 1715626247877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wrote an actual blackpill book with no bullshit, would you guys read it? I'd publish it as a pdf for free.

>> No.23381991

the real blackpill is that there isn't an exit out of this hell, so there's no point on caring about it anyway.

>> No.23381995

You wouldn’t know zogslop if you stuck it up your ass

>> No.23382010

read? yes. shit on it? depends.

>> No.23382012

Women’s height fixation doesn’t logically make sense. A lot of dudes hate fat chicks but weight can be lost with a little effort. Growing yourself taller past puberty does not exist.

>> No.23382017

>that image
And people say we live in a patriarchy

I’ve written my own theory but have to sell it for further research

>> No.23382127
File: 143 KB, 962x962, amity is tired of your shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya know Satan, five years ago I would have taken this as a shitpost. Now its so eerily close to the truth I'm not sure what to believe.

>> No.23382435

Bro I am not reading a book written by “Wheat Waffles”

>> No.23382451

i'm not going to deny there are women like this out there, but i searched the image and could only find incel accounts

>> No.23382452

oops meant for >>23382017

>> No.23382659

>Satan trips

>> No.23382690

>Women’s height fixation doesn’t logically make sense.
Height correlates with penis size and confidence and women like these things. There's nothing illogical about it.

>> No.23382694

Can you fucking half-wits leave my board please. I come here to spend time with people who enjoy intellectual recreations. You can talk about this sort of worthless nonsense on Reddit or Twitter.

>> No.23382766

>It's going to get worse
>posts a picture of a brighter future

>> No.23382775

Trips of truth. Sometimes you're alright, Satan.
Why the fuck do these kikes and cultists want to become God so bad? Or "create" a new god? AI demiurge bullshit is so disgusting and tiresome.

>> No.23382796

I'd say 7 is far more realistic. 8 is where you start getting into really specifically more attractive shit which can't be altered like being at least 6' tall, eye color, jaw, etc. And no, height surgery isn't going to give you points because you don't have it naturally and being a fraud is automatically minus whatever points you'd get for being a couple inches taller. All that extra autistic shit is for the 8s and 9s to have who were blessed naturally. 10s don't exist, nobody is perfect, a 10 is just a 9 you like a lot.

>> No.23382811

>the average woman whose intentions are still monogamy and to get married.
That's fucking hilarious, anon. I mean it, it's really fucking funny dude. You're a riot. You should do stand up comedy. Funniest shit I've ever read on this fucking website. If they were intent on monogamy and marriage, why are they fornicating before their wedding? Lmao.

>> No.23382823

I'll apply Occam's Razor here and reduce all of that negligible shit to one simple word:
One man can easily get 2 or 3 women, and if he's seen being successful, more women want him and he can snowball. If you don't get bitches you probably won't get bitches simply because you don't have them. There's more to it, such as attractiveness and personality, but it's basically the same as going into a starter position but needing 10 years of experience to be hired. You can't catch up no matter what you do. The people who made it have done so, and the people who don't need to do years and years of work just to try to be on the same level. Life isn't fair, but what's gay is complaining about it. Men don't get to cry, that's female behavior. Fucking do something about it faggot.

>> No.23382831

>penis size
source is your asshole lmao
yes, because being taller means you are automatically on a pedestal for women

>> No.23382934

>If they were intent on monogamy and marriage, why are they fornicating before their wedding?
Who are you talking about, schizo?

>> No.23382985

Those actually seeking marriage aren't fornicating. What's schizophrenic about this? Are you okay?

>> No.23383017

>What's schizophrenic about this?
What isn't?

>> No.23383052

It seems you're retarded. Condolences.

>> No.23383065

people say all good lies have a grain of truth, that is a really good lie because really all good lies are just a stain on an otherwise true statement.

>> No.23383066

Said the schizo who thinks a girl just having premarital sex in the 21st century (i.e., when they have no choice, since all guys demand premarital sex from them now) means she doesn't value monogamy and marriage anymore.

Talk to one woman, just one. Your schizo narrative will be contradicted immediately.

>> No.23383081

I have a wife. You seem to be a retard because you remove all accountability from women.

>> No.23383084

>I have a wife.
So do I, and we had premarital sex. You seem to be a retard who doesn't know what century he's living in.

>> No.23383091

>NOOO they have no choice!
>admitting he forced his wife into premarital sex
Your posts continue to make you look mentally deficient. Better hope she doesn't summon agency when it's convenient (as women are strong and independent and capable of free thinking when they need to be) and retroactively revoke consent on you!

>> No.23383100

Contraceptives made premarital sex part of the dominant culture of modern society. Having premarital sex in the 21st century has zero bearing on whether a person values monogamy and marriage or not.

>> No.23383106

Sure sounds like cope to me. You can't revoke sex. It's bonding for life, even if it's just once. If it's with anyone else before being married, contraceptives or not, they have already diminished the bond with their eventual spouse. A woman who is serious about monogamy would refuse sex until marriage.

>> No.23383108

>It's bonding for life
Not how the nervous system works.

>> No.23383112

No need to cope further, just accept your loss and move on.

>> No.23383118

Shut the fuck up already and kill yourself, retard.

>> No.23383122

Looks like I hit a nerve. It's ok to feel bad sometimes, kid.

>> No.23383125

>blackpill faggot
>turns into a redpill grifter for the bucks
many such cases

>> No.23383229

Smugness doesn't look good on retards.

>> No.23384136

Then why are you acting so smug, retard?

>> No.23384143

>I can't get laid: the book

>> No.23384454

Something something alienation, something something fundamental evil of capitalism

>> No.23384473

Wages have stagnated and the abolition of the family wage means that you can't afford to have kids on a single parent income and won't have the time to raise them properly with current working hours, job security has gone out the window with the gig economy and automation, constant economic crisis, two massively published ongoing wars, the climate going to hell.
No need for a sinister plot or malicious actors when the system has simply broken down.

>> No.23384607

I always love how roasties act so smug like they aren't getting pump and dumped like flesh dolls. They're literally just cum buckets for the dudes that are "interested" in them

>> No.23384994
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>> No.23386635

>you'll also have to compete with chads' seed stored in sophisticated cryo banks
my fucking sides lmao, he really thought of everything

>> No.23386823

>Height correlates with penis size
In women's heads. It's selection bias. Tall men with big penises are naturally very successful with women, so women get exposed to a lot of tall men with big penises. Then they start thinking taller man = bigger penis.

>> No.23387198

>This many niggers actively wasting time and energy arguing about women
Find peace bros it's not worth it