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File: 28 KB, 349x350, A7F4F8C73AD10DDEEBC7A435A075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2346594 No.2346594 [Reply] [Original]

I come to you with a question.

I'm looking for a book that's anti-consumerism and anti-corporate. It should be a sort of disection of modern day society. A sort of guide or explanation about how a man should life in modern day society without spending his money on frivolous unnecessary things. A book that can open the eyes of people.

I do not want some hippy bullshit and I also do not want some rambling that's not based on arguments and facts. Also I know that it comes close to anarchy,but I would like a book that's as far from it as possible, while it's subject is still that what I have described.

Pic sort of related.

>> No.2346602

Dude, Fight Club was about (repressed) homosexual urges in modern society disguised under that economic inconformity thing.

>> No.2346601

... fight club

>> No.2346606

>>2346594 anti-consumerism and anti-corporate

Don't worry OP, you'll grow up someday.

>> No.2346607

>anti-consumerism and anti-corporate
>how a man should life in modern day society

Sounds like you should read some Charles Bukowski OP.

>> No.2346608

Atlas Shrugged sounds right up your alley.

>> No.2346618

OP here


This is shitty advice. Give me something good or shut the fuck up.


This is better. Thank you.

>> No.2346621


Exactly what book from him do you recommend?

>> No.2346623


Ishmael might be good.

Or isn't the foxfire series about that stuff? Never read them myself.

>> No.2346625

Bonfire of the Vanities covers this part:

>I'm looking for a book that's anti-consumerism and anti-corporate. It should be a sort of disection of modern day society."

Not sure about the 'guide to how a man should live' part though.

>> No.2346627

It doesn't really matter, they're all the same.

>> No.2346629

you should read spongebobs "Nautical Nonsense" joke book it really opened my eyes to the government and repressed rights

>> No.2346632

theory of the leisure class
no logo

oh, and don't be a faggot about this, op

>> No.2346638

>I'm looking for a book that's anti-consumerism and anti-corporate.
Every author's sister and her dog has criticized consumerism. You might as well as for books with narratives.

>> No.2346649


I am only a faggot when I think somebody is trolling and I am anonymous.

Thanks for contributing so far. Ishmael seems nice.

>> No.2346653


>> No.2346728

Seconding this, it changed my life

>> No.2346733

Some Zygmunt Bauman.

>> No.2346739

>not hippy bullshit

pick one

also, stop this genrefying bullshit and just read general assorted political philosophers. you'll get more from reading locke, hobbes, et al than just going "oh well this idea appeals to me im going to read about it and not read anything else."

>how a man should life in modern day society without spending his money on frivolous unnecessary things

i guess walden by thoreau would be to your taste

>> No.2346738


>> No.2346748

in after naomi klein

>> No.2346749


ayn rand

>> No.2346754

>anti-consumerism and anti-corporate
>picture from fight club
good going missing the entire point of the book/film

>> No.2346828

Oryx and Crake, by Margaret Atwood. It's a dystopia that's specifically interested in consumerist culture and the crackpot ways people try to sidestep it. Highly recommended.

>> No.2346836

I think you missed something fundamental about ayn rand there...

>> No.2346902

I guess Plato would be the perfect reading to start with. Then you have all philosophy, just pick a random famous name.

>> No.2346932

White Noise- Don DeLillo

>> No.2347066
File: 23 KB, 288x384, David Byrne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I highly recommend David Byrne's Bicycle Diaries. It actually covers what you want to read about, OP, without sounding hostile.

>> No.2347113
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 4153DN60CCL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, have you read this?

You should read this.

>> No.2347271
File: 31 KB, 315x500, stirner3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<- Anti-everything but your own damn self. The truth shall set you free.

>> No.2347272

Read Montaigne, mostly because Montaigne is exceedingly awesome. Also you will enjoy the poetry of Robinson Jeffers a whole lot. Also fuck Max Stirner.

>> No.2347284

you're a commie

>> No.2347296

i think anti-corporatism is a good position to have. you can accept capitalist interchange while also thinking that the unrestrained operation of large corporations, and their centrality and power in our culture, are bad things

>> No.2347315

Nobody can ever really explain what's wrong with Stirner.

>> No.2347321
File: 27 KB, 305x475, naked-lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh OP you want the Naked Luch

>> No.2347346

"man is a social being"
"there are valid and meaningful ends outside of each individual human being's existence and profit"

>> No.2347382


You haven't read The Ego and It's Own in it's entirety, have you?

Both of these statements are entirely compatible with Stirnerian thought.

>> No.2347413

ugh why do people even read this book anymore?
It's a social/historical document more than an enjoyable book at this point...
it has served its purpose and is now just shitty, lazy "art" imo.