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File: 71 KB, 549x544, lord-of-the-rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2475200 No.2475200 [Reply] [Original]

Re-reading LotR, and I have to say the movies did a terrible adaptation! When I was a child I though the movie were better, but now I shutter at the thought of all the goodies that were taken out, and the character development that never took place.

>> No.2475209

I didn't like the movies because they seemed to think epic battles or fantasy politics or generic good-vs-evil were the focus of Tolkien, but Tolkien to me was always more about ~ADVENTURE!~. The movies had so little adventure. The world seemed small and concrete.

>> No.2475224

Yeah, I was SO pissed off that they left out Tom Bombadil. He was my favorite character, and he was so vital to the story. Also, how they made Frodo and Sam's
friendship less of a master/servant relationship and more realistic. That fucking pissed me off.

>> No.2475254

The first difference I noticed about the movies was how much of a bitch they made Frodo. In the books he has his shit together, but in the movies they make him out to be a craven.

>> No.2475274

In defense of omitting Tom Bombadil, there was no way they could have remotely pleased anyone, no matter the adaptation. Also, there are things that realistically can't translate over from books to movies just because of the basic differences in the two mediums. I agree with the bitchy Frodo, though, even if Elijah Wood had the look.

>> No.2475286

someone's been reading a game of thrones

>> No.2475294
File: 218 KB, 1600x1064, Stannis and Melisandre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My initial thought

>> No.2475306

Personally I think the films are far superior to the books. Tolkien's prose style is just not very good to me. It's long winded and not very engaging, and he's desperately trying to emulate anglo-saxon texts that are also bone dry.

>> No.2475322

I think the only movie which really captured it was Fellowship, even though they would have captured it more if they hadn't left out Bombadil

>> No.2475331

I totally desagree with you, I fucking hate Tom Bombadil and I think he is completely useless to the story.

>> No.2475333

Fellowship is ok… the other two movies are awful.

>> No.2475341


I apologize, I guess my attempt at sarcasm failed. Tom Bombadil was completely unnecessary to the story, and it took quite a lot of willpower on my part to resist the urge to skip
that section entirely.

>> No.2475374


>> No.2475387

Bombadil is important to middle earth fool

>> No.2476173

How is he important?

>> No.2476356

The movies didn't spend enough time on Tom Bombadil.

I mean, nothing in the books holds any kind of literary value without Tom Bombadil.

Also I can't believe they took out the Scouring of the Shire!
That was the most important part of the entire saga! Including the Silmarillion!
I just. . . don't even.

Also Elves showing up at Helm's Deep? What? Fuck these movies, man, books were soooo much beetter.

>> No.2476374

First being to ever enter the world or something like that. God of the gods. Not that important really. Even if you read all the extra shit it all amounts to the fact that Tom gives no fucks about anything and just wants to dance in the woods.

>> No.2476409

Because without him everything is explainable and part of some sort of structure. Tom Bambadil represents the ineffability of God and the futility of trying to figure the world out.

>> No.2476417

I think PJ did a fine job of adapting, minus a few obvious character flaws here or there for Frodo and Boromir.

You can't really please everyone, and the books always > than the movies.

>> No.2476418

That's conjecture. No one knows what the hell Tom is, if anything.

There's a theory that he's an ancient evil force though:

>> No.2476419

Fuck dude. It doesn't have to be an exact retelling. Why not get something new out of it, OMG they used elves!? end of the world!

Watch lord of the rings and it is exactly the same, word for word, then try read the book, shit isn't possible, I tried it with Fear and Loathing, it's boring as hell knowing everything.

>> No.2476499

Tom probably isn't the God of the gods. "That" being was described in The Silmarillion as Eru (Illuvatar).

>> No.2476500

He's nature.

>> No.2476515

You are correct sir

>> No.2476514

>Speculative ideas about his true nature range from one of the Ainur, angelic beings (who came after the Dark Lord and shaped the earth), to God, who is called Eru Ilúvatar and "the One" in Tolkien's legendarium although Tolkien rejected the notion that Bombadil is God.[2] This is however reinforced when Frodo asks Goldberry just who Tom Bombadil is, and she responds by simply saying "He is" (much like the biblical statement about Yahweh, "I Am that I Am").[3]

What the actual fuck is going on - I never will figure it out for myself.

>> No.2476517

I'd prefer to call him the Ainur that created the foundation for organic life. (lol)

>> No.2476522

>Hastings had also criticised the description of Tom Bombadil by Goldberry — "He is" — saying that this seemed to imply that Bombadil was God. In reply, Tolkien said:

>As for Tom Bombadil, I really do think you are being too serious, besides missing the point. [...] You rather remind me of a Protestant relation who to me objected to the (modern) Catholic habit of calling priests Father, because the name father belonged only to the First Person.


>> No.2476528
File: 105 KB, 300x300, The-Lord-Of-The-Rings-The-Return-Of-The-King-The-Complete-Recordings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REgardless of how shitty the adaptation is, it still is one of the best soundtracks of all time.

>> No.2476530

What if he is the nature which is also outside the world?

>> No.2476560

Everyone ITT needs to read more books. The reaction you're describing about this one instance is common to readers when watching almost any movie adaptation.

>> No.2476699

> first 150 pages: a mind-numbing barrage of shire innocence/ awful tom bombadil poetry

> hideously jovial tone throughout the whole series - dramatic tension never achieved

> black and white battle of good vs evil. conservative christian values reinforced. monarchy justified. whole world must wait for "the return of the king" to be saved. the people are helpless without their noble better.

> pages and pages of "world building" - a fantasy euphemism for "i'm a boring writer and I have nothing else to add at this point so I'm going to up the word count in order to increase sales" -> just ask GRRM.

The book doesn't do justice to the film.
It's only famous because Tolkien was the first to popularise the genre now known as epic fantasy.

>> No.2476740

>Shit books
>Good films

>fuck your adventure time

>> No.2476750

>People actually bitching about Bombadil not being in the movie

The fuck is wrong with you people? Bom-bom-ba--dil-o can go fuck himself. He stops the story dead and serves no purpose than to make Sauron and the blight of middle earth look like meaningless shit. "Oh bro let me see your ring...o. Nah nigga this shit ain't got no power"

It would have killed the movie

>> No.2476756
File: 58 KB, 300x355, tombombadil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That "He is" thing is misleading. He is, in the sense that he abides. He just is.

Tolkien specifically said, he's there to be a mystery. Some things shouldn't be pinned down. Of course, I think he might have done just as well not to have Silmarillion'ed the fuck out of everything and explained every goddamn nook and cranny of the setting, but one fat fruit in the woods is good too.

>> No.2476760

>It's only famous because Tolkien was the first to popularise the genre
okay.... so its only famous because it made entire genre popular... the whole of that sentence "people only like it because people like it". I'm stuck in a tautology spiral here. Do you really not see the pointlessness of what you said?

>> No.2476763


Trying to find meaning in Tom is a fools game. Especially when you look at how Tolkien worked. He din't have a plan and if he hit a roadblock that old mother fucker would just start all over. If he didn't know, how the fuck is anyone else meant to?

>> No.2476807

Replace Tom with "life". Replace Tolkien with "the world".

>> No.2476863

Does nobody in this thread understand sarcasm?