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/lit/ - Literature

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2610703 No.2610703 [Reply] [Original]

Do you feel the Call of it, /lit/?

I'm waiting patiently for my hardcover copy of The Necronomicon to arrive.

>> No.2610711

What a terrible flowchart.

>> No.2610722

Then make a better one.

>> No.2610749

Cthulhu and the the cosmology are the weakest part of Lovecraft's writing. I don't know why people focus on it so much.

Mountains, Colour, Haunter, Dunwich, Shadow are all great.

>> No.2610776
File: 44 KB, 321x475, Lovecraft for Beginners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a good starter book. It opens with some good short stories like The Outsider and The Rats in the Walls (as compared to Dagon, which is pretty meh) then it moves on to The Call of Cthulhu, Colour Out of Space, The Dunwich Horror, Mountains of Madness, Innsmouth, and Shadow Out of Time. If you insist on making a flowchart then at least start out with something decent.

>> No.2610780

I didn't make it.
I just don't see a point in bitching about it and not doing anything about it.

>> No.2610784

Not that guy, but drawing attention to something being bad is pretty useful.

I'm not totally against that pic, tho.

>> No.2610797


Just in case some poor sap comes along and thinks he'll try getting into Lovecraft by following that flowchart, I've warned him. And even if I produced a better chart it wouldn't stop the root problem that stupid people (such as yourself) are posting such a shitty chart. So I guess doing something more about it would be finding you and shooting you in the face?

>> No.2610798

I never noticed before how much Lovecraft looks like Tucker Max.

>> No.2610799

inorite? Nyarlathotep being a "precursor" to Dream Quest? Because he makes a cameo at the end?

The whole Dream Cycle is the precursor to Dream Quest. Start there.

>> No.2610817

Just so you guys know, I made this chart. I've only read half a dozen stories of his, in chronological order. So I haven't read shit yet, but there wasn't a Lovecraft chart and people were asking for one.
I looked at a few websites, essential Lovecraft lists, etc. and compiled the list (completely forgetting The Dunwich Horror). I'm pretty sure if you make a legit one this will be discarded pretty promptly.

>> No.2610844


If you don't have the knowledge then you shouldn't have made the chart. An implication for people asking for a chart is that someone who knows what they're talking about will be the one making it. No flowchart, like a bad map, is worse than none at all.

If you read enough Lovecraft to make a decent chart then feel free to do so, but you should delete this one or at least never post it again.

>> No.2610849


By "no flowchart" I of course meant "a bad flowchart"

>> No.2610869
File: 31 KB, 300x396, 101692408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best gift I've ever gotten. Leather bound, silver leafed pages, nice silk bookmark.

>> No.2610877

>delete this one
I didn't post it

plus the chart is the sickest shit ever m8 u try makin better

>> No.2610881


I meant delete the actual file on your computer, thus preventing it from ever sullying /lit/ again.

>> No.2610907
File: 32 KB, 400x407, u wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll delete u from the face of the earth

>> No.2610911
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Except for the fact that that version contains thousands of errors and wrong words.

>> No.2610920



>> No.2610939

Then what would be the best compendium?

>> No.2611778

Still waiting on an answer

>> No.2611920


The Library of America Lovecraft is better edited, and has pretty much all of Lovecraft's stuff that is worth reading.

>> No.2611933
File: 78 KB, 600x750, 1295201750237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bought this. I wouldn't get anything of his that doesn't have S.T. Joshi's involvement.


Then I realized he is not a good writer. I wouldn't waste my time on him if I were you, but if you must, all of his works can be found here legally.


>> No.2613983
File: 252 KB, 800x800, 5ef737e4664914c26047067d699cfdf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your favourite outer god, /lit/? Mine is Nyarlathotep. Pic related.

>> No.2614010
File: 165 KB, 496x700, 1335844127886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2614012

Does /lit/ like Chambers (The King in Yellow, etc.)?

>> No.2614036


Okay, I lost it at the publisher.

>> No.2614053
File: 72 KB, 662x593, 1303072671926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2614159

I've just received my copy of The Necronomicon, and with 36 of Lovecraft's works, I won't try to list them all here. But to those of you who have mentioned preferences for reading order, how does this book's sound to you? If you can suggest a better one, I'll follow it instead of the book's. Here's the first ten from the book's:

1. Night-Gaunts
2. Dagon
3. The Statement of Randolph Carter
4. The Doom That Came to Sarnath
5. The Cats of Ulthar
5. The Nameless City
6. Herbert West - Reanimator
7. The Music of Erich Zann
8 The Lurking Fear
9. The Hound
10. Rats in the Walls

>> No.2614181


>> No.2614212

>The Alchemist

Probably my favorite so far, sad to see it wasn't in the Necronomicon.

>> No.2614318

I own that edition.
It's lovely.
Best twenty dollars I've spent on literature.

>> No.2614339

Don't forget to add an extended section with the later Lovecraftian authors, like Derleth, Howard and several others.

>> No.2614351
File: 222 KB, 900x714, 1335437015238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Statement of Randolph Carter
The Doom that came to Sarnath
The Cats of Ulthar
Herbert West: Reanimator
Pickman's Model

My favourites, in no particular order.

>> No.2614360
File: 16 KB, 249x279, 1301248014116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>like Derleth

>> No.2614363


>> No.2614376

What? Derleth wasn't THAT bad, and others like Bloch and Howard were pretty good at expanding the Mythos. Hell, Steven King wrote a Mythos story.

>> No.2614379

Derleth wrote Solar Pons.

Solar Pons is cool.

>> No.2614382


But at least King didn't try to dumb down the cosmology into a simple "good gods vs bad gods" bullshit.

>> No.2614385
File: 111 KB, 576x768, 8f2ebcd72ad7a3f05a42b760bd61584f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suwako's true form is...

Which makes Sanae...


>implying an attempt to moralize the amoral wasn't that bad

Which of King's stories was Cthulhu mythos?

>> No.2614393

Jerusalems Lot is the one by King. It's not bad just... typical Mythos fare.

I also fail to see how a different interpretation of the Mythos, such as Derleth's was a bad one. At least Derleth tried to break out a bit more from the themes that Lovecraft had set down.

Another criminally underrated Lovecraft story is the Horror In The Museum, also the Curse of Yig.

>> No.2614395


Crouch End

>> No.2614394

Given how much the Japanese love Lovecraft, I'm surprised there isn't a lot more Touhou/Cthulhu crossover.

>> No.2614397


Those are collaborations, though, not entirely Lovecraft.

>> No.2614400

Lovecraft basically rewrote 90% of the Horror In The Museum and large parts of the Curse of Yig. It wasn't collaboration, he wrote the damn stories for Heald.

>> No.2614401


>implying taking a thousand words or so of a dead author's work and writing your own story around it is a collaboration

>> No.2614403


Again, that was Derleth. Heald and Bishop's work is a lot more, well, decent than that,

>> No.2614464

I don't know where to start... apparently The Necronomicon is decent, but apparently S.T. Joshi's 'corrected' editions are vastly superior?


>> No.2614475


Get the corrected editions.

Most books out there simply reprint Lovecraft's stories as they were originally published in Weird Tales and what not. What they don't tell you is that these stories were often edited by the publishers, who either changed or removed stuff from the stories.

S.T. Joshi basically took Lovecraft's original manuscripts and drafts of stories to render versions of the stories the way Lovecraft wrote them (or as closely as possible.)

>> No.2614484


Goddamn it, I bought The Necronomicon. Well, at least it'll look nice on my shelf.

Where can I get the S.T. Joshi versions and/or what are they called? I checked his Wikipedia page but I couldn't find it, if indeed it is even there.

>> No.2614495


(errata on /lit/)

If you know of, I'm also curious in the ways Joshi's corrections differ from the 'common' versions.

>> No.2614499


The Dunwich Horror and Others
At the Mountains of Madness and Other Novels
Dagon and Other Macabre Tales

Those are the main ones. All published by Arkham House.


They should all be there but they're not for some reason... maybe currently out of print?

>> No.2614509


They're out of stock. Given how old the website looks, I wonder if they may have been out of stock for years. I looked on Amazon, and apparently copies start at around $500 and go up to $900. I guess it's now a rare collector's item...

>> No.2614595

I'm guessing nobody here has ever read the Joshi editions? Unless you found yourself an evaluation copy that you evaluated for 24 hours and deleted, something which I was not able to find, it would seem everyone who has read Cthulhu has read the mangled versions.

>> No.2616513


>> No.2616516

Just read Dagon. Was pretty boring outside of describing some merman-race.