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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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2705752 No.2705752 [Reply] [Original]

These are our dying days gentlemen. We've lost our heart! Yes, we may still linger here in this present dimension of time, but the road ahead is not a pleasant one. /lit/ is dying my friends. It has fallen. Fallen to the illiterate, shit-for-brains, that are wandering from board to board in search of amusement. Well, they got it. They post indignant and pathetic posts, requesting for homework help, or discussions on crappy novels. Yes, this is our swan song. /lit/ will soon fall to these imbeciles, and their putrid posts that reek of mustard gas and roses. So it goes.

>> No.2705753

I was going to just tell you to stop being hysterical, but the standard does seem to have fallen quite a bit. I think I'm just going to read on my own from now on. See you lads.

>> No.2705761

>I don't like the way things are, therefore it's dying

Those damn politicians! Pieces of shit! Voting? Hah! What's -that- gonna do?

>> No.2705762

Shit /lit/ I'm sorry. I just discovered this board not 10 minutes ago because I was fleeing another board that has gone to shit. It's almost like everything that I touch dies.

>> No.2705765

So it was YOU!

>> No.2705767

I'm sorry, I'll just go now.

>> No.2705770


I know this feel so much.

>> No.2705772

No rest for the refugees of 4chan

>> No.2705788
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>> No.2706021

Every board I've been to says the same. They go on about the "good ol' days" of /b/, /fit/, /v/, etc.
Maybe 4chan is just shitting up. more and more people coming to it.

>> No.2706039

It is just the summer! It is not the Summer of Love, it is the eternal summer, changing all that we all like but never had the chance to change! We are passive and we deserve but a hard rain's gonna fall!

Pynchon will lead.

>> No.2706048

I spend some time on /tv/. Be thankful it isn't that bad.

There will be a Prometheus thread with 300 posts and then some idiot will come along and make another thread with his oh so special unique snowflake opinion of it. Infuriating.

And /lit/ has not changed one iota. We are the most repetitive board on any *chan. Any perceived shift is entirely imagined or within yourself.

4chan in general has changed though. /k/ and /fit/ remain the only funny boards. I blame reactionary faggots like yourself. When that reddit nonsense blew up, suddenly OC rage comics, the bread and butter of most boards with shitty MSpaint and whatnot and all copypasta was immediately shelved in response, and a darkness descended over the place.

See also the summerfag phenomenon, where the number of stupid threads made by 'summerfags' stays exactly the same but the reaction to said threads becomes completely overblown and things that would usually be consigned, postless, to page 15 linger on ad infinitum, fueled by shitposting about how bad the thread they are perpetuating is.

>> No.2706058
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>> No.2706066

/lit/ is always infantile - the summer just throws it all into sharp relief.

>> No.2706561

The primary reason for /tv/'s existence is to offer up your own interpretation of a tv series or movie. The problem with /tv/ is their waifu shit. When you get a good discussion going, it can be pretty insightful e.g. Community threads, which are pretty polarizing (particularly on Season 3) but usually pretty interesting, compared to Game of Thrones threads, which are shit.