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2739512 No.2739512 [Reply] [Original]

>in the United States
>trying to buy some cheap books to read
>search around for a good place to browse for books, can't find anything other major chain bookstores
>enter one of them, go to History section
>most of the books are about WW2, Civil War or the personal lives of US presidents
>no serious or well-known Historians at sight, only american journalists who appear in the cover of the books crossing their arms
>most of the books' titles have complements in the "How liberals did this", "the Epic story of that", "The ... that changed the world", "The making of America" "For Freedom" fashion
>genuinely shocked for a minute
>suddenly it all makes sense
>leave bookstore

yep, I think I've discovered why americans are so uneducated

>> No.2739515

The first image you used worked just fine, too.

And yeah, it's fucking awful here. I can't find anything on the French Revolution anywhere, I have to order online. When I asked at one bookstore, the fucking moron girl behind the counter actually asked me what country's history it would be under.
I wish I was kidding.
I hate this country and wish I'd been born in Western Europe. My toothache agrees.

>> No.2739514

btw i'm a girl

>> No.2739519
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Did you remember to clap before leaving the shop? When in a foreign country you have to observe their traditions.

>> No.2739523


>store stocks products with wide-ranging appeal
>needs to make profit
>won't make profit from pretentious DFW shit

>> No.2739525


What are you guys in the south or something?

That's horrible.

>> No.2739532

>No capitalization

But yes, American bookstores are mostly shit.

>> No.2739534

>underground and not lucrative enough for a major bookshop's standards
Jesus, how do you people fucking live.
What ARE your options on a typical american bookshop after all?

>> No.2739529

If my tiny ass city has two used book stores, so does yours.

Google maps is your friend.

>> No.2739538
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>are you in the south or something?
Texas, close enough. One guy came with me to the aisle and pointed out books on the American Revolution. I had to explain to him that the French Revolution was what I needed, not the American, it was a different thing. He said "Oh," and then mumbled something about they don't seem to have it and walked off.

>> No.2739543

Try to find a book about France in WWI. Impossible. There are plenty about WWII, and the wonderful US contributions there.

Is there anything even written about this in English that doesn't come from an academic publisher?

>> No.2739550


These things never happened.

Quit stroking your egos by making fun of imaginary people.

>> No.2739548
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Just move to Dallas and be done with it.

>> No.2739551

I live in Dallas. Austin probably would be better, let's face it.

>> No.2739553
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I am american and I'm educated in various skills, but I have no accreditation, did inventors have accreditation? They were seen as bat shit insane because of their methods of success was unorthadoxed.

Here is a preview of my current book: http://www.scribd.com/doc/97743915/Fall-of-Sustainability-Rise-of-the-Common-Man-Volume-1-PREVIEW

>> No.2739555


Holy shit, I just thought you lived with hicks. What has happened to our nation.

>> No.2739557


>Is there anything even written about this in English that doesn't come from an academic publisher?

About France in the Great War?

There's fucking tons, if you had the brain capacity of a watermelon it wouldn't take you 5 minutes to find it on the internet.

I can understand not finding it in your average B&N, but you're seriously not telling me you can't find anything on the subject on Amazon?

>> No.2739558

Whatever lets you sleep at night. At least the second could have been explained by the guy having misheard me, and he just thought "Revolution-- ok," but the first one, the girl asked me what country because Half Price sorts their History sections by country/region and time period.

>> No.2739567

>Is there anything even written about this in English that doesn't come from an academic publisher?

Probably not. They will tell the story of every single brave band-of-brothers-like company before they start acknowledging other countries.

Worst of all, they tend to get really really revisionist writing that crap, even with their own history, just to piss off people on the other side of the political spectrum. They have respect for absolutely nothing when it comes to culture.

>> No.2739571


Now you're just being sensationalist.

>> No.2739576
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Are you serious?

I'm sitting here with a stack of WWI non-fiction laying five feet from me, all in English, and absolutely none of it is American-Centric. I do not have any Great War books with an American focus, if they're mentioned it's in the context of the greater scale of the war.

You're making up problems that do not exist.

>> No.2739577

You must have gone to a bad shop, then. My local bookstore has a very extensive history section, and I spend a lot of time in it.

>> No.2739589

what about the UK? or canada? or australia? they're probably different.

but american books, probably not

>> No.2739592
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History is rewritten by revisionists who are owned and operated by the various system of corruption that you call in Corporate America, Globalist visions of divide and conquer unto lack of culture, thus counter-cultures spring up from monopolized foundations, we are dealing with professional humans who are used to manipulating society into a wretched little system. You must understand this already, I doubt you wouldn't have a clue, now please enlighten us how History changes so rapidly that the real facts are lost, how does one trust the printed text?

>> No.2739595

>falling for a yurotrash troll thread

these guys think The Battle of Britain won the war lol

>> No.2739607


Why should this girl...making 10 buck an hour, live up to your pedantic intellectual expectations? you fucking DOUCHE.

>> No.2739608


Ok, you had me going, but you made it way to obvious with that shit.


>> No.2739609
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This yuropoor would be speaking German if not for us, but he cries like a bitch about our bookstores. Typical.

>> No.2739618


I bet you think you won the space race too.

>> No.2739621


Zu spät, ich spreche Deutsch!

>> No.2739629
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You are essentially complaining about the fact that while Europeans have for decades been dwelling on the brilliant classics of the past, Americans have been picking up their pens and attempting to write their own, with varying success as you have observed. I am of course assuming that you are European because if you were not you would have absolutely no place in a discussion about important historical or classic literature. I am also aware that American literature is often utter tripe, owing to our belief that even the common man can create beautiful works of literature, fed to us by Twain and his ilk.

However it is ridiculous to paint us as an illiterate people. We have been revolutionizing literature proper for the past 200 years, and we will likely continue to do so in future. There will always be talentless hacks flooding the market, but that is no reason to ignore those with a real acumen for writing.

>> No.2739637

Why would anyone living in the US care about pussy-ass frenchmen losing wars until the we came in a bailed them out?

>> No.2740724

Most countries do.

>> No.2740733

What did you expect? I wouldn't go to B&N looking for e.g. Schama's 'People's History of the French Revolution', that just seems retarded. For academic books you need to go to academic bookstores, you fucking moron. You go to B&N for manga, Hunger Games, SAT workbooks, Oprah book club novels, and mainstream non-fiction (like the kind that doesn't have a bibliography or citations of any sort, oftentimes written by journalists in a Gonzo-reportage style).

>> No.2740738

Not OP but if you go into a Waterstones in Britain you'll find a better selection of books than most public libraries. Shops that only sell
>manga, Hunger Games, SAT workbooks, Oprah book club novels, and mainstream non-fiction
Tend to also sell entertainment and/or stationary.

>> No.2740745

But Waterstones does sell those things you mention. Whole sections for them.
Admittedly the Classic Fiction section is bigger than them all put together, but in my local Waterstones it's on the top, least visited floor.

>> No.2740746

ahh, gotcha. i was perplexed as to why anyone would have that expectation.

come to think of it, a lot of university bookstores in the U.S. are now B&N outlets, with a separate section housing all the required classroom texts. i don't know if the selection is any different from your typical suburban B&N.

>> No.2740752

>We have been revolutionizing literature proper for the past 200 years, and we will likely continue to do so in future.
>best american novel written by a russian born immigrant

>> No.2740753

My local (Bath) has 3 floors, basement is poetry, history and travel-related stuff, middle is popular, children's and some classic then the top is classic plus a hefty stockroom.
It's similar over here with regards to uni shops, most are Waterstones Branches which sell the texts off of reading lists for even more than they'd cost in a normal branch (and 'Stones is already expensive)

>> No.2740756

Yeah I noticed that too. Even the political section is just a bunch of columnists making some idiotic arguments and then you wonder why /pol/ is such a toxic waste.

But for the rest all I have to say is: feels good to live in ny.

>> No.2740757

Tao Lin's Russian?

>> No.2740765
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>> No.2740787
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>> No.2740799

Who are you talking about?

>> No.2740802

Ya better to hand half of europe, then china, then africa to the bolsheviks, right?

And now america is handing the balkans and the middle east to islamics.

You fucking brainwashed merkans are so wildly delusional, just puppets of the jews.

>> No.2740803


I think he's referring to Nabokov

>> No.2740806

I believe he's talking about ayn rand.

>> No.2740809

>political section
oh good I can only imagine

>> No.2740814

Almost certainly Nabokov. A strange choice for best American author, but legitimate.

It's not particularly strange for a country's best to be a foreigner. For example, the best Russian author is Ukrainian (Gogol) and the best 20th-century British poets are American (Eliot, Hughes).

>> No.2740817

What a schizophrenic post. It's like each sentence is written as a reply by a different troll.

>> No.2740822

how so

>> No.2740833
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>best Irish author: Irish

>> No.2740851

That's only because nobody moves to Ireland. Even the Irish authors don't live there.

>> No.2740853

Eastern Europeans do/did. For a little while.

>> No.2740857

Still, Ireland can be proud of its literary tradition.

>> No.2740862

Ted Hughes was American? What?

>> No.2740867

Why would "puppets of the Jews" want to hand over the Middle East to the "Islamics"?

Why would "puppets of the Jews" want to hand over the rest of the world to communists?

Both of those seem to be against what 4chan describes as the Jewish Agenda, which is Zionism and private ownership and control of capital.

So even if one accepts the basis of the post, none of the elements make sense as an argument. It's like there was an explosion at the troll copypasta factory, and the pieces were reassembled by a blind idiot.

>> No.2740875

>none of the elements make sense as an argument. It's like... the pieces were reassembled by a blind idiot.
If you think this nonsensical reasoning is restricted to internet trolls, I take it you haven't read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion...

>> No.2740920

And the award for idiot of the year goes to you

>> No.2740925


He probably just assumed he was American because Sylvia Plath is.

>> No.2740932

because jews are communists, and communists are jews.

because the secular governments that are being overthrown opposed international jewry and international banking and so on.
Further these islamics support the jewish international drug trade, which is big money.

You sound really ignorant to me to think "zionism" is even an important part of jewish conspiracies.

>> No.2740960

>hurr zog machine

>> No.2740989

>hurr i dont believe in jews


>> No.2741013

why does it seem like everyone who knows just about nothing of history/current global affairs/sociology/economics, resort to antisemitism? it's an abhorrent philosophy

>> No.2741023

>it's an abhorrent philosophy

It's so much easier to go down that path. In order to have an informed opinion you need to do a little research.

>> No.2741021

>hurr jews are just scapegoats, this explains why they are hated every where they live

>> No.2741035

With the exception of the middle-east that's pretty much spot-on

>> No.2741037

Sure maybe if you get your history from jewish sources.

>> No.2741047

You'd be surprised. There are a lot of Israeli-born, Jewish historians that are very critical of their country's attitude toward Palestine and their other Arab neighbours.

But why would you care, your kind probably hates the Arabs as much as the Jews. Still confusion religion with politics, in the 21st century. Fuck my life.