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/lit/ - Literature

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2789001 No.2789001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Got my kindle touch, fits more books than anyone could ever read in one's life.
Now I see the "hard" books on my shelf and think how clunky and bulky they are.
Had /lit/ the same feelings when got an e-reader?

>> No.2789006

OP here, obviously with calibre to add any book i'd like in it

>> No.2789011

I'm about to buy one next week. Where can I download free books?

>> No.2789021

just puts its name on goole with an extension, like mobi (kindle format), epub or pdf

>> No.2789026

you cant read 3500 books in your entire lifespan? I'll have hit that by 40....

>> No.2789041

gotta work, study, hang out, you know...
im not a useless hipster/liberal arts major/pseudo-intellectual

>> No.2789048

Getting an ebook reader allows me to read more than I ever had before.

>> No.2789049


Books do have much more of an ornamental value to me, now, yes.

>> No.2789051


This really isn't the place to be randomly insulting people who like to read a lot.

>> No.2789052

I never had an emotional attachments to physical books as I only used the library before ebooks.

>> No.2789059

nor to weep about it

>> No.2789067


Pick one.

>> No.2789070

I really want to get an E-Reader but am unsure which would be the best for me
I guess I'll ask /g/ what kind of iPad I should get

>> No.2789073
File: 56 KB, 470x425, yotsuba27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it you like to display your books to show how intellectual you are?

>> No.2789075

>distractions from the text

If anything ereaders bring you closer to the experience of reading

>> No.2789083

the advantage of ebook readers, and the reason we get them instead of just reading shit on the computer, is that they have the e-ink display or whatever it's called

the whole point is that you don't make your eyes bleed staring at the display for hours on end

>> No.2789086

Get the cheapest one you can with an eink screen if you just want to read. I have a $40 refurb Kobo wifi and it works fine for me.

>> No.2789094

yeah, i got some cheap-ass chinese piece of shit that runs some kind of lunix

the e-ink display is literally the only feature i cared about, and it's great

>> No.2789096

got the cheaper version of kindle touch with special offers from amazon
lunking in internet you can find some ways to avoid kindle downloading these annoying offers

>> No.2789097

You should use a dedicated ereader. First, the display is much easier on the eyes. Secondly, the battery on a tablet is nothing compared to an ereader, they literally last weeks. Lastly, a tablet is much more expensive and much more of a risk when out and about, an ereader sets you back 150 at the very most, if you buy the best.

>> No.2789099

I just want one that has a decent sized display that I can carry around, is easy on the eyes, has a good user interface for sorting/browsing and I can download e-books off the web and put it on there

>> No.2789100

How about recommending an ereader that doesn't spy on you?

>> No.2789104
File: 6 KB, 251x251, 1273538225696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess I'll ask /g/ what kind of iPad I should get

>> No.2789106

>decent sized display
Nearly all mainstream ereaders have a 6 inch 800x600 screen

>> No.2789107

>that doesn't spy on you.

Why does it matter? You are only using it to read books, you aren't browsing child porn.

>> No.2789115

just put wireless off and upload books using calibre, works fine and dont have to worry about amazon anymore

>> No.2789116
File: 17 KB, 514x385, fry_bigger[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of us want to just read a book, not be analyzed, have a profile built on, and served ads.

>> No.2789124

You're still supporting a company with questionable ethical practices.

>> No.2789128

Maybe people want to read some "controversial books" without people knowwing
You know, like Mein Kampf

>> No.2789130

so look at the dimensions of the thing, make sure it's an e-ink display and not an LCD, and bob's your uncle

the interface is simple enough that you can't really fuck it up, and if you get one that's all encumbered with shit that RMS wouldn't approve of, you can jailbreak the fucker

>> No.2789134


We are fast entering a world where such will be the normal experience in all our media consumption, I'm afraid.

>> No.2789129

>ethical business practices
Choose one.

>> No.2789135

I don't think the sony ones do.

>> No.2789140


Actually Amazon sells each Kindle at a loss. They don't earn a profit off of the device itself.

>> No.2789136

Am I being trolled?

>> No.2789141

>Why does it matter?
Why shouldn't it matter? When did everyone devalue their own privacy? Public Libraries were founded on anonymity.

>> No.2789142

Mein Kampf is banned in Germany. It's serious business.

>> No.2789143

months ago, ive printed and bounded my own edition of mein kampf, funny was to see people looking at me while i was reading it in the uni I study

>> No.2789144

I like semen.

>> No.2789146

as long as we have neckbeards, pirates, and neckbearded pirates, there will be a way around all that shit

>> No.2789149

If I buy a Kindle, do I have to buy my books from Amazon or can I just find some other sites to download them from?

>> No.2789150

You can convert books into their proprietary format.

>> No.2789151

Has to be from Amazon, but you're a fool if you do. They are all available for free in less than 5 minutes on google.

>> No.2789152

You can use any .mobi, and convert basically anything else you find in .pdf or .epub to .mobi using calibre.

>> No.2789155

kindle only reads .mobi, iirc, and it can be a pain in the ass to find shit in that format

i don't know how conversion works, as my reader can handle every other format on the planet

>> No.2789159


Out of the box the only books you'll be able to read are those bought from Amazon. However, the Kindle can read any PDF files or bbooks in the .mobi format, so any book you acquire from some other source in either of those formats (I'd recommend .mobi) can be loaded on to your kindle.

Beyond that, the program Calibre (google) can convert most ebooks of another format into .mobi files.

>> No.2789164

It can read PDF, sure, but it doesn't do it very well at all.

.txt and .mobi are the optimal formats.

>> No.2789173

/lit/ needs a sticky about e-readers

>> No.2789181


We used to have one.

No one gave any attention to it.

Better to establish a stock image listing all the relevant information that we can hand off to anyone with such questions.

>> No.2789222

Speaking of ereaders, when are we going to see a new kindle or kobo? Or is eink dead now that tablets are nearly the same price?

>> No.2789234

>is eink dead now that tablets are nearly the same price?
oh man, i hope not. reading entire books on LCD just does not fucking work

>> No.2789236


The first kindle almost rivaled the iPad in price. That was never the central reason they were bought instead. If you've never actually seen e-paper in person, you'll know immediately upon your first experience why people value them for reading.

Not to mention the battery on my Kindle goes for almost a month on a single charge.

>> No.2789240

I totally agree about the readability and all that, but for the average consumer who's a light reader it's a hard sell.

>> No.2789242


it's $70 vs. $200, and there's always going to be the battery angle.

>> No.2789247

Glad to see this thread, as I've been meaning to ask a simple question: how good is the Kindle at handling the PDFs downloaded from a site like Ebookee, with the help of Calibre? Are they readable even on the smaller version?

>> No.2789258

.pdf on an ereader just plain sucks, don't do it. they're not formatted for a screen that size, and that means you have to zoom/scroll/whatever on a display that's inherently laggy and slow. it's bad news all around; read your .pdfs on your computer

>> No.2789261


Pdfs are not a graceful experience on a kindle. Ideal is always going to be a tablet for pdfs.

But you can read pdfs on a kindle. It's workable, but never going to be ideal.

>> No.2789263

It'll be good once they have a high enough resolution to display it without scaling.

>> No.2789269

Thanks for the quick answers! I'll avoid an e-reader for the time being.

>> No.2789270

For full-size (letter or A4) pdf's get a Kindle DX or iPad. Otherwise the screens are just too small to read the text comfortably. There are a few work arounds (programs that split the pdf into two pages, you then read landscape) but they are unsatisfactory.

>> No.2789275


FYI if you want to get a tablet for the job the Nexus 7 would be the best budget choice.

>> No.2789278

on the other hand, finding books on a good format for ereader might be easier than you think, always found literature on good ereaders format on google

>> No.2789285

yeah, get one for books, not for .pdfs