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2837737 No.2837737[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have a Kindle Touch? I have been considering getting one but I want some of /lit/'s opinions

>> No.2837752

Are you asking if its good tech or how lit feels about eReaders in general?

>> No.2837755

I'm in doubt between the touch and the basic one. Don't know if I need all the extra's.

>> No.2837766

I mean just the general experience of switching from books to an eReader. The kindle is the only one I have really had any hands on experience with and Im not sure If I would be able to break away from book. Plus Is it as cost effective as many people say?

>> No.2837768


>> No.2837783

If you're in the US, go to a Barnes and Noble and try the Nook touch out, the one with a light built in is good if you're going to read in low to no light as well as normal light.

I've known a good deal of people who have tried the Kindle and been disappointed with it. They like the Nook more.

As to how much you save, it's up to you. However it's a lot easier to save on ebooks than it is on printed books.

>> No.2837808


This might have been relevant several years ago when eReaders had shitty battery life and required mashing a button to progress in the book.

However that's not been the case for some time. The current generation of eReaders all feature significant battery life and are touch screen meaning you need even less effort to turn the page. The eReader the OP is asking about is amongst the current generation.

>> No.2837827

DO NOT buy a kindle -- ".epub" and Amazon are enemies of your freedom.

There are plenty of other options on the market.



>> No.2837834

Get the Kindle 4. Touch sounds like it has more, but it actually has less. Touch isn't as useful as it sounds, side buttons on the original kindle are WAY more comfortable and useful, since you just need a light pressure in every position to turn a page. Also, the kindle touch feels the "weight" of the touch function, thus being way slower than the original kindle.
The best thing about the kindle is that it's just the essentials. No other added bullshit you don't need. Just buy it from amazon and also get a portable light for ereaders/books and a leather case for it (there are specific ones)

>> No.2837847

What's the deal with those spoiler tags?

>> No.2837859


Lets look at this fear of ebooks.

Amazon requires users to identify themselves to get an e-book.

>>implying you actually buy ebooks

In some countries, including the US, Amazon says the user cannot own the e-book.

>>Implying Amazon has authority over what you don't buy from them.

Amazon requires the user to accept a restrictive license on use of the e-book.

>>Implying Amazon has full control of what you load on your device.

The format is secret, and only proprietary user-restricting software can read it at all.

>>Implying the customer isn't smart enough to get around these fairly simple restrictions.

An ersatz "lending" is allowed for some books, for a limited time, but only by specifying by name another user of the same system. No giving or selling.

>>Implying you bought the book and are then limited.
>>Implying there are no easy ways around it even if you did buy the ebook from them.

To copy the e-book is impossible due to Digital Restrictions Management in the player and prohibited by the license, which is more restrictive than copyright law.

>>Implying this is remotely true.

Amazon can remotely delete the e-book using a back door. It used this back door in 2009 to delete thousands of copies of George Orwell's 1984.

>>Implying Amazon hasn't changed their policies.
>>Implying Amazon (or any vendor) can do shit to ebooks you don't buy via them.

That site sure will keep the plebs from buying an eReader though.

>> No.2837867

Kindle uses .azw, not .epub.
.azw is an offshoot of .mobi

>> No.2837878

Just get the basic and cheapest Kindle, fill it up with books and slam that bitch into drive.

>> No.2837927

Is it possible to load special dictionaries onto any eReaders? I'd want to load chemistry, pharmacology, German chemistry, and Old English dictionaries on one.

>> No.2837971


You can load any dictionary you want on any ereader, however as far as I know you can't use it as the default dictionary to look up words. Meaning you'd need to switch to whatever dictionary you wanted to us and look up the word/term rather than do it from within the book you were reading.