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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 165 KB, 601x728, South America Color Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2848300 No.2848300[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any south american authors (excluding Borges) that really match themselves with the better European/North American authors like Joyce, Pynchon etc?

>> No.2848325

yeah, loads.

>> No.2848335

care to name some examples?

>> No.2848349

Julio Cortázar and Ernesto Sabato, they are both god-tier in literature.

José Eustasio Rivera, Garcia Marquez and Arturo Uslar Pietri are high-tier.

>> No.2848347

Julio Cortazar, for one.

>> No.2848354

Machado de Assis
Joao Guimaraes Rosa
Roberto Arlt
Oliverio Girondo
Isidore Ducasse

>> No.2848357

Also, Pablo Neruda is one of the greatest poets of the 20th century.

>> No.2848362

>Machado de Assis

Cannot be given enough recommendations.

>> No.2848376

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, who is also, maybe, my favourite author

>> No.2848389

silvina ocampo

>> No.2848655

Clarice lispector, Alberto Laiseca(not that recognized but anyway one of my favorites), José Bianco, Eduardo Galeano( maybe not too /lit/ but still a great author about politics with some kind of /lit/ style), Adolfo Bioy Casares, Ricardo Piglia. I mean they all are different and maybe not as good as Joyce, but at the same time there aren't too many european authors that match Borges, so is pointless talking about authors that match to others.Every good author is good at his own style.

>> No.2848830

>tfw no one has said Bolano.

>> No.2848880



He might be one of the greatest in the world but i don't think his work could be translated.
Assuming OP's looking for recommendations and doesn't know how to spanish language.

>> No.2848882

see latin american boom

>> No.2848885

thats because he's shit

>> No.2848892

He's shit. 2666 is terrible.

>> No.2848895

Sabato is not that great.

Also high tier, Cesar Aira

>> No.2848897


Really? I've never read him but I've heard a ton of great things

>> No.2848905

Sabato is pretty bad I'd say.

>> No.2848904

Bolano is a period piece.

>> No.2848907


>anything from Chile
>not shit

Pick one and only one

>> No.2848912


>> No.2848913

saying "x is shit" without exlpaining is a good way of demonstrating you have no clue what you're talking about

>> No.2848915


Dunno, the first half of On Heroes and Tombs is pretty rad. With that crazy girl and all.

Besides that, yeah.

>> No.2848923


I don't think Neruda was that great a poet.

But maybe it's just me.

>> No.2848939

Espero que has leido las poemas en español.

>> No.2848943

Harold Bloom said Bolano is shit.

Check mate.

>> No.2848950


(a) he probably gave his reasons for saying so

(b) he fat mayne

>> No.2848954

i actually like harold bloom but taking his word as bible is not a good look at all, buddy

is right

>> No.2848967

He didn't exactly say that.

>> No.2848972


Obvio. Tengo los Poemas Completos metidos por ahí.

And it's "espero que hayas". Lrn2 conjugar

>> No.2848973

saying "x is great" without exlpaining is a good way of demonstrating you have no clue what you're talking about

>> No.2848983

"I suspect Bolano is another period piece. His excess attracts but flows away." - Harold Bloom

Bloom confirmed for flawless taste, once again.

>> No.2848984

Machado de Assis
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Guimaraes Rosa - though you'll never have a decent translation
Cortazar, maybe

>> No.2848990

Trying to sustain your statements through arguments is a good way of demonstrating you are not sure about what you said and therefore you have a weak intellect

>> No.2848996

"I suspect The Sizzler is another sprawling buffet. Its excess attracts and I have to be rolled away."
--Harold Bloom

>> No.2848999
File: 9 KB, 230x339, harrison_1-101311_jpg_230x930_q85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga.

>> No.2849001

I leled.

>> No.2849008

Yeah. See how he doesn't say that Bolano has no discernible talent? Exactly

>> No.2849020

Yeah, Bolano is still above DFW. No sensible human being would disagree.

>> No.2849175

Bolaño is shit

>> No.2849275



whoever made this map is clearly lying.

>> No.2849290

fuck you, you know nothing about south america

>> No.2849297

I've only been there a few times, on account of its being a total fucking shithole, but I'm sure Chileans/Argentinians being "white" is a meme and matter of contention on /int/.

>> No.2849395

Chileans are not the same as us, there are a huge amount of native blood in there, in here most of the natives were killed, and we're mostly white cept for the people who came from countries like bolivia or peru, i am myself white so stfu, if there's one thing retarded in 4chan is the troll claim that we're niggers, if we were niggers there would be at least one nigger in our sport teams or politicians, which in fact there is none, only a few mestizo and most of the look more european than natives, that's way more white than most of the european countries, i mean look at france, full of niggers, italy, balotelli, WTF, is that the white europe?, fuck you, you have no right to call me a nigger, your countries are full of africans and muslims, we only have a few natives and mestizos and it's a minority.

>> No.2849402


>> No.2849410

ctrl+f "fuentes"

0 results

Honestly, it's like you people don't even read.

>> No.2849417


Dios santo, cuanto te duele el ojete!

Pibe, en serio te ofendes al punto de una pared retardada de stream of consciousness porque dicen que los argentinos no son blancos? Qué puta que sos.

Me cuesta creer que alguien de tu mindset haya leido algo en su vida, a decir verdad.

>> No.2849419

You are truly a credit to your country.

>> No.2849425


>> No.2849428 [DELETED] 


>> No.2849429

>south america

honestly, it's like you're dumb as fuck

>> No.2849432

>no Benedetti

come on /lit/

>> No.2849436

>una pared retardada de stream of consciousness
que carajos?, aprendé a hablar pibe, y si quiero ofenderme me ofendo, si a vos te gusta que te digan negro tema tuyo, yo soy blanco y no me gusta que me traten como si fuese algo que no soy

>> No.2849441


>no entender

A que te gusta la ciencia ficción y GRRM

>> No.2849450

PFF, que poca vida que tenés flaco, encima que te gusta que te traten como si fueses un subhumano te hacés el pajero intelectual en /lit/ como si lo que leyeras sería mejor que los demás. Siquiera sabés algo de literatura?, seguramente no, no debés tener ni idea de lo que fué el formalismo ruso siquiera, lamentable el nivel de este imageboard, pensé que había gente pensante

>> No.2849455


A que te gusta el metal y sos gordo.
Y no terminaste la secundaria

>> No.2849463

Otra vez equivocado, intenta de nuevo. Soy delgado y no escucho metal, termine la secundaria cuando tenia 17. Muchos clichés los tuyos pá, dejá de mirar tv y agarrá un poco los libros, ya que comentas en /lit/ por lo menos instruite un poco

>> No.2849481


Ahora tratas de arreglarla, pero despues del papelón de tu otro post en ingles es dificil tomarte en serio. Y sí, sorry pero de ahí puedo armar un perfil lleno de cliches. Si no queres que asuman cosas sobre vos no seas tan obviamente patético :)

De onda, tenes que cambiar completamente tu forma de ser para convertirte en alguien respetable. Por el momento sos una porquería :D

>> No.2849496

>usando emoticones

Perdoná, pensé que eramos todos adultos. Nos vemos che, suerte con el cole.

>> No.2849499

>Argentinians derailing a thread to prove they're white

>> No.2849517

its just a fucker telling that little /b/itch that was offended when called a nigger to be more respectable and pay attention to school.
by the way, there's hardly any blacks on argentina, the graph is accurate. and if there was, no problem whatsoever

>> No.2849542

How about we southerners try to get some people into latin american literature by translating a few excerpts?

>> No.2849550

Wow. I gotta go post this on /int/. This is gold.

>> No.2849580

it isn't gold, is the truth, get over it nigger

>> No.2849625


Semi-literal translation of "Forms of Bareness 4" (Formas do Nu), by João Cabral

A most clad and covered
animal man is.
First, by cloth and felt
he is isolated from air.

Then, by salt and stone,
with walls garbed,
he is defended from
the horizontal abyss of space.

To avoid earth, with shoes
he covers his feet,
with carpets, his shoes,
and with floor, his carpets.

He covers the streets:
and since he can't
cover all grassland,
to walk he extends asphalt.

>> No.2849698

"The Education by Stone" (A Educação pela Pedra), again by João Cabral.

An Education by stone; through lessons;
to learn of the stone; frequent it;
grasp it's unemphatic voice; impersonal
(with diction it starts the classes).
The ethics lesson, it's cold resistance
against flowing and what flows, malleability;
it's poetics, of concrete flesh made;
it's economics, of compact self wrapping;
lessons from the stone (from without to within,
mute primer), to whom would spell it.

>> No.2849712


on page 11 starts 'dirty poem', by ferreira gullar. 1 page in english and the other on portuguese

>> No.2849786

An excerpt of "The Passion According to G. H.", by Clarice Lispector.

To give someone my hand was always what I expect from happiness. Often, just before sleeping - during that small fight against the loss of consciousness, trying to prevent myself from entering a larger world - Many times already, before gathering the courage to penetrate the greatness of slumber, I feigned that someone was taking my hand. Only then I could accept the absence of form the is sleeping. When even then I could not find in myself enough courage, then I would dream.


Give me your hand:

Now I will tell you how I entered the inexpressive wich was always my secret and blind search. How I entered that which exists between one and two, how I saw the line of mystery and fire, which is a surreptitious line. Midway through two music notes lies a third note, amid two facts hides another fact, in between two sand grains, no matter how close they might be to each other, a space interval exists. There is a feeling that is in-between feeling - in the interstices of primordial matter lies the line of mystery and fire which is the world's breathing, and the continuous breathing of the world is what we hear and call silence.