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/lit/ - Literature

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2859839 No.2859839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>RT @pareene: Gore Vidal runs out of enemies to outlive

official announcement isn't loading but http://twitter.com/#!/search/gore%20vidal?q=gore+vidal

>> No.2859845

Hrm, I wonder if we will get a sticky thread for this, the death of one of America's most interesting novelists.

>> No.2859863

Sticky this shit, mootykins!

>> No.2859873

Woah, what the hell?

And no, mods seem to only want to sticky scifi and fantasy authors.

>> No.2859867

It's not gonna happen. He isn't an author the mods read in high school

>> No.2859881

Good career move.

>> No.2859884

How on earth is Gore Vidal dead? He's like part of the furniture of the literary community.
RIP in piece!

>> No.2859888

It's Ok, we can jsut dump him outside and let someone else take him

>> No.2859889

Cool dude. Had the balls to totally call out Hemingway for being bullshit.

Rest in Fleece, nigga.

>> No.2859891

Op is a faggot, but a cool faggot like Gore Vidal

>> No.2859895

Goodnight sweet prince.

>> No.2859897
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He will live on in through ascerbic quotes such as these. Whenever anyone is harshly and wittily put down, he'll be there.

>> No.2859898

3 dolar for a Gore Vidal noves is a good deal?

>> No.2859900

this thread is now about death
what is death?

>> No.2859902

"Words fail Norman Mailer once again" - Gore Vidal

>> No.2859903
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>hijacking an rip in peace thread

>> No.2859910

And Mailer was a friend of his!

>> No.2859911

Usually? Anticlimactic.

>> No.2859913
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>rest in peace in peace

>> No.2859916 [DELETED] 

I think that the important thing to remember, here, is that this entire generation of men of letters were complete and total assholes.

>> No.2859915

Enjoying your first time on 4chan?

>captcha: envoyer halp

>> No.2859924

The important thing to remember is that everyone in that entire generation of men of letters was a complete and total asshole.

>> No.2859925

>implying time exists
every time on 4chan is one time
vidal is still among us

>> No.2859927

ha for real. i found vidal to be easily among the most likable of that particular wolf gang and he was a first ballot hall of fame dick

>> No.2859929

>you will never kiss as many boys as Gore Vidal

>> No.2859937

RIP Gore, Myra Breckinridge will hold his name in American lit. and so will his essays and historical novels, especially Lincoln. Fuck.

>> No.2859939
File: 74 KB, 600x900, Whoa_There.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurt Vonnegut was the most likable

>> No.2859942

I only ever read an essay here and there but my older sister has been quoting that line in some form for as long as I can remember. RIP Simpsons reference

>> No.2859967
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>[Professor] Frank recalled my idle remark some years ago: 'Never pass up the opportunity to have sex or appear on television.' Advice I would never give today in the age of AIDS and its television equivalent Fox News.

>> No.2860011

How fucking baller can you get?

>> No.2860018
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>> No.2860019

He knew Amelia Earhart, the love of his life died on Guadalcanal, and he called William F. Buckley a crypto-fascist on TV (after Buckley called him "you queer.") One of the greatest Americans ever. And easily one of our best authors. The last American scholar.

>> No.2860100


>> No.2860105

To be fair, Vidal called Buckley a crypto-fascist first.

>> No.2860117


Ah, you are correct. Thanks for the jog. (And for once, they were both right.)

>> No.2860129

Holy shit he died today.

>> No.2860132

Good night, you will never be forgotten. (at least not for awhile)

P.S. congratulations on outliving that faggot Mailer.

>> No.2860133

The best part was Buck saying "I'll sock you in your goddamn face, and you'll stay plastered". I disagree with Buck completely politically, and he was a massive asshole, but that guy could create impromptu speeches and insults like a champ.

Those two's tsundere was awesome.

>> No.2860138
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“Half of the American people have never read a newspaper. Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half.” ― Gore Vidal

Gore Vidal dreaded the idea of an afterlife, because it would mean he'd have to see Norman Mailer again.

Who but Gore could begin a discussion by saying that the three most dispiriting words in the English language were “Joyce Carol Oates”?

>> No.2860153

What would /lit/ recommend reading first by Vidal? I have the Essential Collection by him, but I haven't read much from it, sadly.

>> No.2860159

lol yeah, he has so much more charisma than people like Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly

>> No.2860204

rip in pieces

>> No.2860212

Milton Friedman's 100th birthday is a bigger event that Gore Vidal's death. Vidal was a loser.

>> No.2860238

Vidal was a glorious man, and you are a mark-ass nigga.

>> No.2860286


>> No.2860300

I believe you mean "pro-crypto-Nazi"

>> No.2860301


>> No.2860409

How many more Vidals must die before this thread is stickied?

>> No.2860415

My dead openly gay uncle claimed to have had sex with Gore Vidal.

As a result it's kinda hard for me to read something by Gore Vidal without picturing him fucking my Uncle Ted.

>> No.2860601
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>> No.2860610

Please tell me this is true, and that you didn't just make it up.

>> No.2860620

tbqh, if you can read a book without imagining its author in the throes of sexual ecstasy, get the fuck out of /lit/

>> No.2860651

> tfw Gore Vidal has probably kissed more boys and more girls than anyone in this thread

>> No.2860668


It's not hard to kiss more than 0.

>> No.2860703

Girls, Lisa. Boys kiss girls.

>> No.2860740


>> No.2860827
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Gore Vidal was a great guy even though he passionately hated Hemingway

>> No.2860836


Well, seeing as Hemingway wrote the same book his entire life, and only did it well once, there's kind of a lot to hate.

>> No.2860838

And which book was it he did well?

>> No.2860843


Old Man and the Sea

>> No.2860855
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>> No.2861358

>Ray Bradbury dies, stickied straight away
>Gore Vidal dies, who the fuck cares?

>> No.2861359

that's not how you spell A Farewell to Arms

>> No.2861407
File: 87 KB, 344x615, gorevidal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gore Vidal

We'll miss you.

>> No.2861411

I do many different things rather better than most people do one thing. -Gore Vidal

this needs a sticky

>> No.2861414

>ray badbookbury thread stickied for a month
>no gore vidal sticky

Everyone should remember that the /lit/ mods are tasteless dorks. Heck, I don't even think /lit/ has a dedicated mod.

>> No.2861458

“Ayn Rand’s ‘philosophy’ is nearly perfect in its immorality, which makes the size of her audience all the more ominous and symptomatic as we enter a curious new phase in our society…. To justify and extol human greed and egotism is to my mind not only immoral, but evil.”

I love this guy.

>> No.2861460

"There is no human problem which could not be solved if people would simply do as I advise."

>> No.2861960


>> No.2863707

goddamn, he invented the troll

>> No.2864862


>> No.2864910

Should have happened about 15 years ago.
Could have saved us all and especially himself some embarrassment.
A perfect example of living too long.