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File: 20 KB, 200x309, infinite jest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2871931 No.2871931[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2871937

Great book. Terrible thread.

>> No.2871943

Interesting statement.

>> No.2872261

>oversalivating and other physical withdrawal symptoms because you're detoxing from marijuana

I don't think DFW has ever smoked "Bob Hope"...

>> No.2872262


I go through some pretty bad withdrawal symptoms when I stop smoking Bob

>> No.2872268

Do bostonites really call it that?

And not being able to sleep, I get. Everything else and treating it the same as coke and dope? Fucking no way

>> No.2872266

Have you even met a stoner?

>> No.2872275


insomnia, anxiety, deep depression, cold sweats, the list goes on.

I've never done coke or anything heavy, so I can't really make the comparison. But quitting weed is far from easy for some people

>> No.2872277

Yeah I was one for ten years. DFW nailed the psychological stuff; why people depend on it, the smoking in secret, the ritual being more revered than the high. But rehab? physical detox symptoms? equating it to harder drugs? As someone who was also an ex opiate addict, that's a joke.

>> No.2872278


And I don't know what Bostonites call weed, I was just using DFWs term

>> No.2872284

Cold sweats?

I don't think that means what you think it means if you'r ereferring to something that happens from weed withdrawal.

>> No.2872286

For sure, weed doesn't compare with opiates e.g. I think DFW only meant to compare the structure of weed addiction (or habit, or ritual, or whatever) to the structure of opiate addiction.

>> No.2872289


Sorry, probably a misnomer

>> No.2872290

Yeah, but he also straight made up symptoms, such as salivating so much you need a spitcup, I guess in his mind as a polar swing against the dry mouth weed causes?

>> No.2872295

I could kind of accept the extremeness of the symptoms because they were outright discussed as being exceptionally bad, rather than DFW acting like that's the average reaction to not smoking.

>> No.2872316

Do you feel cheated? That book is... not quite reality.

>> No.2872911

i only smoke once in a while, but i get that too. oversalivating, i mean.

>> No.2872914

yes, i think hal was more psychologically addicted than physically.

>> No.2872922


Really, is this book about someone who gets "addicted" to marijuana?


I'm gonna write a lengthy novel about a girl who gets addicted to aspirin.

>> No.2872936

yes, one of the many narrative threads is about an anhedonic, latently unhappy person with an unhealthy interior life who becomes dependent on marijuana as a means to escape himself and dull the pains of everyday life.

>> No.2872946


As a heavy marijuana user, the book is surprisingly honest and accurate about dependence

>> No.2872951

Haha, sure, man.

"Hello, Police. Help, I'm addicted to caffeine! It's ruining my life!"

Get a real drug addiction, pissant.

>> No.2872957

It's more prevalent and has worse withdrawal symptoms than cocaine. It's just socially acceptable to have a caffeine addiciton.

>> No.2872958


I can't quit weed without pretty severe withdrawal symptoms. I grant that most people aren't in a similar position, but it doesn't mean weed isn't habit-forming for some and tough to kick

>> No.2872961


>> No.2872963

>boasting about taking drugs on /lit/

can't get much lamer than that, my man.

>> No.2872966
File: 98 KB, 500x400, Drug%20War%20Myth%202%20Marijuana%20Caffeine%20909%20WEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's it feel like to be "addicted" to something so hilarious?

You guys must have no will power whatsoever.

>> No.2872967


Why doesn't it cite the actual survey, rather than a book that, I assume, is citing the survey?

>> No.2872971

The website it's from cites the study directly:

Daniel Perrine, Chemistry of Mind-Altering Drugs (1996).

>> No.2872974


>> No.2872973


Some people are just wired to be more susceptible to certain substances.

>> No.2872979

It's probably closer to the truth that you're all a bunch of white, privileged suburbanites who want to think of your toking as more bad-ass and serious than it actually is.

No wonder DFW appeals to you losers. "I had to sell an X-Box game to feed my pot addiction. My life is a shambles!"

>> No.2872981


All I have is my experience. I can't convince you of anything.

>> No.2872986


Can we conclude now that you are the edgiest motherfucker on this site who does drugs all day without any withdrawal symptoms?
Man you are so cool.

>> No.2872988

I'm not addicted to any drugs.

Nor is anyone else in this thread.

>> No.2873041
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Am I on /jp/, what is this autism?
The book had overgrown limbs, heads, hamsters and infants; projectiles of trash being flung into Canada, wheelchair assassins, recitals of dictionaries from memory, mindbreaking cinematics, a cast of fucking thousands of characters, run-on sentences, boston ebonics and transvestites dying on trains on seizures from cough medicine to list few of the absurdities off the top of my head and you have a problem with exaggerated weed withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.2873050
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>this thread

>> No.2873053

Keep in mind the story conceit is that there's some unique biological reason marijuana affects Hal the way it does. It's NEVER posited in the book that any of the symptoms described are normal, or that anyone else could be expected to have the same trouble coming off the stuff that Hal does. When he stops using it he literally loses all control of his language and body.it's just a story conceit.

That story is also set parallel to Gately's story, which is one of opiates and much more dire than Hal's first world problems.

Enjoyable book, overall. Good writing awful plotting.

It's not a

>> No.2873283

In all of the hundreds of threads I've seen about this book and DFW, this is the first time I've seen any semblance of a discussion about the book. Usually threads on these subjects read as follows:


I just started reading this shit. I'm only about 60 pages in because it's incredibly difficult to read. I had no idea what to expect and now I have no fucking idea what's going on. I don't understand if there's supposed to be a plot of if he's making some kind of social commentary. I only manage to catch small glimpses of an actual story - some guy REALLY likes tennis and goes to a tennis academy where drugs are a huge deal and talking like an intelligent person with a large vocabulary will make old men think you're insane.

I don't understand what the ebonics part was about. I don't really understand anything. The book reads slightly like a dictionary with a tiny amount of narrative about tennis and drugs thrown in. Am I supposed to get what the fuck is happening? No one - NO ONE ever actually talks about this book, and maybe now I can see why. No one has any idea what the fuck is going on and there isn't actually a plot.

>> No.2873291


I actually found it remarkably easy to read - especially in comparison to other contemporary postmodern works. It's a bit dense and choppy in the beginning but it gets better as you go along. The plot isn't that hard to follow once you get the rhythm he's going for.

>> No.2873296


There is a plot, there are about four big storylines. The lack of any real discussion on /lit/ (at least the /lit/ since 2012) is because of ironic shitposting and people resenting the fact that IJ is kind of a big thing (not only in the USA mind you, even in Germany where the book was translated 3-4 years ago and there were big reading tours and recently a stage adaptation). It's cooler to shitpost than to say something meaningful.

>> No.2873301

I also want to add that I gave up on the endnotes after the 9th or 10th one. When I'm investing so much energy into trying to decipher this shit that makes less sense than archaic English, the last thing I want to do is to flip 900 pages back and forth to read some pointless comment and then re-read 500 lines until I can find where I left off again. Why the hell couldn't he just make them endnotes? I got sick of this shit with House of Leaves too. I fucking hate footnotes and endnotes but if you're make a book over 1,000 pages, then have the courtesy of not requiring me to flip such a huge chunk of pages.

There are more endnotes than there are periods. So far, it seems like every chapter is one sentence that goes on for about 15 or 20 pages. I'm intrigued but I really don't understand this shit.

>> No.2873310

you missed a significant amount of the story if you didn't read endnotes.

I'm sorry, man, but you're a fucking pussy

>> No.2873312

>I gave up on the endnotes

no wonder you're not understanding anything. the footnotes are full of important plot points and background info. the physical act of switching between the main part and the footnotes gets annoying, yeah, but just stick a second bookmark in there and deal with it. also, flick to page 223 for the chronology of the subsidised years.

>> No.2873320
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>No one - NO ONE ever actually talks about this book, and maybe now I can see why. No one has any idea what the fuck is going on and there isn't actually a plot.
just wait until this kid's done with the entry level stuff

>> No.2873326


I had the same feeling when I started the book. It was rather annoying when I started reading it, but I got used to it pretty fast.
The next thing is, like others have said before, there are a lot of important information in the endnotes. The time when I never thought about leaving the endnotes be was, when I read the filmography of Hal's father. It was fucking amazing. Seriously the amount of retardedness that I found there, made me laugh out loud a lot.

>> No.2873330

I find that incredibly difficult to believe. I'm not the smartest person alive but I have an okay vocabulary, I did well in college, and I'm looking to go to med school. I love challenging, intelligent literature. However, every other word DFW uses is one that I wasn't even aware of. The sentences have no end so it makes it tough to collect my thoughts and process what I just read. The writing isn't poor, it just puts me in some kind of mental stupor where I zone out and just keep asking what the fuck I'm reading.

I'm only 60 pages in. I skipped maybe like 5 or 6 endnotes so far. The ones I read made less sense than the main text. It didn't really seem important to me that a class XVIII drug or whatever had about as much potency as mom's kiss on the forehead. He has maybe like 2 endnotes for the first 40 pages, and then he drops about a million in one sentence. It's incredibly hard to understand what he's saying, and to interrupt the text by flipping 900 pages back and forth every other word makes it a million times harder.

>> No.2873336

>looking to go to med school

that explains a lot about your deficient vocabulary.

>> No.2873335


>I find that incredibly difficult to believe

Are you a new, or relatively new, reader? Have you read much literature? Because Infinite Jest is pretty smooth sailing in comparison to many, many works I've read, contemporary and classic.

>> No.2873334

For me, the endnotes came into their own during the wheelchair french revolutionaries getting their backstory fleshed out. It was so unexpected and funny.

>> No.2873340


Such as?

>> No.2873342

tbh, the plot doesn't even really begin until about two- or three-hundred pages in. he's still introducing characters and world building. i dunno man, you've just got to enjoy yourself. it's a very fun book. the vocab is a bit jargony, but i found i could gloss over most of the polysyllabic medicinal terms and chemical compounds without resorting to a dictionary. the other big/esoteric words you just have to look up. a dictionary app on a smartphone is handy. also, comparing the potency of a hard drug to a mother's kiss on the forehead is pretty funny imo.

>> No.2873345


V., Gravity's Rainbow, The Recognitions, Ulysses, To The Lighthouse, The Sound and the Fury, Absalom, Absalom!, etc etc etc

>> No.2873346

Hal loses his control of language because Pemulis spiked his toothbrush with the incredibly potent DMZ, which is able to permanently alter one's perspective.

Don't give up on the endnotes. The first few are just small elaborations and bits of data, but as the book gets going they become a lot more integral to the plot. Many of the events in the novel are explained in the endnotes and the overall plot structure is harder to figure out if you skip the notes.

>> No.2873351

Why would anyone give a shit that a book is a big deal? As much as I'm struggling with it, I still find it pretty interesting. I already think it has plenty of literary merit. I recently made the mistake of reading Stephen King and I think if anything, people should be upset that his shit is so insanely popular because his writing is awful.

It just gets really annoying when nobody says a fucking word about the actual story. I never saw a single post that says anything specific about the book. I've seen more posts on here about DFW than almost any other specific topic and every single one is just focused on discussing how allegedly pretentious he is and how he killed himself, which apparently needs to be said about 500 times in every thread about him as if it's breaking news.

>> No.2873354

>It just gets really annoying when nobody says a fucking word about the actual story
Word up, that's called spoilers. Nobody talks about the plots of any other book here either.

>> No.2873358

> Pemulis spiked his toothbrush with the incredibly potent DMZ, which is able to permanently alter one's perspective.

been a while since I read it -- is that actually shown or just hinted at? (if the latter, could you tell me when?)

also, doesn't the dmz react with the fungus that hal ate as a child or something?

>> No.2873365

It's possible to discuss a book without using spoilers. Discussions can go beyond "DFW is pretentious and IJ is pretentious hipster garbage." No one every asks questions or discusses any philosophy. No one ever says anything about the book that's worth discussing or that doesn't have to do with the fact that he killed himself.

Also, am I the only fucking person on this site who is aware that spoiler tags exist for a reason other than hiding stupid fucking buzzwords? Every just uses spoilers for words like "fun," "edgy," "hipster," and so forth. They only use spoiler pictures for posting porn. It's like how no one actually uses green text for quoting either. The fucking function is there for you to use it for what it was designed for.

You announce that your post contains spoilers and you put the information in spoiler tags. That way you avoid ruining the book for people who haven't read it and you can say shit other than "DFW is a pretentious hipster you pretentiously committed a pretentious suicide because he wrote a pretentious book."

>> No.2873372

infinite jest used to be discussed regularly and with gusto, then a bunch of hunger games kiddies took over /lit/ at the start of 2012 and it's been impossible to get a civil discussion going ever since.

>> No.2873376

Wait, isn't it Hal's father who is hinted at as spiking Hal with DMZ? Because he's worried about his lack of interior life and thinks it might "wake him up" to himself and all that? I'm sure the DMZ is stolen from Pemulis towards the end of the book.

>> No.2873377
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I find your teenager attitude and prose disgusting so I will now stop responding seriously. You're so fucking new too. Shut up and go read the god damn book.

>> No.2873380

Nobody cares.

>> No.2873384

I agree with that person. Go back to /b/ or whatever, that post was straight up shit

>> No.2873385

Forget to put a spoiler over your picture? Do you also take pride in having wasted more time on here than me?

"You haven't spent a full year posting on /lit/ instead of actually reading books so you don't deserve to post at all."

Cool philosophy.

>> No.2873388
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cared enough to post :D

>> No.2873391
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>> No.2873394

You agree with some douche calling me "edgy" while saying he doesn't approve of my prose, you assume that post was me, and you tell me I need to go back to /b/ for explaining that spoiler tags exist for when you post ACTUAL spoilers. That's some fucking irony.

>> No.2873401


a wild shitposter appears!

>> No.2873400
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You want me to read the book for you and spoonfeed it to you on /lit/. That's what you are saying for asking a discussion over the book's plot before having read it.

>> No.2873412


>> No.2873416
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I'm a behavioral health tech at a drug rehab.

Seriously, you dont know what serious is. Every now and then we get a patient who's parents sent him to us because they smoke weed.

They chill; it's a fucking vacation for them.

REAL addicts and alcoholics cant sleep for weeks on end, go through horrible pain and even cocaine (few if any physical withdraws) addicts have their mind fucking with them 24/7. When I occasionally work the night shift, I pretty much do suicide intervention for 10 hours.

It's beyond silly to compare that with pot.

>> No.2873421

Does Hal ever watch The Entertainment?

>> No.2873423

>I'm only about 60 pages in because it's incredibly difficult to read.

The structure of sentences makes reading a bit of a learning curve, I had this difficulty as well, but you get used to it and it gets much easier to read. And yeah, a lot of the plot you have to infer contextually, it's not all laid out for you like a Tom Clancy novel. You're mostly experiencing the world through the characters he's written.

>No one has any idea what the fuck is going on and there isn't actually a plot.

There's plenty of plot, and I found it compelling to see the different places and times characters intersected. You said you're only 60 pages in, why are you expecting to have full knowledge of the book so early? It's not like I read twenty pages of the Great Gatsby and come to /lit/ all flabbergasted like, "Oh my god guys this is so hard to understand what's going on there's no plot there's this guy Nick and he has a rich friend but I have NO IDEA what's going to happen next I'm lost help me."

Don't give up on them, they're often pretty funny. The J.O. Incandenza filmography was a riot.

>there are more endnotes than there are periods
No there aren't, now you're just being dramatic. The book is quite easy to read and comprehend compared to Pynchon, Faulkner, Gaddis, or Burroughs. Even Toni Morrison, with her lyricism and artful prose, is more opaque than DFW.

>> No.2873426

and DFW actually makes this exact comparison in Infinite Jest. The middle-class kids in the tennis academy with their first world problems (apathy, numbness, ennui, drug dilettantism, self-consciousness, etc.) versus the Ennett Halfway House residents who've experienced absurdly difficult lives and their personal battles to overcome that.

>> No.2873428


Interesting. I may have to finally read this.