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3172935 No.3172935 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We name books we read in high school that we sincerely enjoyed and severely disliked.

Like: The Plague

Dislik: The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.3172944

Like: Mikhail Bulgakov - The Master and Margarita
Dislike: Charles Dickens - The Papers of Pickwick's Club

>> No.3172955

Liked: Catch 22 (but who doesn't)

Disliked: Scarlet Letter, The Awakening

>> No.3172966


Scarlet Letter - Awful

>> No.3172965

Liked: Les Miserables

Disliked: All of Shakespeare's comedies that I'd read, it took me a while to like him.

Vehemently disliked: Nervous Conditions, by Tsitsi Dangarembga. It was required reading. Though I really don't hate it, now, it's just not great.

>> No.3172974

we hardly read any novels in high school. the only one i really remember was lord of the flies. i didn't like it.

>> No.3172977

What did you read?

Also, who da fuck doesn't like LotF?

>> No.3172998
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Likee: Punainen viiva
Disliked: Candide

>> No.3173002

I know a lot of people who don't. Either because it's disturbing or they just don't think it reflects human nature. I think it was great and moved me as a kid.

>> No.3173066

Liked: The Sun Also Rises, Wuthering Heights, The Big Sleep, Grendel, The Razor's Edge, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Death of Ivan Ilych, The Grapes of Wrath (wow, I read a lot of good stuff in high school)
Disliked: Their Eyes Were Watching God

There were also quite a few books that I liked parts of but overall found boring, and I think if I reread them now I would really enjoy them: The Awakening, The Scarlet Letter, My Antonia, Washington Square

>> No.3173073

Liked: Othello, The Catcher in the Rye, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, 1984, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Disliked: Speak

>> No.3173096

His plays were written for money.

read his poetry for his real genius (though his tragedies are far better than his comedies.

Liked : Brave New World

Disliked: The Catcher in the Rye

>> No.3173121

Like: Crime and Punishment
Dislik: War and Peace

>> No.3173158

I severely disliked everything I had to read for school, but I think 'Wuthering Heights' probably inspired the most acute sense of disgust and boredom in me.

Since leaving school and discovering literature on my terms I have returned to many of the books that I was formerly so indifferent towards and found them much more agreeable, but I still can't bring myself to give Emily Brontë another shot.

I hated Carol Ann Duffy, too.

>> No.3173189

Like: Animal Farm

Dislike: Pride and Prejudice

I love my last year English teacher for giving me Animal Farm, I treasure it to this day.

>> No.3173197


Why is Duffy so widely praised, anyway? Her stuff was almost universally loathed in my classes, while Dickens and Orwell typically went down much better.

>> No.3173204

I still love Catcher in the Rye. It is easily one of the greatest novels written in the last century, with perhaps the strongest and most evocative characterization of any book written in that period.

>> No.3173207

Liked - Richard III (pretty much all the Shakespeare in general expect for As You Like It)
Disliked - The Scarlet Letter

If feels like I didn't actually read much in high school for required reading, but I took a Shakespeare class instead of my final english so 3/4 of what I read in high school was by him, also counting the plays I had to read in previous english classes.

>> No.3173209

Maybe because she's one of the few LGBT authors whose work is vanilla enough to teach to school children.

>> No.3173217

Oh, and as an addendum I may as well also properly participate in the thread:

1984, Animal Farm, A Dog's Heart, A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, LotF, Metro 2033

Found interesting:
The Poor Christ of Bomba, a handful of Shakespeare's works (I suspect my enjoyment of these was curbed by subsequent exams and class tests on the stuff), The Old Man and the Sea

Pride and Prejudice (disliked vehemently)

>> No.3173226

I didn't like it while I was reading it but looking back on the story, Things Fall Apart was pretty good.

>> No.3173228

Like: Frankenstein, In the Heart of Darkness
Dislike: Scarlet Letter, Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.3173269

I loved A Clockwork Orange, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
I enjoyed Julius Caesar and Romeo and Juliet but was kind of meh about Midsummer Night's Dream.
I enjoyed April Morning and Of Mice and Men as Well.
Fucking hated Song of Myself, Emily Dickinson's crap, most of the Scarlett Letter (but have a sneaking suspicion I should re-read Scarlett Letter because I might appreciate it more now

>> No.3173404

>I should re-read Scarlet Letter because I might appreciate it more now
you won't

>> No.3173456

disagreed. scarlet letter was one of those books i went back over when i was older and it was much better

colonial american wilderness/village savage/citizen thematic shit is boss, even if the thing seems melodramatic at times

>> No.3173463

liked: "Cien anos de soledad"
disliked: Demian

>> No.3173469

Loved One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
Hate Pride and Prejudice.
Love Macbeth.

>> No.3173743

I loved and still love Catcher in the Rye, Julius Caesar, Medea, The Oedipus Cycle, The Odyssey, Much Ado About Nothing, Their Eyes Were Watching God, The Scarlet Letter, The Crucible

I hated The House on Mango Street and Pigman

>> No.3173747

>The House on Mango Street

Oh god don't remind me. I read the first chapter and never picked up the book again. Those few failures on quizzes were worth it

>> No.3173756

Liked: Great Expectations

Disliked: They Cage the Animals at Night

>> No.3173764

Like: Peter and the Starcatchers (favorite childrens lit book)

Dislike: The Awakening

>> No.3175243


>> No.3175256

Like: To Catch a Mockingbird
Dislike: The Pearl

>> No.3175262

I never did required reading in HS, i always just copied essay on it from the Internet.
Not because i was that lazy but because they always picked boring shit to read never any cool scifi or something like that always dumb shit like (oh lulz so classy and edgy) dante's inferno

>> No.3175266

OP, Do you even read?

>> No.3175469

Like:A day in the life of (russian guy)

Dislike: I can't think of any which I read completely and hated, the one's I dislike are the ones I didn't bother reading fully, so I can't truly say I dislike them.

>> No.3175473

I sincerely enjoyed and severely disliked Name of the Wind in high school

>> No.3175486

Like: Crime and Punishment

Dislike: For Whom The Bell Tolls. Still can't get to it. Dry as fuck and boring throughout. No emotion. Hemingway, I am disappoint.

>> No.3175734

like: Othello
dislike: can't think of anything, but I was mad at my teacher about the time when she made us read Ethan Frome, so I didn't like it for that reason (otherwise it's a good book)

>> No.3177983

liked animal farm, do androids dream
disliked all Shakespeare

>> No.3178419


>> No.3178431


>> No.3178454


>> No.3178474

i fucking hate people who post stupid shit without contributing to the threads topic

>> No.3178478
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>> No.3178485

i dont know what You mean,

>> No.3178518

Liked: Catch 22

Hated with the burning passion of 10,000 suns: 100 Years of Solitude

>> No.3179857

Liked: The Great Gatsby, The Road, Wuthering Heights

Found interesting; Frankenstein

Disliked; Death of a Salesman

>> No.3179869

Liked:The Stranger
Disliked: Cerano de Bergerac

>> No.3179892

If OP means books that I was forced to read in high school:

Like: Great Expectations, Gatsby, Gilgamesh, Arabian Nights, Macbeth.

Dislike: Fountain Head (seriously), Scarlet Letter, Sound and the Fury, Life of Pi (admittedly, I've grown to like this one a lot more within the last three years.

>> No.3179896


>life of Pi

Nigga I read that in 7th grade and liked it.

>> No.3179940

Liked: Catch-22, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, The Joy Luck Club, Hamlet, Macbeth, 1984 (to be fair I had read it before), Medea, Antigone (Anouilh), The Stranger, The Crucible

Not bad: Their Eyes Were Watching God, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, Oedipus Rex, Antigone (Sophocles), Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Things Fall Apart, Cry The Beloved Country, The Odyssey

Disliked: The Good Earth, The Awakening, Lord of the Flies, Brave New World, Anthem, Shoeless Joe, Old Man and the Sea

Shit, looking back that's a pretty hefty reading list.

>> No.3179956

Liked: Johnny Got His Gun, To Kill A Mockingbird, The Merchant of Venice

Disliked with all my heart: Catcher in the Rye, Madame Bovary, Ethan Frome. Ethan Frome may be my single least liked book ever.

>> No.3179960

I liked the Odyssey and other Greek works quite a bit.

I could not enjoy Jane Eyre.

>> No.3179965

Liked: Hamlet, Of Mice and Men, The Great Gatsby, Waiting for Godot, 1984, Native Son, Invisible Man, Speak (iknorite), The Things They Carried, Death of a Salesman

Disliked: Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, The Awakening

>> No.3179976

The Awakening was such immense garbage that I immediately lost a great amount of respect for my teacher who until that point had been amazing. The thesis of my term paper was a meta discussion on how some books can become classics despite being so wholly terrible.

I would love to write a curriculum for american lit and modern lit hs students, but considering everyone teaches to a test and the AP exams breadth of material is limited my students would fail hard.

>> No.3180033

I refused to read most books for class as I had already read them. I fucked loathed most of them too.

So much Hardy, Shakespeare and Conan Doyle I had to ask if I was in English class and not some special needs rehabilitation for plebs. I guess that's what it is like for education in England. 'Murca any better?

Although I did enjoy To Kill a Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby. Got fucked over for my final essay when specification made it so I couldn't use any translated literature.