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3203298 No.3203298 [Reply] [Original]

For me, probably:
>American Psycho (hurr)
>Infinite Jest
>The Road
>The Wasp Factory

>> No.3203303

>The Book of the New Sun

>> No.3203302

>Eeeee Eee Eeee
>Shoplifting from American Apparel
>Richard Yates
>Birds of America

>> No.3203306

Agree with Wasp Factory and The Road. I know McCarthy is seen as plebby by some but I honestly believe that's just snobbery.

>> No.3203310


>> No.3203313

I like McCarthy, but I don't understand why people love The Road so much. I think Blood Meridian definitely deserves mention ITT, but I've never understood the immense respect The Road earned. I liked it, don't get me wrong. But why all the mad respect?

>> No.3203331

I really enjoyed it, read it in a single sitting in fact. I think his simple prose just really captures the mood of the story.

>> No.3203339

Against the Day
The Remains of the Day
Infinite Jest
Blood Meridian
American Pastoral, maybe

The Corrections and Atonement are both pretty good stories, but not novel enough to be canonized.

>> No.3203345

Harry Potter series
A Song of Ice and Fire series

>> No.3203347


The Remains of the Day is too perfect. Nothing is out of place and it makes it bad.

>> No.3203354

Not sure if trolling, but I can see this. If things like the Black Arrow and Treasure Island are classics, why not Harry Potter? And ASOIAF is the only fantasy series I've really loved so I'm a bit biased, but it's a really good series.

>> No.3203363

Game of Thrones shit will be forgotten, popular fantasy comes and goes. Harry Potter won't, it has a fucking theme park.

>> No.3203372

I don't know man, other than LOTR it's the only fantasy series to really break into the mainstream while still being decent writing.

>> No.3203373

You're supposed to say he's a shithead and obvious 12 year old. Don't you know how 4chan works?

>> No.3203387

I'm really curious on how harry potter will hold the test of time.
I read it while growing up, so my view might be bias.
I'll check back in a decade or so and reread it.

/lit/ seems to be in a good mood today.

>> No.3203408

I was kinda riffing about the whole "not sure if trolling" part of his message. Usually, when I see that, the next message is a hate-filled poorly worded paragraph.
I am fine with the reasonable statement he made, for the record.

>> No.3203427

ASOFAI I can see, if fantasy persists.

Harry Potter will be standard kid's and YA lit for a few generations but interest in it will likely die off with us who grew up with it.

>> No.3203562

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep for sure.

>> No.3203569

>Business Secrets of The Pharaohs

I know he's controversial, but it's so obvious that Crorigan has researched it well.

>> No.3203571

This is a thing? Hah. Summarize the gist of it?

>> No.3203573

>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Last 30 years. It already is seen as something of a classic, as much as it ever will be.

>> No.3203574

>Infinite Jest


>> No.3203591


Misery - S. King.

No troll.

>> No.3203596

Interesting stuff indeed, but why was the print in all capitals?

>> No.3203598

Little, Big (31 years but I don't give a shit)

>> No.3203609


>Summarize the gist of it?

The gist is:

<--------------------- The Joke
<----------------Your Head.

Are you even aware of the existence of Google?

>> No.3203615

2666, Mason & Dixon almost certainly.

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
The Remains of the Day
Blood Meridian
Against the Day

Risky picks:
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay
Oryx and Crake
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
The Known World
American Gods