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3263492 No.3263492 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you choose to go on living?

>> No.3263496

It's chill shit nigga

>> No.3263521

Because I enjoy myself, and I enjoy living in the future.

>> No.3263525

you, op.
because of you.

(also see)

>> No.3263629

Because I've almost completed eliminating the things I dislike in life, leaving me in a fairly content place as home base from which to enjoy my enjoyments. So the hedonistic calculus calculates in my favour.

>> No.3263634

Because those who love me don't deserve the fallout of my cowardice.

>> No.3263637

If they didn't exist would you kill yourself?

>> No.3263647

Most likely. Or throw myself into excitement or exile that would upset them to similar degrees.

>> No.3263668

I just don't know anymore.

>> No.3263670

I chose to ignore that I have that choice.

>> No.3264242

So that my kid doesn't have to live with the weight of me offing myself.

>> No.3264248

wait times to buy guns, and it's too late to buy rope, and even then I'd have to drop 10 feet or something for a proper hanging

>> No.3264288

I don't even know anymore OP, maybe for the handful of people who actually care. Sometimes I think they have their own lives, they'll grieve me and go on. I can't find beauty where I am, even in its ugliness. This thread will 404 and I'll still hate the person I became.

>> No.3264311

Because I'm still young. Hell, I've got the interesting years ahead of me, why would I kill myself now when I can finally see some light in the tunnel? Imagine all the good times I might miss.

>> No.3264315


>implying i'm living

no but seriously i've been dead since 2010

>> No.3264317

Somewheres out there, there is someone who deserves to live a full life. They're sinless, innocent, and its my job, my duty to fix this world, so not one person has to ask these questions.

>> No.3264318

Because living is joy and awe.

Pity that so few people are actually alive. I'm still getting there.

>> No.3264322

I pretend I'm a character in Wind in the Willows and smoke a lot of weed.

>> No.3264324

come to think of it, reverse the order.

>> No.3264325

i concur in the sense that I go on for another person. now that i put it that way I can almost say that by just living I'm being "selfless" lol

>> No.3264327

I'll die soon enough. As in, the next 10 years tops, not even talking about suicide.

>> No.3264341

Because I have a mission on this Earth, plus life is fun.

>> No.3264353

>>3263492 (OP)
When you're dead you can only ever continue being dead. When you're alive you can do anything that you can think of. You are limited only by the laws of physics and the constraints you put on yourself. There are infinite possibilities.

Also, genetically people are programmed to want to live and make offspring. It's how we survive. Suicidal people remove their suicidal genes from the human race.

>> No.3264376

I don't choose, I just do

Why should I choose to end my life?

>> No.3264391

don't know.


super depressed. hate life. family and friends hate me and see me as a burden. intellectually gifted as a child, bought my own hype and squandered it. friends resent me and try to one up me. never going to be satisfied or happy with life. never have been. keep noose in my room for when I get the courage.

>> No.3264398

Bro, do you even lift? You should try it.

I live because I want to hit dat next dl pr. And then go home, cook myself something tasty and healthy, shower, fap and hole myself up in my room on my bed huddled in blankets reading my current favorite book..

>> No.3264410

Who says I choose. Can one choose to go on not living.

>> No.3264412

you sound pretentious, but I can relate

>> No.3264417

nah im just trying to type quietly because my brothers trying to sleep in the next room. so trying to use few words.

I was gifted as a child and given a scholarship to a high end school in my country. I wasted it, now I'm of very average intelligence.

>> No.3264419

benis in bagynas phil gud dawg

>> No.3264438

Not how intelligence works. You can't just stop being intelligent. Unless you get hit in the head by a bus or something.
Also, don't measure intelligence by how far ahead of other people you are. This is why you are average.

>> No.3264439

my close friend's dad killed himself out of the blue and he's fine now. do it mang

>> No.3264440

Guns are expensive. Hanging looks fucked up. Bleeding is out. Don't have a car. You have any better ideas?

>> No.3264441

what do you measure it by?

I was quite clearly more intelligent than all the other kids, which is why I got a free pass into a great school. i didn't build on it, i didn't expand. i stayed what is average for a grown person. i've been the same since childhood with the odd externalities of adolescence.

>> No.3264447

>guns are expensive

what are you some sort of Egyptian Pharaoh? you're not gunna need that cashola with a bullet in your cranium

>> No.3264454

by that he means I live in a nanny state or muh papa dun like guns.

>> No.3264459


No, by that I mean I have four dollars in my bank account and no income to speak of.

>> No.3264462
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Because it's preferable to not living. Life is an absurd gift, a gift that our institutions and social creations have strangled, but a gift nonetheless. Though as a people we are forced to pay for this gift, to 'earn' it by our labour.
Life is worth living for the few brief moments when you shut up, just... shut up, and feel that overwhelming gratitude for this gift. The gratitude that many have mistaken for faith.

Also, art is beautiful. And women make it bearable. With them titties and jiggly bits and shit.

>> No.3264465


Why should I have gratitude for something that was forced upon me by a couple of selfish, horny assholes looking for self-gratification?

>> No.3264475


>> No.3264665

curiosity and expectation that some of it will be satisfied drive me

>> No.3264674

lel didn't notice you dewd

le brofist

>> No.3264685

I almost had love once. I'd like to see if it's what I thought it might be.

Also, art.

>> No.3264688

Because Niggers

>> No.3264692

Don't know. Haven't finished Fallout 2 yet. Also Peep Show still has 2 episodes left in the current season.
I'd like to chain smoke my way through The Terminator as well at some point.

Its the little things.

>> No.3264694


Marijuana. All else follows.

>> No.3264701

pro tip: you're going to kill yourself, so there's no ramifications to speak of for stealing

>> No.3264707
File: 17 KB, 200x221, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to read as many books as possible, before I die.

>> No.3265087
File: 30 KB, 609x406, SH_Ledge_Silhouette_lores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because its wonderful.
No need to hasten an end. It will do that in its own time anyway.

You always have love.
But you must mean companionship. Best of luck to you.

>> No.3265155

this is 4chan isn't it? do it faggots

>> No.3265159

Bioshock 3 may come out in 2013, reason enough I guess.

>> No.3265164

Please trust me when I say you will grow out of this. When you're 30.

>> No.3265534

I'm 20 and feel this. I have to wait through a decade of this crap?

>> No.3265580

Not really 21-27 are ok, 28-30 can be deadly. Make it through that and you're golden.

>> No.3265582

>21-27 are ok,

My 28-30 is gonna be fucked if this is the case for you

>> No.3265650

It isn't that suddenly you'll be 30 and then get over it. It will be something that you get over through experience.

>> No.3265659

I saw a woman at an AA meeting who tried to kill herself by cutting her throat. Not a pretty sight. That plus guilt over family reaction and a childish fear of hell.

>> No.3265664

What is the name of that japanese book about the worker dude that gets cancer and goes to a kareoke bar, and has one year to live, and tries to discover the meaning of his life in his last year?

I'm here from /v/ because I can't for the life of me remember it and someone recomended it to me.

>> No.3265668

As bad as life is it's still better than nothing. Most of the time.

>> No.3265675
File: 67 KB, 393x305, jTEpe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, this is a question I ask myself quite literally every day.
I don't have a job and have not had one in several years, apparently I am unemployable.
I have no family left, and very very few friends.
I have very little money and am trying to eek out an existence on a tiny sum of money and the kindness of one of my friends that I mentioned.
I am 25 and am only just now getting my Associate of Arts, due to several years of things getting in the way which forced me to stop going to school, one of which was my mum becoming deathly ill from stage 4 cancer.
She died in February of this year, my father having died around 2009, but I never knew him.
I just recently ran out of my anti-depression medication again, and am trying to find a way to get more before I really do succumb to my wish to die.
I see very little value in my continued existence but as it stands, my will to live is either to strong or I am too cowardly to end it. Who's to say?
Very soon I will not have a place to live and am constantly thinking about that, I don't know if there is a homeless shelter I can stay in, but as I live in Texas and they hate the poor I very much doubt it. The only small consolation is that I don't have much in the way of possessions, just my computer and clothes. I recently had to sell off my PS3 to gas money, which killed me because it was the final gift my mum gave me before she died, she wanted us to have a nice Christmas because she knew she wasn't long for this world.

Long story short,
Why do I choose to go on living?
I honestly don't know.

>> No.3265706


Bumping this.

>> No.3265709

because living is the path of least resistance. killing myself doesn't synch with what i would naturally do. so living seems to be what i'll do.

>> No.3265725

I'm a pussy

>> No.3265729

Pure MDMA and the fiction of Pynchon

>> No.3265733


Sounds like the Akira Kurosawa movie Ikiru. One of my favourites.

>> No.3265754

wow, that's though

my thoughts go out to you

>> No.3265765


>I recently had to sell off my PS3 to gas money, which killed me because it was the final gift my mum gave me before she died, she wanted us to have a nice Christmas because she knew she wasn't long for this world.

Wow, this is heavy shit.
Sorry to hear that brother.

Don't worry man, things will work out. If anything your Mum would be proud that she had a son who was a fighter. Hang in there.

>> No.3265782

At this point, I choose to go on living mostly out of sheer bitter spite. I'm not leaving no matter how pointless things get. I'm going to make this world suffer my existence as long as possible just because I fucking can.

>> No.3265799


Strugle and spite yourself that you are gonna make it. Feed on the emotional and physical pain and turn into pure will to survive and suceed. Ether you make a reason to live and see life in its fullest or you might as well as die now.

>> No.3265800

cuz why the fuck not?

>> No.3265802


>> No.3265808


Yes, thats what I was thinking of!

But damn, its a movie? I thought it was a book.

>> No.3265812

My major reason for wanting to live a long life is just so I can see what is invented. Futurist here.

>> No.3265823

Does spending all day on 4chan and no longer reading, playing video games, watching film, etc and being in a dull, low thinking state as well as feeling disconnected and suicidal count as living?

>> No.3265824

I'm not a /lit/ native, but I wanted to weigh in on this:

I have things in my life I still want to do.
I want to meet a nice girl, I wanna make something of myself.
That sorta thing.

>> No.3265833

Well, you're still breathing, ain't ya? Also have a weak, strung out brofist.

>> No.3265837

There are no /lit/ regulars. It's just a few guys with meaningless trips, the Jew and hundreds of Pynchon's alter egos. As for your post: I kinda agree. I refuse to die without having found the woman who will accept me as the man I am.

>> No.3265839


>the man I am

Just take a cock to the mouth already. Seriously. It works wonders.

>> No.3265846

Nah, my sexual preference is actually settled (i.e. no faggotry for me). I meant the fact I'm neither willing nor able to overcome some mental issues, which apparently doesn't scare away all of the women.

>> No.3265848


Oh, in that case. Same here. (though I do dig the cock on occasion)

>> No.3265849

But I'm a /lit/ regular, I don't have a trip, I'm not a jew, and I'm not Thomas Pynchon

though it is possible that I'm Tao Lin

>> No.3265856

Nothing wrong about that. I just don't like the taste.

inb4 tell them to wash it

>> No.3265858


I'd say there's a solid 20-30 of us who are here every day.

>> No.3265860

my goddamn sides. well played.

>> No.3265864

I know. I even met one of us irl (nothing to tell here, it just came up during conversation). I just wanted that one gay Asian to show himself, Tao Whatshisnameagain.

>> No.3265866


You know what I hate about faggots?
They always talk about how gay they are, how much they love the cock, and how everybody else should be gay too.
It's like they're afraid if they stop talking about it they'll forget to be gay.
You don't hear straight people talk about how great pussy is, because it's a given, it doesn't need to be said every 2 minutes.

>> No.3265870


I'm not gay.

It's liberating to be able to openly talk about your sexuality anonymously.

There's no social taboo against talking about how great pussy is, it becomes less interesting

>> No.3265872

You should go for a pint or two with me and a few (single) friends at some point. It's basically "So, pussy, did, pussy, you, pussy, watch, pussy, the, pussy, game, pussy, last, pussy, night, pussy."

>> No.3265876


>doesn't know many straight people

>> No.3265879

Well of course he's living by the biological definition.

>> No.3265885

Not trying to spark a discussion about cases like Schiavo or anything, but that's basically the first step towards not being dead. I mean, I've existed for 45 years now, but I can't claim to have truly lived.

>> No.3265895

>implying gays are not constantly reminded daily of straight culture

>> No.3265910

What's the best age you had the privilege of having so far?

>> No.3265914

>implying a decent straight man doesn't converse with his friends about 30% cunt, 30% getting fucked up and 30% intellectual discussion (10% miscellaneous because you never know).

>> No.3265917

I'm the guy you responded to. I hope so, but all I see in the future is me failing to meet my potential (this hangs over me perpetually), still being a burden and never being happy in life. Last few days are the closest I've been to taking that 2 meter leap from the top of my stairs with the noose around my neck to generate that 1000lbs of torque needed to snap the neck so you don't die of slow strangulation.

>> No.3265918


Which they should be. Its natural.

If they want to live to their own tastes thats fine. That doesnt mean the rest of the world has to.

>> No.3265921


If gays should be reminded of straight culture, why is the inverse not true?

>> No.3265926


I'd say its about 25% pussy, 25% intellectual discussion, 10% jokes and 40% taking the piss out of each other

One thing inbetweeners got about dead on for straight guy interaction

>> No.3265936


Because they're in the minority, and (just my opinion) its a deviant taste.

Straight and BIs I can get on with, I just dont like the idea of purely gay people being in the overall majority of society.

Its not really healthy mentally, because it could start influencing people to think being gay is the norm, and not the other way around.

>> No.3265941


What's your idea of a 'norm' and why doesn't it include gays?

>> No.3265965


Oh no, I definitely include being gay as a quality a normal person can hold, I'm just talking about a massively meta sense of the world.

Biologically, most people are born straight and develop their tastes one way or another.
Maybe some people are born gay and develop their tastes one way or another, it doesn't matter.

What matters is that kids can grow up and experience for themselves what they really enjoy, and not feel pressured by society to conform.

In the same way I don't want people staying in the closet because of an overwhelming straight majority, I wouldnt want the inverse to be true.

Ideally, we'd have a balance of everything, but not everyone seems to want that

>> No.3265989

Because I'm obsessed with Solipsism and I can't be killed.

>> No.3265996


I gave up solipsism when I realized how easily I can be influenced by others and how much I take from them.

>> No.3266007

I've barricaded myself from people, For example if someone tries to talk to me I walk away or don't listen.

>> No.3266012

Why in the name of fuck would you do that?

>> No.3266016


Is can't necessarily into ought.

I agree with you, though, that what matters is a lack of social pressure to sway sexuality one way or another - I'd argue a larger acceptance of gay culture is necessary for this to happen

>> No.3266020

Social anxiety,Hatred for people and just a fear of social things.

>> No.3266033


>tl;dr: I'm an edgy faggot

>> No.3266049


Two things:

Bravery is not the absence of fear, it is the action despite the presence of fear.

And fortune favours the bold.

Take from that what you will, but seriously, you'll be surprised what you get out of putting yourself outside your comfort zone.


I agree whole heartedly.
At the rate the world is progressing culturally I can see it happening on its own.

Just give it time.

>> No.3266106
File: 62 KB, 940x627, this is what natalist actually condone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3266144


Im not on a computer, what does that filename say?

>> No.3266148

I don't get it

Is the baby gay or something?

>> No.3266149


>> No.3266185

How do you know?

>> No.3266202


>> No.3266243

Because of the hope the good moments won't feel like escapism one day.

>> No.3266322

this is what natalist actually condone.jpg

>> No.3266477
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Emotional reasons, not rational ones. It'd seriously fuck up my family and would hurt my friends a lot too and seriously shock most of them because I'm just not the kind of person to do such a thing. I've just started talking to my ex-gf again who's pretty smart and interesting and I'm excited to be her friend, I think it'll be a really neat experience. Plus it just seems way too dramatic and difficult and unnecessary to off myself as I'm not even suffering! One day though, maybe.

>> No.3266491

Also I just realized this post is more of a response to "why don't you kill yourself" than the OP