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3264384 No.3264384 [Reply] [Original]

>people thinking anarcho-capitalism is a thing
>the last day ever

>> No.3264389

that's called facism

>> No.3264388 [DELETED] 

They're in theirs teens, let them grow out of it.

>> No.3264392

Wasn't the America in Snow Crash Anarcho-Capitalist?

>> No.3264414

Anarcho-capitalism is anarcho-syndicalism gone wrong.

>> No.3264420

I fail to see the connection

>> No.3264422
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>2013-1 Anno Domini
>implying anarcho-anything isn't a thing

>> No.3264426

All capitalism is anarcho-capitalism.

>> No.3264428

least intelligent post I've seen all day

>> No.3264432


poopee poo poo pee pee poo poo poooooop piss pooo pee pee poooo pisss pooop essentialism poooopeeee

>> No.3264443


That's pretty clever.

>> No.3264445

Sorry sir, my opinion still holds

>> No.3264451

If by "a thing" you mean a vision of a future that some people hold, yeah it is a thing.

It's capitalism without the state. Not too difficult to comprehend. I mean, I think it's a pretty terrible thing to hope for (almost got in a fist fight with a guy who told me that the Justice system should be privatized/monetized), but some people still do. It's the logical extension of libertarianism.

>> No.3264452

It is a thing though. It's a complex and well defined philosophy developed by only the smartest minds in the world.

>> No.3264463

by a "thing" I meant something which doesn't contradict itself
also, what happened with the guy you fought?
I bet you lost or something


>> No.3264480
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I prefer Voluntaryism.

>> No.3264509
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>> No.3264522


It's an illogical extension. Capitalists inherently need the state to exist in the first place. Read Marx.

>> No.3264529

Anarcho-Capitalism is most definitely a thing, and contrary to popular opinion, is almost as old as anarcho-socialism. The first ancap manifesto dates all the way back to 1848.

>> No.3264541

"anarcho-capitalism" is like saying "democratic authoritarian" or something

>> No.3264543

nah, rothbard was the first

also, was thoreau a capitalist?

>> No.3264547

Of course not.

>> No.3264560

Rothbard was the first to coin the term "anarcho-capitalism" but the idea itself dates back at least as far back as Gustave di Molinari, who was an acolyte of the famous French classical liberal Frederic Bastiat. In 1848 (or possibly 9, correct me if I'm wrong), Molinari wrote "On the Production of Security" which explicitly made a case for marketizing goods which were and still are the exclusive domain of the state, including roads and police.

>> No.3264569

"Read Marx" doesn't count as a legitimate answer. Just because Marx ties capitalism to a liberal bourgeois state doesn't mean that there aren't thinkers that have found ways to subvert that.

I'm not gonna argue on behalf of anarcho-capitalists. Every one of them I have met has either been an asshole or really rich. Pretty much every other anarchist faction hates them.

>> No.3264589

>thinking leftist anarchism is anarchism at all

I haven't met one left anarchist who is actually an anarchist yet. Once you start asking questions you quickly realize that what they're really advocating for is small-scale direct democracy with a bit of lynchmobbing thrown in for good effect.

>> No.3264597


I don't any thinkers have found a good way to uphold the 'law' of Private Property without an oppressive state apparatus.

A society approaching anarcho-capitalism would hasten communist rebellions within said society (intensified class warfare).

>> No.3264610

you mean democratic centralism, right?

>> No.3264614

yeah, i agree. some people don't.

>> No.3264619

>communist rebellions

Rebellions against what? Communism is very much a subset of anarcho-capitalism, inasmuch as a group of communists living in an anarcho-capitalist society could form their own community following communist rules. The only snag is that they wouldn't be able to force everyone else into their scheme.

>> No.3264660

Why is it that 90% of the people on both sides of every online discussion about whether anarcho-capitalism is tenable seem to operate under the faulty assumption that capitalism has been around for a really long time?

>> No.3264664


Capitalism is, and always has been about force. Communism is something that originates /inside/ capitalism itself, not alien to it. An anarcho-capitalist society would inevitably lead to communist rebellions. They would rebel against the private appropriation of labour power, and this rebellion would be a show of force against the capitalist. Class warfare.

In bourgeois society, capitalists need the State to manage their class interests (direct class warfare, minimise unrest by proletarians etc). Without this apparatus, proletariat would gain an advantage, not to mention the obvious gains in class consciousness.

>> No.3264671


Because "capitalism" to them is about the "market", with no reference to means of production. World of appearances and all that *rolls eyes*.

>> No.3264676

ITT: We try to invent seemingly contradictory anarcho-somethings (that other people haven't already come up with).

Everyone voluntarily chips in to provide for engineers, who in turn build awesome robots that go around and make sure nobody infringes on anyone else's rights.

>> No.3264679

Anarcho-anything and "everyone chips in" are oxymoronic

>> No.3264684

Change it to "virtually everyone" then and read Kropotkin's "Mutual Aid."

>> No.3264690

Collectivist anarchy is best anarchy

>> No.3266162
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>not quietly turning your back on politics

>> No.3266167
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>making a separate thread to whine because I intellectually smothered everyone else whilst defending glorious Anarcho-capitalism

>> No.3266181

This thread was started before that thread, genius.

>> No.3266194

It was in another thread, genius. >>3265615

>> No.3267081
