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/lit/ - Literature

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3369868 No.3369868 [Reply] [Original]

>being a complete and utter faggot
>having no goals and aspirations
>not being able to talk to or get girls
>being an awkward taolinnesque pederast with sunhawkish tendencies
>having the bodily consistency of semi congealed cottage cheese
>being depressed and supplementing it with depressing literature
>being a gender relativist poof
>having autism
>being ugly and fucking disgusting
>having more than one of the above and not killing yourself

ho! thou foetid pile of cur shit, you yellowish gonorrheal discharge, you effeminate confused shut-in. why do you insist on sunhawking?
why can't you be like santa? beautiful santa?
your flesh oozes rivulets of failure,concretely manifest as turtle precum seeping out your fucking un-sexed bodies. you are neither man nor woman, look at yourself, as you read this, and killyourselvingly realize that your paradoxical existence offends you. call your niggerfucking cunt mothers and tell them that you love them, and then instantiate some "knife-to-the-throatness"

that is all

>> No.3369883

Leave sunhawk alone!

>> No.3369890


sunhawking is a verb you wafting vaginal odor. it has nothing to do with sunhawk as a person everything to do with sunhawk as a universal form, living within 90% of /highschool/

>> No.3369895


for a concrete example look at this potential rape victim>>3369792

>> No.3369904

you used to be cool dude

>> No.3369931

what is sunhawking not even google knows what youre on about

>> No.3369946


Sunhawk is a tripfag who posts here. He's 28, obese, lives with his parents and all he does is read and post on /lit/, with the occasional trip to waterstones. He's trying to say that we're like sunhawk but in reality only about 75 percent of /lit/ rather than 90 is like that.

>> No.3369958

lol'd at thread topics. what were we saying about kurt cobain again?

oh yeah, that his daughter should have been taken in 9/11 too.

>> No.3369960

where did you find those numbers?

>> No.3369966

Y'all motherfuckers is posting in a stan thread.

>> No.3369971
File: 28 KB, 220x420, 220px-Lamia_by_Herbert_James_Draper_(1909).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, he is pushing 30. Search the archives for prove of that.

>> No.3369973
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>> No.3369985

stanley what are your goals and aspriations

>> No.3369987

im watching norwegein wood. is this about the murakami novel? its pretty good.

>> No.3369990
File: 76 KB, 580x350, Hawking-580_17960a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say SUNHAWKING???

>> No.3370001

>get law degree,
>"practice law" until inheritance is finalized
>be the most ripped person in the milky way galaxy
>impregnate my beautiful cousin
>run for office in albania
>write philosophical dissertation
>start black metal band at age 70
>blow through my inheritance by age 45
>fuck off somewhere in maharashtra and run a sweatshop specializing in fake adidas track suits
>re elect dead dog

>> No.3370002
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10/10 post

you have my support, stan

>> No.3370003


forgot to tag>>3369985

>> No.3371980

Gotta say, not bad. Not bad at all. Keep at it and you may just be onto something.

>> No.3371995

Someone's a John Waters fan, eh?

>> No.3372024

>being a complete and utter faggot
>being an awkward taolinnesque pederast with sunhawkish tendencies
>having autism

So Stan why haven't you committed suicide then?

>> No.3372042

what is sunhawking?

>> No.3372379


no im albanian


im awesome


sunhawking is acting sunhawkishly, like say youre at pubelix and you have 11 items and you go to the 10 items or less lane and this cunt cashier doris gives a dirty look so you start warbling your giblet with anxiety causing the accumulated dead skin to fly off your neckbeard in a plume of disorienting fog. within the confusion you get raped by the guy behind you and start lactating. at the same time your balls shoot way the fuck into your abdomen and you let out this pffffffff noise which could or could have not been a queef and everyone realizes that youre a niggerfucking faggot.

>> No.3372443

We love you too, stan. Next time, try to insult me, not coddle me.

>> No.3372464


babygirl i wasnt trying to insult you
im merely trying to point out the offensively paradoxical combination of sunhawking (keep in mind that im not talkng about sunhawk bless his soul) and continued existence

>> No.3372467


>mad he's not getting his weekly needed dose of hate.

We're on to you stan. No more enabling your masochism, from now on you'll get nothing but love from us.

>> No.3372469

Well, to tell you the truth, stan, I'm underweight and have a (shared) girlfriend. Yet I /lit/. Odd.

>> No.3372477


>> No.3372479

i miss d@e :(

>> No.3372481


>shared girlfriend

how much does your shared girlfriend charge?

>> No.3372482

Shared in this context means that I am in a polyandrous relationship with a girl and her boyfriend.

>> No.3372484 [DELETED] 

santa is still the best poster on this board

>> No.3372485


does he let you pitch?

>> No.3372487

what does that mean?
He lets me fuck her. Since she's his sub, he lets me do almost anything. But...I generally don't want to do things that he does.

>> No.3372497


That sounds awful. So you two are like in this constant cycle of sloppy seconds

>> No.3372498

Catcher vs pitcher. Pitcher gives (a top) catcher receives (bottom).