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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 153 KB, 1224x1632, TAIPEI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3527026 No.3527026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ask someone who got (and read) a promotional copy of TAIPEI anything

>> No.3527031


>> No.3527032

Were there any boner moments?

>> No.3527037

he mentions /lit/, right?

>> No.3527040

Does he mention /lit/?
Is it as good as the early reviews say?
Is it vastly different from Richard Yates?
Is it closer to Richard Yates, or to Shoplifting from American Apparel?

>> No.3527047

Literally found it in a thrift shop.
How it got there I have absolutely no idea.
Not any more than his other books.
The prose is unlike any of his other work, but still unlike anything else I've read. Here's a spoiler-free excerpt:
"On their way back inside Paul and Laura passed the shadowy area, from where an unseen Amy said something implying Laura had stolen her cigarettes, using the word 'cute' antagonistically. Paul had an urge to accelerate, but Laura, ahead of him, continued at her leisurely pace, maneuvering carefully through the window, into the kitchen."
-He may or may not have directly or indirectly referenced /lit/ ;)
-In my opinion, yes, I think it's an amazing book, and definitely as good as the reviewers say; it's not all hype, it really is "good" writing.
-In terms of style, tone, prose, maturity, etc., yes, very different from Richard Yates, but it still deals, of course, with similar themes, just on a more mature level.
-It's closer to Richard Yates by a mile.

>> No.3527050

Fuck off Tao

>> No.3527071


>unlike anything else I've read

Usually publishers try to avoid publishing something if it's poorly written.

>> No.3527081

Haha, yeah, sure they do, lol.

>> No.3527085

Is it more like some of his short stories than his other novels?

>> No.3527091

His short story "Relationship Story" on Vice is the first scene of the book, just slightly edited, so if you read that you get sort of an idea of what the style of the novel is.

>> No.3527094

>"On their way back inside Paul and Laura passed the shadowy area, from where an unseen Amy said something implying Laura had stolen her cigarettes, using the word 'cute' antagonistically. Paul had an urge to accelerate, but Laura, ahead of him, continued at her leisurely pace, maneuvering carefully through the window, into the kitchen."

>> No.3527103

The excerpt looks decidedly more flowy than Richard Yates and Shoplifting. Does it return a bit more to the poetic surrealisms of Eeeee and Bed or is it just a more fluxy realism thing somehwere in the middle ground or beyond both?

>> No.3527122

>“Jesus,” said Michelle.

>> No.3527142

Yes, it's definitely more flowy and a huge step away from his concrete/literal style.

There isn't really any poetic surrealism either, and it's far from Eeee Eee Eeeee/Bed; it's beyond both of the styles, as if he combined both of them.

>> No.3527145

>Relationship Story
That's his best work.

>> No.3527141

Oh man, oh hell yes

>> No.3527158

I don't get it. Does /lit/ hate of love Tao Lin?

>> No.3527162


>> No.3527163

The more pertinent question is do you?

>> No.3527165

We love to hate him and hate loving him.

>> No.3527171

Anyone who purports to like him is either Tao Lin or a troll.

>> No.3527173

/lit/ is tsundere as fuck. I'm glad for the Tao spamming that has happened though, it made me actually read him and now I've read Bed, Eeeee Eee Eeee, Shoplifting and Richard Yates and enjoyed them all tremendously.

Sounds delicious. Will buy.

>> No.3527178
File: 23 KB, 1000x578, dao ling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay delusional.

>> No.3527179

Just scan it already you greedy cunt

>> No.3527182

It's a thick book; I don't have the time to scan it in right now, I'm sorry. If someone has a What.cd and puts a huge bounty on it I'll consider.

>> No.3527196

ITT: Tao Lin samefagging it up

>> No.3527204
File: 58 KB, 633x758, man this feel is fucking annoying i wish it would turn into a proper feel because im getting bored and my mouth feels funny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I'm going to tell Tao you stole his unpublished work and he's going to come around to your place and kick the shit out of you and steal your medication and booze then scratch all your foreign DVD's with some plastic pieces of discarded IKEA furniture you were saving

>> No.3527208
File: 206 KB, 284x409, vegansalad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3527211
File: 207 KB, 544x756, da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3527213

Promotional advertising isn't allowed on 4chan, Tao.

>> No.3527223

Reported for spam/advertising.

>> No.3527226

I don't get it. Why are you even bothering to do this? At the most you may get two sales. Anyone on /lit/ who will stoop low enough to read your crap will pirate it.

>> No.3527227
File: 88 KB, 496x281, BEE onTAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh and to people saging and stuff, just ignore the thread if you don't want to talk about the new Tao Lin book.

>> No.3527236

>interesting prose stylist
>"On their way back inside Paul and Laura passed the shadowy area, from where an unseen Amy said something implying Laura had stolen her cigarettes, using the word 'cute' antagonistically. Paul had an urge to accelerate, but Laura, ahead of him, continued at her leisurely pace, maneuvering carefully through the window, into the kitchen."

Can someone tell me how that's interesting, unless it isn't actually emblematic of the novel as a whole? It's completely average.

>> No.3527237

Look, I think it'd be pretty easy to distinguish if I was Tao Lin or not; I'm just an incoming college freshman living in Boston, and I'm a fan of his. Look- I'll even sage this thread myself. I'm just looking for a discussion.

>> No.3527239
File: 13 KB, 361x52, adv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3527243 [DELETED] 

How did you get it?

>> No.3527246

He wrote it

>> No.3527248

Just ignore them pal. This is a perfectly legitimate thread subject.

OP can you give a little more about what's in the book?

>> No.3527249

sage for viral tripsamefagging

>> No.3527250

Still follows the common thread of loneliness and distance between oneself and everyone else one meets, but introduces new themes of family via Paul's visiting Taiwan numerous times. I think it dives a lot deeper than his previous work.

I found it in a thrift shop. Just laying there. I have no idea how it got there.

>> No.3527263

>Toweling being a tripfag

Can't believe it didn't happen sooner.

>> No.3527270

Is it even shorter than his other novels like he said it would be?

>> No.3527278

No, it's MUCH longer than any of his previous work. It's 258 pages, and the dimensions are like your classic Vintage paperback, like Easton Ellis' books, or pretty much any other rectangular paperback. It's also a lot denser; you can no longer read through it like you can with the concrete/literal stuff.

>> No.3527313

Would you say that it's his first "serious" work and that he's finally come into his own as a writer and that it's the first work of his he'll really be remembered for (if he's remembered at all...?)?

>> No.3527321

>return to /lit/ after a year
>tao lin still posting and replying to threads about himself to promote his writing
>stay classy /tao lin/

>> No.3527323

i'll post a 2gb bounty on bibliotik

>> No.3527334

>I'm just an incoming college freshman living in Boston, and I'm a fan of his
>fan of his

Go to bed,Tao.

>> No.3527353

This is hilarious. It's so blatantly obvious that it's Tao posting.

>> No.3527359

it obviously isn't. Tao usually posts in the style he also uses on his blog and his facebook page.

>> No.3527360

>"On their way back inside Paul and Laura passed the shadowy area, from where an unseen Amy said something implying Laura had stolen her cigarettes, using the word 'cute' antagonistically. Paul had an urge to accelerate, but Laura, ahead of him, continued at her leisurely pace, maneuvering carefully through the window, into the kitchen."

That actually sounds a bit like Wallace.

>> No.3527419

That's actually DeLillo's style bleeding into both of them.

>> No.3527424

I think Tao Lin uses commas where DFW probably wouldn't

>> No.3527440
File: 243 KB, 1280x720, picture004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a couple drafts and shit from your book, mr Lin

>> No.3527445

I disagree. Wallace was able to handle his sentences better than that. Those sentences are in serious need of editing - it seems like Lin's fumbling with the commas and having some problems with flow (or even with making his sentences sound good). "... ,using the word 'cute' antagonistically." in particular has no flow at at all.

It reads like someone used to writing in a minimalist style trying to write more flowery prose, which I suppose it is.

>> No.3527462

Isn't that the point of his prose? For it to fumble and seem like the narrator is having trouble? Doesn't that key into his ideas of alienation and loneliness?

Dammit not every prose stylist has to be like Nabokov

>> No.3527467

>Tao Lit

>> No.3527558

It's not that it's not "like Nabokov", you twat, it's that it reads like shit. Hemingway doesn't "read like Nabokov", either, but his minimalism works, and flows, and sounds good. This doesn't; the word choice is bad, the order they're in is bad, the sentence structure is awful and the commas are all over the place.

That said, your argument is an infallible shield against any criticism of Lin's writing. It's shit because it's "supposed to be". 10/10 book tao :DDDDD

>> No.3527639

lel, wallace is a choppy faggot. tao lin is a perpetual heraclitan orgasm in his new style.

>> No.3527642

Tao's work isn't supposed to flow, it's supposed to be annoying to read in a way

Yeah I can't decide if that really is a good thing

>> No.3527656

Do we have to become alt-lit to make it guys?

I'm scared

>> No.3527663

>using the word 'cute' antagonistically
>Paul had an urge to accelerate

What the hell is this rubbish?

>> No.3527687


tao lin

welcome to the mind of an autist

>> No.3527690

What's wrong with having urges to accelerate?

>> No.3527692

What's wrong with "Paul had an urge to accelerate"? It's an amusing description imo.

>> No.3527701

It's funny how art, through postpostpostmodernism or whatever we're at now, embraces the "bad art" simply because it doesn't confirm to "good art" standards.

Talent doesn't really matter. As long as a writer is confident in their work, they'll be successful.

Thus, nonsense.

>> No.3527704

Why? How is that amusing? How is it not just bad writing?

>> No.3527707

>Promo copy
>Pretending you're not Tao Lin
Go to bed Tao.

>> No.3527719

Why does anyone give a fuck about this fucking hack? He's an absolutely awful writer.

>> No.3527721

that doesn't seem flowery at all, it's pretty spare if anything, it's just long.

>> No.3527723

How is it bad, faggot? Back up your arbitrary aesthetics.

>> No.3527733




>> No.3527739



Fuck off Tao.

>> No.3527755
File: 85 KB, 434x662, legendofthe10elementalmasters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tao Lin is pretty good, but I dont' think he quite compares to Nick Smith, AKA Ulillillia, in his powers of description.

>> No.3527760


i agree completely. tao lin was picked up by a larger, more established publishing house. he was pressured to "develop" his style. the excerpt reads like an MFAer's clumsy imitation of "vintage tao lin" after reading 300 pages of Infinite Jest.

It's not "delicious." It's not good.

>> No.3527822

Same bro. I'd consider myself a modernus but this I cannot abide by.

>> No.3528028

Tao is pretty fun if you approach him with the sort of crackpot fascination people have like... Internet autist blogs etc.

>> No.3528087

I said "more" flowery - on the relative scale of floweriness it does not rank very high, but when taken with his previous stylings as a point of reference it is definitively more so.

>> No.3528442


No advertising on 4chan.

>> No.3528457



>> No.3528465

I don't think anybody has the kind of time to waste with that kind of dumb curiosity.

>> No.3528469

>time to waste
>on 4chan

Don't kid yourself. son.

>> No.3528470

I hope everyone who reported this thread gets banned.

>> No.3528479

>mfw it's true

Fucking kill this thread for advertising, you fuckheads. Don't give that autistic hack any publicity.

>> No.3528503

Whatever you think of Tao's writing, you have to love a guy like this.

>> No.3528508

No, we don't. We can despite him for being a worthless, talentless, histrionic fuckwit who writes like an autist.

>> No.3528520

who's the loser that samefags/spams every single tao lin thread INSISTING that tao is the op
i want to meet him

>> No.3528538
File: 30 KB, 447x327, Tao Lin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quickly: name every single contemporary author whose up and coming work gets hyped on /lit/!

Just Tao Lin.

Yeah, nothing suspicious here.

>> No.3528569

lotsa pynchon threads showed up when The Bleeding Edge was announced

>> No.3528576

I like the guy, but hate his fanbase.

>> No.3528582

I saw an interview of the guy and he seemed socially retarded. I dunno if that was his schtick or whatever, but put me off from reading his stuff.

>> No.3528583

>probably the best living American writer
>decades of proven talent, spanning back to the 70's.

Yeah, it's exactly the same thing. Good eye, faggot.

>> No.3528591

tao lin has a considerable internet presence. no surprise that people would talk about him here

>> No.3528613

Don't have an acc. there.

I'm really not Tao Lin. This is the first time I've ever posted on /lit/; I'm extremely active over on /mu/, and I started posting there for years now. Go search up some Chan archives if you doubt me.

>> No.3528614

>tao lin has a considerable internet presence.

because he self promotes himself, dipshit.

So Pynchon and Lin are the only two contemporary authors that /lit/ gets excited about the release of their new work. Pynchon... and Lin. Let that sink in. Pynchon and Lin.

Pynchon and Lin.

>> No.3528628

If Tao Lin's so well-known on the internet, why do all of his books have like 3 reviews each on Amazon. Furthermore, why are half these reviews only 1 star?

Also, what the fuck is this?


>> No.3528670

this is now a noah cicero 2013 thread

>> No.3528695


>implying you don't secretly like that he did

Tao is like the retard mascot you cunts can't live without. Face facts he's /lit/'s sperg king.

>> No.3528696

In my opinion, all the alt-lit writers are 12 year olds and Tao-Lin wannabees.
Maybe Tao is ok, but the others aren't worth it.

>> No.3528714

>I'm extremely active over on /mu/, and I started posting there for years now.
With all due respect, your a gigantic faggot.

>> No.3528716
File: 308 KB, 512x512, 1334268831809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bro, what if all those poor reviews are by Tao Lin himself?

>> No.3528718

I realize that; I'm just trying to declare that I'm not Tao Lin, and that the discussion should move on from that inane argument.

>> No.3528723

But shamelessness has a charm all its own.

>> No.3528727

>I'm extremely active over on /mu/
But Tao Lin would be a /mu/lberry. He has a not-entirely interesting taste in music, but I like it well enough to enjoy the shoutouts he gives it in his novels, stories, and social media. Whatever the case may be, he seems to actually be interested enough in it that I wouldn't be surprised if he posted on /mu/. Of course, the music he likes is generally dancing around the edges of hatepunk, crustpunk, and ever-popular Fat Wreck tsunderism, which isn't exactly /mu/core. A quick search, like you say, could probably rule you out as Tao simply by virtue of you listening to the wrong music. Except, I don't think that will be necessary because...

>I started posting there for years now
...you can't be Tao if you're also European (or Brazilian or something, I don't fucking know what you are, but that isn't now native speakers speak English).

>> No.3528734

Who cares m8.

>> No.3528739

>Handling anything well
You realize that the whole DFW IS GOD thing is just a giant inside joke?

>> No.3528742
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1311523823915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat review

>> No.3528748
File: 148 KB, 100x100, 1221955326361.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about Sam Lipsyte instead.


>> No.3528753

Does anyone have an ebook of Shoplifting from American Apparel? I've dug through #bookz, torrents, and direct download sites and only turned up a fake pdf.

>> No.3528769

What.cd has one.

>> No.3528775

Wait, why would they have one? I thought they did music. Well, I don't have an account, would you mind putting it on MEGA for me?

>> No.3528777 [DELETED] 

Ask someone who purchased and read a physical copy of Shoplifting from American Apparel anything.

>> No.3528801

Here's a .mobi and an .epub.


>> No.3528815

Augh it's telling me chrome is out of date ;~;
which it is. I'll get a friend to dl it for me, then. thanks!

>> No.3528820

Sure thing.

>> No.3528837

>Google alerts don't exist!

>> No.3528865

McCarthy will cause excitement when he has a new book.

>> No.3528890

I want a serious opinion. Tao Lin has been a meme on this board for ages now.
I am German and apart from what was posted here I have no idea who the guy is and if he is important in any way.

What I noticed is that the opinions about him seemed to have shifted a little from hatefull to somewhat positive. So I am wondering, is his stuff really any good? Or is it shit and people talk good about him to troll others?

>> No.3528893

Why not read his stuff and see for yourself?

Personally, I was not impressed by what I read

>> No.3528918


Read it and find out
Having read Lin before frequenting /lit/, I like him.

>> No.3528922


I would recommend starting with his short story collection "Bed", he's at his most accessible there (and I would argue his best). Keep in mind he is more of a human multimedia performance than an author.

>> No.3528937

>important in any way
Almost his entire body of work has been passed around here. Download one of the files and read a few pages.

I'm one of the rare Tao Lin fans in that I don't like his writing because I think it's great or even good; I readily read Tao Lin's stuff because I think it is accidentally hilarious. I've honestly never laughed so hard and so often at a single writer's prose.

I'd recommend him if you don't take it seriously at all. If you do, you'll probably end up with an aneurysm, like most of his detractors here soon will.

>> No.3529007


nice try, sam.

>> No.3529025

Is Tao Lin the embodied philosopher of Generation X?

>> No.3530135

Actually it's intentionally hilarious and Tao Lin is a really funny guy

>> No.3530281

>poor writing is just a stylistic nuance!

That's exactly what the DFW fags say.

>> No.3530296

If you realize what makes it so funny, you will understand that the humor is deliberate

>> No.3530313

And what makes it so funny? It isn't, by the way.

>> No.3530339
File: 72 KB, 960x717, 487555_285880934849933_314034274_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get to hang out with kitty pryde


>> No.3530349

you mean the x-man girl that can go through things?

>> No.3530366

She's a semi-meme on /mu/, who posts on the board. Makes you wonder what kind of connections 4chan "celebrities" have with each another.

>> No.3530391

the garish kitsch comedy rapper that uses 4chan/tumblr humor to appear marketable

>> No.3530397

ummm whoever that is doesn't post here so who cares

>> No.3530412

That girl looks like the star of a gangbang-bukkake, any town, USA.

>> No.3530446

someone add a brazzers logo to the bottom right corner. i would but i'm on my phone

>> No.3530470
File: 146 KB, 960x717, I love you Jesus Lin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3530481

what brazzers

>> No.3530482

whats********** brazzers

>> No.3530485

what is brazzers

>> No.3530487

whats brazzers

>> No.3530525

Explain to me who the fuck this chink is? I only ever read like 2 paragraphs of the cunt and it read like utter, unimpressive shit any teenager can write.

So what's up with this dude?

>> No.3530548


just look at his interviews and you know what's up

only reason he's famous cause he has a catchy name, same goes for kafka and all the other faggots like DFW

>> No.3530554


Not sure if serious.

>> No.3530555


You might be on to something here. I'm trying to think of an author popular in the western world with a difficult or awkward name. I can't, really.

>> No.3530570


That's because pen-names exist.

>> No.3530616

How many awkward and difficult names are there in the western world at all?

>> No.3530623

David Foster Wallace is a difficult and awkward name?

>> No.3530624

There is some theory behind names, syllables, and success. I remember reading something about it in relation to Aleistor Crowley I believe.

>> No.3530629

> posting in a Br0 thread
> posting in a genuine Tao Lin thread

>> No.3530638


Who said that?

>> No.3530648

It's got a ring to it. Would be awkward/forgettable if it was only David Wallace.

>> No.3530651

"For many years I had loathed being called Alick, partly because of the unpleasant sound and sight of the word, partly because it was the name by which my mother called me. Edward did not seem to suit me and the diminutives Ted or Ned were even less appropriate. Alexander was too long and Sandy suggested tow hair and freckles. I had read in some book or other that the most favourable name for becoming famous was one consisting of a dactyl followed by a spondee, as at the end of a hexameter: like Jeremy Taylor. Aleister Crowley fulfilled these conditions and Aleister is the Gaelic form of Alexander. To adopt it would satisfy my romantic ideals."

>> No.3530658

Tao Lin offered me to join BRIGADE, I don't even know what that is :(

>> No.3530662

>most accessible
>implying Tao Lin can be inaccessible

>> No.3530666

There it is

>> No.3530680

>death grips
>tao lin

thats like the doublelest of all whammys, kill yourself

>> No.3530743
File: 715 KB, 1280x720, 1362127866010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now I've read Bed, Eeeee Eee Eeee, Shoplifting and Richard Yates and enjoyed them all tremendously.


>> No.3530752

why don't you people who hate tao lin just admit that you like a different type of lit?

>> No.3530761

Why don't you stop wasting your time spamming on /lit/ you fucking chink

>> No.3530770

what was your favorite scene in the book?

>> No.3530777


>dactyl, spondee

Like William Shakespeare.

How about these names, though they may not adhere strictly to the pattern:

>Nicholas Spencer
>Zachary Webster
>Aleister Armstrong
>Dominic Marshall
>Johnathan Walker
>Christopher Clarke
>Zachary Mason
>William Rogers

it's hard to find true spondees

>> No.3530799

I just read an excerpt online from Richard Yates and the prose mimics a child's prose.

>That night Haley Joel Osment was alone in the apartment talking to Julia on Gmail chat. Julia was 28 and married and lived in Georgia. She was friends with an editor of a magazine that had published Haley Joel Osment’s poetry. Haley Joel Osment’s cell phone vibrated. It was Dakota Fanning. Haley Joel Osment moved his cell phone to his ear. Dakota Fanning said her mother found out about him by reading a blog post’s comments section where he had said things about his first visit to New Jersey including when they screamed bad words across the Delaware River. “I think she knows you’ve stayed here overnight and that you’re 22,” said Dakota Fanning. “She already googled you a lot I think.”

It's choppy. There's only surface detail. There's no evidence of anything analytical, expository or didactic.

I can see the humour, it's like a child describing an adult's world from a detached, objective point of view because they haven't learned to care about the things adults care about yet. In that way it's funny because it's makes thing seem lighthearted that we take very seriously, and what's even more funny is that the things we take seriously really are or ought to be lighthearted. Furthermore, it's a refreshing break from ALL claims to purple/descriptive prose. My writing here seems academic & stilted compared to his.

>> No.3530807

>On their way back inside Paul and Laura passed
Why does this bother me so much?
Do I have the autism?

>> No.3530811


Kierkegaard said something about decorum. He said that "decorum" was the proof of inwardness (his definition of this word is complicated and requires context to really understand). The gist of it is that the belief in aesthetics and high art in cultured France under King Louis XIV and the real passion for politics and power in Ancient Rome resulted in a decorum, a form of style and manners, in dress, oratory and writing. Like how for many years the English poets stuck to the decorum of Iambic Pentamater. Kierkegaard criticized our age for lacking inwardness, and in place of a decorum we get "rawness" instead (which is another complicated word).

How this relates to Tao Lin is that because our society lacks passion and belief/decision on what is right and wrong, what is good and bad, what is beautiful and ugly, we have no real decorum, hence the shitty verse we get nowadays. In Academia there still exists a decorum in writing, but it's a really empty, "formal", strict style that is dull and doesn't really signify anything.
Tao Lin's writing is true to this absence of decorum.

All of the things from Kierkegaard I just talked about are from his book, 'A Literary Review'.

>> No.3530815


Define dactyl and spondee for everyone.

>that feel when I started studying English poetry at uni and my language doesn't have any stress in polysyllabic words, so the very concept was unknown to me

>> No.3530819


3 syllables, stress on first - DA-da-da


2 syllables, stress on both - DA-DA

>> No.3530823

There's an inherent flaw with the way Tao presents the notion of infantile mimesis::that's not how children talk. You can't have have mimesis when you're imitating the subject incorrectly. That's why the gimmick of his prose doesn't work. You're just left with shit prose.

It's because he can't punctuate properly. You need a comma after sentence-initial adverbials. It should be

>On their way back inside, Paul and Laura passed

>> No.3530826


Thanks. The iamb is the only one I remember by heart.

Do spondees really exist? Can you stress two syllables really? Stressing usually means "more than the other", so...

>> No.3530827

I think you're probably exaggerating. I HIGHLY doubt that your language has no internal prosody.

>> No.3530832

and here's a quote from that Kierkegaard book I'd like to post:

>But anyone with a grasp of comedy readily sees that the comical isn’t at all to be found where the present age fancies it is, and that in our day satire, to be at all beneficial and not cause irreparable harm, must have as its surety a consistent and well grounded ethical life-view, a sacrificing disinterestedness, and a high-born nobility that renounces the moment. Otherwise, the medicine becomes incomparably and infinitely more dangerous than the sickness. What is comical is precisely that an age like this even aspires to be witty, and to go in for the comical in such a big way, for this is quite certainly the ultimate and most eye-deceiving evasion. As for the comical, what is there to defy anyway in an age so thoroughly reflected? Lacking passion, it has no emotional collateral in the erotic, no liquid assets of enthusiasm or inwardness in politics and religion, of domesticity, piety or appreciation in daily and social life.

>[...] so that it became a profitable trade to manufacture and prepare and remake and buy up old and new witticisms – what a dreadful epigram for the witty age!

And the end there he predicts the existence of comedians. He criticizes our use of humour (is this a prediction of the famous postmodern irony too?) as being unwarranted or out-of-place, or at the worst harmful, as humour is 'meant' to criticize the bad so as to raise up the good, but now it's just a commodity.

>> No.3530833

I see what you mean. I scan those as trochees.

>> No.3530841

Yeah spondees do exist.

I have a list of them - http://pastebin.com/aVApGs1i

There are plenty of spondee names in that list:


>> No.3530844

>It's because he can't punctuate properly. You need a comma after sentence-initial adverbials. It should be

Yes and no. You can omit them if you have a short sentence. Many writers regularly omit that comma when it's a short sentence. True story.

>> No.3530846

I know but, in that example, you really need one.

>> No.3530847


French doesn't have any stress pattern. It' unusual but it's true.

>> No.3530849

>There's an inherent flaw with the way Tao presents the notion of infantile mimesis::that's not how children talk

No, back that's how a child would WRITE.

>> No.3530851





I'm not a native so I won't argue too much, but yeah, those don't sound like spondees to me.

>> No.3530854

I speak French, too. I'm scanning lines in my head, and I can detect prosody quite easily. It may be more subtle than English, but it's DEFINITELY there. To take a famous lyric:

>NON, je ne reGRETTe riEN

>> No.3530855


I'll take your word for it. I'm for shitting on Taipei Lin because he's a faggot chink.

>> No.3530859

I agree. I think they're trochees.

I don't think so. It's somewhat subjective, but I still disagree.
>implying Tao actually bothered to look at anything written by a child in order to justify his sense of stylistic pastiche

>> No.3530862


That's not a stress pattern. There's a difference between a stress pattern and what one would term "the music of a language".

"rien" is one syllable so it can't have any stress pattern by definition. Same with "non", it's one syllable.

As to "regrette", I can totally say:

"Je ne REGrette pas cette décision."

There's no problem with that, proving that there is no stress pattern in French. And this doesn't mean we don't accentuate parts and etc, it just means there's no stress pattern. You couldn't reverse them in English, it'd sound fucking weird and wrong.

>> No.3530865

I think they're definitely spondees.
The stress is equal on both syllables in each case.
When a syllable is not stressed in English it tends to be slurred.

they have equal stress
if the second syllable wasn't stressed it would be pronounced something like
MAX-wul - the second syllable would be slurred so you'd hardly hear the vowel, almost like if it were 'wl' on it's own.

In those 3 names you use equal breath for each syllable.

>> No.3530868


I see what you mean.

>> No.3530869

yeah, French doesn't have a stress pattern because the French can't be bothered to open their mouths wide enough to stress a syllable.

>> No.3530874


French is a "tip of the lips" sort of language. It may have a connection to that.

>> No.3530875


Feet aren't confined to one word, you doofus. They can span over multiple words. Also, 'regrette' is in no way trochaic. You're flat-out scanning it wrong. There are other stresses in that line, as well.

'Rien' verges on the precipice between disyllabic and diphthongal. I think it's probably the latter, but it's definitely an arsis.

>> No.3530889

>Feet aren't confined to one word, you doofus. They can span over multiple words.

I never mentioned feet. This isn't about poetry or anything- You're confusing feet with stress patterns.

Anyway, academics agree that French has no stress pattern, because it plain doesn't have any.

>confusing feet with stress patterns
>ad hominems

We're done. Ask any serious linguist, he'll tell you French isn't stressed.

>> No.3530895

>This isn't about poetry
>Je ne regrette rien
>To take a famous lyric
>famous lyric

Apprendre à lire

>> No.3530907

That's coincidental and because Piaf sings it that way. You can stress it any other way and it'll sound fine.

>> No.3530942

God, this isn't even literature.