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3527652 No.3527652 [Reply] [Original]

What job do you have /lit/?

Does your job inhibit your hopes of becoming a writer, if that's what you want to become?

>> No.3527661

I have no job.

And I have never wanted to be a writer. I doubt being unemployed would hinder that though.

>> No.3527660

I'll start. I work for an insurance company on a graduate scheme. I'm so fucking tired and worn out by the end of the day that reading becomes a chore, and weekends are so precious I can abrely read 100 pages before quitting

>> No.3527662

I'm unemployed LUL

But everyone with a soul-crushing job should remember Kafka.

>> No.3527666


>> No.3527667

Library assistant. No.

>> No.3527668

I'm a book reviewer for a small magazine. Doesn't pay much but it's just something nice to do while looking for better work.

>> No.3527678

Didn't he have some cushy government role as a civil servant or some shit?

>> No.3527681

How much do you earn and how'd you get it?

>> No.3527682

I'm also unemployed and waiting to go to university in September. I'm trying to be a freelance translator at the moment but I haven't had much luck. I don't mind so much what I do as long as I'm away from the blasted general public.

>> No.3527685

Full time?

>> No.3527711
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Used to work as a janitor for awhile ,now I'm going to be working for an electrical union and then going into electrical engineering. Currently unemployed. >< ugh..more time for writing though

>> No.3527712
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>> No.3527718

Classic case of too much estrogen.

>> No.3527722

I'm a student looking for work, though I really enjoy my leisure time and it's going to suck giving it up. Basically I can read and write whenever I want, go to the gym whenever I want, stay out late, etc. It's great, but I don't have much money left.

>> No.3527725

Unemployed, right now. I've worked a range of odd jobs.

He worked as a claims investigator for the Kingdom of Bohemia's equivalent of Workman's Comp.

Kafka is a good model, but keep in mind he hated it talked them into letting him get off at 14:00. In other words, work, sure (personally, I think it's a good idea for writers/artists if you can manage it) but don't identify with how you get paid and don't let it take up any more time than you need for money.

>> No.3527726

*hated it and talked them

>> No.3527743

I worked for an advertising company for two and a half years after graduating and pretty much had a metldown, went to work on a cruise ship as an entertainer coordinator, met a norwegian dude who owned a business transporting cargo from Japan to Europe and the States, and he gave me a job on there writing reports and communicating with various offices worldwide about shipments etc. Real easy job, get to look out over the sea every night and write whenever I please, get days off on shore to mess around and get drunk and buy books for the return journey

>> No.3527812
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I'm deliberately unemployed for life.

I don't think I want to be a writer in the proper sense, but I do have some ideas I want to work out and will send out some manuscripts if it every gets that far. Being on the dole is the next best thing after being independently wealthy as far as being a writer goes though.

>> No.3527844

I'm a student that was kind of sort of looking for a job, but I've since abandoned the search. I'm grateful my parents aren't really putting any pressure on me, but it kind of sucks having no extra cash. Hoping something turns up, as everything seems to fall into the fucking laps of everyone else I know.

I want to be a writer and have quite a bit of time to write, it'd be hard to give that up. I have a friend who works at a fancy restaurant and at a McDonalds and he literally does nothing else.

>> No.3527851

I go to Temple but am occasionally on Penn's campus, I think I've seen those people before.

>> No.3527867
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>> No.3527875


I saw they were looking for reviewers, I sent in my CV and a sample review and got it. Don't get much, about 20 pounds per review. But it's not really much of a job. Still looking for some actual work.

>> No.3527883

>Being on the dole is the next best thing after being independently wealthy as far as being a writer goes though.

Except you close yourself off to people and experiences you would not otherwise know, except through employment. Being NEET is cool and all, but it is absolutely horrible for a profession like writer, which relies 85% or more on personal experience.

>> No.3527886


>Be on the dole
>government forces you go to full day courses teaching you how to write a CV
>as if I don't know how to already
>call you in all the time as if you don't have other stuff to do
>force you to work for companies for less than minimum wage
>get told you're a slacker if you refuse and will cut benefits
>ignore the fact I volunteer with three charities currently.

I hate it so much, they don't treat you like a human being.

>> No.3527890

I'm an illustrator and artist. I don't have plans to become novelist, though my hopes as a writer is in comic books, so drawing and writing together. I know some editors and publishers, so it's not far out.

>> No.3527899

>they don't treat you like a human being.

"they" do it on purpose so that you'll be ashamed of your situation and actually try to change it. It looks like you can't be made to be embarrassed for yourself, though.

>> No.3527907

>which relies 85% or more on personal experience.
You must have strong stats to come up with this percentage.

>> No.3527916


Yeah, feel a lot of the stuff they do is to make it so despairing that you quit. Because if you quit jobseekers then you're not classified as unemployed which brings the statistics down.

>> No.3527967
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By employment you close yourself of from other experiences. Why would you assume you can only live a life worthy of being written about by having a job? I have way more interesting conversatiosn over beers at the train platform at 4am on a wednesday night than I had in a lunch room. Even at the dole office you meet more interesting people than being gainfully employed. I've always found the most upper and lower classes to be the most interesting, and you find neither at the water cooler.

That's easily remedied with a bit of skill and perseverance. How are your crazy eyes? In the meanwhile it's a nice exercise in autarkeia.

>"they" do it on purpose so that you'll be ashamed of your situation and actually try to change it. It looks like you can't be made to be embarrassed for yourself, though.
This is true. Not being susceptible to being shamed into things is a great thing though. It's one of the most important skills towards any mental independence. That's what I like about current welfare regulations. It takes determination and resourcefulness to deal with. It's like social darwinism leading to a small selection of proper lumpenpatricians.

Often when he was begging, Diogenes would be spat on by the people who passed him. Diogenes would ignore this and simply wipe his face with his sleeve. When ridiculed for his passive behaviour, Diogenes said, "Since men endure being wetted by the sea in order to net a mere herring, should I not endure being sprinkled to net my dinner?"

>> No.3528007




>> No.3528048
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>that picture

>> No.3528053


There's a stall at a local market near where I live with a sign saying 'speak to a philosopher' run by some philosophy students. As a former philosophy student they really piss me off.

>> No.3528063

This is how I'd react to seeing that:
"Hey are you the philosopher?"
"Can I speak to you?"
"ummm... yeah."
"Fucking kill yourself fag."

>> No.3528066

your idea of personal experience seem to come from the way it is defined in job interviews. A good write is before anything a keen reader, someone who can have experiences pretty much anywhere. Mallarmé was an english teacher in some remote place where student weren't even uneducated. I basically had no experience as from reading/learning languages/translating

>> No.3528078

I'd go full Socratic on them, might be fun. You could also make a big scene about give them a cup of poison. Or otherwise embarrass them. It's basically an invite to terrorism.

>> No.3528088


>> No.3528089

i'm not allowed to work because i'm a romanian student in uk

i will write my masterpiece between 25-35. till then i'm reading & casually practising writing

>> No.3528093

Id refuse to leave until they could refute skepticism.

>> No.3528097

they're probably having fun

>> No.3528109

I want to run up to their stall and shout "WHY IS YOUR STALL SO SHIT?" before stapling all of the paper together and kicking it over, screaming "CHECKMATE ATHEISTS" at the top of my voice.

>> No.3528122


Usually nothing. You have to pay to talk to a philosopher, don't think anyone is fooling for it.

>> No.3528128

go at them and pretend to be socrates while they're the sophists

>> No.3528140
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>caring about wealth

>> No.3528146

I'm a clerk at a delicatessen. Rather than hinder my writing, I find the people I serve on a daily basis make for excellent characters.

Just kidding, I can't write creatively worth a damn. My passion is literary and cultural criticism.

>> No.3528406


>> No.3528407
File: 71 KB, 500x545, muh sunshine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what to do.

>> No.3528414

Film maker. Yesterday I made 240 dollars in 2 hours. Today I'm off to uni just after I finish invoicing some cunts. Tfw if I didnt have uni I could make 4000 a week (provided I get enough clients in and do editing on the weekends also).

>> No.3528420

>if I could make 4000 a week (provided I get enough clients in and do editing on the weekends also).

>> No.3528427

Well it's a very possible if, I just need to continue what I'm doing as I'm getting more clients all the time. Right now I'm stuck with 1500 a week + university.

>> No.3528436


There were some guys at my university who started up their own production company while studying and did quite well getting some good clients and pay.

A finance student and I sat down with them and worked out that for the amount of hours they work and the amount they wasted on getting new equipment they would barely use the amount of money they were earning was absolute shit. They weren't earning 4000 a week to be fair.

>> No.3528471

Yeah that's the catch, the equipment is so fucking expensive; I mean come on I don't want to spend over 3000 dollars for a camera that will be outdated in a few months. That's why I hire right now and invoice that to my client.

The thing is though, once you have the essentials + a bit more, you can simply hire a camera body, maybe some extras and you're all good.