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3548446 No.3548446 [Reply] [Original]

what do you guys think of vice?
the articles are buy and large terrible and try-hard, and most of the journalists can't write if their lives depended on it
but the documentaries are pretty interesting

>> No.3548451

It's a shame their YouTube channel has gone to such shit as of late.

>> No.3548452

>buy and large

>> No.3548455

I think a lot of the ones where they go to shit countries are very exploitative.
Their other shit is like the stuff Yuropeans like to do about weird Americans except they do it on weird poor people.

>> No.3548465

>I think a lot of the ones where they go to shit countries are very exploitative
why do you say that?

>> No.3548488


The Best Corea one was just a bunch of hipsters going on a guided tour of that the government allows to exist.
The one in Zimbabwe or whatever was just a giant exploitative piece of shit. They might as well should have gone to some of the worst projects in Los Angeles and paid crackheads to tell exaggerated tales of how shit it is and then tried to paint the entire US as a complete shithole as a result because that's what they did in that one.

>> No.3548511

I liked the best korea one, it was interesting to see the sights, even if it's only the state approved ones
they have another one about the works camps in russia, I thought that was interesting too

I think you mean Liberia, and while I don't necessarily believe everything they said I still think it's interesting to see what the day to day is like there

>> No.3548523

When they're being snarky and tongue in cheek they are fine. I enjoyed their criticisms of alt lit and London novels.

But whenever they try to cover tougher topics like racist political groups or extremism they just come across as adolescents trying to sound aloof, edgy and flippant at the same time.

>> No.3548531

Vice video stuff is pretty decent tier hangover material as far as half interesting entertainment journalism goes. I've never explored them in any other way, our relationship is functional as it is.

>> No.3548540

>buy and large

I understand these mistakes are a diamond a dozen but come on.

>> No.3548560

I quite like Vice from what I have seen.

I like Shane Smith, his video-journalist pieces on Liberia, Iraq, SOFFEX, and a few others were pretty good.

I like some of Hamilton Morris stuff, despite not liking Hamilton Morris.

I like that cocky British girl and some of her reports, like the one on Russian Junkies.

I think they are good at what they do – presenting topical issues to people who otherwise wouldn't know what's going on. They seem to have minimal bias on relevant things (their report on Mali was brilliant and ploughed through the bullshit coming from mainstream media), but their stuff seems a little downplayed, targeted at a stereotype of a young demographic.

>> No.3548563

>what do you guys think of vice?
>the articles are buy and large terrible and try-hard, and most of the journalists can't write if their lives depended on it
>but the documentaries are pretty interesting


>> No.3548564

>I like Shane Smith, his video-journalist pieces
This. Shane rules, all the docs with him are gold.

>> No.3548706

>buy and large

>> No.3548713

>I understand these mistakes are a diamond a dozen but come on.

I know it's not correct but everyone understands it so for all intensive purposes it does not matter.