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3592271 No.3592271 [Reply] [Original]

>would let him rule over me

What is your opinion of Marcus Aurelius. Does he deserve the title 'Philosopher King'?

>> No.3592293


not really. jest kinda witty for an imperator. all he ever wrote was just a greek exercise too.

>> No.3592306

One of the few philosophers who was actually practical.

>> No.3592308

I think so.

He wasn't the King of Philosophers, but he was bretty gud for am Emperor. Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics," Montaigne's "Essays" and Marcus Aurelius's "Meditations" changed my life for the better.

The summa theologica by Aquinas is a book I want to read, but it is so fucking long. Would probably take me a few months to go through it.

>> No.3592310


I mean in the sense of Plato's concept of philosopher kings.

>> No.3592311
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>Not Julian the motherfuckin' Apostate

"Apostate." What a badge of honor.

>> No.3592326

Do you even ancient Greece besides plato/aristotle?

>> No.3592331


>imblying Heraclitus got us anywhere

>> No.3592333

Haha, hairy clitus. Nice name.

>> No.3592335
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>> No.3592340
File: 2.72 MB, 2550x3300, Edgy_Magazine_by_Susumari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3592355

This is exactly why this board sucks and I'm leaving again.

>> No.3592358


Aw, man, come on. We were just having some fun. Don't leave yet :(

>> No.3592365

But he was never really much of a philosopher, the meditations are a hypomnema, the title itself is "writings to myself". Its a fucking diary he wrote to help him live like a stoic, and all his philosophy is derivative of other thinkers.

Also, he wasn't a particularly exceptional emperor, he just did his job and didn't suck at it like Nero or Caligula.

>> No.3592367


I don't know if you're being cheeky or just stupid...

>> No.3592379

He also brought the empire 100? years of war by giving it to his son.

>> No.3592410

As much as I like stoicism, Romans (as usually) totally fucked up the philosophy and used it to justify their most indefensible horrors, namely their imperialist wars and the Colosseum. Aurelius wasn't much better than the typical Roman.

>> No.3592443

>namely their imperialist wars and the Colosseum.
Are you trying to say that imperialist wars and (to our mind) cruel practises/passtimes were somehow unique to the Romans?

>Aurelius wasn't much better than the typical Roman.
lol what is the 'typical Roman'?

>> No.3592450

Not him, but Julian was a pretty cool guy.

Also Marcus Aurelius kind of fucked over the empire by naming his son as his sucessor, which undid a lot of the good of his reign

>> No.3592455
File: 171 KB, 429x480, diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3592494

Frederick the Great


>> No.3592499

What's wrong with Rome's imperialism? They were literally conquering savages, bringing order where they went.

>> No.3592513

>What's wrong with American imperialism? They were literally conquering savages, bringing order where they went.

>What's wrong with Muslim imperialism? They were literally conquering savages, bringing order where they went.

>What's wrong with Chinese imperialism? They were literally conquering savages, bringing order where they went.

>> No.3592531


>No knowledge of Ancient Philosophy.

Your stupidity is showing.

>> No.3592534

The Native Americans lost.

>> No.3592603

hahahaha you remind me of my step grandmother who watches fox news and writes down what her televangelists tell her.

>> No.3592610

Presaged much of Christianity without the taint of Jewish subversion. All in all, not bad.

>> No.3592618


I'll bite: what's "wrong" with any of these things? In other words, what would be better about their not having occurred?

>> No.3592689

I'm pretty alright about how I'm governed now. I'd just wish it was easier to find an appartment for rent.

>> No.3592700

'cultural marxists' call immigration cultural enrichment, /pol/ calls invasion cultural enrichment.

>> No.3592740


how is "there are no morals" not practical?

>> No.3592744


yep, i lelled

>> No.3592745


What are you talking about? Nero was awesome.

>> No.3592941


bump. Someone name 3 bad things about Roman imperialism.

>> No.3592974

>tfw you read the opening chapter of the meditations and burst into treats because he's so damn thankful

>> No.3592988

>tfw you're such an ungrateful cretin that anyone who exhibits any degree of thankfulness is a broken floodgate

>> No.3592989

>and burst into treats

Pinata put down that book. You can't even read.

>> No.3592992

They resulted in the deaths of thousands.

They spread a centralized form of government that, while relatively efficient compared to despotism, ultimately grew highly corrupt and ineffective

They spread values of Roman decadence which were thankfully counteracted by Christianity and later Islam

>> No.3592996

He will always be my king

>> No.3593011


'roman decadence' didint become a thing until later, romans were notorious ascetics compared to other major cultures at the time, like the greeks (in fact, the idea that 'good roman morals' were being corrupted by rising immigration [especially from those hellenistic boyfuckers] was a comon theme in the politics of the republic and early empire).

>> No.3593016

and American imperialism didn't become a thing until later, either

we're talking about wholes, not subsets

>> No.3593464

oh well then Roman imperialism set the stage for the Renaissance

>> No.3593639

>bump. Someone name 3 bad things about Roman imperialism.
It was an unstable system that worked only while there was an easy source of slaves.

Once all the neighboring countries were already enslaved, the Roman Empire predictably collapsed.

>> No.3593671

It stayed alive in the East until 1453 and reconquered Rome a few times.

>> No.3593678


thankfulness is not something that exists within our culture nor was something to be expected of an emperor in his time

its moving because in spite of him being given a divine right to rule (and godhood in death) he subordinates himself in a way to all those who have taught him how to be a good person

he taught me above all else to always be thankful for one's teachers and that's a very important thought to me