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3620239 No.3620239[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"I finally got a job," said the youth sarcastically.

Is there a phrase that better summarizes this generation /lit/?

>> No.3620248

>not living the literary life

>> No.3620246

Yes, why the hell is he being sarcastic? Most people my age would be thankful to get a job!

>> No.3620252

>Is there a phrase that better summarizes this generation /lit/?

Better than you.

>> No.3620250 [DELETED] 

no, cause i just quit my job

i hope i didn't do it because of lit

>> No.3620257

The idea is they haven't got a job and that they're not really trying to get one, I think.

>> No.3620262

But that's not really true

>> No.3620274

'Why won't people pay attention to me?' said the youth.

>> No.3620275

learn to read
get a useful degree
get a well paid job

>> No.3620276

You're being stereotypical.

>> No.3620292

am i the voice of my generation?

>> No.3620297


Yeah but that's not really true. At least not of anyone after leaving school. Most kids I know work harder, do more exams and spend more time in education than their parents did in order to get a decent job.

My contribution would be this:

"This isn't the world I was promised." said the youth.

I don't mean to mock young people or support them with that statement but I think we are a generation that was brought up expecting to have better lives than our parents, that things would be easier for us and in fact we have come to learn we will have things far, far worse than they did.

Generally though, I don't buy into the whole generation bullshit. Just a way of people trying to attach meaning to their lives, to say they were part of a generation without ever actually doing anything, just living in a time period.

>> No.3620301


>> No.3620305

"My bachelor's degree finally pays off!" said the youth sarcastically.

This one is better

>> No.3620310
File: 256 KB, 1280x853, 1364696584146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


''Gib monies plox'' said the entitled middle class youth having just graduated a liberal arts degree and now saddled with a huge debt.

>> No.3620316

i like this one

>> No.3620318

what is it that they feel that they're entitled to?

I didn't know America, I assume you're American since you sound like an idiot, still had a middle class.

>> No.3620321

"I finally got a new iPhone," said the youth sarcastically.

>> No.3620328

"What is the point of all this?" said the youth sarcastically.

>> No.3620330

"I am being sarcastic." said the youth sarcastically.

>> No.3620338

I think he's Canadian. The pic mentions McGill, which is a university in Montreal.

>> No.3620339

the filename says he saved it from 4chan, dummy

>> No.3620346

"Why does everyone insist on using dialogue tags?" asked the good writer.

>> No.3620348

"Got fired," he laughed.

>> No.3620349

Why would he be making judgments of a group with which he doesn't interact?

>> No.3620354

"Is this the birth of an epic new meme?" said the youth sarcastically

>> No.3620355

I honestly was not expecting /lit/ to reply this much. The meaning behind the phrase is that the youth did not get the job, and bitterly 'jokes' that he did. It contains the growing trend of my generation to be as disingenuous as possible, and relates it back to the terrible economic conditions that even college STEM graduates are facing (the 3 year experience requirement for entry level jobs is spreading to STEM fast).

>> No.3620368

you're really dumb

>> No.3620375

I'm just messing with you. You're absolutely right.

>> No.3620566

>what is it that they feel that they're entitled to?

Insulated middle class babies going to university college for the 'experience', racking up huge debts in the process, and then demanding a job when they realise that their libart degree was worthless and maybe, just maybe if they were a little more forward planning they could have done a degree which would have actually been desirable in the current and future economic climate e.g. engineering.

Instead these entitled shits go on OWS marches and protests making utterly ridiculous demands which remove any credibility that their stance may have originally had.

Does that make sense for you child?

>> No.3620573

>The meaning behind the phrase is that the youth did not get the job,

If he didn't get the job why would he be saying it at all, even if sarcastic?

Just sounds like whining.

Real life shitposting.

>> No.3620575

>"Eugh, so my bachelor's degree finally pays off..." said the youth sarcastically.

>> No.3620584

>Liberal Arts
>This is what STEM Actually believes

From what I've seen STEM and Liberal Arts folks have a pretty shitty time finding work. I know we haven't hired that many engineers and the only group that's really expanded is the Sales and Marketing team (Which requires basically a pulse with a diploma as you can train the technicalities).

When I'm on a interviewing team I don't really care about the degree, I mostly care about "Would I want to work with this person for eight hours a day, and can he do the job." The shiny degree is just to get past the HR pencil pushers, no one after that really looks at it.

>> No.3620630

This.. doesn't really make any sense

>> No.3620718

I just thought he got it by accident and didn't want it, which is better.

>> No.3620727

>When I'm on a interviewing team I don't really care about the degree

All this tells me is that you don't hire for the technical positions...

>> No.3620762

should be ironic instead of sarcastic but yes, solid sentence. #relevent

>> No.3620782

>"This isn't the world I was promised." said the youth.
That's not just our generation, though. That's just life.

>> No.3620783

I do but they are given significantly less weight than over-all personality. I don't want an "autist" on my project team (I'm a Project Analyst). I mean yes, the degree certainly helps but 80-90% of it's value is just getting past HR. By the time you're at the interview stage your academic background is pretty nill, and that's especially true once you have about a year or so under your belt. I work with people ranging from EE Majors to Communications. My background is History. It's a big tent.

>> No.3620792

This. No, seriously. When you get down to it, 'you only live once' is a profoundly atheist statement - and we are the first generation to grow up without religion, without the promise of some sort of life after death. That changes everything.

>> No.3620793

"I'm meant to do great things." Announced the youth with egotistical pride, unaware of what true sacrifice entailed.


>> No.3620811

Best iteration of OP's post, if you ask me.

>> No.3620816

"lol" said the user that had nothing to contribute.

>> No.3620831


That's me.

>> No.3620838

He knew that if he spent less time on Facebook he was destined for greatness.

>> No.3620847

This captures OP's sentiment in a MUCH less ugly way, but I would say that's more the generation that was in their 20s in the late 90s/early 00s than the 'current' generation, if you ask me. Times have changed. Money matters a bit more now, if just from a 'I don't want to starve' standpoint.

>> No.3620856


tumblr in a nutshell

>> No.3620857

Man the amount of times this has been me in the last couple of weeks

>> No.3620860

But I did that last year.

>> No.3620871


>the first generation to grow up without religion

No, we're the first generation where people vocalize their youthful doubt of religion. I hope you realize that a lot of people doubt religion in their youth, and always have.

>> No.3620880

>She shook her head at the offending article and felt immensely self-righteous.

>> No.3620891


>"They're oppressing my sexuality!" She said, before sending a goodnight message to her online asexual girlfriend who identifies as a tree, and going to bed angry.

>> No.3621489

>if just from a I don't want to starve standpoint

How true is that really though? Nowadays just about everyone has a roommate or two - or they have no issue moving back in with their parents, which was almost unheard of 10-15 years ago.

Money matters more now because of inflation and stagnating wages, but people are figuring out that the whole going it alone route makes no financial sense.

>> No.3621944


An engineering degree is in demand - it doesn't matter where you go in the world, there is demand.

No one gives a damn about someone with a libart degree as they are not in short supply.

>> No.3621948

>and we are the first generation to grow up without religion

Laughing soviets.

(You can probably trace it back much earlier though).

>> No.3621949

What about being a youth that is an atheist doubting atheism?

>> No.3621952
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>> No.3621953


>> No.3621965

>can he do the job

No shit, that's what the five year education that comes before the degree is for.

>> No.3621971
File: 186 KB, 847x1039, jenn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is gold.

>> No.3621975

Haha is that true?

>> No.3621993

>liberal arts
>not the soul of the human experience
>not important
It's a shame people don't (or can't, really) go to school to just learn anymore. It's always for money, or some business purpose.

It's getting more and more oversaturated all the time. I graduated HS last year and a good 20 or 30 kids were going for engineering. That, and some people just aren't cut out for STEM jobs. I know I'm not; math and applied sciences go right over my head.

>> No.3622021

I'm so fucking poor right now. Fucking Baby Boomers.

This isn't me encapsulating our current generation; I'm just complaining.

>> No.3622023

No, it's not true, you dumb cunt.

>> No.3622067
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>> No.3622072

I think he means 'pretence'

>> No.3622198

>It's getting more and more oversaturated all the time.

Well, let's see what are the most in demand professions in the world and where?


>> No.3622266

"I like digging ditches" Tom said, laboriously.

>> No.3622269

'Pretence' designates a form of action; 'pretension' designates a substance. Which one does it make the most sense to be able to smell?

These are important questions.