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/lit/ - Literature

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3722788 No.3722788 [Reply] [Original]

Your friend asks why you read rather than something else (movies, video games, music, etc.)

What do do you say?

>> No.3722792

"I like a challenge."

>> No.3722793

I ask why my friend cares

>> No.3722795

I walk away because he wasn't my friend in the first place.

>> No.3722798

But I watch more film/tv and listen to more music than I read.

>> No.3722804

B-but, I enjoy all of those other things too.

>> No.3722808

The tone is not meant to be argumentative.

They're interested in knowing more about you.

That's too bad.

Ok, but the time you do spend reading, why do you do it?

>> No.3722810

>Your friend asks why you read rather than something else (movies, video games, music, etc.)
Because it's much more fun than your repetitive, corporate-drone-designed media made for retards.

>> No.3722813

I slap his girlfriends ass and then ask him if he's ever written a 10,000 word exigesis on DFW's oevure.

>> No.3722816
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>> No.3722817

This. Keep in mind I'm 140 pounds and hold Ph.Ds in both Classics and English Literature.

>> No.3722818

Probably because my parents read to me almost every night as a child.

>> No.3722822

because I read a lot while on transit, or waiting for people, or in the bath, etc. I watch plenty of movies or shows, but I have more time available to read.

Music is fine, gets my imagination wandering but reading totally engrosses you once you get into the flow. Gives something to think on after, and a good book can keep you quite entertained.

>> No.3722830

>or in the bath
do white people actually do this? I thought this was something white people only do in tv/movies like wearing shoes in your house and stupid shit like that

>> No.3722832

>white people do X and Y the movies told me so!

>> No.3722833

lol different person, but i just read in the bath for about an hour. how is that at all on the same level with something pigdisgusting like wearing your shoes inside?

>> No.3722836

>wearing your shoes inside is a faux pas now


>> No.3722841

condensation, and water being absorbed by your book, getting your book wet by wet fingers, relaxing in a pool of your own dirt and filth. seems pretty comparable to me.

>> No.3722843

*water vapour

>> No.3722846

If you're advocating for the Asian practice of not wearing shoes inside, then you should also be aware of the Asian practice of washing up and rinsing off before setting foot into the bath. The bath is for relaxation, not cleaning.

>> No.3722849

>Asian practice of not wearing shoes inside
isn't solely an "Asian" practice.

>> No.3722853

Turn the tables and asks why they chose a dumb hobby.

>> No.3722861

If your careful no significant harm befalls the book, and I do indeed wash before getting in to the bath.

>> No.3722862


>> No.3722865

>The bath is for relaxation, not cleaning.
Do you also drink red wine and light candles to help relax or is that something exclusively practised by white women? And do white men have some equivalent practice?

>> No.3722866


>the Asian practice of not wearing shoes inside

That's not an "Asian practice", it's something all civilized people do.

>> No.3722869

and by "Asian" he probably means Japanese

>> No.3722871

Is your world-view completely derived from film and television?

>> No.3722874

No I mean Asian. I've never been to a white/black person's house where this is done, but my two Asian friends (both Laotian) practice it.

>> No.3722875

are you implying your worldview of poc isn't?

>> No.3722879

Of course not. Stop projecting.

>> No.3722882

For some odd reason, I tend not to be in the same room as white people when they take baths, fortunately, so alas, I have no first hand knowledge of this particular matter.

>> No.3722887


I've never met anyone who wears shoes inside their house. That is barbaric.

>> No.3722888

projecting what? that it's impossible to know everything about everyone so we rely on film and television to help understand one another? that's not projecting bro that's the truth

>> No.3722894


Having fun grading those papers?

>> No.3722896

>that it's impossible to know everything about everyone
Why should that lead to:
>we rely on film and television to help understand one another

Can't you just accept that you can't fully understand people unless you personally get to know them? Why would you decide to plant an image in your head of a group of people that was created by a bath soap company's or the writer of a sitcom?

>> No.3722895


>> No.3722893

All my white friends do. It's so bizarre.

>> No.3722905

I don't grade papers, I get paid simply to maintain my intelligence.

>> No.3722914

I enjoy reading and have as long as I've been able to read. I still like music and anime though.

>> No.3722919

you seem more offended that it's white people being stereotyped than actual sterotyping.

>> No.3722924

Nothing I've said implies that. I'm guessing you just have nothing to respond with.

>> No.3722947

>drinking red wine and lighting candles is exclusively the domain of white woman
Are you an alien?

>> No.3722960


Wut is that delicious looking creation?

>> No.3722961

i say it's because of the same reason you watch movies, play video games or listen to music. because it's what i feel like doing and beyond that is none of your fucking business you twisted little arrogant shit.

>> No.3722974

White men seem to have issues with their masculinity so I didn't want to go too far.

>> No.3722979

I never wore my shoes inside.

>> No.3722980

You're beyond clueless.

>> No.3722989

As a white guy in a very white part of the US. Most people take there shoes off. Really trashy people tend not too. Imagine the mess in the winter from not taking your shoes off!

>> No.3722991

das racis mang

>implying savouring red wine while sniffing aromatic candles isn't the epitome of french masculinity
>inb4 >french >white

>> No.3723013

You don't belong here. Try again next year, maybe.

>> No.3723028

It's a different thing from those other things.

Reading is nuanced, and there's, at least to me, more to get out of reading than most of those other things.

>> No.3723040

I don't have a bath tub but the only thing I do under the shower is just stand there, so recently I have taken it to reading under the shower. Sometimes the pages get wet but as long as you hold the book high in the air it generally shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.3723045

Because reading is satisfying and, because I don't care to deconstruct, I'm sure you won't mind if I leave it at that.

>> No.3723096

I respond by asking if he's going to finish his meat pie.

>> No.3723097

Seriously, it looks so appetizing.

>> No.3723108
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>not saying PROSE B4 HOES


>> No.3723113
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>Wearing shoes indoors
Stay pleb.

>> No.3723118

Not everything people do is because of their race, you know.

>> No.3723123

Your monochrome friends are barbarians.

>> No.3723126

"We are no longer friends"

>> No.3723127

What a waste of time writing on dfw.

>> No.3723133

"What are you talking about, retard? Can I have my Bruno Schulz book back yet?"

>> No.3723137

"I like reading. There aren't enough good movies to occupy my spare time, but music and literature are always in surplus."
I don't tell them that I lack the focus required to pay attention to most films without having to rewind and check what someone just said. When they ask y no vidya, I just say I don't really like them. What I don''t say, is that video games are worthless wastes of time, and that I'm prone to abuse them.
I do listen to more music than I do read.

>> No.3723140

"Why do you spend your time cramming your head full of shit and popping soma, p-pleb?!"

>> No.3725456

'Most movies are just a rehash of the same plots and formulae with same 12 actors. Everything is resolved by 'pew pew' or 'slosions.'
'But books are the same-'

>> No.3725472

I'm the original OP and you can imagine my confusion to see this bumped after almost 24 hours. Did you just like the picture in the catalog? It is a beautifully flaky empanada isn't it?

>> No.3725491

No, I'm the original OP.

>> No.3725504

My life is regular enough as it is. I go to a job. I have a wife and two kids. I drink with friends. Week after week, it is the same thing. When I reach the end of the week, I prefer to think back and say "Damn, that was fun reading such-and-such" instead of "Damn, I managed to beat two videogames!" Nothing wrong with games or movies, but I hardly think my experience with Persona 4 is something I'd need to pass on to my kids.

>> No.3725508

Reading makes me think more than ___ does. I like the stimulation.

>> No.3725510

What are your dreams? Is leading a regular life fulfilling enough?

>> No.3725522

Because it's fun

>> No.3725548

because my imganation is better than the directors

which is true
WHen ever I have watched a film then read the book then gone back and rewatched the film,I have always thought the film sucked even if I original ike the film

examples of that are: a scanner darkly,fight club and American psycho

>> No.3725559

I get a bath then get washed in the shower

>> No.3725571

Of course it is, but the hobbies the OP mentioned (games, movies) aren't really going to enrich my life at all. Music does, but on a smaller scale. Reading adds something to me. As I get older I try to do/say/think things that are actually worth it.

>> No.3725587

>tfw two of my illiterate (black) friends actually asked this

>> No.3725647

Because reading is one medium among many that allows ideas, insights, etc to be transferred from one to another and it works the imagination in the process like no other and is possibly the only way very complex stuff can best be transcribed and then analysed thoroughly by the reader.

>> No.3726454


Why choose?

>> No.3726464

I watch movies, play video games and listen to music more than I read. I read because there are a lot of books that are interesting, original and thought-provoking which wouldn't suit the medium of film, video games or music.

>> No.3726478
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I don't read *instead* of watching movies, for instance. I do both, and when I read I read because there are things only a book can offer me. There are also things only a film can offer me.

>> No.3726652

like? i don't see what ideas can't be translated to those mediums

>> No.3727596

this is really the crux of the question. what is to be gotten out of reading that can't be gotten in other mediums?

i am not trying to be antagonistic, i enjoy reading more than anything else

>> No.3727634

I say...

"Remember the last time you read a book, and then watched a movie based on it? It was shit wasn't it? Because a power of imagination only possible from books, transcends any other form of media or entertainment. The depth of character, setting and emotion, from a book, is more deeply personal than anything that can be fed to you from a screen, for the simple reason that it comes from your person, something called your mind, in fact. It takes every sight, sound, feeling, and emotion you've ever experienced and wraps it in a beautiful form of a boundless world where anything is possible; that is as close as we can get to magic."

Wouldn't actually say that, i would seem like a prick

>> No.3727657

that's not a bad answer.

>> No.3727659

I like to try my hand it many things.
I also watch anime, read VNs, play games, watch films, make and listen to music, write poems, do graffiti, paint on canvas and occasionally watch commentaries of porn.
That's not what I'd actually say, I'd say "because".

>> No.3727667

I'd tell them because I wanted to.
Or I'd tell them OP is a shitposting faggot, which is also true.

>> No.3727675

Why is trying to discern the motivation for doing what we do (and what this board is dedicated to), shitposting?