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3757245 No.3757245[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has your life improved, or degraded since a year ago?

>> No.3757251

both I think

>> No.3757255

Improved significantly.

>> No.3757260

Ah the joys of stagnation

>> No.3757264
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>so vague

who makes these threads?

>> No.3757270
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>> No.3757271

Neither, my life has been the exact same for the past 4 years or so, and not in a good way.

>> No.3757276


>> No.3757282

Stagnation is merely a slow degradation

>> No.3757297
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I don't know. A year ago I was still together with the girl whom I thought to be the love of my life. Since then I've been quite miserable, but I've also grown both intellectually and as a human being in general. Some things are worse, some things are better. Such is life.

>> No.3757305

My circumstances have improved but my mood has gotten worse.

I moved out from under my parent's thumb, I have some friends instead of none and some actual money, but I'm even less happy.

I don't know where this puts me.

>> No.3757307
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great thread OP

>> No.3757314

I don't know, OP. It's a good questions. In some ways it's infinitely better, and in others, it's significantly worse.

This time of year is never a good time of year, though. I suspect things will improve come summer and fall.

>> No.3757337

Improved but cornerstone issues still remain, I'll make it though.

>> No.3757351

In some ways it has improved. In others it is far worse.

A year ago I had a healthy relationship with a girl I liked a lot. We weren't dating, but we were 'together' I guess.

Now I don't have that. Our relationship was destroyed by my volatility, depression and alcoholism.

However, a year ago I was fucking up my education and was about to get kicked out of sixth form because I never turned up to class. I also didn't have any friends beyond the one girl.

Now I'm getting straight As and will probably go to a decent University in a few months. I still don't have any friends, but I make them easily and will probably have a bunch when I go to University. University will also be an opportunity to have friends who I share hobbies with.

So I don't know, I guess yes, I guess no.

>> No.3757352

Degraded and stagnated.

>> No.3757359

>A year ago
facing homelessness
No job
my work is turning to shit

house-sitting a mansion
About to show a series of works
About to travel across the world

I would say 100% improvement.

>> No.3757370

I'm in a foreign country, I have no drugs or free time but I have a girl and future prospects

I guess it's about the same

>> No.3757646
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A year ago I was looking for work or having a job. Now I'm on welfare. So I went from wanting to die to wanting to be immortal.

>> No.3757662
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>About to show a series of works
what does that even mean