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3763331 No.3763331 [Reply] [Original]

What is your philosophical justification for smoking?

What is your philosophical objection to smoking?

>> No.3763340

Smokers are reckless.

Non-smokers are cowards.

That's about it.

>> No.3763346

slow way of committing suicide

plus it looks badass and my favorite writers smoked

>> No.3763348

I smoke because it feels good. I do it away from non-smokers because it makes them feel less good.

I maximize utils.

>> No.3763350


I don't smoke because I don't want to introduce all those toxins and carcinogens into my body. Additionally, I would have to pay. I would have to pay to poison myself. That sounds like a bad deal. I can do many better things with my health and money than waste it in this manner.

>> No.3763391

I like being alive, that's why. And there are multiple drugs that don't harm you and are better. And ecigs, too. Not much philosophy there.

(there is, actually)

>> No.3763422

>What is your philosophical justification for smoking?
>What is your philosophical objection to smoking?
The answer to both is preference

>> No.3763427

I used to smoke, but it made my clothes smell like shit.

I also swear it made the gap in my teeth widen. My gums are already receding, man, I don't need that crap.

>> No.3763431
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Many people often come up to me and ask me why I smoke.

Well shit, why DON'T you smoke?

I smoke because it brings me joy. I like inhaling a small tube of paper-wrapped tobacco and exhaling it making a nice cloud of smoke around me. I like having a cigarette before brushing my teeth or having coffee in the morning because it brings me a sense of relaxation and comfort. For a few minutes, I dont give a shit about my dead-end job or crumbling social life. I dont care about the fact that Im 25 and still haven't even fallen in love or even dated anyone for longer than 2 months at a time. I dont care about how I will probably miss my rent this month for the 3rd consecutive time in a row and will be one step closer to being kicked out.

None of that bothers me when it's just me and the cigarette. The entire world can go fuck itself for all I care. It has become the last refugee for me.

People like to go on about how it's bad for your health and yadda yadda as if they're the fucking pinnacle of human health. As if they aren't breathing the same fume-filled air I breath. As if walking for 2 hours in a heavily-industrialized city isn't the same as smoking half a pack of cigarettes.

Give me a break. I dont mind non-smokers, but don't fucking come up to me in public and start interrogating me or attempt to get me to quit when Im trying to hold unto whatever tiny bit of sanity I have left.

>> No.3763433

I actually don't smoke but I love the way it makes clothes smell, especially after a long time. Like, nothing smelt better to me than clothes I wore the previous day while associating with smokers.

>> No.3763438

I am addicted and it makes me feel good

>> No.3763436

this post might've just gotten me to smoke again


>> No.3763439

I don't smoke because I don't want to be a slave to cigarets.

Once you start smoking you are simply obeying an impulse meaning that you are not acting freely. You are a slave to your desires.

>> No.3763447

Again, there's weed. Which doesn't increase you risk of having an ACV.

And music too. Listening to Sufjan Stevens voice every morning on the bus makes my life cooler than any cigarette possibly could.

>> No.3763473
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i've tried smoking cigarettes a few times but it's like it's stabbing my lungs
i'll take fatass rips from a bong or blunt and its still nothing like a cig hit
plus i don't even feel anything
i'll stick to my dank thx

>> No.3763478

You typically start out with lights instead of jumping to the heavy shit.

If lights stabbed your lungs you've got some shit-tier lungs pal.

>> No.3763496

You can't rip a cigarette like you can weed. It's totally different breathing

>> No.3763519
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Okay Chuck

>> No.3763522

Why the fuck should philosophy even enter into it? I don't even want to imagine the pretentious piece of shit that considers their use or non-use of tobacco (assuming that is what you're referring to here) as a philosophical decision. People smoke because they enjoy the sensations provided by doing so, or otherwise derive some pleasure from it. People object to smoking because they take issue with some of the health risks associated with it, or else take offense at a smoker forcing them to breathe smoke filled air by smoking near them, or something like that. Doesn't need to be anything more than that.

>> No.3763529

i like to do bad things

>> No.3763550

I rarely smoke, the shit they sell in stores now a days is disgusting. When I smoke I smoke with a pipe or a nice cigarette-sized cigar. But I find it a waste of money and I haven't smoked for about a year.
People are free to do whatever the fuck they want without damaging others, getting anal about a guy smoking 50m away from you is retarded though.

>> No.3763564

Does there need to be a philosophical justification or objection to fucking smoking? Philosophy cannot solve everything, and the conceit that it can produces monsters.

My objection to smoking is that I don't want to get lung cancer. I would rather preserve my meaningless existence than embrace the inevitable in a potentially pleasurable gesture.
I have no objection to others smoking. Live and let live. Happy?

>> No.3763642

>getting anal about a guy smoking 50m away from you is retarded though.
No it isn't. Your smoke smell literally (literally) worse than an open latrine. Just because you destroyed your sense of smell by abusing drugs doesn't mean you can force others to smell your shit now.

>> No.3763651

Lol fuck off. If you can't stand to smell bad things you don't deserve to leave your house.

>> No.3763762

Cigarettes Are Sublime by Richard Klein is a great book to read about why we smoke.

>> No.3763792



>> No.3763799

Imagine how you'd fare if you had to deal with the real world. The worst thing you'd smell wouldn't be the odor of a vegan shit every 2 days, tightass.

>> No.3763812

Dude you need to live and let live. I don't smoke, but I really don't mind being around smokers. In fact, some of the best people I know are smokers and, because of the good times I've had with them while they were smoking, I've actually come to enjoy the smell of cigarettes. Wake up the next morning and my clothes smell like cigarettes? Good news! You remember how much fun you had at that party where everyone was smoking? Yeah. FUCK yeah!

Which brings me to my next point. Why has nobody yet mentioned the social aspect of smoking? I considered starting smoking so that I could take smoke breaks with people at work. If you're a smoker, you just have that many more chances to talk to people, bond over a cigarette, and make friends. Shit, that sounds like it could be a fair trade for the health problems.

Plus, fuck what all anti-smoking advertising campaigners say. Smoking DOES look cool!

Like I said, I'm not a smoker, but I get it. ...And I think that collectively, we've come down to hard on smoking.

>> No.3763822
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Cigar smoker here. I tend to smoke sparingly, but grew up around it.

I don't smoke because I grew up around it, but because I was curious. I studied and learned which flavors and style of cigar best suit me and what other stimulants (Bourbon or Brandy) they go with. There's a great rush or relaxing that comes with smoking. Though like all things it should be regulated by moderation.

>> No.3763827

OP, I think it's mainly because one day I'll be able to afford something better than Bond Street or WHITEOX


>> No.3763835

ohhh you...
were you paid to write this?

>> No.3763837

I don't have to philosophically justify it. I enjoy the feeling. That's about all the justification I need.

>> No.3763842

Because it adds enough to my life now to make up for what it will take away later.

>> No.3763843

>wasting this much time replying to someone who is most likely a troll

the trick is to only respond to moderately voiced posters

>> No.3763851


But it's the nicotine you like. Why not smoke ecigs and avoid the later health issues? Plus, it doesn't hurt that they're less expensive.

>> No.3763852

I started smoking because I thought that second hand smoke was the best smelling thing in the world, and I still think that, and I think that anyone who disagrees is lying, the same way people will say that certain foods don't taste good only after they find out they're bad for them.

Anyways, I still enjoy second hand smoke more than first hand smoke. It reminds me of my childhood maybe. I don't know why, but the smell and taste of smoke when you're actually smoking is quite different than when you smell it second hand. Maybe I ought to get some tobacco scented incense. I still smoke though, mostly because work is boring and it's easier to say, "alright, I'll go for a smoke break in an hours time," than it is to say, "alright, just 8 hours of this shit and I can go home."

Somewhat tangentially related, although it's not exactly the reason why I smoke, but I've begun to think that American culture is obsessed with health and longevity, such that they're ready to give up whatever might make life enjoyable so they can live a longer life. It seems a way to convince one's self that death in not inevitable. Eat enough greens and not too much red meat and maybe you'll live forever.

The most terrifying thing today after terrorism is "preventable death." To me unpreventable death seems just as bad, if not worse (because it's coming for you no matter how much kale you eat).

>> No.3763859

I had my existential menarche when I was seven. Face it, i'm going to end up killing myself anyway.

>> No.3763861

>The most terrifying thing today after terrorism is "preventable death."

Damn /lit/, sometimes you are just quotable as hell.

I'm not saying I'm taking this exact thing, but I'm going to try and capture the idea of this into something.

>> No.3763864

fine by me. probably stole it from Baudrillard anyways.

>> No.3763867
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I have little, apart from my dislike of addicts (it consumes their identity) and posers (they never had one).

I think you're overlooking the actual problem with smoking, not that it is addictive and bad for your health, but that society forgot to tell people about it untill a good deal of them were hooked and coughing their way to the grave.

>> No.3763874

I think addicts usually have more identity than health-obsessed generics.

>> No.3763876

True. They get a kick out of being healthy, so they're addicts as well if it turns into an obsession.

>> No.3763880

>I think addicts usually have more identity than health-obsessed generics.
Lol. U truly are hardcore.

>> No.3763881

Its true. Gym monkies always think they've found the magic bullet to a better life and try to tell everyone how wrong they are all the time.

Addicts tell you about their last trip or when they got arrested for pissing on a little girl when at noon when they thought it was 3 am.

>> No.3763899

I dont know if you're trying to do that whole passive-aggressive ironic bit so many 'le epic cool dudes' on 4chan do but shit, I'm right.

All you can talk about with a /fit/izen is some how much GAINZ they've gained this past week or how much they can deadlift.

With stoners, druggies, junkies, whatever it's a whole lot more interesting. They'll talk to you about how many different drugs they've tried, how it made them feel, what they dreamed of while high, what they saw in those dreams, what even got them into this drugs in the first place, all kinds of stuff. It's infinitely more interesting than hearing about how many cm your bicep grew every fucking time we talk.

The more I think about it, the more I hate anyone who gives a shit about his health more than he should. I guess it's just not for me, I guess.

>> No.3763915


All you can talk about with an addict is some how much WEED they've smoked this past week or how much they can smoke at once.

With athletes, /fit/itzens, sportsmen, whatever it's a whole lot more interesting. They'll talk to you about how many different regimes or diets they've tried, how it made them feel, what they dreamed of while exercising, what they saw in those dreams, what even got them into this discipline in the first place, all kinds of stuff. It's infinitely more interesting than hearing about how much weed you smoke every fucking time we talk.

The more I think about it, the more I hate anyone who gives a shit about his drugs more than he should. I guess it's just not for me, I guess.

>> No.3763917

Yeah, epic storiez, bro. Gripping, hardcore stuff. (https://encyclopediadramatica.se/Ripper))

>> No.3763920

I... Wow.

I felt like typing this big thing out in response to this, but it basically boils down to:

>I lift
>It's okay if you don't
>Why are you so mad though?

If you go to /fit/, you are going to get /fit/izens. Don't go there.

There's a weird false dichotomy between being physically superior and mentally superior, when you can be both through training and studying respectively. There is literally not a single reason to not do both. The very idea of not being everything you can be is extremely strange to me.

>> No.3763925

>the only drug i know is weed

Confirmed for teenager. No further response issued.

>> No.3763927

Your post only serves to prove my point.

>> No.3763930


Neither are interesting. The interesting people are those cubicle workers who go about their day quietly. What do they think about all day? You've got to have an active imagination to survive such a mundane job.

>> No.3763931

>being everything you can be

What the fuck for.

>> No.3763935

>the only exercise I know is weight lifting

The point was to show how silly your argument was

>> No.3763939

Because there is no reason not to. There is a logical imperative.

>> No.3763941

Except it wasn't. Do you have any fucking idea how many drugs there are and how different highs there are?

Sports, in ANY shape or form comes nowhere near drugs. The two aren't even comparable in terms of interest-levels.

>> No.3763943

Of course there's a reason not to. It's fucking useless. A waste of time.

"oooh geez yeah look at that 6 pack we're all really impressed..."

>> No.3763950

Most people like to improve themselves or create something that requires effort.

>> No.3763952

but there is as little of a reason not to not to as there is merely not to

>> No.3763954




>> No.3763958

>The more I think about it, the more I hate anyone who gives a shit about his health more than he should.


I mean, who even knows what it means to be "healthy" anyway? People do all kinds of things because "it's healthy for you." But how do they know that? They either just read it in some magazine that's trying to sell copies by preying off of people's insecurities about their body, a news article doing more or less the same, or they heard it word-of-mouth-style from someone who read it from one of the previous places.

Authorities in any culture have always been endorsing this and condemning that on the grounds of health, but nobody knows.

>Never eat oysters--they're bad for you. They're bottom feeders full of all the muck and waste at the bottom of the sea. You'll get poisoned.

>Eat oysters--they're good for you. They're bottom feeders full of all the muck and waste at the bottom of the sea. It'll give your system a "workout."

The same kind of thing could be going on with cigarettes.

inb4 >science and shit
The scientists are just the modern day authority. ...and they change their tune all the time. Remember when Pluto was a planet? Did you know that it's not anymore?

>> No.3763959

It's not logical to expel energy for a something you don't find worthwhile. I enjoy laying on the couch looking at the ceiling a lot more than reading a book about music theory.

>> No.3763963
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>tripfag talking about wanking

>> No.3764015

>Non-smokers are cowards.


Why would someone well aware of the disgusting health effects smoking has on ones body (temporarily and long term) be a coward for not wanting to smoke?

You better not be one of those YOLO retards who thinks one should try everything for the sake of trying everything...

>> No.3764019

>Why the fuck should philosophy even enter into it?

The best way to live one's life?

For pleasure? To be aware of consequence of actions? Wilfully partaking in an activity that has high risk of becoming addicted = slave etc.

>> No.3764020

>I have no objection to others smoking.

Then comes the social and health problems of second hand smoke, smoking in public places, people are knowingly increasing their risks of many diseases which down the road almost certainly necessitate health care intervention etc. In a society with a socialised healthcare don't you think a persons health choices becomes something of a public concern?

>> No.3764022

>I don't have to philosophically justify it. I enjoy the feeling.

But you've just philosophically justified it by taking the hedonistic answer?

>> No.3764024

I like to smoke because it makes you focused and alert. I wish that state of mind could last longer. I can't smoke anymore because it affects your stamina and I need to ride my bike daily.

>> No.3764025

What is your philosophical justification for smoking?
to look edgy
What is your philosophical objection to smoking?
edgy is bad

>> No.3764026


Both are pitiful. You can get 'characters' from both groups though.

>> No.3764027

All this weakness comes from you neo-natal failures.

Premature babies stuck in plastic boxes going around telling people how to be health when 30 years earlier they would have been bio-waste out back.

>> No.3764032

hah, the hardcore guy, somebody still remembers him

>> No.3764033


You're not making any sense.

You get health-nuts obsessed with the latest fad diet or fitness regime but you can also live a good life with moderate exercise, a good diet and still enjoy other stuff.

>> No.3764039

Premature babies born in the 90 and 80s are now becoming people with a voice. Most of them underweight and feminine of build, going around telling people how they health when in a world of unaided natal care would have left their weak bodies to die.

Genetically inferior twerps who barely made it past birth, are voicing what they think and tell the rest of us how to live ,like not smoking, because of their paper thin immune system.

>> No.3764050

The fact that someone was born prematurely has no bearing on their understanding of health. You're stupid.

>> No.3764054


No, but the weakness of their biology is propagated. The people with these deficiencies then exert their issues over people that don't share them and assume the weakness of their body is a normal thing for everyones else.

>> No.3764059

what the fuck is going on

>> No.3764058

Go masturbate to your 1920s eugenic theory somewhere else.

>> No.3764064


I can prove this works with a single word.


They bathe, drink and shit in the ganges river. Those fuckers still manage to make it to 70 or 80. And really, once you get there, what's the point of going past it?

>> No.3764070

Yeah, all of them except the ones who die before then.
What a ridiculous thing to think.

>> No.3764071
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It's a kind of procrastination.
I enjoy smoking now, the dying is a problem for later.

Pic related

>> No.3764072

>All them peoples that died!

Nearly 2 billion inhabitants in India...

>> No.3764089

Yes well done.

>> No.3764887

>my man

Anyways, I would like to smoke to defy the absurdity in existence, but in the light of this, even smoking is absurd.

I don't know.

I'll probably pick it up later.

>> No.3764905

No joke, Ayn Rand defended smoking as rational because it represents the fire within. Then the bitch got cancer and went on medicare. HA!

>> No.3765949


Anyone who does any drug or drinks or smoke simply because they think it looks cool or adds some deeper character traits to them are idiots.

I smoke because I like to, it has always felt good and gave me something "to do" when I am bored. I used to do Heroin for the same reasons and I only quit because I was tired of waking up sick and having to go out and score just to get through the day and having to spend $550 a week to do so.

>> No.3766750

Philosophy doesn't really have anything to do with it for me. When I smoked I did so because it was simply enjoyable to sit down for a little while and smoke cigarettes. When I decided to quit I did so because it's bad for you, most people can't stand the smell, it's expensive, and after I'd gotten very addicted I didn't like that loss of control over myself. I still get cravings.

>> No.3766760

don't smoke because asthma

>> No.3766764

old fashions go great with cigars

>> No.3766785


>> No.3766790

Because smoking is consuming nothing. The most sublime action.

>> No.3766797

tastes good, nice buzz, helps with constipation, perfect for social situations since there's nothing worse than being solely occupied with a conversation. especially if we're standing. i wouldn't know what the fuck to do with my hands.

>> No.3766815

Smoking is the ultimate sign of a weak man.

>> No.3766825

“I like to think of fire held in a man's hand. Fire, a dangerous force, tamed at his fingertips. I often wonder about the hours when a man sits alone, watching the smoke of a cigarette, thinking. I wonder what great things have come from such hours. When a man thinks, there is a spot of fire alive in his mind--and it is proper that he should have the burning point of a cigarette as his one expression.”

>> No.3766828

>i wouldn't know what the fuck to do with my hands.

hold his hips

>> No.3766829


lel, tailoring standards of weakness relative to your personal taste is a sign of a weak man.
men who can't let out honorable aggression in their lives pick out "vices" as leverage for their own hollow sense of "manhood",

>> No.3766837


zingading mofuka

>> No.3766838


Nothing to do with my personal taste, beta. The admen know their marks, and you've been selected. "nice buzz, perfect for social situations lel" You've been conned, fuck boy. Social situations didn't need enhancements before Joe Camel told you they did.

>> No.3766860


lashing out at someone on the internet is a piss poor surrogate for honorable aggression you ass-pounded epsilon-male faggot, try again

>> No.3766866


also your boorish contempt for admen is strikingly american. they market a product i happen to like, get over it you thickheaded fringe-theory retard.

>> No.3766867
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>Winston Churchill was a weak man
>My own Grandad who worked in a coal mine for 40 years to feed his family was a weak man because he enjoyed smoking cigarettes

Just fuck right off.

I know smoking is addictive. I admit I am addicted. But I'm addicted because it gives me pleasure.

I'm smoking a cigarette right now and drinking a nice cup of coffee and listening to this with some great headphones on;


Right now, all I feel is total bliss.

But once this cigarette is finished, I have to return to a world where people like you exist.

Perfect, happy people, with no vices, who are automatically strong-minded and successful because they never took up smoking.

>> No.3766873

Lifelong non smoker here, in my 30's

The only people I talk to at work on my lunch breaks are all smokers.

>> No.3766882

>You've been conned,

Do people really still think this way?

>> No.3766885

I retain the liberty of self ownership and I can consume what ever I see fit.

>> No.3766891


Churchill was a drunken cunt, you know nothing about history faggot.

>> No.3766894


lel, dont you know?
the only way to not get "conned" nowadays would be to fuck off to some desolate forest and live off acorns and wheatgrass for the rest of your life.

as long as capitalism holds dominion, we'll have disgruntled retards like him heroically "fighting the system"

>> No.3766896
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>> No.3766905
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Churchill was one of the greatest men of the 20th century, you know nothing about history faggot.

>> No.3766916


i can smell the fedora from here

>> No.3766920

Seems like such absurd behaviour to me. Not just because its unhealthy...I mean just look at it.

>> No.3766930

I don't give a fuck if people smoke, but I do prefer that they ensure their smoking does not negatively affect me. For instance, at restaurants or bars smoking ruins the palate and flavor of food/drink. I also object because I don't want the health repercussions for either me or my family. I also hate when I go to a bar and when I get home, my clothes smell fucking terrible.

So I guess my philosophy on it is, do it if you want, but don't let it impact me.

>> No.3766956

Thanks for the laugh, you poor delusional mongoloid.

>> No.3766964

>three replies

I'd read your posts, but you've already lost. From a glance, it was the usual incoherent bullshit. So pathetic.

>beta appeal to relevance

Another sign of male weakness: passive-aggressive non-points.

>> No.3766966

feels good

>> No.3766978


>Gets his ass handed to him
>You've already lost
>Point made about out-dated ways of thinking
>Passive-agressive non-point

Awful show.

>> No.3766987

Tobacco smoke is tolerable, but weed second-hand smoke is unbearable, I'd rather bitch about that.

>> No.3766991


>> No.3766997

haha, the only thing that's pathetic here is your dishonest evasiveness. female reproductive organs detected, post asl you coy little slut

>> No.3767019
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>> No.3767029

I want to die.

We all do.

>> No.3767048


Do you actually want to argue intelligently or are you happy to jump to name calling? You could at least explain why you think that he is delusional instead of calling him retarded. I happen to agree with him.

>> No.3767088


>> No.3767110

pretty much this...what's the point of living 10 years longer if you don't have an outlet for relaxation. Stress hurts you more than smoking, so in my mind they balance out.

>> No.3767184

I know it's a poison. But there's things inside of me I'd like to kill.

>> No.3767665
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Tobacco is a drug.
People are mistaken, they think the most dangerous thing about drugs is that it addicts you.
Wrong, the most dangerous thing about drugs is that it changes the way you think, changes your opinions, and makes you extremely defensive about the subject, as if your existence were threatened by the question.

Ask any alcoholic what he thinks about alcohol: alcool is harmless, besides he is not hooked, he doesn't drink first thing in the morning.
Ask a cocaine user, cocaine isn't that bad, besides I take it only 2 times a months see?
Ask a prescription pill junkie: since the drugs he is taking are sold in pharmacies, it must be safe right?
Ask a fat as fatass hamplanet about his unhealthy relation to food, and you will have HEALTH AT EVERY SIZE
And of course, ask a smoker about tobacco and you will have >>3763431
>People like to go on about how it's bad for your health and yadda yadda as if they're the fucking pinnacle of human health. As if they aren't breathing the same fume-filled air I breath. As if walking for 2 hours in a heavily-industrialized city isn't the same as smoking half a pack of cigarettes.

All these reactions are the very definition of rationalisation, and you rationalise to protect you because you KNOW, deep down, that what you do is retarded.
I'm not judging you, you smoke, that's ok, but please stop making excuses, or fucking stop smoking. Choose one and only one

And soon you will have HEALTHY EVEN IF YOU SMOKE movement, aka smoking for manchildren. Oh wait it exists already, pic related

>> No.3767674

I bet you think creationism is a valid theory
Sweet sweet summer

>> No.3767675 [DELETED] 

>smoking cigarettes rather than taking snuff


>> No.3767679

>And soon you will have HEALTHY EVEN IF YOU SMOKE movement, aka smoking for manchildren. Oh wait it exists already, pic related

The research is still mostly out on whether vapor cigarettes are as bad for you, but they certainly aren't "healthy". Nicotine itself is still a problem.

>> No.3767683


>> No.3767694

exactly, and that it is why it's a scam

It works because millions of manchildren smokers don't have the character strenght to make a choice for once in their life, either smoke and don't worry about it or don't smoke, no middle ground

Every e-cig smoker I have met was a immature hipster or wearing a fedora.

>> No.3767698

What kind of cigs does /lit/ smoke?

>> No.3767711


Camel wides before I quit.

I only quit because none of my friends are smokers and I felt like an ass every time I was like "think we could step outside so I can have a smoke?" or alternatively, started coughing my lungs out because I hadn't had a smoke. I got up to around a pack a day before I was like, nah I should stop.

I will still have one here and there, but not very often at all. Haven't had one in weeks.

>> No.3767716

Something my old teacher used to say

Smoking is bad... mmmmkay?

>> No.3767723

Wow, it's like people are actually defending things they enjoy doing! Unthinkable, truly we have stumbled upon the next great thinker of our era.

You're pretty stupid if you think smokers aren't aware of the dangers of smoking. Smokers don't actually care, but there comes a time where the non-smokers become more annoying than the smokers themselves, so additionally to not caring, they simply throw in well-deserved derogatory remarks towards militant non-smokers. Do not mistake these remarks as excuses to smoking.

It's like I'm really on Facebook in some #STOP SMOKING OMG group.

Those black lungs are absolute horseshit, Ive asked loads of doctors and interns about it and they all say they usually show you 80 year old lungs of a person smoking 3 packs a day since they were 9. Sensationalist nonsense.

Let me guess you've also stopped eating meat after you saw what they did to those "poor wittle cows n baby chickens ;(" in slaughterhouses too right?

>> No.3767739

>doesn't inhere a fraction of logical coherence
>being this irrational
>being this delusional
enjoy your cancer, i guess

>> No.3767742
File: 18 KB, 300x406, 1342870246089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well forumlated post regarding subject at hand

>ur wrong ur wrong ur wroooong alallallalal cancer cancer ;_;

You're a shining example, pal. Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.3767751 [DELETED] 



My nigger. Snuffing Fribourg & Treyer's High Dry Toast at the moment.

>> No.3767766

>well forumlated
if 'well formulated' = 'loaded with infant-like, fallacious and emotionally inflated outbursts of a casual teenager' then alright
наслаждайся раком, братан

>> No.3767771

Yeah my argument is so badly-made you haven't been able to address even one point thus far, instead bitching "b-buh t-that's a fallacy.. ;_;"

>> No.3767773

I don't like the taste, I don't like the smell---particularly the way it clings to fabrics and hair---I don't want to be addicted, and I don't want to harm my health for something that I wouldn't enjoy: I'll risk my health a little for those things that I do like, though. I just make sure to watch my intake of salt and to eat lots of vegetables to get 'em nutrients.

>> No.3767814

Non-smoker here.

Why does there have to be this dichotomy of "smoke or don't" that you've constructed? Smoke---aware and uncaring of the health effects---or don't, but don't smoke e-cigs, which may be neutral but are probably unhealthy, but certainly aren't as bad as real cigarettes? How ridiculous. How utterly ridiculous. This is like saying we should either put our lips around the exhaust of a car and breathe in, or go out into the country, because in the city we're still breathing in some of the fumes.

>> No.3767824

You're pretty stupid if you think smokers aren't aware of the dangers of smoking. Smokers don't actually care


>> No.3768001 [DELETED] 


E-cigarettes are nasty, why not use snuff, which has been proven to be non-carcinogenic? And its effects on heart-rate and blood pressure are comparable to coffee. It doesn't even raise my blood pressure, just makes my heart beat about 6BPM faster if I take a big pinch.

>> No.3768040

>why not use snuff, which has been proven to be non-carcinogenic?

[citation needed]

>> No.3768044



Use of smokeless tobacco products is common worldwide, with increasing consumption in many countries. Although epidemiological data from the USA and Asia show a raised risk of oral cancer (overall relative risk 2·6 [95% CI 1·3–5·2]), these are not confirmed in northern European studies (1·0 [0·7–1·3]). Risks of oesophageal cancer (1·6 [1·1–2·3]) and pancreatic cancer (1·6 [1·1–2·2]) have also increased, as shown in northern European studies. Results on lung cancer have been inconsistent, with northern European studies suggesting no excess risk. In India and Sudan, more than 50% of oral cancers are attributable to smokeless tobacco products used in those countries, as are about 4% of oral cancers in US men and 20% of oesophageal and pancreatic cancers in Swedish men. Smokeless tobacco products are a major source of carcinogenic nitrosamines; biomarkers of exposure have been developed to quantify exposure as a framework for a carcinogenesis model in people. Animal carcinogenicity studies strongly support clinical results. Cancer risk of smokeless tobacco users is probably lower than that of smokers, but higher than that of non-tobacco users.

>> No.3768066

Because I want too.

>> No.3768115 [DELETED] 


They're talking about moist snuff which is used orally you idiot.

>Now that the latter has been heavily restricted, the idea of consuming powdered tobacco is once again attracting a following, not least since the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer 2004 report found that nasal use of snuff did not provide conclusive evidence of a link with cancer.


I don't feel like finding the original study, though I have it on my HD and have read it.

The EU had another large nasal snuff study which found no cancer risk. In Europe nasal snuff does not carry a cancer warning, just the more vague "this tobacco product may damage your health and is addictive".

>> No.3768149


Looks like it's not having the desired effect on your writing capabilities.