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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 198 KB, 432x640, gurl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3819326 No.3819326 [Reply] [Original]

I want to read literature simply so I can be impressive to hipster/artsy type girls.

Help me out.

>> No.3819328

step one, get a rope

step two, go to a tree

>> No.3819330


>> No.3819334

I'm just imagining this hypothetical conversation

>what are you reading right now anon?
>ever heard of cyberpunk? it's really cool and action packed
>oh... hey i gotta go

That isn't gonna cut it.

>> No.3819337


Tired of the cock, uh?

>> No.3819338

>Catcher in the rye (NO other J.D.S. books EVER)
>Fahrenheit 451
other highschool reading books,
BOOM done, women are not able to appreciate literature in the same way men can and will only claim to like quirky and random books to appear cultured

>> No.3819344

if only women would understand the complexities of space opera.

dyson spheres and slipstreams aren't that hard to understand

>> No.3819349

my friend is dating a QT and they're reading Brothers Karamazov together

>> No.3819351
File: 49 KB, 1548x200, murakami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go

>> No.3819358

even by the standards of this incredibly dumb thread / dumb topic, you are still an incredible, incredible idiot with no understanding of the world as she exists

jesus fucking christ, even given the stupidity of taking this topic seriously, you've given the worst, stupidest response possible. what a shitshow.

>> No.3819367

Here's what you do: buy a copy of Infinite Jest -- make sure it's 1st edition. Always carry it under your arm no matter where you are. I don't care if you're in line for a burrito, bring it with. Next, everything you say needs to be a quote from Camus, Sartre, Foucault, and Zizek.

>> No.3819373

no that is retarded

>> No.3819384

i'm going to make up a book.

"They Lied There in the Fields"

by R. E. Clements

>> No.3819385

What do you mean, you called me stupid 4 times but gave no reasons why I was wrong, are you implying women actually have the intellect to enjoy the context of books, not just the image associated with them?

>> No.3819391

its true murakami is #1 for hipster girls. i do however find him a very good writer.

>> No.3819396


It is scientific fact that it is not possible to hold Infinite Jest AND eat a burrito at the same time. Henceforth, your suggestion is invalid.

>> No.3819397

because even given the already stupid opinion that women only care about the image of books, and that pretending to like books solely to get with women is a good thing to do, you still gave incredibly stupid unrealistic advice. it's kind of amazing actually, you started in an incredibly stupid place and then went even further down. even if you think that women are stupid and care only for the image of books - which is a stupid thing to think - they still know about more books than the random books they read in high school, unless you're talking about 17 year olds

i could go into more detail about your idiocy but i gotta jet, later

>> No.3819399

it depends on how cool. a girl you're looking for OP, if you want an avg highschool-urban outfitters fuck this'll do >>3819338 , if you're gonna jump for coachella bitches >>3819351 but for psuedo-pomo english/phil major you'll be leaning on dfw, pynchon, don't forget focault (queer theory) and pro-tip give a misunderstood explanation of deleuze & schizophrenia, one she can relate to (ironic-not-ironic, hipster-not-hipster omg so me) they want to feel their mindset/personality is relevant and pomo.

But for a really cool girl with taste that isn't derivative (ie not >>3819358), you're gonna have to be cool yourself to impress. if she can't see right through your act then she isn't worth committing to relationship, imo

>> No.3819406

>focault (queer theory)
She would laugh in your face for that one.

>> No.3819402

It doesn't actually matter what you read or if you read at all. The key is to say things about the books that sound profound or that give off the impression that you know what you're talking about, and those things are going to vary depending on the intellect/experience of the girl.

Above all, it is important that you sound detached when you talk about these things, though.

>> No.3819413
File: 66 KB, 670x870, 1363465315532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>vagina detected

>> No.3819424
File: 2.60 MB, 1600x1200, Laughing patricians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta put in a new tampon hun?

>> No.3819430

take a break from the internet because you take it way to seriously

>> No.3819437


She's right, though. Those recommendations were terrible. Guy clearly didn't know what he was talking about.

>> No.3819442

really lit, stooping to call people girls as insults?

This is my first summer here, I started in the winter, is it really going to get worse? I can't remember it being this bad.

Also OP you should only really read what you find stimulating, but girls and people in general will like any book you're reading as long as you can speak on it eloquently.

>> No.3819447

Ironically read some vintage pulp novel you picked up off ebay, and say you found it at the secondhand store you frequent, of course. Find a way to compare it to Camus and talk about how you admire how "raw" it is. Then, hopefully she's drunk on PBR (or whatever hipsters drink these days) and desperate, because otherwise I don't see you having a chance.

>> No.3819459

I'm sure neither of them understand it.

>> No.3819463

>putting people down for no reason

A bit old-hat for this board, isn't it?

>> No.3819469


Describe your vagina to me, please. Be as detailed as possible.

>> No.3819470


Fucking lold in this thread

>> No.3819480

Yes those recs were shitty, but "hipster" girls have awful taste in books so it answers the OP question

>> No.3819481

I bet you're a girl

>> No.3819482

its hairy and gross, I dont shave or shower because it is my freedom as a woman

>> No.3819486
File: 278 KB, 2500x2220, Summer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats up bitch?

>> No.3819490

looking at OkCupid profiles. Girls often list Murakami, Palahniuk, Junot Diaz, Nabokov, Hunter Thompson, Bukowski, Sedaris. They really list Murakami a lot though. Yet talking about books has never lead to a date so.. yeah being a reader doesn't seem to impress. Maybe if you wrote those books it would help you.

>> No.3819498

>Hunter Thompson,
Does anybody actually LIKE this garbage, or do girls just go
>"hurrr drugs edgy and rebellious fuck the power hurrr please fuck me"

>> No.3819499

He is insulting the poster by saying she's made it obvious that it is a female posting. It is generally considered a mark of low merit, on 4chan, because the desirable female poster is expected to be indistinguishable from any other anonymous poster, gender is only acceptably announced when relevant. Maybe it is unfair to have this prejudice held against female posters, but it's rooted in a long relationship between attention-seeking females and white knights on the internet.

You're meant to lurk on a board (lurk means to read threads but not post) until you get a firm grasp of the culture.

>> No.3819503


Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice. Does it smell like zip-lock bags and fresh new tennis balls or like musk and socks?

I want to lick it.

>> No.3819518

Aye, I did that. Indeed I came here from /co/ quite a while ago and I do remember there still being misogny then. However >>3819397
did not ever clearly state that they were female, and so I felt that the reaction of >>3819413
was unjustified.

More to the point, why can't /lit/ seem to get over girls posting on there secret treehouse?

>> No.3819521
File: 281 KB, 800x800, 1370294226004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desirable poster
>moral imperative
roody-poo pls

>> No.3819534
File: 61 KB, 450x485, 10-angry_cat_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3819546

fuck it's 1:15 why am i arguing on the internet good night

>> No.3819549


Don't forget to wash your smelly vagina!

Good night, sweet princess.

>> No.3819560

You don't understand, being able to discern gender via the post what he's accusing the poster of, it's a break of anonymity. Of course, it's unfair for the weight to hide cultural cues in voice solely on the female posters, but it's only natural considering 4chan's voice is overwhelmingly a male one. The simple fact is, it's a breaking your anonymity, even if it was just by indulging in emotion in defense of the female gender. I'm not denying there isn't a large undercurrent of misogyny in 4chan's culture that the lack of politically correct and gender-equal treatment is informed by, but that's a result of the very anonymity it's intending to protect, in the same way lurking intends to protect the culture.

You could also see it simply as the post being stupid and useless and angry and upset. It just called the other poster dumb repeatedly with no solid points or arguments made. It would've warranted insults in whatever topic, his was the relevant insult for this one.

>> No.3819566


Don't waste your time. She's gone to wash her vulva.

>> No.3819573

>those times where OP is an honest-to-god faggot

>> No.3819574

at least she'll touch one at some point in her life

>> No.3819593

>wasting your time responding to childish insults
female or not, this is the reason the butthurt feminists ITT are being ridiculed. full disclaimer: i'm on your side.

>> No.3819864

can i replace murakami with Kazuo Ishiguro

>> No.3819921

So does this mean that /lit/ does not like murakami?

>> No.3819925
File: 30 KB, 420x314, 400_300_larry_david_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed for newfag

>> No.3819945

I liked Remains of the Day. What Murakami should I read? I know Kafka on the Shore is supposed to be good or whatever but it's 900 fucking pages. I could do a significant bible study or read several classics in that span.

>> No.3820043

I'm not sure, I'm almost finished with Norwegian Wood right now and I enjoying it pretty well.

>> No.3820075
File: 136 KB, 445x291, scaruffi and cds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's named after a Beatles song, isn't it? I can't take that intellectually seriously.

I guess I will read that though since that appears the only popular one of his works that isn't inordinately long. Thank you.

>> No.3820082

All his book titles are namedrops.

>> No.3820086

He confirmed himself as a newfag you moron.

>> No.3820113

Girls are either airheads and superficial (Most of them) or very acute at picking up guys who are faking it.

So just be skinny and wear shitty skinny jeans and walla.

>> No.3820836

girls are stupid lol ! i doubt they can even read.

Just say you read poetry on-line and she will want the d.

>> No.3820839
File: 21 KB, 200x306, 200px-Inherent_vice_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being seen reading this in Starbucks will get you tons of bitches OP, guaranteed

>> No.3820846

>sitting alone in Starbucks reading Finnegans Wake
>cute hipster girl approaches me
>start trembling with fear
>"Hey! You're reading Finnegans Wake? Is it any good?"
>"I-I think you'll find Finnegans Wake transcends the normative good-bad dichotomy, actually"
>she says she doesn't understand
>snort with laughter
>coffee spurts from my nostrils, along with a single strand of spaghetti
>panicking, I swiftly pull the tablecloth to my nose and blow
>more spaghetti falls out
>try to catch it all in my fedora, but it quickly overflows
>the girl is staring at me in horror
>I stand up, knocking my chair over, and sprint towards the door
>trip on a string of spaghetti that was dangling from my nose
>as I crash to the floor a wet bubble of bolognese sauce escapes from my ass
>attempt to stand but slip on a meatball that has rolled out of my trouser leg
>by now everyone is laughing hysterically
>I try to explain the opening sentence of Finnegans Wake but my mouth is full of spaghetti
>start vomiting uncontrollably
>the spaghetti wraps itself around my neck
>can't breathe
>beg for help but no one can hear me over their laughter
>before dying, make my last confessions:
>"I have no idea what's going on in Finnegans Wake!"
>everything goes black

>> No.3820852

Hipster/arty type girls doesn't want to discuss books, just namedrop something and look a bit forlorn and WHAM! You get to pork her.

>> No.3820856

also try to brush up your skills on music namedropping. Mentioning shit like Varese or John Cage will make them crave your phallus no matter how unimpressive it is

>> No.3820867

nice copypasta

>> No.3820872


Porking a hispter cunt is one of life's delights.

They like it in the crapper.

>> No.3820879

>be me in class
>reading To the Lighthouse during religion lesson (with stupid and old teacher)
>girls from other class enter
>girly hipster approach me
>"A-are you reading Woolf?"
>"Yes, why so surprised?"
>Because I have a big glans

>> No.3820883


you mean she might let me put my dick in her toilet

>> No.3820888


Kind of, yes. Try it and report back.

>> No.3821272


>> No.3821297

Welcome to my life, OP.

Catch-22, BNW, 1984, Slaughterhouse-5, other entry-level literature.

>> No.3821305
File: 6 KB, 222x227, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most women's interest in literature is extremely superficial and shallow. They like to pretend to like literature so as to project an air of class and sophistication (because their feeble minds thinks that will lure a desirable man).

Most of what girls know about literature can be watered down into John Green videos, sparksnotes, Tumblr posts, and squidoo (and derivitives) articles.

It's quite pathetic really, going around, wearing black rimmed glasses while dickin around on a mac. At first it disgusted me, now it elicits nothing but pity from me. These poor stupid creatures so desperate to find a demographic niche where they are more desirable than the larger breasted women at the clubs.

That's another thing, you tend to find girls who are lower in attractive quality who are "into literature". The actual hot girls can just lay around and do nothing but enjoy the hedonistic fruits dangling all around them.

So I'll bring this to a close, the women who purport to love literature just pretend to in order to look "classy" and attract a niche demographic male (a guy who likes literature) so they can go to hipster bars with their vintage clothes and black rimmed glasses and pleasure themselves on alcohol (usually paid for by the "guy who likes literature).

It's really all quite disgusting isn't it?

>> No.3821308

>I want to read literature simply so I can be impressive to hipster/artsy type girls.

where do you even find these kind of people?
i really should attend some art lectures next semestre.

>> No.3821315

Well what do YOU know about literature?

>> No.3821320

I hate these threads. They send both male anons and female anons into full retard mode.

>> No.3821326

More than you, or you'd have recognised that picture of Don Quixote he posted.

>> No.3821330

isnt that schoppenhauer?

>> No.3821337

I think it's Heihachi Mishima.

>> No.3821339

HA HA HA get/a/load/of/this/guy.mobi

>> No.3821342
File: 951 KB, 1257x650, 131312312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw i am not even this guy:>>3821315

no idea what's wrong with you fags.
if you want to shitpost fuck off to /b/

>> No.3821347

Ha nice. I think it would be fascinating if women were actually honest about their whorish tendencies and inclinations. In their defense, it could be unconscious and instinctual.

Lol i'd love to put that as my facebook update:

"Are women deliberately prostitutes or unconsciously prostitutes?"

>> No.3821351
File: 809 KB, 1132x610, Screencap_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try Jerry but anyone can see you've doctored that image.
Real screencap related.

>> No.3821357

>Nice try Jerry

is this some kind of idiomatic expression?
because this happens to be my real name.

>> No.3821362

This thread has now become turboautistic.

>> No.3821432

>using the word turbo

>> No.3821453

joyce ulysses, it works every fucking time.

>> No.3821456
File: 175 KB, 760x551, turbo_tastic_by_exoticparadox-d5la56c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread has now become turbotastic.

>> No.3821475

anything by Kundera
and some Baudelaire
chicks dig it
oh and the great gatsby cause now is a movie

>> No.3821510

Ok, now what?

>> No.3821539

>not going around telling females your favorite author is Faulkner

fucking amateurs.

>> No.3821795

Good news! The only reason hipstergirls carry around books is to impress gullible fags like u op

>> No.3821802

Good one. Actually credible. I will start using it now.

>> No.3821832

> They send both male anons and female anons into full retard mode.

That is the reason I personally love them. But again, I'm wicked.

>> No.3821906
File: 54 KB, 320x240, hannibal-lecter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread must have made the stomachs of female /lit/izens turn in self-disgust.

They'll look at their bookshelf filled with books they never read. They'll take off their black rimmed glasses and curse themselves for spending 500$ on them. They'll go to the mirror stripe themselves naked and lie to themselves that despite their breasts being small, they're still plenty fuckable and desired. They'll go to the fridge and over-dose on calories and sugar in the form of frozen lactose.

They'll go to sleep completely dejected and insecure all the while thinking "maybe anon was right, maybe my whole life is a shame. Perhaps women truly are inferior to men".

You'll wake up feeling no better, still hating yourself. You're emotions of self-hatred and loathing will become unberable. You have to do something to alleviate all the anxiety you're feeling over what that brilliant anon said.

"The truth? Fuck it, you're emotions are more important than the truth"; this is what you'll either think or think unconscionably. You're mind will then begin to concoct a fallacious defense mechanism to help you deal with your self-hatred and hypocrisy. You'll find your scapegoat.

-Feminism: it's because of the oppression of men that I am shallow and superficial. Hell I'm not even shallow and superficial, it's men who are shallow and superficial. DOWN WITH MEN!
-Denial: "Oh I'm just being silly, I'm a charming and enchanted creature. So long as I stay cute and charming, everything will be alright and guys will buy drinks for me"

There are many more routes to take, but few women ever take the path of truth. To accept their limitations and actually try to become learned in literature. To stave off going out and socializing and instead burn the midnight oil in scholarly achievements. That's the hardest and most arduous path, and it is the path least likely for women to take--hell even men.

Carry on femanons of /lit/, back to your lala land of denial, scapegoating, and projecting.

>> No.3821926

Well actually it is very very easy to read.
Also consider the following: My german copy has less than 900 pages and the words-per-page-count is way under the average. Given that german texts are significantly longer than English versions (I assume you are English speaking), your copy must have a really low word-per-page-count. It's not that long, IIRC I read it in 3-4 nights.

>> No.3822012

The only thing women have in common is menstruation.

That is, don't assume someone falls into a stereotype until you know them better. If a girl *seems* to be the generic, pretentious, faux-nerd hipster type, don't assume she behaves and lives her life as such until you can very firmly extrapolate it from her tendencies and mannerisms. Treat stereotypical women (and people in general) accordingly.

I would caution against judging on appearance as, much to the chagrin of 4chan's Cult of Schopenhauer, some women do actually read as an end in itself. And treating those women like your average empty-headed hipster cunt does not tend to leave them with a favorable impression of you.

>> No.3822080
File: 479 KB, 490x315, 5823-smile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this more enjoyable than I would ever admit to in real life, hence the caped persona of my pic related

>> No.3822122

>Found this more enjoyable than I would ever admit to in real life
Why are you such a hypocritical coward?

>> No.3822145


>> No.3822159

are you female

>> No.3822294
File: 575 KB, 1000x675, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused me about girls love of Murakami.

I can understand girls liking to read about a wealthy alpha male that must a girl (Nicholas Sparks, 50 shadess), but Murakami protagonists are usually passive male slackers that can barely muster the energy to find their cat. What gives?

>> No.3822321

Woman construct an ideal of themselves through their choice of books. As with Murikami, it's about building a picture of themselves as open minded and multicultural. Murikami is shit, but if you read him, then you're a modern multicultural accepting liberal. They think it's exotic as fuck as well - him being yellow and so strange: lol, I'm so unique since I read such weird books, I really must be something special.

Fuck I hate Murikami and every single piece of shitty fangirl he has.

>> No.3822332
File: 105 KB, 400x400, 13706044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's another thing, you tend to find girls who are lower in attractive quality who are "into literature". The actual hot girls can just lay around and do nothing but enjoy the hedonistic fruits dangling all around them.

Never in the history of mankind have truer words been spoken.

>> No.3822345


I have never met a hipster that likes Murakami and in fact everyone else I know who likes his book are men.

>disliking books based on their fanbase alone
>even getting that wrong

>> No.3822376

He expressed disrespect for the author and his brand, not murakami's actual books. What anyone considers a "hipster" varies, but IQ84, Kafka on the Shore, Norwegian Wood are pretty commonly associated with (~highschool/freshman level of tasteless, dated gentrified williamsburg-esque) hipsters, definitely on the female side. Men would be reading Ryu.

Just google murakami hipster, I'm sure you'll get huffingtonpost and thoughtcatalog posts.

>> No.3822426

O, but that's were you're wrong; I have read Murikami, namely Kafka on the shore. It was the worst book I've ever read. Then I started noticing which kinds of woman who read him and praise him - they're the worst kind of people, and make existing around them a constant pain - it's like the staring into the nothingness of the soul, but instead of feeling dread and screaming against the meaninglessness of their existence and actually do something about just how fucking boring their lives are, they read Murikami, and feel enlightened and intellectual.

>> No.3822434

>disliking books based on their fanbase alone
Why shouldn't this be an honorable reason to dismiss an author? If he attracts the sort of people you loathe, then what could possibly come about of you reading him/her?

>> No.3822440
File: 366 KB, 2399x2399, mbv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read Kundera. bitches love Kundera

>> No.3822465

I hear cyanide is a great way to impress the "hipster/artsy type girls"

>> No.3822468

I fucking hate you people.

>> No.3822471

>1) Actually read for enjoyment
>2) Go to the gym
>3) Try attracting women by being an interesting person instead of using bandaid solutions
>4) Stop being such a shit, you don't know you are one

>> No.3822502

>tfw no girls are into exit-level literature

>> No.3822523

this is very true

>> No.3823729


>> No.3824356

which still is time wasted compared to bible study

>> No.3824362

3. build a swing
4. invite the kids in the neighborhood to play

>> No.3824363

>implying small breasts aren't the best

>> No.3824379

>small breasts
>Feeding muh big ol' baby

I don't think so Tim.


>> No.3824383

Kill yourself.

>> No.3824386
File: 1.85 MB, 399x300, daily_gifdump_369_19.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen honey, I'm not that guy from high school who used you for practice ok? Don't take it out on me.

>> No.3824390

You never can go wrong with Master and Margarita
It's a classic russion novel, with interesting take on religion and an epic love story ifyou need that kind of hook.

>> No.3824432

What's the wind-up bird a namedrop of?

>> No.3824435

jidf pls

>> No.3824437

>you're emotions
>tfw you realize the glitches are intentionally placed
that self-compromising-author-tier postmodernism: 7.5/10

>> No.3824447

Most people's interest in literature is extremely superficial and shallow. They like to pretend to like literature so as to project an air of class and sophistication (because their feeble minds thinks that will lure a desirable person).
Most of what people know about literature can be watered down into John Green videos, sparksnotes, Tumblr posts, and squidoo (and derivitives) articles.
It's quite pathetic really, going around, wearing black rimmed glasses while dickin around on a mac. At first it disgusted me, now it elicits nothing but pity from me. These poor stupid creatures so desperate to find a demographic niche where they are more desirable than the larger breasted women or the ripped alpha male at the clubs.
That's another thing, you tend to find people who are lower in attractive quality who are "into literature". The actual hot people can just lay around and do nothing but enjoy the hedonistic fruits dangling all around them.
So I'll bring this to a close, the people who purport to love literature just pretend to in order to look "classy" and attract a niche demographic person(a person who likes literature) so they can go to hipster bars with their vintage clothes and black rimmed glasses and pleasure themselves on alcohol (usually paid for by the "guy who likes literature or the entitled woman who gets offended by the inequality of the male paying for the beverage).
It's really all quite disgusting isn't it?

>> No.3824473

>or the entitled woman who gets offended by the inequality of the male paying for the beverage

LOL that virtually never happens. Don't even try to say otherwise.

>> No.3824484

do you understand the difference between a yes or no question and an open ended one?

>> No.3824499

This is a vindictive distortion of reality. In most urban and civilised country the athletic and good looking citizens are one and the same as the well read and inquiring minds - in fact culture accompanies beauty in most of Europe's great cities, as both are usually accompanied either by great striving or wealth. This is not merely the case though in elite universities in Europe. It' 's closer to the rule. One finds similar proportions in American universities.

My experience of the elite in particular is telling: one finds basically good-looking, healthy, well adjusted, cultured people - or those to the manor born.

And that is quite a troubling thought for those neither cultured nor good-looking and vindictive. There are people who have double what you lack! High school movies of the 80s and 90s have betrayed you.

>> No.3824513

they don't read books. they're as hollow as you. if you haven't fucked them by now it's because you're too ugly or you have a terrible personality.

>> No.3824514

Well done on being just as moronic as the guy you're replying to. Quite a feat.

>> No.3824519

They say you should never argue with a fool unless you are willing to become one. Welcome to the pit.

>> No.3824524

well it has happened to me, much more than once. my brother also dates a fellow doctor and she insists in paying her side. it's actually a beneficial (entitled) thing to do. maybe it's just the circles you frequent?

>> No.3824529

You realize I was simply fixing the post I'm responding to by showing that it's the same case for both genders not just for woman? also, your idea of a civilized country sounds very constricted and invalidates the point

>> No.3824536

That is very beside the point and in no way in-validates anything.

>> No.3824542

but it does. if you constrict the definition of a civilized country too much and then use it to say the other person has a distorted view on how things happen in a civilized society, it affects the whole argument

>> No.3824551

You are pulling at straws. I haven't even furnished you with enough material to say what half this "idea of civilisation" is, because rarely I was only designating places where a certain number of traits occured which was pertinent to my point. Whether I called that designated place "civilised" or "barbarous" is purely ornamental. Good day.

>> No.3824562

I'm guessing you are leaving. You used Europe's central cities ["not only their elite universities"] as a template and also add American universities to such template. I also have no other information about this than your own opinion unless you provide me with statistical knowledge. You're also forgetting that in my distortion of other anon's monologue I didn't say good-looking men, but ripped. And again, since your view on a civilized society is central to your argument I'm not pulling at straws. Good day to you too, I guess

>> No.3824575

We could go all through Rousseau and talk about how the "civilised" world is actually barbarous or something, and I would probably agree, but the way that word is actually used in the European + colonial (americas, aus) context in which we are engaged, regardless of its ethical purity, is to designate a number of places in Europe + appendages + the near east where certain amenities and a traditional elite culture exists or has been transplanted which identifies certain traits as beautiful and certain traits as cultured and intelligent. That predominantly the cultured tend to be good looking is inarguable. Go to any of the elite schools or even the average schools, particularly where this system has originated, e.g. the headquarters of intelligence, Paris: your facile jock/nerd dichotomy breaks down against this reality. And this is without arguments of the more special sort: Intelligence lends to faces a certain charm or beauty of its own.

Statistics are misleading and there is no scientific metric for such an all too human. We are engaged in a humanistic debate. Experience and insight are what count.

>> No.3824585

If I might speculate on why intelligence and beauty are in collusion it would be this: that both are brought about by economic factors. This raises some questions (1) is it that beauty is not natural but artificial or cultural, (2) same to intelligence (3) neither are anything in themselves but qualities which enhance certain natural aptitudes through processes (cleaning, cosmetics, diet, lack of stress through financial security and good relationships giving scope to all the most beneficial manifestations of personality endowing a figure with qualities associated with the most cultural side of beauty: grace, wit, charm etc. their pedagogical equivalents for the mind to produce 'intelligence').

>> No.3824588

... I've gotten almost all my dates from being a reader and discussing books and shit.

>> No.3824590

>That predominantly the cultured tend to be good looking is inarguable
I don't know. Well-groomed maybe but I don't notice any particular difference, in natural beauty and state of body (fitness, strenght, etc.) between them and the less educated. It's enough to take a look through intellectual eminences and then take a look through my mid and poorly educated neighbors. There is no noticeable difference in the attractiveness of their looks. If intelligent people attract me more or less, because of their intellect is a point apart.

>Statistics are misleading and there is no scientific metric for such an all too human
I'm guessing the missing word is aspects or something of the sorts? anyways. there are at least solid statistics about proportion and other aspects in the attractiveness of faces that is fairly constant. Still, I can tell you that "experience", that provides anecdotal are just as and probably more misleading. So then what? You seem to be combining physical attractiveness with attractiveness in general now and avoiding again the fact that I never said good looking but ripped. I thought you were gone by now. Good day again?

>> No.3824604

Looking at intellectual eminencies is totally misleading. I am talking about a socio-economic group in toto.

Personal experience is the source of all our opinions, whether we acknowledge it or not, and it is secretly guiding both sides of this entire debate. It counts and you can't even discount it. Experience is bigger than the few anecdotes I have retailed. The question of 'beauty' as 'attractiveness', I claim, is almost entirely down to malleable factors: grooming, cosmetics, diet, stress-free conditions/financial security, in order to produce the fit and healthy person. These physical conditions coincide as a rule with the pedagogical conditions of cultured and elite schooling on the ancient European model and its satellites. Therefore I reject as a vindictive lie the ridiculous jock/nerd dichotomy. To verify this theory, look at the society of the middle ages where culture and beauty were likewise both much less common due to their shared dependence on economic conditions.

Ripped people abound more among the less educated who also tend to be more poor? This is a separate and uninteresting point. In no way does it upset the dominance of what is basically the bourgeois.

>> No.3824609

he means a guy who has a gf can't possibly comprehend karamazov.

>> No.3824636

I meant anecdotal as in from direct experience (which is a pretty constricted source of info) as opposed to hard facts... I didn't mean "the few anecdotes you provided." And taking intelligence in account for physical attractiveness (as you did) is much more misleading that taking in account the physical attractiveness of those in the higher scale of intellectual capacity (put to practice), don't you agree?

>Ripped people abound more among the less educated who also tend to be more poor? This is a separate and uninteresting point. In no way does it upset the dominance of what is basically the bourgeois.
I never made that point... I pointed out that in my post, which you started discussing, I said ripped, not good-looking. Those two stand for entirely different things. I was just pointing out that you were opposing a point I never made, as you're doing right now.

You seem more interested and compromised in verbalizing the supremacy of a social group you belong to. It's fun to see that you're the one twisting and distorting my words in a discussion you started by stating I was showing a distorted image of something. Now I'm the one who actually has to go. Anyways, enjoyed the discussion

>> No.3824659

If one more fucking faggot mentions that book, I'm going to freak the fuck out.

>> No.3824662

what's the matter, bro? didn't get it?

>> No.3824664


You seem high-strung.

>> No.3824671

Fucking sensualists

>> No.3824676

don't tell anyone but I've actually never read the brothers

>> No.3824707

aww man, you've been missing out.

>> No.3824723

I know. My brother lend it to me and I've had in line for about a year and a half now
I do trust his judgement

>> No.3824729


That's because you haven't seen him yet porking your girlfriend.

>> No.3824738

I don't see how he could, anon. Unless by gf you mean my dominant hand.

>> No.3824744


Sorry, I meant "mother" not "girlfriend".

>> No.3824752

oh but that's alright, we have an agreement. Weekends are mine

>> No.3824758


I knew she was cheating on me!

>> No.3824761

don't think of it as cheating. think of it as fulfilling her role as an empowered woman

>> No.3824762
File: 10 KB, 220x288, 220px-Victor_Hugo_by_Étienne_Carjat_1876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT : "Gurl rejected me ! they must be inferior to reject a guy so great like me. I'm gonna post that in /lit/ and claim it is humorous and the board's geist !"

La femme est l'avenir de l'homme. Ne l'oublions pas.

>> No.3824764


So, how smelly is your vagina, sweetie?

>> No.3824767

Ive been gone from this board for years and this is the first post i see -_-

>> No.3824772

"La femme est l'avenir de l'homme. Ne l'oublions pas." Said Mr. Whiteknight with a pleased smile over his face, while carrying all of his girl-friend's shopping bags (which contents he had paid)

>> No.3824774


See you next year! Bye!

>> No.3824775

lol if/when I meet a smart woman, I'll be the first to admit fault. That being said, Middlemarch was boring and contrived.

>> No.3824777

What a rhetoric ! But, even with derision, it is becoming boring as hell.
I've got some balls of steel, if you want to know.

>> No.3824782

so then you're >>3824772

>> No.3824784
File: 167 KB, 394x363, bitchimfabulous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is becoming stupid.

>> No.3824785

>I've got some balls of steel
figures. your actual ones were extirpated by women

>> No.3824786


By your very thin, delicate and fragrant skin as shown herein, I believe your balls are rather spongy and are commonly known as breasts.

>> No.3824793

Amusing. I've never thought some Anon of /lit/ were so proud of such ridiculous values as masculinity and patriarcalism.

>> No.3824799

I'm actually not. It's just that people get so pissed with this jokes. It's pure enjoyment. You are taking the internet too seriously. You should give it a rest for a while

>> No.3824801



a) Homosexual
b) Woman
c) Swedish


>> No.3824817

Most Anons is just blowing of steam. The world is becoming more and more feminised, which is bound to result in at least some frustrations. Woman a r e getting in control of things, no doubt about that. Some men feels extremely alienated in purposeless in this world, but are to afraid or under social pressure to complain about it in public

>> No.3824818

I'm the whole. And I need so much to liberate myself from durty pig-man oppression that I need to vomit on innocent men on imageboards. How pathetic I am !

>> No.3824856

Nope. It's more of a WNBA complaint. They're terrible. We're all forced to act impressed. If you don't like it you're a pig!