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/lit/ - Literature

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3831529 No.3831529[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3831533

shiny, but
put it away, please

>> No.3831535

try harder, 0/10 unrustled

>> No.3831542

Tao Lin is actually posting

>> No.3831548

you forgot the macbook pro and autism medication

>> No.3831555

>autism medication

Is there such a thing?

>> No.3831564

a gun

>> No.3831697


>> No.3831765

Picture looks like "I found a way to extract bullshit from 'literature' and put it into a drink". But even with the bullshit the thing only gets half full on substance.

>> No.3832811
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so which one of you is rodrigo?

>> No.3832815

Hilarious book. The prose in and of itself pretty much destroyed my abdominals.

>> No.3832816

> putting 4chan in a book

well i shittigity

>> No.3832817


lol is that real

>> No.3832826

I love Tao Lin

>> No.3832829

>Tao lin mentions 4chan
>we love him

Oh how simple we (you all ) are.

>> No.3833348

Is that postmodern lit?

>> No.3833356

i am not tao lin

>> No.3833363

Not delivered yet. Fucking pre-ordered it for nothing ugh.

>> No.3833369

I've recently read DFW's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again and this quote made me think of Tao Lin's writing:

“Irony and cynicism were just what the U.S. hypocrisy of the fifties and sixties called for. That’s what made the early postmodernists great artists. The great thing about irony is that it splits things apart, gets up above them so we can see the flaws and hypocrisies and duplicates. The virtuous always triumph? Ward Cleaver is the prototypical fifties father? "Sure." Sarcasm, parody, absurdism and irony are great ways to strip off stuff’s mask and show the unpleasant reality behind it. The problem is that once the rules of art are debunked, and once the unpleasant realities the irony diagnoses are revealed and diagnosed, "then" what do we do? Irony’s useful for debunking illusions, but most of the illusion-debunking in the U.S. has now been done and redone. Once everybody knows that equality of opportunity is bunk and Mike Brady’s bunk and Just Say No is bunk, now what do we do? All we seem to want to do is keep ridiculing the stuff. Postmodern irony and cynicism’s become an end in itself, a measure of hip sophistication and literary savvy. Few artists dare to try to talk about ways of working toward redeeming what’s wrong, because they’ll look sentimental and naive to all the weary ironists. Irony’s gone from liberating to enslaving. There’s some great essay somewhere that has a line about irony being the song of the prisoner who’s come to love his cage.”

>> No.3833373

Anyone have a pdf/ebook or anything? I'm a lil interested in reading his stuff but his other books sound too staid and boring for me to even bother.

>> No.3833377


>> No.3833385

Thank you.

>> No.3833401

Tao offers a glimpse of the internet-addled minds of the youth suffering from ADHD and existential crises.

That's why he is a good writer and he's books are worth reading.

>> No.3833405

No one likes him though.

>> No.3833426

He is also a bad writer because his prose is frequently awful and he seems to completely lack an editor. If he does have an editor, they are completely incompetent, perhaps equally or even more so than himself.

>> No.3833438

So what's the deal with Tao Lin, have you guys always hated him?

>> No.3833437

gotta wait a month before it arrives

>> No.3833440

I like him.

>> No.3833445



>> No.3833449

Because he's an attention whore who can't write.

>> No.3833450

He enjoys pools of semen.

>> No.3833454



>> No.3833475

/lit/ is not a single entity that agrees on everything.

Most people disliked him here for as long as I can remember. Posting threads about Tao Lin resulted in bans because of 'trolling' or 'shitposting' quite often, which should tell you enough.

>> No.3833495

I think he's prose is intentionally bad. To show the broken strands of thoughts of the new generation.

And you guys do know that even hating on him through these threads leads to his name spreading more?

>> No.3833518

>he's prose
you're prose is bad too

>> No.3833524

Your mean.

>> No.3833527

>Oh it's only ironically bad!


>> No.3833529

It's not ironic, it's just a form of representation

>> No.3833550
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>> No.3833576

What DFW got wrong is that art is not a force for good but thrives on evil.
Literature won't start talking how to fix things, but will start saying why we should do nothing, or start celebrating power.

If anyone really wanted to fix something or be responsible or improve the life of others he would not be a writer. Writing is an egoist's calling.

>> No.3833652

Just finished the book. Ending with a shroom trip was a good choice, but it was very sudden and without closure. Maybe that was the point?