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3893258 No.3893258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So tell me /lit/, what is it that everyone has against this series?
I don't plan on reading them, but I'm just curious why everyone here seems to dislike them.

>> No.3893269

it sure is hard to find criticism of these books on the internet

>> No.3893283

Yea dude I really hate this YA fantasy series about dragons that I haven't read.

>> No.3893340

I read the first chapter or two and it was a carbon copy of the LOTR. Utter shit.

Of course it could have gotten better, and hell, it probably would be fine if you had no familiarity with the LOTR.

>> No.3893438

I skimmed through it at a book shop years ago. The writings is hilarious in hilariously bad. If I remember correctly the destruction caused by a fireball (or some magic spell) is described in terms of square kilometre.

>> No.3893461

I enjoyed it when I was 12, but it is bad, cookie-cutter fantasy and terribly written with a predictable and clichéd story (which is forgiveable considering it was written by a home-schooled 15 year old). You could almost describe it as Star Wars set in Middle-Earth.

Eldest and Brisingr were equally bad although mildly better written, can't be fucked with Inheritance. I remember the film as well, that shit was terrible

>> No.3893470

They're straight up unremarkable. As with many works, the dislike of them on here tends to spring from the fanbase.

>> No.3893586

I read the first 3 books when I was younger and attempted to read the 4th only to find the writing so bad I couldn't continue past the first few pages.

>> No.3893655

I read the first one and here is what i remember.
Long time ago dragon riding magician Jedi were going around being benevolent and all.
Then this one jackass amongst them decided to go full tyranny over all non-magic users.
Others didn't like this and called out the asshole for his faggotry, he simply replied with order-66 in fantasy kingdom and hunted all other dragon riders down.
Almost all other dragons were killed in the process as well.
Now this aforementioned ass is the king of all humans and has his own little ringwraith copy group who act as his eyes, ears and fists all around the empire.
One of the old dragon riders survived and started hiding in some remote village.
Then, years later, our protagonist who is in no way Luke Skywalker, found a dragon egg and of course touched it and got burned a bit by it.
Later on the egg hatches and our hero is shitting his pants, luckily the crazy old guy from outside the town sees the dragon and recruits the boy to become his padawa... i mean pupil.
Obi wa... i mean the old man, gives the boy a magick sword that "belonged to his father" and glows blue because magic.
Then during their quest to some rebels, the old man fights one of these ringwraith clones and gets killed.
Then some more running and shit happen and our protagonist gets to helms-deep where he meets the rebels and their leader who is a princess of some kingdom somewhere.
They are attacked by the empire and they manage to fend them off.


>> No.3893685

The worst part is its characters. As the series progresses, the protagonist, Eragon, becomes more and more like a god - first he gets magic powers, then he learns to read and write fluently in a week, then he becomes the world's greatest swordsman after a couple months' time of sparring with a wooden stick.

It's even worse in the second book: he turns into a superman/elf (which apparently also makes his crotch hairless), a vegan (though he stops in the third book) and what else. Then, in the third book, he begins to show sings of sociopathy: he kills a surrendered soldier in cold blood "because there's no other alternative" (which is ridiculous, considering how he could easily make him sleep with his magic powers and hide him in a bush or something), while also murdering an innocent townsman simply to prove a point to a bunch of weak human soldiers in a battle. Freakin ridiculous. The worst part is how Paolini's other characters tell Eragon how he is so morally competent and a perfect human being - despite being a stupid seventeen year old kid.

In the fourth book, Eragon eventually becomes a god. Yay.

I won't even start on the stupid ass prose.

>> No.3893728

Eragon a fucking shit.

I read it when I was younger and only recently read the fourth book. It had some decent ideas, like how magic worked, but failed to deliver.

I've yet to meet anyone who didn't agree that Roran was fucking awesome in Eldest. Clearly the best character because he's not an edgy mary-sue.

>> No.3893762
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It's basically a shameless rip-off of LoTR.

Boy (frodo) gets out of nowhere a dangerous dragon creature (the One ring) that belonged to an evil emperor (Sauron). Later, he has to run away from his litle village ( Shire) because the evil emperor sent evil and nasty black knights to hunt you down ( naz'gul). On your journey, you receive help from an unpredictable old man, that turns out to be a wise and important character in his world (Gandalf) and that dies latter on ( Moria)

Also, the "evil emperor" story is already chiched, and the Elf chick is the eternal "damsel in distress".

The protagonist has a card board personality, the story is pretty forgettable and the "twists" are ridiculous.

>> No.3894121

>this guy read 4 Aragorn books