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/lit/ - Literature

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3913167 No.3913167 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we post our top 5 books and rate others

pic related

>> No.3913187

5/5 for including a Henryk Sienkiewicz book.

>> No.3913194


fathers and sons
franny and zooey
the clown

>> No.3913195

>Lord of the Flies

I could never get into that book for some reason.

>> No.3913203
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Something like this, I guess.

>> No.3913205

I love Henryk Sienkiewicz, shame that he isn't mentioned often here.



>> No.3913207

because its shit

>> No.3913220

A Separate Peace - John Knowles
Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro,
Stoner - John Williams
Winesburg, Ohio - Sherwood Anderson
The Moon and Sixpence - W. Somerset Maugham

>> No.3913221


>> No.3913223

The Sky is Falling
Midnight Tides
The Golden Legend
Paradise Lost

>> No.3913227
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>franny and zooey
>mah nigga

>> No.3913254

Blood Meridian-Cormac McCarthy
As I Lay Dying- William Faulkner
Moby Dick- Herman Melville
The Brothers Karazmov- Fyodor Dostoevsky
2666- Roberto Bolano

Pretty generic, I know.

>> No.3913277

Infinite Jest
The Book of Disquiet
Under the Volcano
The Invention of Morel
Runaway Horses

>> No.3913289
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Strong contender: Meditations, Enchiridion, Book of Ecclesiastes. I dunnot, it seems I can't even fit all of my "favorite" into five.

>> No.3913367

A Storm of Swords
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
The Odyssey
The Lord of The Rings
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.3913423
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Namedrop one or more of the following authors:

>Fyodor Dostoyevsky
>Ernest Hemingway
>James Joyce
>Cormac McCarthy
>William Faulkner
>Arthur Schopenhauer
>Thomas Pinecone
>Franz Kafka

Alternatively, namedrop one or more of the following books:

>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Brave New World
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Moby Dick

Congratulations! You are now on the way to become one of the mindless drones of /lit/, content to have no opinions of your own and to circlejerk in "My favourite books" threads!

>> No.3913428

Pleb coming through...

The Catcher In The Rye - J.D. Salinger
Bright Lights, Big City - Jay McInerney
Less Than Zero - Bret Easton Ellis
Generation X - Douglas Coupland
On The Road - Jack Kerouac

>> No.3913429

You mean "How to be completely ignored by /lit/ in one simple step"? Citing those authors as your favourites will just get you dismissed as an entry-level nonentity.

>> No.3913457 [DELETED] 
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Where the Red Fern Grows, Wilson Rawls
The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster
Science of Survival, L. Ron Hubbard
Possessing the Secret of Joy, Alice Walker
The Happy Hooker, Xaveria Hollander

>> No.3913459

you forgot David Foster Wallace

>> No.3913465

>Jose Rizal
>im s0 mkabayan

>> No.3913498

Read it again. It's social satire masterpiece, you whitewashed traitor.

>> No.3913503
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Nietzsche: Thus Spake Zarathustra
Lem: Solaris
Hesse: Siddharta
Miura: He's Leaving Home
Murakami: Dance Dance Dance

>> No.3913536
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Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky
War and Peace by Tolstoy
The Glass Bead Game by Hesse
Franny and Zooey by Salinger
The Fall by Camus

Seeing a lot of Dusty and Hesse, i like it.

>> No.3913540

>satire masterpiece
His sense of humor is so dry, he's too drunk with his "revolution" and ended up with nothing clever.

>> No.3913549

The first book wasn't about a revolution, you dolt. Did you even read it properly or were you too busy complaining as a teenager?

>> No.3913554

Wild Punch by Creston Lea
If on a winter's night a traveler by Italo Calvino
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman (1855 version)
Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut
(Don't have a top fifth... haven't found anything I like as much as the others)

>> No.3913560


really? the Fall? I wasn't a big fan. I thought it was good, but definitely not his best... What did you like in it? (not meant to be a derisive question, actually curious)

>> No.3913563


>> No.3913567

it made me really think about my own life in a way I hadn't before. It gives that gnawing feeling that you're a complete fraud whose entire life has been built on the pursuit of attention. I can definitely see how you wouldn't like it, but to me, it hit dangerously close to home.

>> No.3913571

>>Thomas Pinecone
fucking lol'd
gold star my friend, gold star

>> No.3913573

that joke is as ol

>> No.3913574


>> No.3913577


... Sir... Or madam.... your forgiveness I implore....
but that's flat out stupid.

what you've just stated is that people are not allowed to actually find anything they truly like in classic pieces of literature...

I don't quite follow your logic... I mean, i get it if people are just dropping these authors just to say they've read them. But to make such a broad generalization such as that.... quite disrespectful to the authors as well as the tastes and considerations of many who have loved them.

oh, and for the record. None of those are on my top 5. Though I think Hemingway is fantastic, Dostoevsky and Shakespeare are great, so on and so forth. Understand how not to slander good authors... please.

>> No.3913578

At Swim Two Birds
Dreaming of Babylon
East of Eden

>> No.3913580

i just bought the penguin leaves of grass 1855 edition,can you tell me what are the differences? am i missing out something?

>> No.3913588

>>Thomas Pinecone
fucking lol'd
gold star my friend, gold star

>> No.3913599


Over his lifetime, Whitman rewrote, edited, and added to his book, "Leaves of Grass", for a total of 7 different editions throughout his life. The 1855 version is the original, the first. In it, in my opinion, you will find the best version of Song of Myself. However, there are many fewer poems in the 1855 than the 1892 (his last edition). One thing I might recommend is to read the 1855 version first, then get a copy of the 1892 version for all the other poems.

In the 1855 version, i think the good ones that are missing are 'Starting from Paumanoak' 'song of the broad axe' 'out of the craddle endlessly rocking' and 'When Lilacs last in the Dooryard Bloom'd'

just my opinions mostly.

>> No.3913607

Haven't finished Zarathustra yet, but can you tell me why you like that big heap of wordgabble.

>> No.3913678

The Stranger
The Grapes of Wrath
Moby Dick
Going After Cacciato
The Life of Pi

>> No.3913694

Joyce - Ulysses
Whitman - Leaves of Grass
Wallace Stevens - Harmonium
Woolf - To The Lighthouse
Borges - Ficciones

>> No.3913709

Not as literarily learned as the average user but I like these books:

Ubik - Philip K. Dick
Lolita - Vladimir Nabakov
Candide - Voltaire
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley

>> No.3913721
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If on a Winter's Night a Traveler/ Calvino
The Double Flame or Convergences/ Octavio Paz
Philosophical Investigations/ Wittgenstein
The Picture of Dorian Gray/ Wilde
Sula/ Toni Morisson

>> No.3913728 [DELETED] 

>reading calvino
>reading paz
>reading wittgenstein
>reading morrison

go home, you ignorant cracker

>> No.3913737

I second this motion

>> No.3913744
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I tried just putting books that could stand by themselves.

Book series that would be up there instead are

Starcraft: Dark Templar Saga by Christie Golden
The Seventh Tower by Garth Nix
Anne McCaffrey's Harper Hall trilogy

>> No.3913747

Sick burn bro. Sorry I didn't post Ulysses five times.

>> No.3913758

>read harder

>> No.3913760


>> No.3913770

but why not naming and necessity? or being and nothingness? or the human animal? surely you have selections like these on your bookshelf

>> No.3913775
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oh god i almost completely forgot this too

>> No.3913805

That is correct, I do have those books on my bookshelf. But why do you even care? Today I'm an ignorant cracker. Don't worry, yesterday I was an ignorant nigger.

Anyways. It has been a while since Naming and Necessity, but, aside from how boring of a read it is, his theories are pretty silly. Why does the metaphysical link between language and objects act just like a physical one? And then the whole "possible worlds" thing greatly overestimates human processing power, I think.

And honestly, I haven't gotten through Being and Nothingness quite yet. Started reading it, but I never really got into it. And as for the human animal, I stole that from my grandfather's bookshelf when I was younger, and have just sort of had it since.

Why does liking these books make me ignorant?

>> No.3913823
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>> No.3913836

Are you new here, or have I just been away for too long? From what I remember, /lit/ disliked Hemingway, thought Faulkner was overrated, was ambivalent toward Orwell, liked a few of Huxley's other books more than Brave New World, disliked To Kill a Mockingbird (>>>/reddit/), and liked Tolstoy a hell of a lot more than Dostoevsky.

3/10; got me to reply

>> No.3913865

not the person you asked, but i thought the fall was his most creatively composed work, and the revelatory passage towards the end is one of the most profound literary experiences i think anyone could have if they give themselves to the book, actively drawing parallels between personal experiences and experiences described in the novel. it made concrete these ambiguous notions i had floating around in my mind; the book is like a mirror that reflects back more than what is available.

also clamence is one of the most infinitely complex and intimately accessible characters in literature.

>> No.3913911
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Philosophische Untersuchungen
The Claim of Reason
Negative Dialektik
The Unnameable

>> No.3913913

Sounds like a darker Harry Potter.

>> No.3913947

The Brothers Karamazov
The Sun Also Rises
The Savage Detectives
The Quiet American
Matterhorn / Blood Meridian / One Hundred Years Of Solitude ( I can't decide at this moment)

>> No.3913954

Childhood, Boyhood, Youth - Leo Tolstoy
In Dubious Battle - John Steinbeck
The Forgotten Soldier - Guy Sajer
Anthem - Ayn Rand
Death of A Salesman - Arthur Miller

>> No.3913956

Yeah, the key hands are magical tools. Not anything like Harry Potter though.

>> No.3913959

Ada - Nabokov
2666 - Bolano
Infinite Jest - DFW
Franny & Zooey - Salinger
Gravity's Rainbow - Pynchon

Kind of standard but idrc

>> No.3913961

This is not /mu/

>> No.3913963

Well obviously since it says "/lit/ - Literature" at the top of the page

>> No.3913966 [DELETED] 

I see you have unique taste in literature
Please, enlighten us with our superior and individualistic top 5.

>> No.3913969

Mine are probably:
Ham On Rye - Bukowski
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson
Slaughter-House 5 - Kurt Vonnegut
Queer - Wiliam S. Burroughs
Catcher in the Rye - Salinger

Gatsby and that collection of Kafka are up there too

>> No.3913970

I see you have unique taste in literature
Please, enlighten us with your superior and individualistic top 5.

>> No.3913977
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Finally. A poster we can believe in! A vision of the future.

>> No.3913978

Ernest Hemingway - The Old Man and the Sea
Knut Hamsun - Growth of the Soil
Mikhail Lermontov - A Hero of Our Time
Evelyn Waugh - Brideshead Revisited
Thomas Hardy - The Mayor of Casterbridge

>> No.3913985

Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
The Children of Hurin by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Plague by Albert Camus

>> No.3913992

The Fall is my favorite of his too...

I liked it because he uses the same style as Notes from Underground but does it so much better. The story itself is also great and I think he captures absurdism better in it than in The Stranger, however I can see how the average reading would like Stranger better (and understand it easier).

>> No.3913999

On the Road (original manuscript if it makes a difference)
The Sirens of Titan
A Clockwork Orange
The Beast in the Nursery
The Trial and Death of Socrates

I know it's so dilettante w/ no Russians, but God damn Vonnegut is brilliant

>> No.3914009
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>mfw idk if this is sarcasm

>> No.3914020

In the Skin of a Lion - Michael Ondaatje
Coming Through Slaughter - Michael Ondaatje
Paterson - William Carlos Williams
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
SH5 - Kurt Vonnegut

>> No.3914027

Brothers Karamazov
Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow
Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail
As I Lay Dying

>> No.3914033

Of Human Bondage - William Somerset Maugham
In Search of Lost Time - Marcel Proust
Ulysses - James Joyce
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
Gravity's Rainbow - Thomas Pynchon

>> No.3914066
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taste has been generic and typically deplorable so far. move aside kiddos:

Virginia Woolf- Jacob'sRoom
Marcel Proust- Swann's Way
Djuna Barnes- Nightwood
James Joyce- Portrait
Dostoyevsky- TBK

>> No.3914074

your own list is pretty generic though

>> No.3914085

high waisted booty shorts are great
quas is meh

>> No.3914088
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i agree he's not the greatest rapper but the instrumentals are absurdly good

>> No.3914095
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i can't do 5 but here are my favorites

the petty demon by sologub
opium & other stories by csath geza
night of lead by henny jahnn
les chants de maldoror by lautreamont
becalmed by huysmans
the nova trilogy by burroughs
the ego & its own by stirner
the book of monelle by schwob

>> No.3914099

why not just listen to normal madlib then

>> No.3914101

Hound of the Baskervilles
Strange case Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde
Dorian Grey

>supernatural supremacy

>> No.3914102
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i do that as well. the quas material just has this hazy, vaguely jazzy comic-book feel that i haven't heard much of in his regular madlib stuff that I absolutely adore

>> No.3914104


GOAT-tier top 5 for sure.

>> No.3914105

>"move aside kiddos"
>posts the most generic and deplorable babby's first college syllabus list

>> No.3914149


is it now fashionable to dismiss the great modernists as 'babby's first college syllabus list'?

lol. i fail to see how that descriptor wouldn't apply to practically every list posted ITT

>> No.3914161

>lol. i fail to see how that descriptor wouldn't apply to practically every list posted ITT

It could, but no one else was being a pretentious douche.

>> No.3914170
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Tolstoy - War & Peace
Melville - The Moby-Dick
Flaubert - L'Education sentimentale
Shakespeare - Antony and Cleopatra
Slobodkina - Caps for Sale

>> No.3914173


Oh noes. S/he said "descriptor!" My little brain can't handle the extension of the descibe into an adjective. HALP. You're a loser.

>> No.3914177


are you drunk

>> No.3914178
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Blood Meridian
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Anna Karenina
The Crying of Lot 49
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

>> No.3914179

>It could, but no one else was being a pretentious douche.
yes i clearly take myself very seriously

what are you on about m8

>> No.3914180

hey cutie

>> No.3914183


No. I just don't understand the difference between an adjective and a noun. And I didn't read the thread.

>> No.3914187

All the bitching over "generic" lists is strikes me as foolish. Are people not supposed to like good books?

>> No.3914192

protip: there are more good books out there than the 20 or so that /lit/ constantly talks about.

>> No.3914196

>ima speschul snowflake
If you see the same books popping up all the time it's probably because it's a very good book.

>> No.3914198


Would the Wind-up Bird be a good place to start with Murakami? It looks very interesting.

>> No.3914200


>> No.3914203

can't find my rating bro

you should trash your post

>> No.3914204

Or it's because /lit/ is an echo chamber that only knows a few books outside of the classics.

>> No.3914210

To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
The Dream Songs - John Berryman
Woodcutters - Thomas Bernhard
Valis - Philip K. Dick
Hunger - Knut Hamsun

>> No.3914211

That's where I started and I was fine. If you've read magical realism before you should be okay.

>> No.3914217

>five books
>rating them out of ten

>> No.3914219

my rating system is pretty complex

>> No.3914221


Pretty shit you mean.

>> No.3914222

>The more obscure your books the higher the rating
Yeah, pretty complex.

>> No.3914228
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luv u 2 zeta

>> No.3914229

like your taste? #rekt

>> No.3914234

Jean Christophe
The Phantom Tollbooth
Catcher in the Rye
East of Eden
Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh


>> No.3914237
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you will never be deep&edgy

>> No.3914242

yeah i miss that guy.

he was pretty ripped too wasn't he. am i right in remembering him posting shirtless pics a lot like two or three years ago? or was that more recent. idk.

>> No.3914260

0/10 my taste is obscure and i'm patrician

>> No.3914270

>Brief History of Time (Hawking)
>The Selfish Gene (Dawkins)
>1984 (Orwell)
>Cosmos (Sagan)
>Problems of Philosophy (Russell)

I am ready for the pain, bring it.

>> No.3914286

Dorian Gray
Flowers for Algernon
The Neverending Story
The Lathe of Heaven

I will admit to not being as well-read as others.

>> No.3914337

Took long enough for someone to throw in some Vonnegut. I'd put Cat's Cradle and Sirens of Titan up there before SH5 though.

>> No.3914349
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You chose Vonnegut's best book. Instead of just propping up SH5 like everyone else seems to.

>> No.3914369

Firstly, if it's one of your top five books you could get the fucking title right, it's 'Life of Pi'. Secondly, it's a heaping pile of shit.

>> No.3914377
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The Bible
The Pilgrim's Progress from This World to That Which Is to Come
Divine Comedy
Fear and Trembling
The Imitation of Christ

>> No.3914379

People like SH5 because they were forced to read it in school, and it makes them seem 'deep'.

>> No.3914402

1. Myths of the Near Future J.G. Ballard
2. The Last Circle (Progress Press, Moscow)
3. Tales of Ordinary Madness C. Bukowski
4. The Last Summer B.Pasternak
5. Over To You R. Dahl

>> No.3914409


I like you.

>my leather-bound imitation of Christ

>> No.3914412

You're an absolute idiot.

>> No.3914437

I could have put some memoirs in my list, but that would be a bit overweening

>> No.3914505
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I don't know if one can really pick a top five but I gave it a shot.

>> No.3914522

On the Road
No Country For Old Men
The Blade Itself
Heart of Darkness
High-school tier.

>> No.3914527

The Brothers Karamazov
Jude the Obscure
No Longer Human
The Odyssey

>> No.3914576


I remove Steppenwolf for Brideshead Revisited.

>> No.3914600

So far?

Moby Dick
The Brothers Karamazov
The Song of Solomon
The Master and Margarita

Job is somewhere in there too.

>> No.3914613

I was forced to read it in school, and it doesn't make me feel deep. But it is by *no* means Vonnegut's best book.
neither is cat's cradle

>> No.3914617

Look at my developed and refined patrician taste /lee/:

The stranger
Les Miserables

>> No.3914726


he seems troubled lately

>> No.3914737
File: 244 KB, 920x920, mosaic7f5c6f7926440b5aac3d83b85dbb2af11b275381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a 3x3. I know it's not 5. I'm not reformatting for you fucking people.

>> No.3914746

Grapes of Wrath - Steinback
Siddhartha - Hesse
For whom the bell tolls - Hemingway
Catch-22 - Heller
Ham on Rye - Buk
and probably great gatsby (six whatever) cunts diss on that book but i think it's amazing

>> No.3914758

The sun also rises
Of mice and men
A Farewell to arms
Norwegian wood

>> No.3914767

The Sun Also Rises

A Farewell to Arms

The Beautiful and Damned

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Catcher in the Rye

>> No.3914768

uhhh no...
In fact, can we clear this up right now, lit? Not everyone reads the same books in school.

>> No.3914770

.5ing Lolita. Shame on you, sir. Shame on you

>> No.3914771

lolita is great but it was put next to four of my most hated books, it would have been in the negatives without it

>> No.3914775

>The Sun Also Rises
mah nigga

>> No.3914780
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>Song of Solomon

>> No.3914782

The Waves
The Book of Ebenezer Le Page
Sentimental Education
Molloy, Malone Dies, the Unnamable
The Rings of Saturn

>> No.3914787

>feeling insecure as a man
i-i i know that feel jake ;____;

>> No.3914802
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I guess I am still fairly new to literature (been into De Sade, Sotos and Burroughs for quite some time though), so the past year and a half has been trying to get a lot of the classics down. I've taken quite a liking to Gothic literature and plays in particular.

>> No.3914804

da fuq? Huysmans Burroughs and Lautreamont are hardly obscure.

>> No.3914807

He's retarded, obviously.

Have you read Huysmans "The Damned (La-Bas"? Just finished it. Fucking horrible ending, and the whole book is so anti-climactic and pretty much reads like a non-fiction account of Satanism.

I haven't read that Burrough yet but need to get around to it.

>> No.3914810


neither is Stirner, here at least, pretty sure he's fresh off another board
La-Bas has always been my least favorite work of his

>> No.3914813


It's obvious he's a newfriend with an inferiority complex, just leave him be.

>> No.3914815


Not yet, but I have read Bataille's trial of Gilles De Rais and have an unhealthy interest in manifestations of absolute evil, so I will get around to it eventually.

>> No.3914823

The Man With No Qualities - Stan Musil
Cantos - Ezra Pound
L'Abbe C - Georges Bataille
Negative Dialectics - Adorno
The Atlas - William Vollmann

>> No.3914825

Same here. I've been obsessed with everyone from De Sade and Crowley to Vlad, Bathory and De Rais. I love that stuff which is probably why I have an affinity towards Gothic lit. these days.

>> No.3914832


Ever read The Real Bluebeard?

how was Bataille's trial of Gilles De Rais?

>> No.3914833

im done rating but you've got the best taste in the thread

>> No.3914839


It was amazing and idiosyncratic. I have a very high opinion of Bataille. I'm not a fan of erotica too much (rather look at porn, really), so I haven't read Story of the Eye, but I've read a lot of his other books.

>> No.3914842


Haven't read The Real Bluebeard, no.

>> No.3914849
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yeah u seem swell

>> No.3914859

2/10; second worst of the thread.

>> No.3914865

how complex is your rating system?

>> No.3914875

I should have specified that I mean Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon

>> No.3914915
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>Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon

>> No.3915033

>the petty demon by sologub
>opium & other stories by csath geza
>night of lead by henny jahnn
>the book of monelle by schwob

damn son where'd you find this

>> No.3915096

are you not a fan of Fitzgerald?

>> No.3915123

Very complex. It's the same as yours, except switched around. Obscure books are rated poorly and popular books (gross!) are rated highly.

>> No.3915150

i would've never guessed

>> No.3915154

i dont dislike him

>> No.3915172
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These days I cringe when i read catcher in the rye but it has a big place in my life so yeah

>> No.3915335

I refuse to explain my rating system as I am far too superior.

>> No.3915352

Sirens of Titan - Kurt Vonnegut
The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway
We - Yevgeny Zamyatin
Dharma Bums - Jack Kerouac
The Island of Doctor Moreau - H. G. Wells

>> No.3915527

>The Selfish Gene

Fuck off.

>> No.3915528


Please enligthen us as to what is wrong with this book?

>> No.3915544

I take issue with your 3.5s. No doubt because I am one-- but the choices of Proust, Steinbeck and Melville as "a lot of book in case you're stuck on the island longer than expected" is not equal to DFW.

>> No.3915545

Journey to the end of the night - Céline
Whatever - Houellebecq
1979 - Christian Kracht

I don't actually read that much..

>> No.3915546

Hyperion/Fall of Hyperion D. Simmons
Illuminatus Trilogy R. Wilson
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress R. Heinlein
The Trial F. Kafka
Dune F. Herbert

>> No.3915547

At the moment:
The Waves - Virginia Woolf
Naked Lunch -- William S Burroughs
On The Road - Jack Kerouac
Nip the buds, shoot the kids - Kenzaburo Oe
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte

>> No.3915555

Hey Zeta, I'm >>3913823

Since you granted me a 8/10, may I ask you which book you didn't like, and also if you've actually read the two Georges Perec novels?

>> No.3915560

The Third Policeman - Flann O'Brien
Catch-22 - Joseph Heller
The Mayor of Casterbridge - Thomas Hardy
Moby Dick - Herman Melville
One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

>> No.3915592

>caring about what catherine_Beta_Jones thinks

>> No.3915627


Zeta is used to furiously fellating Blood Rainbow and he's more desperate for these ego kicks from anon then he'd ever let on. Even Screwtape is better than him.

>> No.3915636

i was going to offer to fellate the crew during a mutiny if i got to keep wittgenstein as a sixth. i probably would have been >5 if i had on his scale if i had, but wittgenstein fellatio =/= wittgenstein circlejerk =/= zeta. it's a function not an equation

>> No.3915641

Do you walk on all fours too?

>> No.3915645

What's wrong with Rousseau? He was right about consumerism, he was right about the aristocracy, he knew society would descend into some twisted nightmare of reality TV, fast food and consumer products (he didn't know the specifics, but he could see something like this happening). He was right about capitalism, and how a class division and government is needed to protect the collection of trivial material products; he knew that value was being taken away from knowledge and outsourced into physical items, and a persons social worth was linked to how much property they could collect. He knew that science and technology would eventually enslave us.

Sent from my ipad.

>> No.3915675
File: 53 KB, 540x445, sawneybean2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of here you fig I'm not better than anyone
if it weren't Sunday I'd post more naked photos of myself I would

You might be interested in Sawney Bean if you haven't heard of him, then. Mostly a legend but with a grain of truth maybe

>> No.3915676

The Once and Future King - T.H White
A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy O'Toole
The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoyevky
The Catcher in the Rye - J.D Salinger
The Divine Comedy - Dante

>inb4 everyone rates me low because of the Catcher inclusion, you can all suck a dick, the book is phenomenal

>> No.3915684

>implying the rest of the list is well enough

>> No.3915696

The Anatomy of Melancholy
The Multiple States of the Being
The Baphomet
A Short History of Decay

>> No.3915699


>> No.3915705

Dance Dance Dance - Murakami
Blood Meridian - McCarthy
Naked Lunch - Burroughs
House Of Leaves - Danielewski
The Wind Up Bird Chronicle - Murakami

>> No.3915707

Rousseau went on an outright rant like any teenager, providing no clear track for reform. Was he right? Yeah, he was, and so were the multiple authors who argued before him. Thomas More depicts the same ideal setting that Rousseau wanted some ~240 years earlier. It's quite possible Rousseau didn't even know who Gautama Buddha was.

I'm not even sure of Rousseau originated his ideas or copied off Mably.

>> No.3915717

A refugee crosses his tracks - Aksel Sandemose
The tartar steppe - Dino Buzzati
Hunger - Knut Hamsun
Dead Souls - Nikolaj Gogol
At swim two birds - Brian O'Nolan

>> No.3915753


>Implying you have any idea what you're talking about and they aren't all 10/10 masterpieces


>> No.3915763

>It's quite possible Rousseau didn't even know who Gautama Buddha was.

Pol Pot trained as a Buddhist monk for a year and became convinced that material objects brought suffering. He went to Paris to study and became obsessed with both Rousseau and Marx, formed his communo-primitivism, returned to Cambodia, and formed the Khmer Rouge.

Rousseau is responsible for millions of deaths.

>> No.3915796


>thinking he can bait with a leap in logic this absurd

Work on your subtlety, m8.

>> No.3915799

>Rousseau is responsible for millions of deaths.

Checkmate, atheists.

>> No.3915914

daz da thing, m8.

I loved it when I was a teenager. You know what happened next?
I stopped being a teenager.

>> No.3915991
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all these little babbys

>> No.3916047
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Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Blood Meridian
The Road
A Wrinkle In Time
The Little Prince

>> No.3916071

what're ur 5 books meanie

>> No.3916106
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though really only the first three in the Adams set

>> No.3916113

ok you're officially a 5.5/10 now
a mix of the rosseau and my mixed feelings on oulipo, but i've only read one of the georges perec novels and about half of la vie mode d'emploi
why wouldn't you?
i've never interacted w/ blood rainbow on here before this thread
if this is taschen please fellate me

>> No.3916118

Needs more modern, but otherwise fine

Yay on the Moby Dick

looks like you had a specific window where things got through - good on the bright lights

I don't see the screwtape letters here enough, good on you

flowers for algernon - yes

Johnathan - most of these folks have no idea what a big book that was

>> No.3916147
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>> No.3916156

Bear in mind this is only a literary apreciation. A rant about his political ideas or his posterity has no relevancy whatsoever.

I didn't rank all of his works in my top 5, just his Confessions, which happen to be a landmark in french (and wordwide) literature—it's the first autobiography in the modern sense. I am also extremely fond of his prose, and love his always very detached narration of the hilarious situations he trips into. Even if you could say he's extremely egocentrical, he's intelligent enough to always maintain a certain distance and to not spare himself when assessing his dumb moves.

>> No.3916173

Notes From the Underground
East of Eden
The Brothers Karamazov
Narcissus and Goldmund
The Sun Also Rises

>> No.3916175

who cares who did it earlier. u sound like those guys who argue that the quran is legit science because it mentions the coccyx bone or some shit

>> No.3916180

SH5 was my first introduction to Vonnegut so it's still special in my heart. His post-humorous short works collection Armageddon in Retrospect and Bluebeard were also pretty awesome.

The man just had so many great lines and ideas.

>> No.3916218

The Gulag Archipelago - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
2666 - Roberto Bolano
The Conquest of America: The Question of the Other - Tzvetan Todorov
Dance Dance Dance - Haruki Murakami
Lonesome Dove - Larry McMurtry

>> No.3916237

i like you

>> No.3916274

fuck me. i LOVE a wrinkle in time when i was a kid

>> No.3916278

Read it again.

You'll weep at how bad it is.

>> No.3916282


What's your problem. It's a great novel. Not even that person, either.

>> No.3916292

i'll pay you like 50 of those stupid british dollars

>> No.3916311
File: 54 KB, 450x330, adoooonoooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't i ever get any of this furious fellating I keep hearing so much about

>> No.3916313


Instant 4/5 for Anatomy, -3 for A Short History of Decay, +2.5 for The Baphomet, 0 for your weird spelling of The Aenid (or am I missing something?). If it's the Aenid, then +.5 =4/5

>> No.3916317


What zeta giving you 9/10 wasn't enough? I give you 9/10 too Blood.

>> No.3916432

i dont like your rating system see it should be
+2 for the anatomy of melancholy, +1.5 for enneads, -.5 points for multiple states of being, +.5 points for a short history of decay, never heard of the baphomet but a quick trip to goodreads tells me it's a metaphysical novel dedicated to foacault, i check for the average price for a pound of fucking oranges which about 1 USD so i'll award 1 point and that gives us a solid 4.5/10

>> No.3916444

Blood Meridian
The Metamorphosis

>> No.3916458


OH! The Enneads is Plotinus! I'm not qualified to award a rating for that.

>> No.3916550 [SPOILER] 
File: 216 KB, 425x425, wethair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump me further from 5.5 and I'll think about it.

arrived today- all the chapter names change between French and English and while I should know by now the coming genders in context, French giving me a heads up to these spoilt me- beautiful translation considering the limits of English in that respect, takes some mystery/allusion out and inserts more without disturbing text unduly.

>> No.3916562

Fuck Wuthering Heights, and fuck Bronte

>> No.3916644

Hey, I'm >>3914033. Care to elaborate on your opinion of my taste?

>> No.3916670

Looking at your ratings, I wonder: When you rate people low who cited generic "great books," are you saying you actually dislike the books, or are you rating the person low for not having read more widely?
Because I find it hard to believe that you'd give, for example, a list containing A Farewell to Arms, Lolita, and Crime and Punishment a 1/10 if you were judging simply on the quality of the books.

>> No.3916705

oh shit watch out for that edge m8

>> No.3916738

Not obscure enough.

>> No.3916755

I doubt that's it, considering he gave it a five out of ten despite the most obscure book there being Of Human Bondage, which is hardly an unsung marvel.

>> No.3916825

Foucoult's Pendulum
A Storm of Swords
Heart of Darkness
The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.3916832


What the hell do you even mean? It's a fucking biology book you fucking retard.

>> No.3916863

m8 you will cut yourself

>> No.3916939

you're at least 9/10 and you know it, and you've also made me more interested in reading the french original, someday. i like your hair wet
good books but it almost feels to me like you cheated
i'm not judging based on the quality but it isn't about obscurity either, obscurity doesn't impress me at all

>> No.3916948 [DELETED] 

or rather i am basing on the quality but not in the way you seem to think books should be judged.

>> No.3916961

fucking tripfags.

>> No.3916981

sorry i was caught up in the new taschen pic and your post just confused me, and for some reason i forgot that i genuinely hate both dostoevsky and hemmmingway. lolita is like always a +3 whereas both of those have the possibility to put you in the negatives. i'm still a little confused but i think i meant to say quality of the book isn't all that factors into it, how much i would want to have your taste and how interesting of a person you seem are also factors. i'm done rating (and bumping) anyway though

>> No.3917045


>not judging based on the quality

Not only are your gradings obviously subjective, they don't even conform to most people's general meaning of ratings. To everyone but yourself, they are completely baseless and arbitrary, apart from a dose of pretentious prickdom.

And you graded me relatively well, so this isn't personal.

>> No.3917086

you're more or less stating the obvious

>> No.3917112

The Crying of Lot 49 - Thomas Pinecone
Junky - William S. Burroughs
Down and Out in Paris and London - George Orwell
Boy - James Hanley
A Farewell to Arms - Ernest Hemingway

>> No.3917144

i'm expecting some bad ratings for bukowski and hamilton; no order.
peter hamilton - reality dysfunction
charles bukowski - post office
iain banks - wasp factory
alexandre dumas - count of monte cristo
mark danielewski - house of leaves

>> No.3917156

Edgy McEdge over here.
There's a perfectly good atheist board on Reddit waiting for you.

>> No.3917216

In no particular order:
Journey to the end of the night.
Growth of the soil.
The red and the black.
Kafka's short stories. Especially in the penal colony and the metamorphosis.
War and peace.

>> No.3917909

"It almost feels to me like you cheated"
In what way?

>> No.3917978

portrait of the artist
east of eden
light years

>> No.3918008

(Tie)The Rings of Saturn and The Emigrants by WG Sebald

(Tie) A Grain of Wheat and Petals of Blood by Ngugi wa Thiong'o

Age of Iron by JM Coetzee

Thousand Cranes by Yasunari Kawabata

The Foundation Pit by Andrei Platonov

>> No.3918019

Is there a download link for The Foundation Pit yet?

Been waiting years

>> No.3918026
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A Farewell to Arms
The Trial
Mrs Dalloway

>> No.3918028

>Down and Out
My nigga.

>> No.3918029

Hmm, this is going to be tough...

Starship Troopers - Heinlein
Stranger in a Strange Land - See above.
Ravenheart - David Gemmel
Conqueror - Conn Iggulden
In the Name of Rome - Adrian Goldsworthy

If we're going off of authors then it's probably,

David Gemmel
Conn Iggulden
Bernard Cornwell
Adrian Goldsworthy

Huh, it would seem I find myself more of a pretentious hipster faggot than I thought I was. Guess it's time to start wearing tweed.

>> No.3918103


>> No.3918116

Website seems to be down

>> No.3918132

Hipster trying to be elite, just reads boring dust collectors to seem "different"

>> No.3918138

>DFW ?
>Don't fucking worry

>> No.3918169

>highschool tier

>> No.3918460


I'm gonna start reading Ada when I finish the book I'm currently reading.

Thoughts? How does it compare to other Nabokov novels, like Lolita, for instance (only one I've read). Also, is it as hard as some people make it out to be? Seems a bit challenging idk.

>> No.3918495

For whom the bell tolls
Slaughterhouse Five
The Picture of Dorian Grey
The Stranger
Heart of Darkness

>> No.3918529

Flowers for Algernon.

Pretty much the only one I feel like listing.

>> No.3918540


>> No.3918699


>> No.3918860

Hard Boiled Wonderland/End of the World
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters

>> No.3918927
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hunchback of notre dame
outer dark
white noise
fellowship of the ring

>> No.3918935

I've read a bit o' Heinlein, door into summer, 6th column, also stranger in a strange land which I didn't care for somuch, any recs ?

>> No.3918950

The Quiet American - Graham Greene
Decline and Fall -- Waugh
The Castle -- Kafka
Candide -- Voltaire
United States Essays: 1952 - 1992 -- Gore Vidal

>> No.3918982

It is shit. There's no subtlety regarding the metaphors, the character development is incredibly rushed, the dramatic tension is non-existent, the author thinks he's far more skilled than he is and it is probably the most pretentious book ever written.

>> No.3919314

Easiest to start with is Norwegian Wood, but Wind-up Bird is fine as well

>> No.3919329
File: 155 KB, 780x960, steppenwolf-bantam-1969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Der Steppenwolf - Hesse

>Jarhead - Swofford

>Brave New World - Huxley

>Das Parfüm - Süskind

>Siddharta - Hesse

>> No.3919358

Do I have to repeat?


>> No.3919789

All the King's Men
The End of the Affair
The Brothers Karamazov
Mrs. Dalloway
If On a Winter's Night a Traveller

>> No.3919900

Why is there so much Hesse dick sucking in this thread?

>> No.3919903

Just finished reading book one of the Dark Tower series. I really don't know whether to keep going or give up and read Moby Dick.

>Does it get significantly better?

>> No.3919907

god i hate his writing,what a clunky prose and pretentious characters

>> No.3919927

Correction - Bernhard
Against the Grain - Huysmans
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion - Mishima
The Magic Mountain - Mann
Athens and Jerusalem - Shestov

>> No.3919932

Have you read the Polish trilogy? I've been considering reading into it, just wondering how it is

>> No.3919944
File: 3 KB, 125x88, opisfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat the Reaper ( read or gay)
Beat the Reaper
Beat the Reaper
Beat the Reaper
Beat the Reaper

I also thought Beat the Reaper was good.

>> No.3919955

this is kind of thing that ruins /lit/. there is absolutely no discussion.

>> No.3920015
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Good taste.

>> No.3920073

Stoner - Williams
Gormenghast (book two) - Peake
The Complete Stories - O'Connor
The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea - Mishima
The Monk - Lewis

>> No.3920086
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Thanks. Since we share some literary affinities, I'd like to know what's your top 5

>> No.3920133
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>> No.3920141

Lord of the Flies? I liked it better when it was called Infinite Ryvius.

Better soundtrack too.

>> No.3920162

I've been trying to formulate a top 5 for this thread and I can't. After /mu/ I tried not to think about favorites/lists/charts as much (since that's all they fucking do) but now I see it has hurt me actually put together lists at will.

>> No.3920166

Fuck you, I enjoyed dostoevsky.

>> No.3920179

Jesus Christ, do you smoke unfiltereds and shave with a straight blade, you pretentious fuck.

>> No.3920184 [DELETED] 


You do relise there are foreign people who post here, right?

>> No.3920188


You do realise there are foreign people who post here, right?

>> No.3920194

ain't you lovely? just because you don't like those books doesn't mean that they're some kind of indicator of mindless and mainstream readers.
I love dostoyevsky, hemingway, joyce and kafka. i didn't enjoy faulkner or sheakespeare, and especially hated orwell. but that's just my opinion.
the one that regulates the reading according to the opinion of others is you, not us.
and, whether you like it or not, most of those are classics, and surely influenced most of the writers you do like. I don't understand your anger.

>> No.3920206


I must admit I've read none of these books aside from Flaubert's. I'll check them out.

>> No.3920208

On the Road - Kerouac
Hopscotch - Julio Cortázar
100 years of solitude - G.G Marquez
Post office - Bukowski
Tales of mystery and imagination - E.A. Poe

>> No.3920214


Really? Hope you enjoy them.

Be sure to track down a copy of Ebenezer.

>> No.3920237

Huxley-Brave new world
Asimov-The end of eternity
Garcia Marquez-the general in his labyrinth
Clarke-2001 a space odyssey
Lewis-It cant happen here

special mentions: The grapes of Wrath, The stranger, Slaughterhouse 5

>> No.3920812
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These are mine. I know the last is just a story but it's worth a novel.

>> No.3920830


I love how this dude gave himself a 10

>> No.3920834

Been too long since I read any Ballsack

>> No.3920836

post books

>> No.3920840

>people listing Brave New World unironically

Really? It's so dated. It's like listing a Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland musical as one of your top five films.

>> No.3920843

...Seriously? Books/movies have to be recent to be good?

>> No.3920844

how do you feel about homer

>> No.3920845


I imagine they have to resonate for people. I don't see Brave New World having that big an impact on people under 75.

>> No.3920883
File: 155 KB, 410x513, tumblr_lv9kdjXdkp1qmz285o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pale Fire - Nabokov
Franny and Zooey - Salinger
Tender is The Night - Fitzgerald
Rabbit Redux - Updike
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love - Carver

>> No.3920933
File: 36 KB, 469x600, 1339669492708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not very /lit/, but:

Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
100 Years of Solitude - Garcia Marquez
Naked - Sedaris
Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Adams
Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - Murakami

Do your worst, /lit/.

>> No.3920953
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>> No.3920955

if that's you in the picture i'd fuck you. i'd fuck you just based on your list. n-no h-homo.

>> No.3920975

I give your favourites a score of about 350.

>> No.3920985

ya blew it

>> No.3922267

just wanted to bro-up this thread with a brofist for shestov.

>> No.3922331

flowers in the attic
the invisible man (ellison)
the naked and the dead
feet of clay by anthony storr
one dimensional man

ya cunts

>> No.3922364
File: 81 KB, 1075x282, lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i just start trippin or what

>> No.3922976

trees look like mushroom clouds in that Asimov cover; awesome.

Cat's Cradle
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
A Confederacy of Dunces
The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch

>> No.3922994

>obscurity doesn't impress me at all
uh-uh sure

>> No.3923007
File: 919 KB, 420x236, tumblr_m4xxnubULF1rs8cw2o1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gerard Reve - De avonden
Nescio - De uitvreter, Titaantjes, Dichtertje, Mene Tekel
Nabokov - Lolita
Fitzgerald - The Great Gatsby
McCartney - Takin’ Over by Imposing the Positive!

>> No.3923033

I despise The Brothers Karazmov.

>> No.3923038

Who-a, McCullers is the shit. Heart is one of my favorites of all time

>> No.3923054

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles
Cannery Row
Winesburg, Ohio
Life: A Users Manuel
The Savage Detectives

>> No.3923100

Dear Miss Lonleyhearts
The Catcher in the Rye
Slaughterhouse Five
The Aeneid
The Great Gatsby

It's entry-level, but I've read plenty of works that would be considered more "advanced" or beyond high-school tier, but I never found them as interesting or fun to read.

>> No.3923219

house of leaves
american psycho
the stranger
crime and punishment
the great gatsby

I'm 18

>> No.3923223

crime and punishment
the stranger
the great gatsby
american psycho
house of leaves

>> No.3923609

1.Game of Thrones
2. A Clash of Kings
3. A Storm of Swords
4. A Feast for Crows
5. A Dance with Dragons

>> No.3925205

epic xD