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4313020 No.4313020 [Reply] [Original]

Which writers were omega or at least very beta males?

>> No.4313051

he was a fag what are you talking about

are you trying to say that he was never a fag, but people consider him one because he never got a gf, so he was so omega that everyone thought of him as gay?

>> No.4313045


>> No.4313057

One can be a fag and omega.

>> No.4313064

You should really get your austism treated.

>> No.4313066


he was afraid of his mother his whole life and lived in a love triangle with some french actor and her husband. Read First Love, specifically the scenes with Zinaida and you'll see the kind of women Turgenev was surrounded by

>> No.4313111
File: 294 KB, 1092x1600, proust2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beta of the millenium
in search of lost time barely scratches the surface of his issues

>> No.4313116


Also, Schopenhauer was beta later in life.

THat grape story still makes me cringe

>> No.4313125

i took this from /lit/
he's asking his grandfather for 10 francs. his father had previously given him that same amount of money in order to go to a brothel because he wanted him to stop masturbating so much. he then explains that he was so awkward he dropped his spaghetti and broke a vase in the brothel, however he still wants to fuck and needs 10 more francs.
this would make a perfect greentext story

>> No.4313128

Proust, Kafka, Lautreamond (Ducasse), Dazai.

if Turgenev was beta, then that would make Tolstoy and Dostoevsky freaking omegas.

>> No.4313138

lautreamont was definitely a nerd but he wasn't especially beta

blaise pascal is a typical omega tho

>> No.4313159

wasn't kant a virgin his whole life

>> No.4313167

Finally, there was the stunning and brilliant social lioness Flora Weiss. A Jewess. Schopenhauer was a declared anti-Semite but when he saw her at a boat party on the Rhine he approached her with a cluster of grapes in order to introduce himself. Flora found him to be “a porcupine of a man” and was offended by his foul breath. After she accepted the grapes, when Schopenhauer was not looking, she tossed them overboard, concerned that he had touched them. She did not want to catch any of his afflictions.

Arthur Schopenhauer finished off the lukewarm dregs of his cider and concluded that he ought to hang himself when the weather was foul,
and from a sour apple tree at that. Such exit from this cruel world would express divine symmetry.

>> No.4313180

how dare you, he was keeping himself for the right woman

>> No.4313190

haha thanks man

>> No.4313184

Yeah, sure. Just like Newton was...

>> No.4313200

Tolstoy, especially in his younger years, was anything but the saint he's remembered as and isn't omega at all. He routinely fell to fits of passion in dealing with others, he famously gambled away his estate, and lived a life of youthful recklessness until his early adulthood. There's a story of one of Tolstoy's daughters bringing him a wounded rabbit crying for him to do something. In response, he took the animal and snapped its neck in front of her. He fell out with Turgenev as a young man, and tried to reconcile with him once his religious conversion happened. This change of heart lasted until Turgenev beat him in a game of checkers, after which Tolstoy once again held a grudge that he held until his death.

Dostoevsky was a lifelong gambling addict who borrowed money shamelessly from everyone he knew. He was notoriously brash and hard to deal with. Once, he borrowed money from Turgenev himself, but became so bitter when Turgenev gave it to him (he thought Turgenev was giving him charity) that he modeled an buffoonish author obsessed with cosmopolitan life in The Double on Turgenev.

Turgenev is one of the best authors Russia has produced, but he has been the punching bag of everything since forever. Even now, he's faded into obscurity to the general reading public while Tolstoy and Dosty are considered the hallmark of Russian lit despite the fact that he came before either of them and influenced them both

>> No.4313206

MAUPASSANT, George Sand, Kurt Vonnecunt Jr. (Failed to kill himself 4+ times, couldn't make the Big D work on his favor), van Goh (sadly)

>> No.4313211


>> No.4313215

>You can't can-can, Kant...

>> No.4313220

I think Bukowski was beta until he fucked a fat whore and became something of a philanderer

>> No.4313232

Oh stop it you rogue, with your cheeky cant

>> No.4313261

> george sand
> beta
> male

>> No.4313286

>saved swinburne from drowning
>fucked multiple women
>went to war

>> No.4313288

yeah i heard he was a real chauvinist too.

>> No.4313292

U r a cunt, cunt

>> No.4313295
File: 326 KB, 721x489, Borges_y_fanaticas[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Borges was a almost delta

>> No.4313298
File: 6 KB, 213x252, le feeling momue man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Franz Kafka has had more sex than you.

>> No.4313299

nigga literally covered the mirrors in his house b/c he couldn't stand the sight of himself.

>> No.4313300

Nietzsche was a huge beta. He knew it though, he really didn't want to be. He just wasn't mentally capable/healthy enough to not be.

>> No.4313301
File: 21 KB, 190x267, chiefjoseph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


r tey hurtin him?

>> No.4313302

>Multiple wives
>Multiple divorces
>Surrounded by groupies most of the time.
Keep playing...

>> No.4313303
File: 180 KB, 623x768, Henry_David_Thoreau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4313305

the /pol/ and /fit/ invasion would lead to more diversity of thought they said...

>> No.4313311

The guy was obsessed with Lou Marie Salome. Is not that he was crazy, but he was obsessed with perfection, and when he saw Salome for the first time he knew that he had found perfection.

>> No.4313317

Marcel Proust was super gay (is the name of my new EP)

>> No.4313334

>"I want a cup of coffee," I said, because it was the last thing in the world that I wanted.
>I said it in such a way that it sounded as if I were reading her a telegram from somebody else, a person who really wanted a cup of coffee, who cared about nothing else.

brautigan. lots of tail, but so lonely he put his home phone number on his albums with requests to call him any time.

>> No.4313365

Me when I become famous.

>> No.4313371

great author, so rarely mentioned on /lit/

>> No.4313374

he rarely gets mentioned because there's nothing to say about him

also because /lit/ is awful now

>> No.4313510


>> No.4313525

No writers are beta. All writers must reference some sort of experience in their lives. They must be courageous and valiant.

If you aren't you will only write from a beta standpoint. Beta's live in a different plain of existence from normal people. Enjoy catering to an audience of only beta's, and thus to an audience of literally zero because beta's are unable to appreciate serious literature.

Better off doing fanfiction.

>> No.4313735

this is some fuckin bait

>> No.4313766

I believe he's right. Cowardliness is a moral failure, I don't mean to make people feel bad, I'm not talking about cowardliness in the typical sense (anxiety, et cetera) but the unwillingness to do something new or do something good.

>> No.4313940

nietzsche was pretty beta

>> No.4313958

How has no one mentioned Lovecraft?

He's like the first modern beta.

>> No.4314038

Nietzsche was alpha
He was extremely ill and instead of going full "put the blame on someone else" mode he just accepted that pain was a part of life and embraced it.
I bet that if you started suffering what Nietzsche suffered you would waste your life complaining

>> No.4314062

being alpha or beta has nothing to do with embracing the pain, it is all about your social status.

>> No.4314073
File: 14 KB, 266x245, 1369304271460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have never thought of mother teresa as alpha before, thank you.

>> No.4314088


maybe that's what the modern day fratboy usage means, but it really shouldn't simply equate to "lel i fuck bitch"

I find it odd how our apparent superiority is determined by our ability to impress people who we think are inferior to us (let's be honest, even normalfag males think women are inferior)

>> No.4314090

very funny, you know exactly what I mean. A man's social standing and his aptitude for leadership decides if he is an alpha or not

>> No.4314094
File: 103 KB, 600x738, ni-boobs-hero-15lcp3v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dazai watched his own wife get dicked
Pessoa biggest wuss ever
There are too many to name
Writers are the guys that don't get invited to the party, that don't get the girl, pick up a pen and say 'this'll show 'em!'

>> No.4314100


Kind of like a dog can be alpha amongst dogs?

I think N. would be fine.

>> No.4314108


Do they stab people with the pens or is it for comfort because they're writers and the pens remind them of better times? Who watched them pick up the pens?

Who are dazai and pessoa?

>> No.4314165

He also masturbated to rats fighting and died in part because he stayed cooped up in his poorly-ventilated room all day.

Proust was the alpha omega.

>> No.4314169

Wait, I thought Dazai's wife just cheated on him, which he translated within the book into watching her being raped. Did he actually see her fucking his friend?

>> No.4314223
File: 177 KB, 900x920, joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This asshole was a HUGE beta male. There's a part in Portrait where he's giving the metaphorical equivalent of a blowjob to Thomas Aquinas (as usual) to one of his Gaelic asshole friends, some girl passes him and he starts getting all bent out of sorts. He's basically saying AWWW WHY CAN'T I TALK TO HER after that. Definitely an interesting proto version of The Beta.

And then he frequented brothels a lot.

But then he met Nora Barnacle WAY later and one of the first times they got to know eachother she went sex crazy all over him because she was an unintelligent barmaid. Really great conclusion to his beta male saga.

>> No.4314603

She's 17, his wife and I think he watches her through the sunroof getting ploughed, but is it rape? She didn't seem to put up a fight and was kind of guilty about it afterwards. So who knows.

>> No.4314606

A better question is, are there any alpha writers. Henry Miller probly, Kerouac maybe. Byron

>> No.4314623

I appeal to your kindness for the sum of 13 francs that I wished to ask Mr. Nathan for, but which Mama prefers I request from you. Here is why. I so needed to see if a woman could stop my awful masturbation habit that Papa gave me 10 francs to go to a brothel. But first, in my agitation, I broke a chamber pot: 3 francs; then, still agitated, I was unable to screw. So here I am, back to square one, waiting more and more as hours pass for 10 francs to relieve myself, plus 3 francs for the pot. But I dare not ask Papa for more money so soon and so I hoped you could come to my aid in a circumstance which, as you know, is not merely exceptional but also unique. It cannot happen twice in one lifetime that a person is too flustered to screw.

I kiss you a thousand times and dare to thank you in advance.

I will be home tomorrow morning at 11am. If you are moved by my situation and can answer my prayers, I will hopefully find you with the amount. Regardless, thank you for your decision which I know will come from a place of friendship.

>> No.4314628
File: 37 KB, 300x401, Untitled-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but both his folks were dead before he was 30 and he inherited 6 million francs. That's when he blinged out his Model T, flash as suits and tipped everyone 200%, pretty fly for a gay.

>> No.4314630

Shakespeare, Homer, Shelley

>> No.4314643

Miller was practically a masochist with women. June was a bisexual coked up whore who moved her lesbian lover in with her and Henry. Anais would seduce anyone including her own father but for all their soul mate talk, she opted to stay with her banker husband who financed all of their lifestyles.
Near the end of his life he wound up with some 2nd rate actress. She would take off her robe and let him look at her naked from time to time but saved the pussy for the real boyfriend. There was also some Japanese woman who would just take his money and call him "poor foolish Henry" openly to his face. He was only alpha when he had money for whores and could go several different ones in a row. And getting Anais to give him money for a whore was pretty alpha.

>> No.4314659

It's more than girls though, you read his stuff and he's friends with everyone, talks his way into a boss job at a telegram place.

>> No.4314665

You mean the guy who was getting pussy before he was even old enough to consent to it?
He was fucked up, but hardly beta. I'd argue Mishima was more so .

>> No.4314677

I thought Dazai's wife got raped and he dumped her because of it. Thats about as alpha as it gets.

>> No.4314709

strindberg was a fucking alpha

>> No.4314712

>devoting years to alchemy
>chemicals made him demented
>shut in elderly not answering his front door

alpha as phuk

>> No.4314723

Although not a writer per se, Wittgenstein was the king of the autistic type of betas

>> No.4314727

nietzsche was beta as fuck in reality so he compensated by being the edgiest philosopher ever. the conflict between your actual and ideal self, exacerbated by his obvious narcissistic personality disorder.

>> No.4314798
File: 19 KB, 239x323, Ngumil[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not necessarily beta, but surely cringe inducing Nikolay Gumilev:

>he fell in love with a non-existent woman Cherubina de Gabriak. It turned out that Cherubina de Gabriak was the literary pseudonym for two people, a disabled schoolteacher and Maximilian Voloshin, and on November 22, 1909 he had a duel with Voloshin over the affair.

>> No.4314803


>Nikolai Gumilyov was outraged by the thought that his passionate romantic correspondence might in fact have been with a mocking Maximilian Voloshin. Even so, Dmitrieva claimed that she had written the letters to Gumilyov herself, had indeed been in love, but had known the romance would end the moment Gumilyov saw her.

Gumilyov talked in public about his romantic affair with Dmitrieva and he did it in rather rude expressions, and on November 19, 1909, at the studio of artist Ivan Bilibin, Voloshin slapped Gumilyov across the face,[1] which by the customs of the time made a duel inevitable. The duel took place on November 22 on the banks of the Chernaya River, which had been the site of the fatal duel between Alexander Pushkin and Georges d'Anthès. Voloshin's seconds were Aleksei Nikolaevich Tolstoi and Count Shervashidze; Gumilyov's seconds were Mikhail Kuzmin and Eugene Znosko-Borovsky.

Gumilyov shot first, but missed. Voloshin's pistol misfired. He proposed to end the duel, but Gumilyov insisted that Voloshin has to shoot. Voloshin shot in the air, being afraid to kill Gumilyov. Later, Voloshin confessed that he simply didn't know how to shoot. The seconds offered that they shake hands, but both refused. All contacts between them were broken off until a few months before Gumilyov's death in 1921, when he visited Voloshin and restored their friendship.

>> No.4314851


>> No.4315177

I'm talking about the guy who was abused by his family, couldn't fit anywhere, suffered from it, committed like 2 or 3 attempted suicides.

All the insane bipolar stuff he does in No Longer Human comes from his β-ness. He's a fucking clown and he doesn't like being alive.

That's pretty beta to me.

>> No.4315194

>Zut alors!

>> No.4315201

At least he got married and... maybe had sex? He managed to attract a woman at least.

>> No.4315209

That's what rich boys want to believe
There were actually few alpha kings or presidents. A pussy can totally become CEO because daddy let him

>> No.4315236

He wanted an independent strong womyn even despite his claims that he hates feminists. Freddy was a fucking clown.

>> No.4315258
File: 10 KB, 317x159, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he also dated some no-neck with a crooked head, too. like coney island-tier deformities.

also, that whore you're talking about: he couldnt find his wallet when it came time to pay her, so he told the fat bitch she was a dirty theif and she'd better hit the fuckin' road. later he found his wallet under the bed and cried about being mean to the whore.

>> No.4315264
File: 6 KB, 174x290, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, and he literally married and had children with this billy goat of a woman

>> No.4315358


Omega walking.

>> No.4315432

(literal faggot, try hard, like the way black people react to a dicksuckfag and is flaming gay: Ex. "Get the fuck out of sight, faggot."

(whiny faggot, like sensitive emo fag we're familiar with now: Ex. "Man, nigga, you gay.")

>> No.4315456

I don't know, I had a friend like that (bad depression all his life, lost his virginity when he was like ten, abused drugs and alcohol since he was like 9 or some shit, spent most of his time as a reclusive neet) yet was alpha as fuck (always dominated social groups, could have sex with most girls he wanted to). Why not Dazai? Being messed in the head doesn't make someone beta.

>> No.4316058

Guys I hear there is a cool new board called /r9k/! Their discussions of feels and alpha males and feels when and betas and omegas and feels when no qt3.14gfasianfeels are even more engrossing than /lit/! Migrate now!

>> No.4316149

>"My sweet little whorish Nora I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole."
>implying beta

>> No.4316155

Kant is often seen as a saint but in his younger years he was with a few women and there are stories where he got drunk and couldn't find his way back home. It was the old Kant who became such a sperglord by compulsively following the same routine every day

>> No.4316920
File: 4 KB, 192x263, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did great authors cope with ending a relationship ? I know that formulated like this, the question seems very vague but maybe you could share some anecdotes and etc. to help me overcome this pain.

>> No.4316974


I had to deal with the pain of not only the end of my relationship but the end of my life as i knew it. I got locked up in jail now after being released my whole life has changed. I had an extreme amount of pain because of guilt and i was having a hard time dealing with loss. But I'm reading a book by Pema Chodron called When Things Fall Apart. It basically says to not attach yourself to anything/anybody. Just let go. Life is always changing and it is our grasping of things or people that bring suffering to us. Its not easy. I still wake up with guilt and pain but i embrace thse feelings and then let go.

>> No.4316982

you didn't read what I said but I'll elaborate to get my point across. She opened the gates of his sexuality and it was a match made in heaven. Before that, Joyce just loved to be a dirty little dweeb because in catholic ireland that was an act of rebellion in itself. It began with prostitutes and he was a massive pussy about it, though, for years. He came across Nora who was a bad girl from the start, and she loved owning her sexuality too. Match made in heaven ba dum psh

>> No.4316991

old kant wasn't actually a sperglord either lol. he was apparently a pretty cool teacher and a sociable and funny fellow.

he just didn't like to be late for shit, i guess.

>> No.4317024

>great authors