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/lit/ - Literature

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4400552 No.4400552[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which board do you go on most often? apart from /lit/.

>> No.4400556


>> No.4400560


>> No.4400561


>> No.4400564

/b/ mostly. sometimes /mu/, /r9k/, /wg/ and /fit/

>> No.4400567


>> No.4400575


>> No.4400579

when desperate, /tv/, /mu/, /sp/ but I contribute fuck-all and only nag for suggestions (movies, bands)

>> No.4400580

I'm a /pol/ack.

/lit/ is my second home.

>> No.4400586


Absolutely Disgusting.

>> No.4400587

/sci/ and /b/

>> No.4400590

I don't go to any of the any boards, aside from a few of the porn ones once in a blue moon.

>> No.4400593


>> No.4400595


Also, /diy/, /gd/, /fit/, /hr/, /x/, /ic/, /fa/, /an/.

But it's all shit, here included.


>> No.4400607

/fit/, /tv/, /pol/, /f/
started out as /v/irgin but /v/ is probably the worst board on 4chan right now besides /mlp/
also /vg/ sometimes too

>> No.4400608

/lit/ is especially shit.

>> No.4400611

Yes, I know, but c'est la life.

>> No.4400615

Just /ck/. But mostly here.

>> No.4400618

/mlp/, /tg/, /b/, /g/ and /pol/

>> No.4400619

/fit/ and [s4s] :^)

>> No.4400632

/ic/ and /sci/ are the shittiest in my opinion. They are all incredibly entitled. /sci/ doesn't know anything outside of mathematics and their own specific shit, and yet they are all talking about other things that they don't even begin to comprehend. Also, IQ war. /ic/ doesn't know shit about art, they just think in terms of proportions and etc. That's all they talk about and they are mostly children too.

/x/ is child's play. Everyone is playing, but they have great links and interesting pasta and pics. You are free to speak shit in /x/ and that's a good thing, because the posts are more honest. The problem is when skepticals try to prove this or that.

/fit/ is just funny and a bit dumb. I like them.

/hr/ is shit because it's all about women in high definition, though by the catalog you usually find great stuff. Best board in that sense.

/fa/ is all vanity and horrible threads, but sometimes I like to lurk a bit there for the pics.

/gd/ is just starting, but it's mildly interesting for the field.

/an/ is nice. It's almost outside of 4chan. It's just animals. That's it.

>> No.4400653

Well, because of my passions I tend to meander through /lit/ and /trv/ a lot.

Then I go to /b/ a lot for the kicks.

>> No.4400655

/v/ - Those retarded are fun.

/po/ is great
I like /trv/ because I love to go places
/ck/ is the best place in this shithole

and the combination of /lit/ /fa/ and /fit/ is perfect to fuck

>> No.4400668

/ck/ is the perfect sister-board for /lit/. Almost identical board culture, and lots of tasty looking food pics.

>> No.4400697


>> No.4400699

>most /lit/ posters also post on /pol/

Who the fuck are the people who complain about "/pol/ raids" in every thread?

>> No.4400704

>/an/ is nice. It's almost outside of 4chan. It's just animals. That's it.

>It's just animals. That's it.

Sounds just like the rest of 4chan.

>> No.4400706

tie between /lit/ and /mu/ as most frequented

then /tv/ /fit/ and occasionally /fa/

>> No.4400707
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>> No.4400715

/a/, /g/, /ck/, /sci/

>> No.4400722


>> No.4400734


>> No.4400736


>> No.4400737


>> No.4400760




>> No.4400767

>Identical Board culture

/ck/ is full of arguing assholes who don't read and everyone on /lit/ gets pissed off about restaurants?

>> No.4400772

>Almost identical board culture
So /lit/ loves arguing about fast food restaurants and ramen, cheating at the buffet, and dissing plebs who put ketchup on steak?

>> No.4400780
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I'm convinced they're just a vocal minority. The reason they have sway is because butterfly, our janitor, is a far-left radical feminist.

>> No.4400792


It's full of plebs arguing about what is and what isn't patrician.

>> No.4400806


so you're obviously a pleb.

>> No.4400808
File: 137 KB, 1170x923, Feel Bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw B-fly still won't give you the time of day even after you lay your love on the table

>> No.4400822

/jp/ (wish they discussed japanese culture and not just visual novels though)
/co/ (occasionally)

all of these boards are like 50/50 in terms of retards who use logical fallacies for everything and sort of decent people. /lit/ is the only consistently good board.

>> No.4400841

/pol/ is all fun. I don't like them shitting up /lit/ though. Their knee jerk paranoia would ruin /lit/ telling people what books can't be read because the author personal life, reducing everything to ad-homs like art was politics. Just look how tense and shitty all /pol/ related threads are on /lit/ and how comfy and interesting threads about actual books or philosophy are.

>> No.4400852

/out/ more than /lit/ and occasionally /trv/ or /tg/

>> No.4400886

>telling people what books can't be read because the author personal life, reducing everything to ad-homs like art was politics.

So, you mean like /lit/ before /pol/ started crossing over/existed?

>> No.4400887


>> No.4400898

Anyone who says /pol/ in this thread needs to go fucking kill themselves.

>> No.4400902

>Just look how tense and shitty all /pol/ related threads are on /lit/

You're implying that those threads are naturally "tense and shitty." I'd suggest they're that way because of /lit/'s sputter, shrieking SJW contingent.

>> No.4400907



>> No.4400910
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>> No.4400911

Case in point: >>4400898

>> No.4400920


you should try being more tolerant. that's pretty bigoted of you.

>> No.4400939

Maybe this thread will finally dispel the myth that one can't enjoy browsing both /lit/ and /pol/.

And that conservatives / traditionalists / etc. aren't interested in literature.

>> No.4400963


>you should try being more tolerant.

To be tolerant of someone is to have a disingenuous acceptance of them.

A mockery of the very concept of love.

You either truly accept someone or you don't. I'd rather see bigots than people who are "tolerant", at least for all their vanity and hatred they are being true to their dispositions and honest in declaring it.

>> No.4400973

go to bed, slavoj

>> No.4400974

install /g/entoo

>> No.4400975


>> No.4400982

I actually go on /mu/ most often, but /lit/ is a very close second.

I don't seriously browse other boards. Sometimes I'll lurk /v/ or /pol/ if I'm looking for a laugh.

>> No.4400984


do you not understand the simple irony I employed in my post...

>> No.4400992


Was thinking of getting into gaming, so I might start going to /v/ or whatever. Any advice appreciated.

>> No.4401003


Sure I did.

I just wanted to use it as an excuse to pontificate out of boredom. This is /lit/ remember.

>> No.4401010


That's about it.

>> No.4401011

>days from 2014
>still thinking SJWs are rational human beans

tippity toppity tip top kek

>> No.4401014
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Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice.

>> No.4401027
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why won't you shitlords just go back to >>>/pol/ already? holy fuck, just leave this board and never come back.

>> No.4401054


>> No.4401060

Wow, old /lit/ fag denunciations of the modern right are so convincing, so strong. Surely the left will prevail in /lit/, Europe, and the universe beyond.

>> No.4401067


>> No.4401068

Fuck off

>> No.4401076

Fuck off to reddit cunt.

>> No.4401082

Make me, reactionary.

>> No.4401085


/pol/ spergs are indeed massive bitch ass cunts but when you lose your shit and link half the fucking thread just to have a little cry you end up being an even bigger bitch ass cunt

hide the thread and move on. it's that simple.

>> No.4401088

That's because you have sworn loyalty to /pol/, stay there if you hadn't you would have seen it from a more neutral perspective.

>> No.4401100

/pol/ doesn't ruin threads.

It's the anti-/pol/ faggots, who can't tolerate other opinions.

>> No.4401102

No. I'm not talking about the casual capitalist criticism of Marx threads or the social democrat criticisms of rand threads.

Get your fucking persecution complex under control, it's embarrassing.

>> No.4401107


>> No.4401109


>> No.4401111

It's the other way around you faggot.

>> No.4401112

It really isn't.

>someone posts a "/pol/" opinion
>10 shitposting replies about how he must go "back to /pol/"

The one opinion is better than the 10 shitposts from you cunts.

>> No.4401117

You fuckers love to tango.

>> No.4401118



>> No.4401123

Someone posts a "SJW" opinion 10 posts about tumblr like it's not legitimate opinion on a /lit/ board, not a political incorrect board. Fuck back to /pol/

>> No.4401125


>> No.4401128

That doesn't happen though.

>> No.4401130

It happens everytime lurk moar.

>> No.4401132

/int/ and /sp/

sometimes a little /mu/

>> No.4401133


How many of you also post on /pol/?


>> No.4401139

I only lurk for keks and lels.

>> No.4401136


Wow, considering how against each other they are, you'd never expect that to be someone's favorite two boards. (outside lit)

for me, it's /sci/, /an/, /ck/, /b/.

I hate /b/ though. I don't think any other honest relationship with /b/ is possible.

>> No.4401137


I do but when I am board but I don't post the racist threads and shit like that

>> No.4401142

>posting and browsing on a board that has paid posters from stormfront to spread misinformation
/lit/ i am disappoint

>> No.4401143


> the modern right


Please, you're embarrassing serious right wingers.

>> No.4401150

>hurr durr im stupid so everyone must be stupid like meself
the worst thing about this is that this person (god forbid) will reproduce and his lineage will be as stupid as him

>> No.4401152



>> No.4401154

Anti-/pol/ brigade confirmed for vocal minority.

>> No.4401155

Their opinion doesn't matter. They're not in control of the right anymore than serious lefties are in control of tumblr.

>> No.4401157

Science says he has a higher objective statistical probability of being smarter than you though and this is from an actual scientific journal and not a blog.

>> No.4401162

Science says the same thing about whites having a higher objective statistical probability of being smarter than blacks.

>> No.4401164
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>> No.4401167


>thinking literature is the preserve of self-hating, limp-wristed, 'progressives'.

No, why don't you and your Cult of the Victim fuck off.

>> No.4401172

>believing in anything from the 70's

Do you also believe in karma and love?

It also says the gap is lessening as social mobility gets better. Enjoy your cognitive dissonance.

>> No.4401174

>Cult of the Victim

Someone has never been on /pol/

>> No.4401176


>> No.4401180

My god you people are pathetic.

Can you go more than one post without talking about /pol/? It honestly sounds like you're secretly in love with it or something.

>> No.4401182

Google is your friend m8, I won't take the time, you will deny anything I throw at you.

>> No.4401187

Check the context of the post you replied to, you dork.

>> No.4401189

>no source


>> No.4401191

It is. Hitler never read novels. The Unabomber claimed to be against sentimental art, of which the novel in general is a prime example. What are you even doing here? What do you read?

>> No.4401196


>> No.4401197

Hitler was left wing.

>> No.4401201

>in the same period the educational achievement disparity also diminished.[62] Using a different data set, Charles Murray has argued for the same period that the IQ gap remained stable.


>> No.4401209

>The Unabomber claimed to be against sentimental art, of which the novel in general is a prime example

Hah -- nope!

A substantial number of books in his library were novels. He was a great fan of Joseph Conrad.

Nice try, though.

>> No.4401212

/r9k/ and /pol/

>> No.4401215


hitler read novels, but mostly philosophy

>> No.4401218


TS Eliot, Ezra Pound, William Butler Yeats, Mishima, etc

Yeah, that's a checkmate, lefty scum.

>> No.4401221

Oh so there's a dispute. How very common.

>> No.4401224
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>It honestly sounds like you're secretly in love with it or something.

Given how many women seem to fantasize about getting facefucked by barbed supersaurus cocks, I wouldn't put it past them.

>> No.4401225

& they would all have hated your motherfucking ass (except maybe Mishima)

Seriously, those people were all conservatives in at least some sense, but the idea that they would have embraced the political movement that goes under that name in modern US politics is absurd - let alone the idea that they would have been at home in /pol/ today. Even Pound who was a ferocious anti-Semite.

>> No.4401226

/ PO / >>4400655


>> No.4401227

Telling people to "go back to /pol/" is no more productive than telling people to "go to reddit"

What is really pathetic, tho, is that for a lot of people in /lit/ and /pol/ being opposed to political correctness means trying to create a new right-wing version of politically correct by mocking everyone with left-wing views and purging so-called "sjw"s. In the end, it is even more intolerant than left-wing political correctness and creates a bland, intimidating, dogmatic space.

>> No.4401228

>expecting anti-/pol/ faggots to be able to read


>> No.4401231

This. Learn from this wise anon /pol/

>> No.4401232

he claims not to have ever read a novel in Table Talk
unless there's a better source, I don't know

how the fuck is Heart of Darkness not the sort of depressive book he's supposed to be against
I can find the exact quote from the manifesto if there's a discrepancy

the only one of those authors who even experienced anything outside of democracy was a failed suicide

>> No.4401236

Are you saying /pol/ posters are more literate than book nerds? Get real, it's really not a competition.

>> No.4401235

If you're going to deny that Ezra Pound was conservative, I don't know what to say, man.

>> No.4401237

Not really. You get quite good debates on /pol/, regardless of your opinion on the matter.

on /lit/, you typically get less points argued against you, and more posts talking about how superior they are. And how /pol/ needs to leave.

It's obnoxious as hell.

>> No.4401239

>sworn loyalty to /pol/

wow, it's like i'm really in 9th grade again

>> No.4401241

Lurk moar

>> No.4401242

>Not really. You get quite good debates on /pol/, regardless of your opinion on the matter.

This has not, in general, been my experience with /pol/. At all.

>> No.4401247

Are you saying /pol/ posters can't also be book nerds? Get real, the two categories aren't mutually exclusive.

>> No.4401251

It's really like your here straight from /pol/ trying to do missionary work. /lit/ has the most "not-dumbed-down" intellectually stimulating discussions on all of 4chan maybe except for /tg/ that's why that actually intelligent /pol/ ideologues wants to have a place here and fights so rabidly to get here. They could also have a place easily if it weren't for the brain dead minions trying to be intelligent they drag along.

>> No.4401252
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>mfw SJWs on /lit/ realize that the majority of the board also frequents /pol/

Good God, the butthurt ITT is glorious.

>> No.4401255


>> No.4401256

>/lit/ has the most "not-dumbed-down" intellectually stimulating discussions on all of 4chan
>majority of /lit/ also uses /pol/


>> No.4401257

/pol/ is where you go when you really, really want to talk about politics but /lit/ is moving too slowly, or if there's some specific news story you can't post about on /lit/, or when you just want to yell at and make fun of people, instead of actually talking about things.

At least for me.

>> No.4401259

Your not very good at science all of /lit/ is not represented here. Most are too smart to reply to /pol/ faggotry and too old for basic trolling.

>> No.4401265

let's take a look
"Suprise, /pol/ is wrong again.


It's the true tier list. Tell me a decent thing whites are best at? Technology? Politics? Economy? War?

Nope, Jews are the best at politics, economy, as they are ruling whole World except China.

Lets talk about War and history, China have been never destroyed and superpower for 5000 +years. China is even using the same language(with a bit patching) since 1300 BC.

Lets talk about Ottoman Empire(Seljuks origin, Asian again) who fucked the whole world, even conquered Istanbul and lived as a superpower for about 600 years. Strong and respectful culture, have 5 mil km^2 area.

As a proud Chinese Han, I ask you pathetic whites, what have you done to be the master race? You did your degenerate stupid art, wow Shakespare muh feelings. You are good at eating, you are ideal sheeps for Jews, even you say 'Hitler killed jews hehuehue', Jews are ruling you still. Maybe only Russians are good. Whatever even Niggers are started to fuck your women.

Keep lying to yourselves faggots, you are as shit tier as Mexicans."

"so mikhail kalashnikov, the inventor of the biggest jew slayer this side of a booby-trapped nickel, has died

are the jews somehow responsible? I think they are."

"Why is it acceptable for this capitalist system to let people die? Billions of human lives have been lost and nobody cares.

Maybe the people in charge are a bunch of autists that can't into basic emotions?"

why would anyone want to post in threads like this? are you so used to this kind of language that you think it's normal?

>> No.4401267

/k/- looks like I am the only one so far :/

>> No.4401268

What part of the OP is "/pol/ faggotry" or "trolling"?

>> No.4401270


>> No.4401272



>> No.4401281


Why is it so difficult for leftists to accept that people on the right enjoy literature? This always baffles me.

>> No.4401282

fuck off to /pol/

>> No.4401284

Politically incorrect is just another term for wrong.

There are multiple ways of viewing most issues, and the dogmatic reduction of SJWs of identity for explanations for all social structures, which is both vehement and doctrinal, destroys the capacity to explain things in a lot of other ways. This restricts our understanding of justice, and therefore the capacity to actually be just. It must go only because it's not postmodern. At best, it apes it spastically.

>> No.4401286

/mu/, /co/ (I'm trying to get into comics).

I was browsing /r9k/ but I'm getting tired of it.
Also /sp/ occasionally.

>> No.4401290


I see. Fascinating. Thanks for your response.

>> No.4401292

>Politically incorrect is just another term for wrong.

But it was once politically incorrect to say that Blacks are equal to Whites.

>> No.4401288

Are you dense? /pol/ fags are the easiest to bait they are fueled by their paranoia so they can't think your not serious because you play right into their preconceived idea of their enemy: the brainwashed middle class young liberal who are controlled by evil Jew shadow puppetmasters from then on it'll just be trolls trolling trolls and /pol/ shits being serious.

>> No.4401296

You didn't answer the question.

>> No.4401299

You misread my comment anon. I wasn't and am not comparing /pol/ and /lit/, just the tendency of people on 4chan in general to push a right-wing version of political correctness. Free speech means you can say what you wantbut have to suffer the blowback if you make a fool of yourself. Unfortunately too many discussions go sthg like
>Girls have terrible taste and feminism ruined them
>Those are huge generalizations
>cry about it bitch
>I don't think feminism is all ba or even mostly bad
>Mods please ban this SJW jew fag radical feminist

>> No.4401300

Yes and that was wrong

>> No.4401306

It's you who misunderstood.

>> No.4401307
File: 138 KB, 1081x479, lit in charge of free thought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>free speech

u wot m8?

>> No.4401317

/lit/ is moderated check the rules.

>> No.4401318


>make general statements about women

>make general statements about a specific minority group

>suggest that not all people who frequent /pol/ are paranoid jew-conspiracy theorists

Remember: what's important is how you feel, now whether you're consistent.

>> No.4401320
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And this is good moderation?

>> No.4401325

>/lit/ is monitored by a far-left radical feminist check your privilege


>> No.4401326

>what's important is how you feel, now whether you're consistent.

Just like /pol/



>> No.4401327

What's your point?

>> No.4401329

If you don't like our culture go back to /pol/ if you can't behave in a civilized manner.

>> No.4401331

I wish we could say that to immigrants who move to our countries.

>> No.4401333

Change starts from within. Prove your commitment to your principles by never posting in /lit/ again.

>> No.4401335

>"our culture"
>said by someone who represents a minority of /lit/
>as shown by the responses ITT

Oh God, please stop. I'm laughing too hard. My stomach hurts.

>> No.4401338

Against who would you then need to use your freedom to call niggers?
Admit it immigrants are vital to your identity.

>> No.4401341


>> No.4401344

Only other board I go to is /mlp/

>> No.4401348

If you think this is an argument you are basic as fuck.

>> No.4401353

but mostly just /lit/
by far the best for actually discussing/learning something

>> No.4401360

Quick, somebody spam a bunch of posts saying that they visit /n/ all the time and then talk about how the majority of posters on /lit/ have been conclusively proven to be autistic train freaks

>> No.4401363

Says the Anon who thinks she's not a member of /lit/'s vocal minority.

Face it, sugartits: you're outnumbered by people who also frequent /pol/.

>> No.4401368

I also frequent /pol/ myself. I'm just not a social justice warrior with a mission like you. I keep that on /pol/.

>> No.4401371

can't imagine why anyone would think /pol/ people are bad posters when they produce Quality Posts like this

ya dumbfuck

(and also, "frequents /pol/" is not the same as "from /pol/")

>> No.4401379
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>> No.4401438

/mu/ (I have been on this the longest... Since about '07)

I don't really trip that much. Only sometimes.

>> No.4401461

is there a grill from /pol/?

will you marry me bb?

>> No.4401468

/g/ and /sci/

>le intelletual face

>> No.4401474

/fa/, /fit/, /g/, /gd/, /int/, /mu/, /p/, /sci/, /tv/, /x/ and obviously [s4s]

>> No.4401475


>> No.4401478

/pol/ has a good number of women actually.

>> No.4401499


What the fuck is "from /pol/"?

>> No.4401510

/a/, /tv/, /g/, /sci/,/int/, and /pol/

>> No.4401514


>> No.4401517

if you browse

you are most likely mentally challenged

>> No.4401534

>no /r9k/

we president now

>> No.4401537

i knew i missed something

>> No.4401546

You forgot lit

>> No.4401549

/r9k/ masterrace here, apparently I'm not mentally retarded! Gee thanks!

>> No.4401560
File: 72 KB, 414x720, 1384336963038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourself. Before /pol/ and /tg/ (both infinitely kinder and, in /tg/'s case, more open-minded posters than /lit/ purists) started cross-posting Shits like you browbeated anyone who had a remotely different view on writers like Joyce, Hemingway, Tolkien, or Melville. Have a merry fucking Christmas, you worthless waste of carbon. Holy shit, I'm mad. 10/10

>> No.4401568

>including /tv/ and /sp/ in that list of shit
step up nigger

>> No.4401572

/mu/ and /fa/ although. /mu/'s somehow got even shittier lately though so mostly /fa/.

>> No.4401605


all entertaining boards

>> No.4402186

In order of frequency, /x/,/mu/,/g/ and /hr/.
... And Reddit.

>> No.4402207

>angry illiterate plebs teaming up with /pol/

How predictable.

>> No.4402236

/g/, /r9k/, /pol/

Yes, I lost my virginity to a prostitute.

>> No.4402244

who /outlaw/ here?

>> No.4402251

I go on /pol/ every once in a while just to make a trip down to the depths and see what's going on. Mostly out of habit from when /new/ was still around and still questionably not sincerely awful.

I stick to /fit/ if I'm not on /lit/. /mu/ sparingly but talking about death grips and kanye gets boring. /x/ if i'm feeling the need to itch that since childhood love of conspiracies/aliens.

>> No.4402322



>> No.4402437
File: 14 KB, 207x246, 1387592631747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Outlel, brother.

I go to /v/ and /g/ mostly. When i want to relax, i'll go to /tv/ and have fun. When i want pure, unadulterated shitposting, i go to /sp/ when mods are asleep.


>> No.4402456

These days probably Pol. I find that some of them aren't to far from the actuality of it all once you sift past the barbarians and blatant discrimination.

It appears most of them are the results of society. They are angry that the world isn't willing to even give them a shot, yet wants to blame all of histroy on them and cast their ways of life aside. I wouldn't say I'm far right. I've always been a centrist that has leaned a tad left and right from time to time.

Honestly I think that people on the far right are closer to centrism than the far left thinkers. The new age liberal is one of dull ideas, lost in generalizations and people to blame for the problems of the world. They paint the evil face of capitalism white and blame an entire ethnic group of people. We just happen to be the first victims of capitalism.

>> No.4402574

Of course.

>The reason they have sway is because butterfly, our janitor, is a far-left radical feminist.
How is that a reason? And I'm not radical.

I see everything.

Not since (that one cross posting "raid" Threads deleted) it was called /new/

>> No.4402622

>Selective egalitarianism.

How is that not radical? I highly doubt you lend your support to actual countries that are in need of a serious feminist crusade. Feminist warring in the west is petty at this point, trying to pick gold from a river so that you can say there is still something to seek out. Not to mention tumblr has literally dragged it through the mud by introducing a bunch of children to it.

I can hardly bare any of the groups complaining about civil rights in America when the largest group is largely ignored because of their skin color. The truth is that men and white people need the most help out of anyone in our country.

>> No.4402880

/vg/ because i like dota and /int/ because I like learning about the world

>> No.4402913
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/tg/ of course

>> No.4402926

>tfw i want so badly a woman like in OP, twice my age and even more wrinkles and masculine face

>> No.4402927

>I think that people on the far right are closer to centrism than the far left thinkers
You know how I know you're from USA?

You're a bunch of rudderless ingrates but I still like you ;p

>> No.4402930
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>> No.4402955

/fit/ mostly right now

the speedrunning generals on /vg/

>> No.4402987

/lit/ main board
/sci/ used to be my main
/int/ fun
/fit/ gains
/tv/ film
/ic/ :)
/g/ (:
/s/gif/ love

>> No.4403016

I don't visit other boards

It's true, and also happens to be the correct answer

>> No.4403030

/mu/ mostly, then /sci/ and /lit/ equally, /b/ if im bored, /pol/ and /gif/ on occasion

>> No.4403036

I've been on /co/ lately, lurking/contribootin in the Frozen Generals

>> No.4403100

None except /lit/ and I'm only here because of the holidays as I've been using my computer very little lately (productivity is up).

/out/ looks pretty fun though if I had to choose a secondary board

>> No.4403122

/a/ and /v/ crossposting cancer here.

>> No.4403130

/fit/, /v/ and sometines /fa/

>> No.4403154

Mostly /v/, some /g/. When I'm reading comics I go to /co/ (a couple of months a year) same with /vp/.

I lurk /gif/ for quick porn fix.

>> No.4403182

I'm new to /lit/
That's it.

>> No.4403190


elders scrolls i guess

>> No.4403196


Sometimes various /vg/ threads

>> No.4403225

Sometimes I lurk a bit of /fa/ and /mu/ and /ck/ when I need some inspiration in those areas. I also like /out/ and /diy/. /r9k/ is sometimes great when you look past the 99% self pity and delusion.

>> No.4403248


Considering the fact there are numerous threads about economic theory and political science, there are a decent number of posters who do read books on /pol/.

I am stormfag, so I read books about National Socialism and Nationalism quite often.

>> No.4403255


You mean watch YouTube videos and extrapolate?

>> No.4403265


You would think /lit/ would be a bit more wordy in their shitposting.

>> No.4403267

And now you are lying. Name some books.

>> No.4403273


>> No.4403279

Cont. of

Busy googling ? :) pretentious faggot, absolutely embarrassing

>> No.4403309

Dude /pol/ simply labels all economics they don't like as Keynesian, they label all art try don't like postmodern, etc

They literally know nothing about these subjects. Hell, you can't even convince one of them that just maybe Keynes wasn't a co-conspirator in the illuminati world government or whatever. They can't even begin community college level mathematics

>> No.4403315

Yeah, on /pol/, ignorance is strength that's why I want them to leave and call them out on their hollow knowledge.

>> No.4403320

It's not even right wing/reactionary views, either. Threads for those are posted often. It's just the general anti-intellectual and confirmation bias mindset they bring to any discussion

>> No.4403321

So basically all you have to do is just mention /pol/ and all the crybabies come out of the woodwork to whine about it, or do you just have to do anything they don't like in which they'll blame /pol/ and how it's ruining the board. I guess the irony of them constantly bitching about /pol/ ruining the board actually ruining the board and turning it into a no fun allowed reactionary cesspit is lost on them.

>> No.4403322

/pol/ and /fit/

>> No.4403325

People bitch about /pol/ because its fucking annoying. Like someone in a thread said once that 7 million Jews died, and some /pol/lack replied "OH WOW NOW IT'S UP TO 7 MILLION?"

It doesn't foster discussion, appeals to easily disproven conspiracy junk, and is patently implicit as pro-Nazi propaganda.

>> No.4403328

You know what else is annoying? Cunts like you winging about it incessantly. And what's wrong with pointing out an inaccuracy? Even the jews, who sensationalize the number of jews killed in the holocaust, say 6. I'm not saying it's not terrible, because it is, but don't try to punch it up and take away from the people who actually died.

>> No.4403330

If you want to talk about it, post in /pol/. Your views aren't wanted on /lit/, unless I'd you participate in a mature and reasoned fashion.

>> No.4403331

That's what I mean the actually well read ones are interesting, it's the ones they attract who has no idea what they are saying, who don't know what words mean, those I want to leave.

They add no quality only one sentence generalizations and can't argue their case for shit and show know interest in learning anything because they already know. No intellectual honesty it's abhorrent.

>> No.4403335


>> No.4403339

I posted on /pol/ for a while and I never came across these mystical well-read /pol/acks. But point accepted.

In any case, keep the /pol/ack sardonic irony in /pol/.

>> No.4403341

Why is it not okay for the person to comment back, but the original comment is okay and you have no problem with it? It's part of the discussion obviously, but since you got offended it needs to just go away. That's very childish

>> No.4403347

Well it's just a fact. Correcting random facts is virtually pointless. 6 is more commonly accepted but 7 was printed in many textbooks, so it's not like its a huge mistake to say 7. And really there's no reason to care that much beyond having pro-Nazi sentiments or being extremely autistic about data and facts.

I mean if someone said that Plato was from the wrong century by only like 50 years, you wouldn't care. You obviously care because you WANT it to be true that the Nazis weren't horrible.

>> No.4403348

The worst about that post anon is referring to was that it was a response to a high quality post where the point had nothing to do with the 7 million but the 12 million who died including Bolsheviks, homosexuals, gypsies and the disabled that no one talks about. The /pol/ shit totally missed the point and pointed instead to Jewish conspiracy. It's so fucking dumb.

>> No.4403355

No it wasn't. I just looked at it. It's in the Mein Kampf thread. Go look for yourself

>> No.4403359

This is exactly the point. It didnt add to the discussion and was clearly framed to push the Jewish conspiracy idea. It's like if you're talking about a movie and some douhebag interruptz and rants about how Tarantino is a coke addict. It doesn't add to the fucking discussion and has no truth to it.

>> No.4403366

It was, after he argued that hitler did practically nothing to lead because he had to be perceived as flawless. And the response "so now it's 7 millions?" Totally fucking embarrassing.

>> No.4403367

>adding 1 million deaths is no big deal
Yeah, it kinda is. It's not "pro-Nazi sentiment" either just because you disagree with it. I just think it takes away from the actual horror of it to sensationalize it. It's the equivalent of me saying "Man, 9-11 was so terrible. God bless the 1million people that died in the world trade center"

>> No.4403371

You are taking from the horror right now.

>> No.4403373

I'm gonna let you in on a secret here. I was the person who posted that 7 meant it kept going up and that's the only post I have in the entire thread. The rest is one or more different people

>> No.4403375

>Kept going up

What are you talking about?

>> No.4403381

My actual post was
>It keeps going up
in response to somebody saying 7,000,000 jews were killed in the holocaust. That's literally all I posted in the entire thread.

>> No.4403385

Do you think someone is secretly trying to make it go up?

>> No.4403393

It was a joke. I forgot that the vocal minority here is trying to make this board as humorless as possible.

>> No.4403401

Lamest cop out ever, read the thread again and see if anyone is having fun, know your place and context.

>> No.4403407

It was a perfectly fine comment in its right place and contextually fine. The entire thread is bait and you're expecting a significant discussion to be contained in it? How naive.

>> No.4403414

Again, cop out. Just stop.

>> No.4403415

Just because you can't accept the truth doesn't make it a cop out. You're taking a comment made in jest inside of a bait thread seriously. Just stop.

>> No.4403430

>the truth

Top kek m8