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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 262 KB, 960x1300, 1984-george-orwell-source.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4458122 No.4458122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I just finished this book and it's the most amazing book ever. I've also read Paulo Coelho and Haruki Murakami, but they are not nearly as deep and mature as this one.

>> No.4458128

What are your thoughts? Do you think this is the future?

>> No.4458135

nice b8 m8

>> No.4458140

bump anyone?

>> No.4458142

it's the present

>> No.4458149

why is is b8?

>> No.4458187

The book was actually pretty good..i have no idea why /lit/ looses their shit when someone mentiones the book

>> No.4458213


>> No.4458221

too mainstream for lits edgy probably never heard of it tastes

>> No.4458243

The one who's edgy here is you. So If you find out your favorite book is being read by some edgy teen, you don't like it anymore. It's not the author's fault hipsters think they are cool IF they read actual good literature they don't even understand.
OP is an example of those hipsters, but that deosn't mean every reader is like him.

>> No.4458261
File: 14 KB, 255x220, 1388015078315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paulo Coelho

>> No.4458262


You finally fucking did it.

This is probably the single worst post I've ever read on 4chan. Mere words cannot express just how stupid this is. I hope to God that you get hit by a car. Hell, I don't care how you die, so long as it happens as quickly as possible. Your very existence is a burden on humanity. Just knowing that you're out there somwhere, actually believing the things you said, knowing that you actually posted that with a smug smile on your face being proud of it, thinking it was a sensible thing to say, is incredibly painful.

You sound like one of those pseudo intellectuals who try their best to be above comments on an Anonymous web forum.

>> No.4458271

My shit is loose, bro.

The reason lit gets mad when it is mentioned is because there are so many posts a day about it. It's typically the first "real" book someone reads in their free time and they scramble to make a thread about it.

Just obnoxious after a while is all.

>> No.4458595

We've all talked about it, It has been talked about all the time, especially now, and BNW is better, Fuck the main character and his turbo slut gf.

>> No.4458625

maybe he is having a midlife crisis

>> No.4458676
File: 14 KB, 320x240, goldhomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4458680

Are you fucking shitting me???
This book has been discussed fucktons of times, here and everywhere. Is there anything left to say about it? Do we need to post the "Orwell vs Huxley" image AGAIN?

>> No.4458724

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley is way better. like 1984 but way way cleverer.

>> No.4458748

>tfw people complain about these threads but their complaints push it to the front page
>tfw im apart of the problem

>> No.4459037

>BNW is better
in terms of the messages behind it, yes. In terms of its prose, no. BNW blowed balls when it comes to itself as a novel. Personally, I rather read Fahrenheit 451 than BNW or 1984, better prose and its message is also highly important

>> No.4459054

George Orwell acted like a right-winger and served very well for anti-communist propaganda, prove me wrong


>> No.4459078

The bittersweet irony of Orwell enacting censorship on his deathbed.

>> No.4459108

Thats the kind of vibe I was getting from him, yet what he wrote was spot on.

>> No.4459543

>tfw i just started reading Norwegian wood after 1984

am i a bad person ?

>> No.4459547

BNW > 1984

>> No.4459588

>Haruki Murakami
>Paulo Coelho
>Thinking Orwell is so deep

>> No.4461039

of these three, orwell is obviously the easiest to grasp

>> No.4461123


>> No.4461179

just write "sage" in the e-mail field when you post.

>> No.4463159

not understanding OP is trolling

>> No.4463225

I stopped reading after the second paragraph.

It's quite obvious this guy has only seen the films, not read the book. The enemy was never aware of the fellowship's quest to destroy the ring. The thought that someone would try to destroy it never entered his mind.

>> No.4463246

It's shit

>> No.4463257

Paulo Coelho, here in latin america, is widely regarded as a low-brow pseudointellectual idea-thief and book-seller (rather than a real author). Reading his books is quite frowned upon, and usually only done by people of very limited education or curious visitors from other realms that want to have a laugh.

>> No.4463260

/r/ing huxley vs orwell image

>> No.4463422

But 1984 is a dystopia while BNW is not a dystopia. How can you even try to compare the two?

>> No.4463532

Dude, cool your jets.

I'm surprised you haven't killed yourself if you think that guy's the worst humanity has to offer.

>> No.4463537

>BNW not a dystopia

Highly debatable.

My general belief on this anyway is utopia = dystopia.

>> No.4463558

That's a good point actually. The argument made by the savage at the end is similar right? Because everything is perfect there is no need for things like honor, justice, dedication, etc.

I think it comes down to what you personally idealize as the highest virtues. BNW does a great job of maximizing pleasure and happiness but it's not necessarily human flourishing as Aristotle would describe it.

I think, at the very least, BNW is a good attempt at a utopian society that can be seen as dystopian from a viewpoint that holds the arts as one of the highest virtues, seeing as how the arts seemed to suffer the most from the society.

>> No.4463583

I enjoyed 1984 quite a bit. I remember reading it back in high school because I was going through my classics phase. I did like the ideas a lot more than the story though which I felt was kind of meh.

>> No.4463585

Probably the same thing as mentioning something like Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop on /a/--not so much that /lit/ doesn't like them, but more than these discussions have been had ad nauseam.

>> No.4463593

>insightful observation must be difficult to understand or it is not "deep"
What the fuck have we come to? What do words even mean anymore?

>> No.4463610


Google image search, retard.

>> No.4463924

Now go and pick up Koestler's Darkness at Noon, you can thank me later.

>> No.4465367

>not deep as Orwell............
Coelho is such a dick, a small one.

>> No.4466130

This will make good copypasta.