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4466519 No.4466519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Book is about 300 pages long
>Adapted into three films that are all between 2.5 and 3 hours long


>> No.4466520 [DELETED] 

Jews gonna jew.

More at eleven.

>> No.4466531

Your average 300 page novel would need to have a 200 hour movie adaption if it were to fit everything

>> No.4466540
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>it's short
>it's a children book

dilettantes know nothing of Tolkien's work

>> No.4466541


Are you being serious right now? You don't need 40 minutes for a fucking page of writing.

>> No.4466538

Truth. Some pretty good films were adapted from short stories.
Although I think Hollywood is so out of ideas these days that pulling a trilogy out of a short novel is pretty desperate and normal.

>> No.4466545

What titles does new line have except LotR?
they gotta get paid somehow

>> No.4466558

To be fair, they're adding content from the Silmarillion as well. And really pushing it as a LotR prequel.

>> No.4466577


but... how is the Hobbit a Hollywood production?

>> No.4466594
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>> No.4466601

If they had done the hobbit first, they would have probably made 9 films out of LOTRs

>> No.4466606

Yeah, 9 films for each of the 3 books.

>> No.4466620

5 films just for the part with tom bombadil

>> No.4466627

The Hobbit doesn't address anything outside the scope of Bilbo's understanding/presence. At all.

You'd have Gandalf disappear for months on end to reappear without a word.

You'd have no extended lore happening in the background, which does get narrated in the Appendices/Unfinished Tales.

You'd get Bilbo fight at the Battle for Five Armies for a minute before being knocked out.

Bard would literally be no-one, come out of nowhere and kill a Dragon and lead an army.

The Hobbit is a kids story, the Lord of the Rings isn't. Lord of the Rings was made first, so The Hobbit has too many expectations for it.

>> No.4468989

This. They're adding stuff in from other writings by Tolkien. Research before you shitpost OP

>> No.4468996

>that 40 minute furnace lighting scene

>> No.4468997

however they mess up the timeline with the necromancer crap

>> No.4468998

>which was maybe 15 minutes, but is somehow being greatly exaggerated.
Yeah, totally.

>> No.4469000

Not really, actually. They'll change the timeline of Dol Guldur being destroyed; which happens after the Ring is destroyed.

But this is something that actually makes sense, to help tie in the whole Gandalf surprise for Sauron's return etc.

>> No.4469001

same fag here, and also the fabricate the feud with azog

>> No.4469004
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Fuck dammit no they fucking aren't, stop spreading this bullshit around.

They're adding like a page and a half of stuff from the LotR appendixes which was touched on in the Silmarillion even more briefly.

Tolkien gave us the a skeleton outline of what happened in Dol Guldur, nothing more. He certainly didn't provide enough information to included in these movies without Jackson making almost everything up himself.

>> No.4469008

You do realise that Tolkien gave us skeleton outlines for pretty much everything.

>> No.4469011

Well he had even less to say about Dol Guldur. Why? Because The Hobbit is Bilbo's story, hence the title, and events which Bilbo didn't know about and wouldn't have understood anyway are of no real consequence to the story.

The only reason Tolkien told us anything at all is so we'd know what exactly Gandalf was up to between leaving Biblo and the Dwarves at Beorn's place and showing up at the Battle of Five Armies.

>> No.4469014


2850: Gandalf enters Dol Guldur and confirms that the evil thereby found is indeed Sauron returned; Thráin II, broken, raving, and dying, gives Gandalf his map and key to be

July 2941: Bilbo Baggins obtains the One Ring; the White Council drives Sauron out of Dol Guldur

I understand why the did it but they did fuck up the timeline by quite a bit

>> No.4469024

27 minutes actually, boyo

>> No.4469035

So according to you, your first post was 13 minutes exaggerated?

>> No.4469038

Nah it just included Bilbo and Smaug's conversation. I am never wrong.

>> No.4469039

So what. When you cover a song its common to add in your own ideas, some more licks, different instruments etc. I don't know why people want exact conversions of books to films.

>> No.4469044

They aren't adding anything, yet you go on to say they are.. "They're adding like one page" very accurate anon. Its interesting for fans to be able to see new things, like what Gandalf was up to.

>> No.4469047

You said 40 minutes then said 27

>> No.4469049

like i said I understand why they did it, (more films = more money) being one of the reasons

>> No.4469053

And you said 15 when it turned out to be nearly double that.

>> No.4469059

Nope I didn't, I wasn't that anon. I watched the film but I wasn't timing it's scenes.

>> No.4469062

One of the least interesting reasons

>> No.4469069
File: 830 KB, 1598x728, where-the-wild-things-are-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Book is about 20 pages long and is mostly pictures
>Adapted into one nearly two-hour film
I have no issue with that how about you?

>> No.4469070

Is that including all the scene switches to Laketown?

What happened to 40 minutes?

>> No.4469077

How were they able to use ideas from Unfinished Tales? I thought that was under lock and key by the big CT.

>> No.4469078

tfw hobbit was tolkien's 'warmup' for the lotr trilogy.

>> No.4469079

well except that movie being shit

>> No.4469080

2 hours of greatness.

>> No.4469083

He was pressured to write a sequel and had to adapt the original Hobbit story so he could expand on it to make Lord of the Rings. He was perfectly content with leaving it at the Hobbit and only wrote Lord of the Rings because his publishers hated the Silmarillion

>> No.4469084

The book is not good either, unless you're it's target audience.

>> No.4469086

"What happened to 40 minutes" my point exactly to that anon.

>> No.4469089

>implying literary types the world over dont read where the wild things are im their studies as they smoke cigars and drink expensive wine

>> No.4469093

Mfw I wnt into LOTR thinking it was amazingly written like every says. There is loads of clunky writing and it's pretty plain, not really dense at all either.

>> No.4469094

Implying you can really "read" it. They would have to read it 20 times just to Finish their cigar.

>> No.4469101

gr8 one m8 :)

>> No.4469102
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It was mostly a hyperbole anyways. It was painfully long in any case.

>> No.4469140

The Hobbit is much better than LOTR

>> No.4469148

Hence warmup

>> No.4470300

>only wrote Lord of the Rings because his publishers hated the Silmarillion
Are you suggesting that Tolkien tried to get Silmarillion published, and before he wrote LotR?

>> No.4470318

Despite the flaws of the movie I really liked Martin Freeman as Bilbo in the first film, not too fussed with the second.

>> No.4470325
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What content is that?

>> No.4470328

I agree, he's exactly how I pictured Bilbo, as are his responses and reactions.

>> No.4470346

He wrote it as a good-night story for this kids, therefor it is a childens book.

>> No.4470362

gotta get them shekels

>> No.4470373

>the hobbit incorporates a ton of the expanded universe stuff

>> No.4470471

Funny, because everyone I've spoken to on the matter think it wouldn't be possible to make a good film based on the Silmarillion due to its structure (myself included).

I just wanted the fairy tale about Bilbo. I knew well in advance that Jackson wasn't going to do that, though. Hence why I simply don't care about this "trilogy" he's made.

That's exactly what happened.

>> No.4470475

>This. They're adding stuff in from other writings by Tolkien

So where the fuck did this she-elf plot point come in then? The complete twisting of how the dwarves are introduced to the bear-man? The whole scene between the dwarves and the dragon upto the point where they tidal wave gold rush him? All this and that not even a fraction of all the twisting that has been done. All this is bullshit not in the books, nor appendices and this producer has taken far too many liberties retelling the story and its progression.

The story has lost a lot of its charm in adaptation.

>> No.4470493

>The story has lost a lot of its charm in adaptation.
I don't think anyone is denying that. It's pretty clear that this was sort of intended as a LOTR 2 with its constantly reminding the audience that Bilbo's personality is being changed by the ring.
The only thing keeping it from being LOTR: Revolution is Martin Freeman being a pretty good Bilbo when they aren't doing something serious.

>> No.4470499

The Silmarillion could be amazing as an animated series. Not a movie, though.

>> No.4472077


So far they've changed less stuff than in LotR, but I find it a bit distasteful how they tend to go overboard with their adaptations.

>Gandalf fighting Sauron face-to-face and getting captured


>> No.4472099

Peter Lucas.
George Jackson.
You can see from different sides what happened.
Greedy fat bastard.

>> No.4472267

>>Gandalf fighting Sauron face-to-face and getting captured
Jesus what is this full retardedness.

>> No.4472275

>check on Wikipedia
>"Tolkien's publisher requested a sequel to The Hobbit, and Tolkien sent them an early draft of The Silmarillion. But through a misunderstanding, the publisher rejected the draft without fully reading it"
Tolkien wasn't trying to get it published as it were, he was trying to squeeze out a good contract for when he DID finish Silmarillion. So I think we're both right, it was rejected but what was rejected wasn't really an attempt to get published.