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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 96 KB, 334x518, LordOfTheFliesBookCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4474805 No.4474805 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books that got you into reading

>> No.4474824
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>> No.4474828
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>> No.4474843


That's the one for me.

>> No.4474846
File: 128 KB, 742x649, harry-potter-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4474859

War and Peace. I'm a bit ashamed to admit I only started reading it so I could sound smart, before that I had only really read literature in English class and until I discovered Tolstoy I had no idea how powerful it could be.

>> No.4474865
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>> No.4474883
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learned reading from my big brother's first Alphabet book before I even hit school myself (must have been 5 back then). First "proper" books must have Pippi Longstocking then if I remember right or Neverending Story.

I've never stopped reading books, there is hardly a day I can remember when I haven't read a chapter of some book or the other

>> No.4474912

Jules Verne

>> No.4475002

Gotta say this.

My 3rd grade teacher read the first one to the class and I asked my parents to buy it for me so I could read ahead.

>> No.4475008
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>> No.4475009


>> No.4475041

Same story... can't remember first book.
Maybe Dr Seuss' dictionary? I have fond early memories of reading that.
Or maybe his alphabet book?
"Big A, little A, what begins with A? Aunt Annie's alligator. A, a, a."

>> No.4475042

im still not into it ;_;

>> No.4475050

as ashamed I am to say it. Darren shan's cirque du freak got me into reading big time. when I realized I could read a book or two a week, my life changed forever. I can't grammar this morning.
my niggaz

>> No.4475055
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The Wind Singer

>> No.4475062

The first BIG book I read (~500 pages) was a vintage fairy tale collection that belonged to my mother. I re-read it all the time. I was 4-5 years old and I had just started reading.

>> No.4475070
File: 70 KB, 223x351, The Catcher in the Rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this book was super deep after we studied it in high school, and got really into writing. Before then I only read the minimum needed to get by on my assignments. Now I'm doing my PhD and it's still pretty similar but at least now I'm into it.

>> No.4475079
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/v/ here, haven't read many books as I stopped reading after 19. Trying to get back to it but I have been severely disappointed with the last 3 books I've read.

>> No.4475139

wizard of oz

>> No.4475180
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>started reading as a no friends 17 year old
>still reading as a no friends 21 year old but much more patrician

>> No.4475203
File: 92 KB, 260x400, the-brothers-karamazov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>started reading as a no friends 18 year old healthy virgin
>still reading as a no friends 24 year old Bi-Polar Schizophrenic virgin with an alcohol problem, but much more patrician

>> No.4475207

I've been into reading for as long as I can remember. I could read before I was in kindergarten. I loved this big picture book full of poems about dragons, that was one of the earliest books I can remember reading.

>> No.4475210

The Ugly Duckling.

>> No.4475220
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>> No.4475224
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>> No.4475230
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>> No.4475270
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>> No.4475286
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>> No.4475303
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>> No.4475313
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Got so bad I would shout battle cries during games of dodgeball or tag, and I included strawberry cordial in a story I had to write in the fourth grade. Teacher pulled me aside and explained it was alcoholic.

>> No.4475326

these covers are fucking my mind

>> No.4476450 [DELETED] 

I own a copy of The Metamorphosis with this cover. It's a shame German doesn't translate well to English.

>> No.4476467
File: 10 KB, 296x475, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always heard about how this book was "essential reading." I was bracing myself while I bought it as a fifteen-year-old. The world was a different place after I read it.

>> No.4476473


>> No.4476493

Oh my god the covers, dude. So much nostalgia

I remember really liking Legend of Luke and Taggerung. Am I pleb? Which ones were the best ones?

>> No.4476501

I would probably agree with this. I already read tons before this but the class I was in, the teacher I had, and this book really cemented my passion for reading

>> No.4476621

I've got this around but I've never read it.

Would it hold up for you now, do you think?

>> No.4476636
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It's basically the Yugoslav version of Tom Sawyer.

>> No.4476645
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>> No.4476647

You too?

>> No.4476665

Y-You too?

>> No.4476679
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>> No.4476709
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You two and three, yes.

>> No.4476712

I still fail to see why people here hate on you. Oh well, I suppose I'll never understand.

>> No.4476728

Some people gets angsty. (and attached to anonymous troll-ery) I hope they're just blowing off steam and learning how to behave better offline.

>> No.4476745

I doubt it to be honest. They either carry their angst into reality which causes them to be irritable towards others or completely antisocial or they just never get off the computer which doesn't help them at all.
The case here also seems that they are threatened by your decision to identify yourself as well as your ability to articulate your thoughts.

>> No.4476756


>> No.4476809

When I was a kid I read Tom Sawyer. At some point I stopped reading by the time I was a around twelve for some reason. The last thing I remember reading was Sherlock Holmes Study in Scarlet. I started reading again when I decided I wanted to read all of Shakespeare's plays around 3 years ago.

>> No.4476815

I realize you probably just took off your name, butterfly, but people don't like you because you're irritating.

That's what it boils down to. Assigning some deep seated psychological problem to everyone who hates on you is idiotic.

You're just sort of annoying. Your "persona" adds nothing to this board. And you definitely abuse your power as a janitor.

>> No.4476824

furthermore, continuing to drop your name to criticize yourself is really just a sad attempt at pretending you are able to accept criticism and are aware of your flaws.

>> No.4476838

Sorry but she didn't drop her trip. I posted that and you can go fuck yourself. You're more of an issue with this board than she is, calm down.

>> No.4476845

I don't remember what I started reading with, I remember I used to read a lot of those old YA thrillers ("I know what you did last summer," etc.) in middle school. I never really learned to appreciate literature as an art form until I read A Room With A View in high school though.

>> No.4476844

I think it might have been Feminister or possibly even Marxian teacher or MarriedOld~whatever

I was speaking in general, please, no offense was intended.
>you definitely abuse your power as a ja

Please please. Back to the thread's topic.

>> No.4476864

I love you. Martin Eden is my favourite book.

>> No.4476863
File: 113 KB, 496x700, ghostbump killa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come at me brethren

>> No.4476881

I'd be interested to know, oh glorious defender, how a meek anon like myself could be a bigger blight on this board than butterfly.

I may posture, I may shitpost, I may deride, but my sins as a lowly anon are a footnote compared to hers.

I don't delete posts that I find politically disagreeable , I don't derail threads, I don't emit any simpering narcissism, I don't pontificate on things that I have a limited understanding of. And even if I did I wouldn't have the gall to attach a name to it, to think that what I bring to this board is so indispensable that I need to attach an identity to it.

>> No.4476898
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>> No.4476908

You realize I like her right? I'm sure your reasons are valid but eh, whatever I think she's cool. Yeah I know, I'm a faggot.

>> No.4476912

Is there seriously any evidence (setting aside the fact that the butterfly isn't even a trip) that butterfly-poster is the janitor? Like, I was away for a while, and people keep saying it, and maybe there's some evidence for it that I've just never seen?

>> No.4476915
File: 130 KB, 465x699, 1389929836311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not that anon, but you have no poetry in your heart and this is why you cannot love her. It shows even in your rhetoric, an invective from an entity which knows no storge rings so hollow. Just because can find no homogamy on this board is no cause to slight our precious psyche.
>pic related

>> No.4476925

>I'm not that anon, but you have no poetry in your heart and this is why you cannot love her. It shows even in your rhetoric
I'm always bowled over by what anons can glean from a single post. I just find her vaguely annoying, just on a really basic level. Just something in her cadence.

>> No.4476930

>Just something in her cadence.
Well, she can't really help that; she has six legs after all.

>> No.4476932
File: 17 KB, 230x252, rookiereader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This series got me hooked on reading. I remember checking all of them out at the library when I was three or four, good times.

>> No.4476933

You're topping my lels right now bro

>> No.4476943

Make a post with /pol/ sympathies and see how long it takes for her to rear her head.

Not that anyone should have /pol/ sympathies, but, you know.

>> No.4476949

i agree that /pol/ spamming gets deleted and it does seem that someone posting under the sign of the butterfly disagrees with /pol/'s right-wing views. But I don't see how that means butterfly=janitor.

And where did butterfly say they were a girl?

>> No.4476961

You generally see her say something along the lines of "That's enough. Stop it." or something else that she thinks sounds authoritative in a thread shortly before it gets deleted.

A couple days ago people started putting the butterfly in their namefeild and those posts would get deleted.

I thinks it's safe to assume that she's a janitor. She'd probably tell you if you asked her.

>> No.4476966
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>> No.4476971

Hell, I do that sometimes, and I'm sure as shit not a janitor. And what were these people posting when their posts got deleted?

I mean, it's pretty slim evidence.

>> No.4476976

Well, let's have us a little experiment.

Put the butterfly in your namefield, and post as you normally would. Let's see if anything gets deleted.

>> No.4476982

I like the way you think.

Of course, even if these do get deleted, it could just be that we have a janitor with a sense of humor.

>> No.4476987

Oh shit, I loved that book. So many great characters, and I felt so clever when I 'got' what was going on at the end. Turtle was rad.

>> No.4477001

I remember the TV show being top-notch, a latter day Twilight Zone.

>> No.4477062

Hell yes. Mmm. I AM THAT IS!

>> No.4477064

So many childhood memories ITT

>> No.4477074

Calvin & Hobbes essentially taught me how to read, and then Fahrenheit 451 introduced me to actual novels.
I read it when I was 11 or something and it really blew my mind, I must've read it twice in one week or something.

I still like to read it every year or so

>> No.4477122
File: 20 KB, 374x478, UlyssesCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time I've read any real literature was To Kill A Mockingbird, Of Mice and Men, Catcher in the Rye, etc. back in high school, and now after hearing about this on /lit/ and reading the wikipedia article on it and James Joyce I bought the book and plan to start it, probably right this moment.

Did I make the right choice?

>> No.4477128

Why wouldn't I like it?

>> No.4477126

You're not going to like it, also why do I feel like you're a troll?

>> No.4477135


Read Joyce in publication order, i.e., Dubliners first. Also, Dubliners was published in 1914 so it's a good year to read it.

>> No.4477138

That's what I've been told too, although I was going to go back and read Dubliners and Portrait after Ulysses. It's not like I'm going to miss out on anything, right?

>> No.4477144
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>> No.4477149

Cat Burgalar was my first novel ever
I read a lot in elementary but fell prey to peer pressure telling me it was uncool to read
when harry potter came out, 3 movies in, I realized I wanted to read it after a friend read me the first chapter of the fourth book.
I bought the book the next day, well, my mom bought it lol

I think HP really got me back into reading
but my grandmother is really the one who gets the credit for reading to me every night I was there

>> No.4477160


Reading Ulysses first would be like attempting tightrope walking before crawling or walking, or something to that effect. (Finnegans Wake would be tightrope walking on your lips.) Maybe someone else has a better analogy. The point is you'd have a hard time understanding it and would likely not finish it out of disgust, especially given your lit background.

>> No.4477245


Looks like you were right about the troll thing.

>> No.4477257

Most of the trolls here have a tendency to start their shitposting with I've never read before or I haven't read seriously since high school or what's a book. Then they go on to ask about a book they know will get a rise out of /lit/. Also, this is usually done in a random thread.

>> No.4477269


I feel so used.

>> No.4477271

I'll admit it was a cover up. I'm actually an 18 year old finishing high school and I've never ventured into literature beyond what I've been obligated to read, and I had seen Ulysses hailed as a masterpiece from many sources so I decided to go with it.

I could stop reading it now and finish Dubliners and Portrait first, I just wasn't entirely sure. You don't need to bully me.

>> No.4477277

I am a lonely, pathetic person who is going exactly nowhere with his life and knows his ambitions are reckless and will lead to nothing...of course I need to bully you. Otherwise I'll end up crying myself to sleep.

>> No.4477281

This, and the adventures of Sherlock Holmes.

>> No.4477289
File: 242 KB, 500x256, welp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound both like my dad and the man I, and most others, are destined to become

>> No.4477298
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>> No.4477300

Pretty much, anon. At least we have each other to kick around.

>> No.4477301

I've finished reading two novels in my entire life

read thousands of books though

>> No.4477370
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>> No.4477381

Hell yeah bitch. I've been meaning to pick up that "complete" Calvin and Hobbes hardcover book one of these days.

>> No.4477417


You playin my tune, son. Divine providence for the lil white cracka.

>> No.4477457

I use to read and reread this book all the time. I felt the same desire to live alone in the woods throughout all of my teenage years. Thanks for reminding me about this book, I completely forgot about it.

>> No.4477637

Infinite Jest

>> No.4477691
