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4573808 No.4573808[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Mein Kampf. From a purely literature based perspective: how is it? Is it an essential read? Is it enlightening aside from historically? Is it a worthwhile read?

>> No.4573810

it's absolutely terrible. has no value aside from "oh god how did this guy end up running a country".

>> No.4573815

Dull and dry.
Not really. Historical curiosity is the only reason I could see someone being interested.
Not really.

>> No.4573816

It's really boring and mediocre.

>> No.4573821


Fan fucking tastic.

Riveting read from start to finish, and eventually you can really imagine hitler was a great chap.

>> No.4573825

I suppose it was 2edgy4you?

>> No.4573828


"a book has more than 2 edges" - Adolf Hitler on Mein Book

>> No.4573835

Hitler is legitimately an interesting nationalist politician, or at least the milieu he represents in the book is interestnig. It's a lot more complete work than many of the manifestos and calls to integralist/"socialist"/third position nationalism, especially prewar.

His story of his upbringing and youth, and his opinions of Jewry, Marxism, and labour movements, are probably the most interesting parts of the biographical portion. That is worth reading for anyone, I think, given that Hitler is now a universal shibboleth and touchstone for basic morality in the West - it's interesting to humanise him and try to understand him a bit, even through the lens of propaganda, because of the tendency to distort him into an inhuman historical force.

The second part of the book, and the Zweites Buch, are more interesting if you're into the political history of the period. If you're a student of the period it's always interesting to see someone's proposed solutions to his country's issues of irredentism, revanchism, ideology, postwar stability, etc. Many of his ideas are perfectly intelligent. Again, he's representing a milieu. It's not an anti-semitic pamphlet miraculously inflated to hundreds of pages.

>> No.4573891

Here in Germany, the book is banned due to the Bavarian Copyrights.

I read a few pages, its just so horrible. His style is bad and he wants to be high scientific. Also all the lies he tells about his experiences he made as a Gefreiter in WW1. Buts its mostly the "prose" and his shitstyle.

some people act like this book is a big thing, but nobody has seriously read it.

>> No.4573903
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Ignore these guys, they are idiots that just want to scare you away because its Hitler...
If this was written by Picasso, you wouldn't stop saying how cutting edge it was.

The most telling fact about Mein Kampf is how close it resembles modern politics. Hitlers observations of the Parliament in Austria could copy the stories we hear about Washington DC.
>politicians lying during election
>furious debate one day...
>...boredom the next

Honestly, his book is good. There's a reason its a top ebook seller now!

>> No.4573916
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>due to the Bavarian Copyrights.

>> No.4573918

>Hitlers observations of the Parliament in Austria could copy the stories we hear about Washington DC.
>>politicians lying during election
>>furious debate one day...
>>...boredom the next
These are characteristics of every parliamentary system since any parliamentary system

>> No.4573928

Agreed. If you have distaste for democratic/parliamentary politics and feckless, coopted activism, there is some seriously resonant shit in there.

Ask yourself whether you'd trust people to critique the prose and style of any book of similar (i.e. minor) importance, that isn't written by Hitler. You would be far more sceptical. It's just a meme. Of course the prose is nothing spectacular, but it's perfectly serviceable.

>> No.4573933
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>Democracy is MEANT to be corrupt!
>That's how it WORKS!
n-n-nice try there...

>Also all the lies he tells about his experiences he made as a Gefreiter in WW1
Nice citation you got there... How do you know he's lying?

>> No.4573952

Thanks, I'll be checking it out.

>> No.4573956

Yes, as far as the writing style, it *IS* a dry read. Considering Hitler isn't an author by trade, and the sheer scope of the book, it's a commendable work. Very little of the book is really "racist" or "hate mongering", it just reflects the great depression in germany.

>> No.4573963

It's poorly written, long, and doesn't have the theoretical insights other writers have. There's just no reason to read it rather than a Schmitt or a Gentile. You say that people are only criticizing it because of its author; I could easily say that many people are only praising it for that reason.

>> No.4576451
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>> No.4578427

This. It's literally unreadable, shallow crap.

>> No.4578449

Hitler is BAD!

>> No.4578451

If you want to prevent history repeating itself, it's a good idea to get to know the "evil" guys, as they are consistently filled to the brim with the best intensions. Just so you might prevent helping a populist to power one day.

>> No.4578464



Best review I've ever read. It's honest and tells you what to expect.

TL;DR: it's about fighting communism.

>> No.4578601

Depends. How much do you like Bright Eyes? Hitler was the original "everything sucks" sorta emo kid, or that's what i got from it. I was so excited to read it, not a nazi or anything but I thought he'd at least have some genuine insight or something. One of the most charismatic leaders of all time, and it's just.. whining. Seriously, who wrote his speeches?