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File: 23 KB, 460x276, George-RR-Martin-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4868691 No.4868691[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is George RR Martin an autist?

>> No.4868703

He's just gross.

>> No.4868708

no he seems well adjusted

also does anyone else think he wears clothes that work for him surprisingly well. like he's still fat so he can only look so good but his clothes work well for a jolly ol fat fantasy author

>> No.4868717

Do you guys think that he jacks it to his own sex scenes?

>> No.4868738

He was probably just lits dream come true.
> be lotr nerd
> write fantasy
> everyone loves it compares it to lotr

His lit dreams have come true.

>> No.4868784

>she was shitting brown water

>> No.4868791

haha wtf?

Is that a quote from the books?

I never ready any of them.

>> No.4868814

Oh boy. Somebody post the whole thing.

>> No.4868837
File: 499 KB, 500x220, [slutting internally].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water."

>> No.4868846
File: 21 KB, 320x240, oh boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew
Bravo Martin

>> No.4868850

I am absolutely convinced that George R.R. Martin has a scat fetish. Even if you accept the conceit that he's writing about the messier parts of life in a medieval setting, he mentions shit and shitting way too fucking much.

>> No.4868910

Have you even read the books? He is just using the same ideas over and over. It isn't a scat fetish, its reused filler.

>> No.4868942

Of all the filler he could choose, he chooses poop and pooping? Something's up.

>> No.4868946
File: 129 KB, 453x668, doyoufeelit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds like you've never shat brown water before.

I ate a piece of cheese last night that had been sitting in my refrigerator for quite some time. It smelled stale and fungal, in the way that many people compare body odors to "stinky cheese," but it wasn't moldy so I ate some anyway. I spent several minutes suppressing my gag reflex as I swallowed. My girlfriend told me I was crazy.

I spent the next hour sitting on the pot, hunched forward as my abdomen squirmed in agony, while my arseful of brown stool poured forth in a liquid river whose headwaters must have lain in some alien sphere where viscosity had no bearing on the laws of molecular physics.

When my body had finally purged itself, I spent the rest of the evening sobbing while reading and re-reading the "shitting brown water" passage in my dog-eared copy of ADWD until my tears bled the ink illegibly. My girlfriend left me the next morning and now I'm sitting alone in our apartment masturbating to Game of Thrones. Don't mock what you know nothing about.

>> No.4868963

heh, this is pretty good

>> No.4869010

HAROOO, brown water, and that shitty S&M scene are the low points of the books. They're also the sections that represent the series as a whole for many people on here. With the shows shitty advertisements and disregard for subtlety I wont blame them, initially I was excited to see my only favorite fantasy series adapted to the silver screen, but it's too hit or miss.

>> No.4871582

It gets posted on /tv/ all the time.

>> No.4871588

I think you mean "was George RR Martin and autist?"

>> No.4871614

Yeah, lol, I think his clothes are awesome, a nice finishing touch

>> No.4871741

He describes people getting raped, or vomiting blood as they die. I don't see why describing someone shitting is any more shocking or fetish-y than those.

>> No.4871791
File: 23 KB, 378x264, Andalou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.4872046

nothing wrong about it

>> No.4872054

That wasn't in show ;_;

>> No.4872147

>lotr nerd
didn't he say that lotr is bad because gandalf isn't dead?

>> No.4872188

No, he's a pederast.

>> No.4872210

>something's up

my boner

>> No.4872249

>James Joyce would have been proud.

>> No.4874487

Why else would he have written them

>> No.4874490

What's a pederast, anon?

>> No.4874496

Shut the fuck up anon!!

>> No.4874505

no I don'y think he did.

>> No.4874653

Which is precisely my point. You've got a scat fetish, and you recognize that GRRM is catering to it. Game recognize game, as it were.

>> No.4874672

I don't know whether you're being facetious about his killing off of so many characters or if you actually read that

I don't think he's ever said lotr was bad as much as he has that it was a bit too unrealistic and overly-idealized even for fantasy, or something to that effect. His admiration/the influence he takes from Tolkien is very apparent even if he veers off in a very different direction. In an odd way, he seems to Tolkien what Nietzsche was to Schopenhauer

>> No.4874734

It would be absurd for George R. R. "Stoneheart" Martin to complain about characters coming back from the dead, subtly changed.

>> No.4874837

>immortal demigod that won't die unless he finishes his mission
If this is true he is clinically retarded.

>> No.4874852

Could someone please explain to me what is wrong with this writing?
It seems okay to me.

>> No.4874855

I think the first moments of this interview suggest strongly that he is an autist:


>> No.4874885

3 mins in, he knows quite well how to speak.
i am surprised

>> No.4874899


>> No.4874905

>mum feminism

>> No.4875572

8 year olds anon

>> No.4875584

>I don't know whether you're being facetious about his killing off of so many characters or if you actually read that

>Tolkien made the wrong choice when he brought Gandalf back. Screw Gandalf. He had a great death and the characters should have had to go on without him.
On a panel at Odyssey Con 2008 (April 2008)[citation needed]
seems like i oversimplified.